A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents directly or indirectly without their knowledge. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries. Notably Vladimir Lenin once said "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.".
The New Word Order agenda is a plan that span over multiple centuries (and even millennia), involved trillions of USD and the participation of countless wicked people so basically nothing is left random particularly not its opposition.
The intelligence community work to influence the public opinion ( COINTELPRO, Operation Mockingbird).
They are also famous for creating or infiltrating political movements (Jan 6, KKK, proud boys, BLM etc.). Those movements are obviously controlled by the intelligence community in order to stir chaos, ultimately destroy the country from the inside and have people beg for a strong hand dictatorship to save them (aka the NWO).
The intelligence community also have many people acting as controlled opposition on the payroll. Another type of opposition is created by the 'useful idiots': people that push the NWO agenda without fully comprehending its goals and for free. It includes sadly a lot of naive people who fell for the propaganda, they are not controlled financially but mentally (Most of the New Agers / UFOlogists fall into this category). Some controlled opposition will often tell part of the truth but not the whole truth, they will also omit to discuss certain important topics or clearly mislead their audience with false truths which ultimately benefit the NWO.
Based on this broad definition of controlled opposition, let's assess the probability that an opposition figure is real or controlled.
Trump is an illuminati according to Fritz Springmeier in the book 'Bloodlines of the Illuminati.
He had a jesuit education, he went at age 13 to military school to what might have been a MK Ultra programming center.
He never drained the swamp as he said he would.
Hilary Clinton is still free despite what he promised (And there exist snuff movies of her and Huma Abedin in the dark web...)
If he really was a threat, he would have ended like JFK Jr. Since JFK, all the presidents elected in the US were illuminati controlled (Have no hope with any politicians).
Trump pushed for the Covid vaccines (operation warp speed - remove the 'p' for true goal) and declared national lock-down for a flu-like virus.
He stated that he studied the Kabbalah (Jewish Mysticism) under Rabbi Eitan Yardeni. (9 11 refer to cabalist numerology)
He was married to a cabalist and he is very close to the Chabad movement. Those 2 movements are close to satanism and wish officially to enslave humanity.
The Epstein flight logs show that he traveled to Epstein Island at least 7 times aboard the Lolita Express.
It is highly probable that he had an incestual pedophile relation with his daughter Ivanka (Classic in satanic families).
His daughter Ivanka is a WEF young global leader that converted to Hasidic Judaism.
His apartments are located at floor 66 of Trump Tower (satanists love the #6) and the Trump Tower is almost 666-foot-tall. The decoration of his place is full of pagan divinity worship (Sun worshiping Apollo) with not a single cross in sight.
According to many recent prophecies, Trump is the false prophet described in Revelation and Obama is the anti-Christ. Both supposed enemies will federate the New World Order with their alliance and declare war on Christians.
Finally this guy is the epitome of greed, pride and lust. If you mistake him for a kind of messiah, you really should go back to your Bible.
Controlled opposition meter: 100%
The Kennedy are one of the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati according to Fritz Springmeier.
The Epstein flight logs show that he traveled to Epstein Island aboard the Lolita Express. He admitted he flew on Epstein’s plane twice (source: One Nation Under Blackmail: The sordid union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein, by Whitney Webb, Volume 2, page 159) (link).
He had a jesuit education at Georgetown Preparatory School.
He was pro-vaccine during the Covid plandemic and switched to anti-vaccine thereafter. He doesn't link Covid 19 to 5G radiations.
He is partner of Vantage Point Capital Partners investing into companies in sync with the NWO agenda & Event 21.
Received money from the illuminati Abby Rockefeller who gave $100,000 to Democratic presidential candidate Kennedy’s super PAC.
She has been bankrolled by the "defense" industry. In 2016 Gabbard received $465,000 from PAC money.
Conspiracy Community
David Icke
Controlled opposition meter: 100%
Make the conspiracy community look ridiculous so the masses don't start to look into it.
He promote gnostic beliefs (freemasons too), UFO/Reptilian crazy theories, promote New Age beliefs but with a pseudo-scientific approach => He states that we live in a holographic world (this concept come from 'Maya', the illusion in Hindu), that there is a great architect God (similar to the freemason) and that this God is everywhere (which is Monism). Basically he teach mason and New Age beliefs in disguise for the masses.
He believe everything coming from NASA (Any true conspiracist will take anything they say with a grain of salt).
He expose part of the NWO agenda and Covid hoax but not the most important parts: that 5G is a kill grid and it is responsible for Covid. He also doesn't provide any real solutions to the problem: He basically tell his audience not to do anything, grit their teeth until they get slaughtered.
David Icke was a regular guest on Alex Jones' radio show.
For the deceased William Cooper, Icke is one of the biggest liar disinformation agent BS artist that ever lived (and also a piece of scum).
He claimed he was the messiah on live TV.
Always had full MSM support and appeared many times on television. Worked at BBC and Green Party, he sell his books by millions. A real dissident won't have the great life he has. He is pushed by the system.
His book 'I Am Me, I Am Free' clearly has a 666 on the cover and since God is called "I am" in the Bible, the title of this book could be 'God Me, God Free'.
Gene Decode
Controlled opposition meter: 100%
Ex-military, probably connected to the intelligence community.
On his bio: He was born with skilled 'remote viewing' and 'psychic' abilities (in other words, he was born demon possessed due to an inheritance curse). He 'revealed truths' from his ascended masters (aka fallen angels).
Pushing heavy all the new age BS to his audience despite mixing it with Christian beliefs (One cannot go with the other).
La Quinta Columna
Controlled opposition meter: 90%
They are a Spanish organization that first started to link Covid and the Graphene in the Covid vaccines with 5G (Which is true). However there are hints they are parts of the controlled opposition.
The name 'Quinta Columna' means Fifth Column in English. A fifth column is a group of people who undermine a nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or enemy nation. They are basically a group of traitors actively undermining the country that host them. This 'Quinta Columna' will try to destroy nations from within and lay down their arms when the NWO will take world power.
The fifth column is one of the preferred strategy used by the Jesuits to destroy nations from within (One of the many reasons why they were expelled so many times). The term originated in Spain during the Spanish Civil War where the Jesuits were actively involved. In other countries, the 5th column was created by the Jesuit's Catholic Action and undermined their hosting countries (Source : Alberto Rivera).
The 2 main heads of the group are Ricardo Delgado Martín and Jose Luis Sevillano. Jesuits work by pair in a similar fashion: 1 elder (Jose) and 1 younger (Ricardo). Jesuits are brainwashed with MK Ultra types of programming, in this case Jose might be the handler of Ricardo. They mostly target the Spanish and Latin audience where Jesuits are predominantly active.
Their logo is interesting, the 5th columns is a flame which could represent light (it might be a reference to the light of the illuminati). They changed their slogan: 'The force of the awakening' to 'The science of the awakening' : the force is the name given by witches to the magic powers, awakening is part of the New Age delusion (They expect a great awakening in the near future).
It seems Ricardo Delgado and Jose Sevillano are working full time on the Quinta Columna project and stream everyday from day 1, they have a team of translators that translate their videos in multiple languages, they do multiples conferences and organize social gathering. This is quite costly, where does the money come from? (Donation won't be enough for something like this).
Ricardo Delgado supposedly has the following certifications: Graduated in Statistics, Biostatistics, Health Biology: Clinical Microbiology, Epidemiology, Applied Clinical Immunology, Clinical Genetics, Child Psychology, Banking and Finance, Personal Training
You name it, he has it. Ricardo Delgado was also the name of a famous MK Ultra programmer. Those 2 have generic names and nothing about their past life can be found online despite their academic success, it's like they didn't exist before they created La Quinta Columna.
They promote the probably false information that Graphene Oxide can be eliminated by the body if one take NAC and anti-oxidants (GO can probably never be eliminated according to Andreas Noack).
They actively promote the New Age/UFO lies dear to the NWO. On telegram, they often link to the website 'ejercitoremanente' which clearly show its interest for the knight templars (A precursor of the jesuits).
Alex Jones
Controlled opposition meter: 70%
Refused to criticize Trump despite him being obvious controlled opposition. He even got approval from Trump in one video.
Took the fall with the Sandy Hook shooting lawsuit without even trying to provide evidences to save himself. It is like this was orchestrated to make an example of those who speak about conspiracy theories.
His family have deep ties in the intelligence community.
Fellow Austinite Shelly Tumbleson exposed how Alex has repeatedly lied about the infamous "Parking Lot Incident" where he was supposedly attacked by 4 government agents.
Mark Dice, a long-time supporter of Alex, has now come out against him and exposed how Alex's Tangy Tangerine product contains arsenic, lead, mercury and other poisons
His network GCN Live had close ties with ABC News, ABC NY provides satellite broadcasting services for the Alex Jones Show.
For the deceased William Cooper, Jones is a disinformation agent sent to provocateur violence in the midst of a national tragedy.
What he reported about the Bohemian Grove was a clean version of what truly happen there. Cathy O'brien related to much more horrific stuffs happening there (Pedophilia, rape, sacrifice etc.).
Eric Jon Phelps told us he wasn't allowed to talk about the Jesuits, Vatican or Rome in the Alex Jones Show.
He expose part of the NWO agenda and Covid hoax but not the most important parts: that 5G is a kill grid and it is responsible for Covid.
There are strong rumors that he is in reality Bill Hicks (Faking a death and creating a new identity is pretty common for the intelligence community - See the Michael Rockefeller/Tom Hanks connection). The Sacred Cow Productions is a production company probably controlled by the intelligence community and founded by Kevin Booth and the late comedian Bill Hicks, this company produced some documentaries about Alex Jones (Small world isn't it?).
I think he will play a bigger role in the future by pushing for riots in the US and lead to government collapse.
Jessie Czebotar
Controlled opposition meter: 70%
Jessie makes a blatant one-eye sign on her book cover 'His Kingdom Comes in Power'.
Jessie's web of lies know no limits: She claimed to be one of the girls drawing pentagrams in a picture which was photo-shopped from an educational art book from 1901.
She invented impossible tales like that she personally witnessed her grandmother kill 1,000 children a month. With a grand total of 136,000. She estimate that 6 out of every 10 people in Chicago are in the illuminatis (Chicago is rotten but that is clearly impossible). She also estimate that there is a least 1 MK Ultra slave per city block in the US. Claims like that hints at some mental illness of some sort.
Jessie tells that future CIA Director John Brennan lived on the same street as her and her family in Madison, Wisconsin with Brennan being a frequent visitor. At the time in the early 1980’s Brennan was a CIA political officer working in the US Embassy in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. His bio states he has never worked or lived in Wisconsin. (link).
She says the castle of the Mother of Darkness where her rituals took place were in Germany, in others she says the US. The real one is probably 'Château des Amerois' in Belgium.
She claimed she left the cult at 10 y-old but somewhat she is still invited to their rituals nowadays which is impossible. You either leave the cult in a body-bag or are saved by Jesus Christ and if it is the latter, you are prohibited to enter their rituals again.
Despite supposedly leaving the cult and being a whistle-blower, she lives a normal life, freely travels to pre-announced seminars with seemingly no security detail, does several videos a week and has a large and growing social media presence. Real deserters are hunted down for life by the cult as they have seen too much and pose a threat.
She does a lot of name-dropping to click-bait the viewers: in the satanic cult she already saw or know of George Clooney, Barack Obama, George Soros, Gloria Vanderbilt, Hillary and Bill Clinton, John Brennan, Megan Markle, Beyonce etc... I am not saying those people are not satanists, its interesting she only name famous people as the heads of the cult.
She pretends to be a VIP future mother of darkness but she is not of illuminati bloodline as we know of. She imagine that John Todd who was of illuminati bloodlines related to the Collins family was inferior to her in the hierarchy.
She promote herself on 2 New Age platforms: Aquarius Rising Africa (The host is transgender & alchemist) and The Dark Outpost (The host David Zublick is an ex-intelligence officer).
She made a business out of her lies with many different donation sites racking up a lot of money from naive people and paid conferences.
She teaches many unscriptural things like she will battle Abaddon (A powerful demon) in face-to-face combat in the end-times, that she has already traveled to Heaven by herself or that satan need a human demon-possessed army to fight God in the end-times. She also lean on the New Age side talking about human vibrations and other New Age deceptions.
She is pro-Trump (obvious illuminati) and pushed all the lies that children were rescued by military in Deep Underground Military Bases aka DUMBs.
She is well connected to Lucien Greaves and the satanic church as you can see in her tweets (link and link). 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 teach us not to mix with unbelievers which she does, we never saw her witness for Jesus Christ to those lost souls. On my opinion, she is more of a covert satanist than a true Christian (Just citing verses once in while doesn't make you a Christian).
Stew Peters
Controlled opposition meter: 50%
Stew made some obvious illuminati sign like the 666 Ok sign with one eye.
Stew call himself a 'Post Apocalyptic War Lord' and he is supposedly Christian.
Stew does a great job channeling the Christian anger and calling for riots and a Nuremberg 2.0.
On my opinion he is like Alex Jones, a pawn that will push for massive riots across the US in order to collapse the government and make way for the NWO.
Maria Zeee
Controlled opposition meter: 50%
Worked for Alex Jones who is possibly controlled opposition
The logo Zeee Media has a hidden 666: eee is often a substitute for the 666.
Paul Joseph Watson
Controlled opposition meter: 50%
Worked for Alex Jones who is possibly controlled opposition.
Stir up hatred that could lead to division (Divide & Conquer).
Tucker Carlson
Controlled opposition meter: 50%
Tucker is very probably a kabbalist as he wear the red string of kabbalah on his wrist.
Tucker Carlson is/was a regular at comet ping pong.
His father was politically connected, was a Director of the Voice of America and President of Corporation for Public Broadcasting and was appointed by GHWB as the ambassador to the Seychelles. It is very probable he worked for the intelligence community.
His step mother was heiress to the Swanson fortune.
Robert Malone
Controlled opposition meter: 50%
Robert Malone is in favor of transhumanism.
Robert Malone is an advisor to the controlled opposition RFK Jr.
He is very well connected to the intelligence community CIA,FBI etc..
According to Karen Kingston, she is being hunted down by the intelligence community for openly criticizing Robert Malone.
Robert Malone tell the lie that the pharmaceutical companies cannot be prosecuted for their criminal activities with the vaccines.
Elon Musk
Controlled opposition meter: 100%
Musk is one of the biggest fraud of our time, he is a fake genius created by the NWO with tremendous help from the media.
All of his companies are needed by the NWO :
Paypal was useful to pave the way for a one world electronic currency.
Hyperloop could be useful in smart cities to travel quickly in 2 area.
Tesla electric cars, Solarcity fit the needs of smart cities to run exclusively on renewable energy.
Starlink is need for 5G to cover the planet and to track/control the rest of humanity not living in cities.
Boring company is needed to create underground cities in an apocalyptic scenario.
SpaceX is useful for 'chemtrailing' large area efficiently.
His companies received tremendous government subsidies to keep them alive.
Musk is born into a high-level satanic family, his mother (handler) Maye Musk enjoy flashing the one-eye sign.
He was groomed since birth to give the world the Mark of the Beast (See YT video) which is most certainly Neuralink.
Elon’s grandfather Joshua N. Haldeman was connected to Joseph Mengele and other Nazis that were a part of the Illuminati.
Joe Rogan
Controlled opposition meter: 90%
Bill Hicks, Alex Jones and Joe Rogan all hail from the same production company Sacred Cow Productions which is most certainly an intelligence company.
Joe Rogan has shown many times his allegiance to the devil.
Russel Brand
Controlled opposition meter: 90%
He is quiet literally the only person on YT exposing part of the truth, not getting banned but actually being promoted. YT being intelligence controlled, he has to be controlled too.
He also has the masonic number 33 tattoo on his left wrist.
He also has had a relationship with a literal Rothschild in-law : Jemima Goldsmith - whose brother is married to a Rothschild.
Russel Brand showed many times some illuminati signs.
His ex-barber Richie told of some satanic parties Russel organized.
Jim Caviezel
Controlled opposition meter: 60%
Made many one-eye signs showing he is part of the cult.
He portrayed Jesus Christ in the 'Passion of the Christ' with a constant eye closed due to an injury (satanic mocking of Jesus Christ).
There are rumors in the Spanish press that he was for many years Ricky martins lover and then became the lover of Mexican president Peña Nieto.
He wear the Jerusalem cross which is displayed on the Knights Templar uniform as well as on the banners of the Order.
His last movie 'Sound of Freedom' is made to normalize pedophilia to the masses. The elites want to build a satanic NWO in which everyone must have made a luciferian initiation (David Spangler quote). They need to normalize their twisted behaviors to the public first with this kind of movies first.
The film promoters Tim Ballard and Glenn Beck are Mormons (Cult linked to satanism). John Paul DeJoria and Carlos Slim were large investors for this film. One funder Fabian Marta, has been arrested for Felony Child Kidnapping.
Mel Gibson
Controlled opposition meter: 60%
Mel Gibson made some clear one-eye signs.
His movie 'Passion of the Christ' is a mockery of Jesus Christ death as Jesus make a constant one-eye sign due to his injured eye closed.
His movie 'Apocalypto' normalize human sacrifices.
His movie 'The Patriot' makes a subtle 9 11 reference with the chair weighing 9 pounds 11 ounces in the opening scene (YT link) (The numbers 9 11 have cabbalistic meaning).