Many actual diseases can be remedied by common cures.
Those cures are not profitable enough or too effective for the Big Pharma and as we see with the Covid vaccine nowadays, those Big Pharma have other agenda than just cure people (depopulation).
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made after doing my own research which I encourage anyone to do. Many of those solutions are not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, extra caution and study are required in those cases. The matter of health is so important that you should not take my advice as face value but look for other source of information to form your own opinion. This is a work-in-progress for those of us who have large distrust of the current state of modern medicine mostly influenced by the Big Pharma and their armies of soldiers doctors / sadly the best doctors get censored and their solutions are rejected by the 'medical consensus' (who finance the medical associations are always the usual suspects: the Big Pharma. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds have heavily invested in the pharmaceutical industry).
Can be stopped by drinking a teaspoon to tablespoon of Cayenne Pepper in warm water. In case of natural heart attack, this might restart the heart of the dying person and improve blood circulation in few minutes (CPR is still needed). It might not work for unnatural heart attacks caused by 5G pulse. Eating Cayenne Pepper in your meals can also strengthen the heart. study
Cancer can only develop in a body lacking oxygen therefore one must fill his body with oxygen.
Free radicals (That can be created with 5G radiations and other harmful things) create oxidative stress. Antioxidants take an unpaired electron from a free radical and neutralize them.
All antioxidants are anti-cancer as they neutralize the free radicals: Turmeric/Curcumin, Mangosteen, Zinc, Omega 3, Vitamin C (list of antioxidants). Other cheap and efficient medecine : NAC, Glutathione (to get rid of free radicals), Dichloroacetate (DCA), oxygenated water etc... The Gerson Therapy also work the same by re-oxygenating the body.
I have read using Ivermectin might help too as it opens the cells and allow the antioxidants to get rid of the free radicals inside the cell.
The other anti-parasitic Fenbendazole might also look promising according to the Joe Tippens Protocol which some argue is under-dosed (It might be better to double the dose of Fenbendazole).
Chemotherapy is one of the worst 'cure' possible as the harmful radiations will generate even more oxidative stress in the patient and will contribute to the growth of the cancer.
Covid comes from the 5G radiations which are non-ionizing radiations. It develop in the body free radicals which can be destroyed with antioxidants (see previous point for list). A very efficient cure for Covid is Ivermectin and Zinc (study link), both can be bought online easily. Covid can be amplified by the amount of Graphene (from the vaccine or your environment) in your body which react at the same frequency as the 5G radiation ones. Even if I think they are controlled opposition, here is a link to a website exposing this subject : link .
First of all, smallpox was not eradicated thanks to vaccination. Vaccination came way after the peak of smallpox death had been reached and the infection were already significantly declining. Many cases of new smallpox appeared in patients that were recently vaccinated against smallpox (link and link). To know more about smallpox, you can read this great page. 2 natural remedies appear to cure the pox: Apple cider vinegar (see link) and Sarracenia Purpurea also called Purple pitcher plant (see paper and paper), both can be bought online easily. The WHO will push for the Big Pharma vaccines as the only possible way to present monkey pox but there seems to exist cheap and relatively harmless remedies.
Marburg, Ebola or Nipah might be the next plandemics targeting mostly the vaccinated. Late Dr. Rashid Buttar warned that the Covid vaccine could contain 3 types of payload diseases that could be activated by EMF radiations. One of them being the highly lethal Marburg disease (similar to Ebola) that could have a 100% kill rate according to him. Officially, the original Marburg come from bats so the epidemics will be blamed on climate change as it 'force' their migration. The NWO have already developed a 'vaccine' in response to Marburg. Nipah is also highly lethal and is carried by bats.
One seemingly potential cure for all those is Favipiravir if administered early (link). It is not recommended for pregnant women, this potential cure was used on the original diseases so it is not sure if it will work on the Covid vaccine bioweapon.
According to a recent prophecy (link), Fenbendazole could be an effective cure for hemorrhagic fever if taken very early (444 mg). Like Ivermectin, Fenbendazole is a common anti-dewormer that offer great curing potential. Trying those medicines during an infection are low-risk, high-reward strategies. The author of the prophecy think that those anti-dewormer inhibit tubulin polymerization. Viruses, cancer, and parasites need microtubules to function effectively when infecting a human body and Ivermectin inhibits the polymerization of the microtubules.
One thing to understand about those diseases is they are so lethal they kill their hosts very fast before the hosts have time to spread the disease. This is why most outbreaks are located locally in 3rd world countries and the epidemics end by themselves. In other terms, it is impossible for an epidemic with one of those diseases to become global. If that supposedly happen, it means this is the result of something else like the activation of the Covid vaccine bio-weapon.
Many study suggest than numerous chronic disease in child and adult appeared after vaccination.
Allergies, ADHD, meningitis, sterilization, ear infections, seizures, eczema, diabetes, asthma, autism, sinusitis, brain damage have been studied to appear in kids after vaccination. There is a correlation between Sudden Infant Deaths (SIDS) and child vaccination, SIDS often happen in the days after a baby was vaccinated.
You may look into website to learn more about it. Basically they cripple you since birth with their vaccines to kill you faster and you become a customer for life. This is inherently fully evil, the Big Pharmas are full blown Satanic entities.
It might not be cured but the symptoms might be reduced if the person live a healthy lifestyle as explained in the last bullet point : In general.
Not for all cases but some of those diseases exist because of a demon takeover of a person.
MPD is specially predominant for those who suffered childhood abuse and/or satanic ritual abuse. Their childhood memory are repressed so the person might not be aware it happened until they reach around 30 Year-old. The person will often have DID (MPD) and many alternate personalities coexisting in the same body.
Alters are created as a survival mechanism by the victim in order to cope with the horror of the trauma. They protect the front alter by taking the damage of the moment. At a later age, the alters can reintegrate the front alter in a painful healing process and with the help of God.
The satanist MK-Ultra methods are used to force the kid to dissociate (go over the rainbow), when one dissociate the soul is disconnected from the body and it is an open entry for any demon to enter the person. Some of those demons will have an assigned alter and can be called with a trigger by the handler at will.
Every time one dissociate, one may become prone to demonic possession. Many MK-Ultra survivors (or trauma survivors who have PTSD) have self-destructive behaviors which are pushed by their demons. That is why they must get delivered as fast as possible, even if they are not responsible of those demonic possessions (The real healing process can start afterward).
Many methods exist to dissociate : trauma, drugs (hallucinogens), meditation (we see again the new age deception, Christians should not meditate). The cure for demonic possession is deliverance, a born-again Christian baptized with the Holy Spirit can cast the demon away. Most importantly, the person must become born-again Christian too in order to defend herself/himself (The demons often come back seven folds once expelled): accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, confess the sins, repent, break all legal grounds and cast the demons away, search God. A great book to read is 'Angel of Light' by Scott Boyd.
To avoid most common diseases, one must live healthier: Protect yourself from radiations (specially RF/EMF coming from WiFi, 4G/5G/6G antennas, smart meters etc...), no fried foods and junk foods and soda, no alcohol, no coffee, no tobacco, no sugar, no aspartame, eat many raw veggies and fruits every day as cooking them can loose up to 90% of the nutritional values, those fruits and veggies should be bio: no pesticides (chemical poisoning), no GMOs (low nutritional values + poison gifts added by Monsanto), take vitamin supplements to boost the immune system, do a bit of sport if possible (cardio), make your body alkaline, never ever take any vaccine ever (even for the kids => study, Pasteur germ's theory is a fraud link), avoid anything with Fluoride in it (common toothpaste and drinking water), Chlorine, Aluminum, Heavy metals and finally stay clean with personal hygiene. The diseases develop because our body is too weak to fight them, we need to boost our immune system (See terrain's theory link).
One must understand we are under continuous attack by an evil system without our knowledge and we must protect ourselves and our family. No matter what happen, God can protect us against of all of those attacks if we truly seek Him.
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Content on this website is provided for information purposes only. Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not in any way endorse or support such therapy, service, product or treatment and is not intended to replace advice from your doctor or other registered health professional. The information and materials contained on this website are not intended to constitute a comprehensive guide concerning all aspects of the therapy, product or treatment described on the website. All users are urged to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis and answers to their medical questions and to ascertain whether the particular therapy, service, product or treatment described on the website is suitable in their circumstances.