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List of Recommended Websites
Becoming Christian
First of all, pray to God and openly state : 'I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior' and repent from your sins
King James version of the Bible
Eyes Up and Open
Jesus Truth Deliverance
Wake Up
Christian Evidence
Got Questions
613 Old Testament Commandments
(Great summary but we are saved by Jesus' grace, not by the law)
444 Prophecy News
POtHS torrent zip file / zip containing 600 torrents of videos and documentaries mostly related to the Bible
Exposing Satanism
Exposing the Matrix
Exposing Satanism
Pseudo Occult Media
Henry Makow
Gang Stalking Mind Control Cults
The Vigilant Citizen
Hidden secrets torrent zip file / zip containing almost 300 torrents of documentaries exposing the current world deception / very few seeds / might be more than a 1TB of videos
State of the Nation
Flat earth proof
Flat Earth Science and Bible
A plane truth
Christian Flat Earth ministry
The Flat Earth Conspiracy
Atlantean Conspiracy
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