News Review


A news review that will keep track of the advances of the New World Order, the Apocalypse and some possible planned events by the Illuminatis.
It is better to read those 2 previous posts before : 'What is the NWO?' and 'Apocalypse Now'.
When you know the end-goals, somewhat seemingly random unrelated events make perfect sense.

News review by theme

New World Order


Vaccine Genocide / Depopulation

17/02/2024 Study Finds 80% Of Americans Exposed To Fertility-Lowering Chemicals In Cheerios, Quaker Oats
16/02/2024 EXCLUSIVE: Ontario Woman Paralyzed After Moderna booster Shot; Doctors Attribute Cause to Vaccine, Offer MAID
19/01/2024 Adverse Events More Likely With Some COVID-19 Vaccine Batches: Data
19/01/2024 WHO Head: 'Global Compliance' Needed For Next Pandemic
12/01/2024 Nevada woman who fought for her life for two years in the hospital after the Covid-19 vaccine passes away, leaving behind $7.5 million in hospital bills that have bankrupted her family
12/01/2024 Here We Go Again: WEF Hosts Upcoming Meeting to Prepare for “Disease X
11/01/2024 WEF Holding Urgent ‘Disease X’ Tabletop Exercises: ’20 Times More Casualties Than Covid’
10/01/2024 Canadian Government Data Reveals That Most People Are Avoiding COVID-19 Boosters
08/01/2024 Facebook and YouTube Censored Victims of AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine
08/01/2024 Italy’s Top Health Official under Investigation for Mass Murder over COVID Vaccine Deaths
04/01/2024 ‘In shock’: Two British Airways flight attendants die suddenly
02/01/2024 Disability Claims Among Women Shot Up 55% After Rollout of COVID Vaccines
31/12/2023 PILOT DIED - 37 year old US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Andrew James Lingenfelter, of Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, died on July 19, 2023 after battle with Pancreatic Turbo Cancer
31/12/2023 'Experts' Say New COVID Strain Will Cause Global "Heart Failure Pandemic"
30/12/2023 Study Finds COVID Vaccination Independently Associated With Long COVID Syndrome
30/12/2023 SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - CANCER DEATHS in 11 to 49 year olds - 160 Tragic Cases of suspected Turbo Cancer in the COVID-19 Vaccinated since May 2023
29/12/2023 Pro-COVID Vaccine Stand-Up Comedian Neel Nanda Dies Suddenly at the Age of 32
27/12/2023 SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - MEN ages 30-39 who died May to Nov.2023 - 186 sudden deaths explored - What is killing COVID-19 Vaccinated Men at 30-39?
26/12/2023 SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - JOURNALISTS & REPORTERS who were mandated COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines - 34 Journalist deaths
24/12/2023 Deagel’s Depopulation Forecast confirmed by Heavily Censored Pfizer Documents
23/12/2023 Actors Report Being 'Blacklisted' For Unvaccinated Status
22/12/2023 Danish Healthcare Trainee Seeks $1.6 Million Compensation After Severe COVID-19 Vaccine Injury
18/12/2023 Cause Of Professional Soccer Player's Sudden Collapse Remains A "Mystery"
18/12/2023 Nobel Prize Winner Seeking to Cure Cancer With mRNA Technology
17/12/2023 Pro-Vaccine Journalist Who Called for Punishment For Refusing Jab Dies Suddenly
16/12/2023 Pro-Vax Doctor Blows Whistle, Warns Public About ‘Major Cover Up’ of ‘Devastating Side Effects’
16/12/2023 SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - TEACHERS collapsing with Cardiac arrests, blood clots, aneurysms, dying in sleep, Turbo Cancers and Sudden Deaths - 150 TEACHERS Injured & dead (since May 2023)
16/12/2023 Brazil To Mandate COVID-19 Shots For Kids As Young As 6 Months
16/12/2023 Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Makes 'Aberrant Proteins', Experts Concerned About Autoimmunity Events
14/12/2023 FDA & HHS Sued Over Docs Revealing Suppression Of HCQ And Ivermectin
14/12/2023 The CDC Stopped Tracking Excess Deaths Linked to the COVID Vax Despite High Death Rate
04/12/2023 Children All Over The United States Are Starting To Develop “White Lung Syndrome”
03/12/2023 Here is the interview with New Zealand intelligence agent who recently leaked death rates associated with the COVID19™ vaccines. He has been arrested by New Zealand authorities. Further reports suggest the journalist has also been arrested.
03/12/2023 Behold a Pale Horse
03/12/2023 New CDC Director Defends Vaccine Mandates, School Closures
02/12/2023 Whistleblower: 20% of New Zealand’s Vaxxed Population Have Died
02/12/2023 REPORT: National Inquiry Condemns COVID Measures in 5000 page report
02/12/2023 Self-Amplifying RNA Shots Are Coming: The Untold Danger
30/11/2023 Iceland Bans Covid mRNA Shots as Sudden Deaths Skyrocket
30/11/2023 Watch – Pentagon Confirms 973% Increase in Heart Failure Following COVID Shots
29/11/2023 Malaysia: ‘Almost 250,000 Have Died but Deaths Are Denied’. The Lawsuit Was Filed Against the Government, Health Ministry, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Pharmaniaga
28/11/2023 U.S. Navy Medical Officer Drops a Bombshell: ‘We Are Facing a 151% Increase in Myocarditis, 973% Surge in Heart Failure Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination’
28/11/2023 Not yet "official" but - Australia also has a public and private adverse event database?? Instead of around 1,000 deaths and 160,000 events, there are in fact 10,000 deaths and 500,000 events?
26/11/2023 Pfizer Sues Poland For Bailing On COVID-19 Vaccine, Citing Shady EU Mega-Deal
26/11/2023 Natural Immunity Better Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccination: Study
25/11/2023 BREAKING: Philippines' House of Representative initiates a formal investigation into excess deaths!
22/11/2023 Pediatric Dentists Now Pushing Vaccines on Children – Dentists Medically Kidnap Children if They Don’t Keep Appointments
22/11/2023 Study: Nearly two-thirds of COVID-19 vaccine recipients suffer from health complications a year later
21/11/2023 German Gymnastics Community Mourns the Untimely Death of Rising Star Mia Sophie Lietke
21/11/2023 Texas Sues Pfizer Over Tainted Children's Drugs
21/11/2023 Data from Scotland shows excess mortality among babies correlating with when mums were vaccinated. At 1 death for every 690 doses given
21/11/2023 Moderna’s ‘Disinformation Department’ Monitors 150 Million Websites for ‘Anti-Vaccine’ Narratives
19/11/2023 SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - Women ages 30-39: Sudden deaths from June to Oct 2023
19/11/2023 LOOK: An access to information request has revealed over 2,100 pages of death reports submitted to the Canadian government following Covid-19 vaccination.
17/11/2023 Plasmid DNA Contamination In COVID-19 Vaccines Is 'Clear Breach Of Informed Consent' By FDA: Dr. Malone
17/11/2023 Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Vaccine Hot Batches Is Nothing New — Too Many People Dying in Close Proximity Would Raise the Alarm
16/11/2023 Top FDA Officials Accepted Jobs With Moderna After Playing Key Roles In The Licensure Of COVID-19 Vaccines
16/11/2023 mRNA Injury series - Appendicitis after Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine - Most common Serious Adverse Event and it's harming kids - What about Turbo Cancers of the Appendix? (They're happening)
15/11/2023 Summer of "DIED SUDDENLY - MUSICIANS who died suddenly from June to Oct.2023
13/11/2023 31% of women who were exposed to COVID-19 products prior to pregnancy experienced a miscarriage according to VAERS domestic data
11/11/2023 Australian actress Melle Stewart suffers massive stroke caused by AstraZeneca jab
10/11/2023 Liz McColgan's husband John Nuttall dies aged 56: British Olympian 5,000m runner and coach passes away from a heart attack
10/11/2023 CDC reports highest childhood vaccine exemption rate ever in the U.S.
09/11/2023 BRAZIL - The Health Ministry has now announced that the COVID19 vaccine will be added to the mandatory annual Immunisation Program for children & babies. Parents of unvaccinated children will be denied welfare benefits.
09/11/2023 "Schools must equip children to have sexual partners" - say the UN and WHO
09/11/2023 Billions Of Copies Of Residual DNA In A Single Dose Of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine: Preprint
08/11/2023 Poll: 24 Percent of Americans Believe They Know Someone Who Was Killed by COVID Vaccine
07/11/2023 Ashkenazi Jews are the least likely of all racial groups to have a negative interaction when contracting COVID.
07/11/2023 SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - Women ages 20-29: Sudden deaths from June to Sep 2023 - 54 Tragic deaths - New Oct.2023 studies tell us women more likely to suffer severe vaccine injuries & deaths
06/11/2023 FDA Responds After Being Urged To Recall Pfizer's Vaccine Over DNA Fragments
05/11/2023 Ivermectin, the drug once labeled “horse de-wormer,” is now showing 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. “They [researchers] have found that if you give higher doses of Ivermectin than what’s been used for COVID-19, that it actually can stop the growth of these cancer cells,"
04/11/2023 Hydroxychloroquine Associated With Lower COVID-19 Mortality: French Study
03/11/2023 SUMMER OF "DIED SUDDENLY" - TEENAGERS Ages 13-19 are still dying suddenly at all time highs - 60 deaths since July 2023 - No one is protecting these kids!
03/11/2023 European Regulator Confirms Pfizer Did Not Highlight DNA Sequence In COVID-19 Vaccine
02/11/2023 Three children (ages 12, 13, 14) died in Spain from Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines (FG7898, FG9428) now their parents are going after Spanish Ministers of Health & Officials. Parents must join forces!
02/11/2023 Nearly 1 In 3 COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients Suffered Neurological Side Effects: Study
01/11/2023 Five Dutch Cyclists Died or Suffered Serious Heart Problems this Year
27/10/2023 How Pfizer Hid Nearly 80% of COVID Vaccine Trial Deaths From Regulators
24/10/2023 Welcome to "The New Abnormal": 16-Year-Old High School Runner COLLAPSES and DIES after Winning Race
24/10/2023 ‘An Admission of Epic Proportions’: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines
23/10/2023 Pfizer now admits the jab causes myocarditis.
22/10/2023 Mortality Rates per 100k shockingly reveal Four-Dose COVID-19 Vaccinated Teens & Young Adults are up to 318%
22/10/2023 New Zealand is a Crime Scene: In one clinic, in one day 30 people were covid injected and all 30 have died
19/10/2023 FDA Finds 'Signal' For Seizures Among COVID-19 Vaccinated Toddlers
18/10/2023 How COVID Vaccine Could Harm Your Gut, Leading To Brain Fog And Autoimmune Disease
15/10/2023 COVID-19 Vaccines 'May Trigger' Rheumatic Inflammatory Diseases: Study
14/10/2023 China News Brief: New Wave of COVID-19; More Bank Runs; Births Hit Record Low
14/10/2023 China's Birth Rate Plummets 10% To Lowest On Record
13/10/2023 Hydroxychloroquine Reduces COVID-19 Mortality, Study Finds
12/10/2023 Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests Spiked In 2021, Study Finds
10/10/2023 Windsor High School football player dies after practice
10/10/2023 NBA player has sued his insurance for $40 million after refusal to payout for his myocarditis injury
06/10/2023 Tragedy: 8-year-old featured in COVID propaganda video dies after cardiac arrest
06/10/2023 mRNA Injury Series - 2023 The SUMMER of Dying Suddenly SLEEPING (while fully COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated)
06/10/2023 Facebook Censors Report On Study About Covid Vaccine mRNA Found in Breast Milk
06/10/2023 COVID-19 Shot May Be Linked To Unexpected Vaginal Bleeding: Study
05/10/2023 128 more Canadian military members sue Crown over COVID jab mandates
05/10/2023 mRNA Injury Series - Found dead in their car - COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated who were found dead in their vehicles - 15 tragic cases
03/10/2023 Ohio homecoming queen contender Breanne McKean, 17, collapses and dies on football field during pre-game ceremony
02/10/2023 COVID Vaccines Damage ALL Hearts, Study Finds
02/10/2023 10 posts in chronological order challenging the ‘official’ covid narrative from the start
02/10/2023 "Starting this October, the department will be dispersing rabies vaccine packets from the air along Tennessee’s borders with North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Alabama."
(Get ready for an increase of rabies incident in the area)
02/10/2023 The COVID-19 mRNA vaccine killed 24% more people in the vaccine group than the placebo group in the actual Pfizer trial, including 250% more cardiac arrests.
02/10/2023 Over 277,000 'Vaccinated' COVID-19 Cases Hidden By CDC In 2021: Newly Obtained Files Show
02/10/2023 Excess Deaths From Cardiovascular Diseases Up 44% Last Year Among UK Citizens Aged 15-44: Report
30/09/2023 COVID-19 Vaccine Found In The Hearts Of Dead People: Study
29/09/2023 Biden Tells People To Stop Questioning COVID Shots
26/09/2023 Vaccination Offers 'No Meaningful Protection' Against Long COVID: Study
25/09/2023 TURBO CANCER in Doctors - Young COVID-19 Vaccinated Doctors are developing aggressive Turbo Cancers - 54 doctors and their tragic stories
25/09/2023 UN General Assembly Approves Global Pandemic “Authority” With Lockdown Enforcement Powers
24/09/2023 Florida Surgeon General: “NOBODY Should Take a COVID Shot…These Are Terrible Products That Absolutely Shouldn’t Be in Human Beings”
24/09/2023 Doctors and nurses injured by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines - 10% are injured, 7% severely, 2% unable to work
23/09/2023 Cancers Appearing In Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch
19/09/2023 'Vaccine' Crime Evidenced Provided to Tennessee Governor and Attorney General
19/09/2023 South Carolina Professor finds 200 billion pieces of DNA contaminating a single dose of Pfizer’s covid injection
19/09/2023 South Carolina Professor finds 200 billion pieces of DNA contaminating a single dose of Pfizer’s covid injection
19/09/2023 Myocarditis & COVID-19 Vaccines: How The CDC Missed A Safety Signal And Hid A Warning
18/09/2023 Flight Attendants suffering COVID-19 vaccine injuries and sudden deaths
18/09/2023 Doctors admit they can't tell Covid apart from allergies or the common cold anymore
18/09/2023 FDA Refuses To Change Anti-Ivermectin Statements After Court Ruling
16/09/2023 'Statistically Significant Increase' In Myopericarditis And Single Organ Cutaneous Vasculitis Found After COVID-19 Vaccination
16/09/2023 FDA Refuses to Change Anti-Ivermectin Statements After Court Ruling
15/09/2023 Experts estimate over 20 million are already Dead due to COVID-19 vaccination & over 2 billion are Severely Injured
15/09/2023 Major Hospital Group Issues ‘Updated’ Covid Vaccine Mandate for Caregivers
14/09/2023 Baby Who Died 34 Hours After Vaccines Had Toxic Level of Aluminum in His Blood, Report Confirms
14/09/2023 5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science Paper Reveals Cell Phone Signals Can Activate the Release of Biological PAYLOADS From Graphene Oxide Injected Into the Body
14/09/2023 British champion bodybuilder dead at 34: 'Absolutely shocking'
14/09/2023 Zyahna Bryant is hired by Dove to promote 'FAT liberation' despite ruining white student's life over 'misheard' remark at BLM protest
13/09/2023 NY Gov. Kathy Hochuls Delivers Devastating News for Vaccinated: “It is Literally a New Vaccine, It is Not a Booster Shot…” Old Vaccine is “Not Protecting You Today”
13/09/2023 Forensic Analysis Of Deaths In Pfizer's Early mRNA Vaccine Trial Found Significant Inconsistencies
13/09/2023 CDC Recommends New COVID-19 Vaccines for Virtually All Americans
12/09/2023 Whistleblower alleges CIA offered officials money to change view of COVID origins
12/09/2023 South Korea to COMPENSATE deaths 90 days after covid shot
12/09/2023 FDA Authorizes New Covid-19 Shots From Pfizer, Moderna
11/09/2023 CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men’s Lives!
09/09/2023 Government Gave Millions To Top Reproductive Health Org To Promote COVID-19 Vaccines To Pregnant Women
09/09/2023 Boosted People More Likely Than Unvaccinated To Be Infected: New Study Finds
08/09/2023 COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Reduce Immune Response To Other Infections, Potential Concern Of Immune Deficiency
08/09/2023 CDC Warns RSV Cases Are Rising Among Infants, Babies
08/09/2023 FDA Refuses To Provide COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data To US Senator
07/09/2023 Megyn Kelly vax victim.
07/09/2023 US Nursing home data shows clearly that the COVID vaccines were a disaster for the elderly; they increased the risk of dying from COVID
07/09/2023 Excess Mortality and Covid-19 Vaccinations per Capita
06/09/2023 CDC Repeatedly Advised People With Post-Vaccination Conditions To Get More Doses
06/09/2023 Pennsylvania High School QB Needs 'Miracle' After Collapsing Mid-Game, Family Says
04/09/2023 Dolphins rookie collapses mid-game; Red Sox great collapses pre-game; Miami high school player collapses mid-game; marathoner, 24, collapses on track; student pilot suffers cardiac arrest mid-flight
04/09/2023 Pfizer tested its ‘Booster’ on 23 people before Biden’s FDA unleashed injections on all Americans; no questions asked
04/09/2023 FDA, CDC Hid Data On Spike In COVID Cases Among The Vaccinated: Documents
03/09/2023 Federal Court Rules Against FDA Over Anti-Ivermectin Posts
31/08/2023 CDC Admits It Faked 99% of COVID Deaths To Scare Public Into Taking Vaccine
31/08/2023 Insane Canadian Media is After Our Children Again
31/08/2023 mRNA injury series - Children's immune systems are damaged by Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine - Australian group just published research on mRNA jabs harming children as infections surge in Australia
30/08/2023 Fitness Influencer Larissa Borges Dies Suddenly From Double Cardiac Arrest
30/08/2023 Big Pharma Insider Testifies COVID Jabs Are ‘Military Bioweapons’ Developed by DoD
30/08/2023 mRNA injury series - Multiple family members or couples suffering COVID-19 Vaccine injuries or sudden deaths - no one is willing to report it, entire families are being wiped out - 12 tragic stories!
30/08/2023 First COVID Deaths Were Fully Jabbed, Australian State Records Reveal
29/08/2023 Elites discovered a way to convince white people to phase themselves out — and it’s working…
29/08/2023 Majority of US dog owners now skeptical of vaccines, including for rabies: study
29/08/2023 Authorities in denial over vaccine link to soaring pilot deaths
28/08/2023 Dr. Jay Bhattacharya: Biden Admin's Push For Everyone To Get New COVID Vaccine Is 'Irresponsible'
28/08/2023 "The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has halted the collection of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events reports through the agency’s V-Safe page even as millions of Americans reported being “impacted” by such vaccines."
28/08/2023 Biden To Fund New COVID Vaccine "For Everybody... Whether They've Gotten It Before Or Not"
27/08/2023 mRNA injury series - Spartacus actor Barry Duffield shares his Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injury story (cardiac, neurological and psychiatric injuries that led him to a suicide attempt)
26/08/2023 The “Vaccine” Propaganda Is Ramping Up AGAIN
25/08/2023 CDC warns latest COVID-19 “variant” BA.2.86 infects the FULLY VACCINATED, admitting the vaccines don’t work
25/08/2023 mRNA injury series - Mysterious strokes in young women - young COVID-19 vaccinated women continue to quietly suffer strokes that doctors can't explain. Some survive, some don't.
24/08/2023 Experts issue urgent 'death' warning to anyone who has had Covid in the last two years
24/08/2023 Shocked!? CDC Says New COVID-19 Variant Could Cause Infections In Vaccinated People
24/08/2023 Community’s heartwarming response to family of Adelaide teen William Pfeiffer who died in his sleep
24/08/2023 Pilot Incapacitation - US Army Aviation Center (Alabama) student pilot went into cardiac arrest behind the controls midflight (Aug.18, 2023), Instructor landed plane - pilot was dead for 18 minutes!
24/08/2023 mRNA Injury Series - Stevens-Johnson Syndrome after Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines - 700% increase since vaccination started, up to 25% are fatal
23/08/2023 Doctors Received Cash Rewards for Every Patient They Got Vaccinated
22/08/2023 Tens of Thousands of Mothers Sue Makers of Tylenol for Pregnancy Use that Led to Babies Born with Autism
22/08/2023 It's Really Happening: Mask Mandates, Contact-Tracing Re-Implemented At Colleges, Offices
20/08/2023 Most Intensive Ivermectin Use Had 74% Reduction In Excess Deaths In Peru: New Study
19/08/2023 Pilot dies moments before take-off as he collapses of sudden heart attack while passing through boarding gate
18/08/2023 TRONOWICZ, Chantel Marie Rose
18/08/2023 Biden Admin Preparing to Bring Back FULL Covid Restrictions, Rollout to Begin Mid-September
18/08/2023 PILOT Death - IndiGo Pilot who was to operate (NAG-PNQ) flight from Nagpur to Pune, India, collapsed at the boarding gate on Aug.17, 2023 and died in hospital - 3rd pilot death this week, 5th collapse
17/08/2023 Medical Board Suspends License Of Doctor Critical Of COVID-19 Vaccines
17/08/2023 Joseph Gardiner, 15, from Pyle, died suddenly on Monday: how could a strong healthy 15 year old Rugby player die suddenly
17/08/2023 Young people are still dying suddenly in their sleep - I analyze 30 deaths while sleeping, in past 3 months - first ever analysis of such sudden deaths!
16/08/2023 Former police officer in town of 350,000 people reveals that in >50% of the 300 SIDS cases she investigated, the death happened within 1 week of a vaccine. That is a statistical impossibility unless the vaccines were causing the death (1e-43 assuming vax given every 2 months).
15/08/2023 Dr James Thorp and Dr Sam Dube expose the fraud and bribes behind the extreme violation of pregnant women.
14/08/2023 Baltimore Ravens Mourn the Passing of Running Back Alex Collins at 28
14/08/2023 High school basketball player dies after collapsing during pickup game
13/08/2023 More people are Dying Now than they were during the Pandemic
12/08/2023 FDA Drops Ivermectin Bombshell
12/08/2023 Basketball star Caleb White dead at 17 after collapsing in workout
11/08/2023 120,000 American Children ‘Died Suddenly’ after Covid Shots Rollout
11/08/2023 Teenage Athletes are still dying suddenly at unprecedented levels in US & Canada - 15 teenage athletes (ages 16 to 19) died suddenly in the past month!
09/08/2023 Families that inject mRNA together, develop Turbo Cancer together? - 12 unbelievable stories of two or three family members developing aggressive cancer at the same time!
09/08/2023 BREAKING: Over 25% of elderly residents of a SNF died within a 20-day period after getting the COVID jab in December 2020
09/08/2023 Kids Almost Never Transmitted COVID In Schools; Major New Study Finds
08/08/2023 Jay Bonnar’s anecdote is statistically impossible if the COVID vaccines are safe
07/08/2023 Top New York cancer doctor, vaxxed, 40 yo Dr.Krystal Cascetta shot her 4 month old baby then turned the gun on herself in a shocking murder-suicide
06/08/2023 "Your Injections Are Killing Our Young People" - Pfizer, Moderna Reps Slammed During Heated Aussie Senate Hearing
05/08/2023 My brother died suddenly of an apparent heart attack last week. He said he thought the vaccine was going to kill him.
05/08/2023 Died Suddenly on VACATION - Collapsing on the beach, found dead in the hotel, seizures, blood clots, snorkel drownings, sepsis - 15 stories of sudden death of the COVID-19 vaccinated while on holidays
05/08/2023 Infant Vaccines Linked to Increase in All-Cause Mortality, New Research Shows
05/08/2023 Mormon Liam Mildenstein, 19, collapses and DIES of heart failure in front of his family moments after revealing his first mission for the church would be to Japan
04/08/2023 ‘His Heart Just Stopped’: NJ Family Mourns Rookie Officer Who Died Suddenly While Exercising
04/08/2023 Pfizer to Rake in Billions on New Cardiovascular Drugs Treating ‘Sudden’ Spike in Heart Problems Around the Globe
02/08/2023 CDC Issues Alert About Biblical Disease Increasing In Southern State
01/08/2023 CDC to start pushing ANNUAL mRNA COVID “vaccine” injections to accelerate depopulation
01/08/2023 More Than 100 Colleges Are Still Enforcing Vaccine Mandates: Report
01/08/2023 The daughter of a Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine executive "died suddenly" earlier this month after being forced to take the jab that her father helped produce. According to her family, 10-year-old girl Kelsey Corinne Morand suffered a fatal brain injury following a seizure on July 3
01/08/2023 Died Suddenly while hiking or climbing - the perils of being COVID-19 vaccinated - 24 hikers who had cardiac arrests or died mysteriously, are examined. July 2023 was particularly deadly for hikers
01/08/2023 'My teenage girl went to sleep and never woke up'; what killed Ella? 'Ella McCreadie was found dead in bed by her parents after suffering a haemorrhage'; another 'dying in sleep' era of mRNA vaccine?
01/08/2023 Renown Dr. John Campbell Says, “One in 35 Suffer Myocarditis From the COVID Vaxx”!
31/07/2023 CDC At 'Precipice' Of Recommending Annual Covid-19 Shots
30/07/2023 1887 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1312 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
30/07/2023 Young teachers (COVID-19 vaccinated) who died suddenly during Jan-Feb 2023 - 15 sudden deaths examined
30/07/2023 Ex-Premier League youngster forced to RETIRE aged just 22 after being diagnosed with heart condition
30/07/2023 Massive excess mortality in young people started right when the the vaccines came out and are at all time highs. This is straight up genocide. In the Pfizer vaxx trial the vaxx group had 24% more death, including 250% more cardiac arrests.
30/07/2023 Rise In Type 1 Diabetes Among Young People Linked To COVID-19
29/07/2023 Subclinical Heart Damage More Prevalent Than Thought After Moderna Vaccination: Study
29/07/2023 COVID Vaccines Show 24 Times More Adverse Reactions Than Others
28/07/2023 BRAIN ANEURYSMS - People who died suddenly from aneurysms (likely COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injury to blood vessels) - 13 recent fatal cases explored
28/07/2023 Increase in Miscarriages, Stillbirths Directly Linked to COVID Shots, Data Show — Health Officials ‘Should Have Known’
27/07/2023 SCARED AND HEARTBROKEN ... Blood Clots Found Near Heart
27/07/2023 Marburg PSYOP: The World Hoax Organisation Has Issued a Stern Warning About a “Deadly Virus”. “Experts” Alarmed
27/07/2023 1 in 35 Recipients of mRNA Boosters Got Heart Damage: Shocking Study | Facts Matter
26/07/2023 LIVE COLLAPSE - 54 year old former soccer goalkeeper and ESPN Analyst collapsed live on air on July 23, 2023, he "urged people to get the COVID-19 vaccine" (transient ischemic attack or mini-stroke?)
25/07/2023 Doctor call provides even more evidence that vaccines are the leading cause of autism and SIDS
24/07/2023 the climate cult wants to de populate to "save the earth"
24/07/2023 Unvaccinated Transplant patients are being murdered in Canada - Four Alberta Judges have legalized murdering the unvaccinated & leftist lawyers tell us they're coming after all of us NEXT time.
24/07/2023 CDC Changed Definition Of Breakthrough COVID-19 After Emails About 'Vaccine Failure'
23/07/2023 New Zealand will restrict the use of herbal products that people use to treat infections and maintain a healthy lifestyle
21/07/2023 China Is Getting Ready for the Next Plandemic by Actively Building Quarantine Facilities Across the Country
21/07/2023 Browns’ Marquise Goodwin suffering from ‘alarming’ blood clots in legs, lungs
21/07/2023 BRAIN BLEEDS in young people - 19 year old UK university student Harvey Edwards died from a brain bleed
18/07/2023 Young teachers (COVID-19 vaccinated) who died suddenly during March 2023 - 14 sudden deaths examined
17/07/2023 Study that shows 74% of deaths were caused by COVID vaccines was scrubbed from the web within 24 hours
15/07/2023 SEIZURES in young people - 22 yo Youtuber Annabelle Ham, 36 yo Miss India runner-up, 10 yo daughter of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Executive - all died of seizures - 14 seizure deaths examined!
15/07/2023 Kamala just said that “reducing population” is a goal of the climate change movement. They aren’t hiding it anymore. YOU are the carbon they want to eliminate.
15/07/2023 What to Know About Guillain-Barré Syndrome After Peru Outbreak
15/07/2023 Over 1M Americans are likely severely vaccine injured by the COVID vaccines
14/07/2023 OVERWHELMING PROOF that the COVID-19 Plandemic was officially planned out and executed by the U.S. Federal Government (and other state actors)
14/07/2023 FDA Approves 1st Over-The-Counter Birth Control Pill Amid Falling US Birth Rates
13/07/2023 CDC is caught fraudulently altering Death Certificates to hide COVID Vaccine Deaths
12/07/2023 Santa Clara University Students Must Take COVID Vaccines Or Withdraw
08/07/2023 Transverse Myelitis - severe neurological injury caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines - 9 horror stories
08/07/2023 'Forever Chemicals' In At Least 45 Percent Of US Tap Water: USGS Study
07/07/2023 Former Ajax director Edwin van der Sar suffers brain haemorrhage
06/07/2023 Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours
06/07/2023 FIREFIGHTERS are dying suddenly - another COVID-19 mRNA vaccine mandated group suffering from injuries & deaths - 16 firefighter sudden deaths over past 6 months examined
05/07/2023 Damning Audit Shows New York Paid Up To $14,050 For Injecting ONE Covid-19 “Vaccine”
05/07/2023 2,000 Young, Seemingly Healthy Athletes – Collapsing, Dying, Heart Problems, Blood Clots – March 2021 to June 2023
05/07/2023 Breaking Bad star Mike Batayeh dead at 52 after ‘suffering a heart attack in his sleep’
04/07/2023 All secondary school students in England to be offered free flu vaccine
04/07/2023 UFC Fighter Anthony Smith Reveals He Developed Blood Clot Following mRNA COVID Vaccine, Claims His Mother Died After Pfizer Booster Shot
03/07/2023 14 Professional soccer players died suddenly in the past 6 months - 5 dead in the month of June 2023!
02/07/2023 Nothing To See Here: 1.884 Athlete Cardiac Arrests in 2.5 Years, 1.310 Dead
02/07/2023 New Research Paper: mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Are Gene Therapy Products
01/07/2023 Bodybuilder Jo Linder Passes Away at 30 from Aneurysm – Alleges Heavy Metal Found in his Blood During His Routine Blood Work After Receiving 4 Jabs (VIDEO)
01/07/2023 Genetically modified mosquitoes were used to deliver “malaria vaccines”. And now malaria is showing up in the US where millions of modified mosquitoes were released.
(A new weapon in their arsenal to reduce population)
30/06/2023 To deny Russia adopted coercive COVID vaccination is to deny reality
30/06/2023 “we Can’t Find An Autistic Kid Who Was Unvaccinated”
30/06/2023 Experts Reveal 'Major Shortcomings' With FDA Analysis Of Safety Outcomes In COVID-19 Vaccinated Recipients
29/06/2023 Musicians and singers dying suddenly in May and June 2023 - the trend is accelerating
28/06/2023 TV Doctor and ‘Vaccination Expert’ Dr. Alfredo Victoria Dies Suddenly at 42
27/06/2023 28-year-old basketball player who complained of myocarditis after Pfizer COVID jab dies of heart attack
27/06/2023 What’s behind the worrying rise of cancer in young people? After cases in people aged 25-49 rises 22%, experts are blaming processed foods, smoking, drinking and even pollution
27/06/2023 Over 300 Canadian Soldiers Launch $500 Million Lawsuit Against Military For COVID Vaccine Mandates
27/06/2023 In 2021, year of the vaxx mandates, millennials with no risk for COVID experienced World War level deaths, sudden cardiac arrests. In the Pfizer mRNA vaxx trial the the vaxx group had 24% more overall deaths, 250% more cardiac arrests.
26/06/2023 Basketball player Óscar Cabrera Adames who had blamed COVID vaccine for rare heart condition dies of heart attack
25/06/2023 NHS Whistleblower Claims “We Were Ordered To Euthanize” Patients
24/06/2023 New Wave Of COVID-19 Infections Hits China
24/06/2023 Over 500 Excess Heart Deaths A Week In England Since COVID-19 Began
24/06/2023 Young drivers (COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated) are having medical emergencies and crashing while driving - 15 shocking stories of "blacking out behind the wheel", some fatal
22/06/2023 Turbo gallbladder cancer - 61 yo Michael Jones (United Airlines flight attendant) died within 3 months. 1000s of COVID-19 vaccinated are having gallbladder problems. Are Lipid nanoparticles to blame?
20/06/2023 All COVID-Infected At Health Conference Were Vaccinated: Study
20/06/2023 Died suddenly - 34 year old Ontario father died suddenly and a rare Canadian autopsy showed myocarditis with complete destruction of the heart. His wife confirms COVID-19 vaccines were to blame!
19/06/2023 Planned Parenthood Execs Among Highest Paid In Nonprofit Sector: Report
19/06/2023 People 'Up To Date' With COVID-19 Vaccines More Likely To Be Infected: Study99 % of covid hospitalization and deaths are now among the vaccinated australians
18/06/2023 Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm Deagel’s Shocking 2025 Depopulation Forecast is on Target & not just an Estimation
18/06/2023 People 'Up To Date' With Cardiologist Warns COVID Vaccinations May Have Caused Severe Heart Damage in Over 100 Million Americans
17/06/2023 99 % of covid hospitalization and deaths are now among the vaccinated australians
16/06/2023 Getting Flu Vaccine One Year Increases Chance of Getting Flu in Future Years
15/06/2023 Heart Disease Risk Soars 13,200% Among Vaccinated, CDC Confirms
15/06/2023 Ivermectin May Defeat Cancer and Other Common Chronic Diseases of Aging
11/06/2023 More Than 100 Young Children Suffered Seizures After COVID Vaccination: Study
10/06/2023 VAERS is cleverly hiding 182 child deaths caused by COVID-19 vaccines. You'll never find them. These are some of the most shocking COVID-19 vaccine child death stories but they're hidden from public!
08/06/2023 BBC journalist spread harmful disinformation about COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in kids. She had her 10 year old twins mRNA vaccinated. Then, 16 months later, one of them died of rare (turbo) brain cancer
08/06/2023 Nurse Injured By COVID-19 Vaccine Heading To Trial Against Former Employer
07/06/2023 Exclusive: ‘We’re the Dirty Little Secret Nobody Wants to Talk About,’ Says Man Injured by COVID Vaccine
06/06/2023 92% Covid Deaths Are Triple Vaccinated, Government Data Shows
05/06/2023 The Truth Behind Hospital Protocols
05/06/2023 Contamination in CV19 “Vaccines”. ALL mRNA Jabs Are Not Fit for Purpose and Must Be Removed From the Market – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Kevin McKernan
05/06/2023 Pericarditis - the other, less talked about COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine induced heart inflammation that disables or kills you - 13 cases explored
05/06/2023 Japan's Birth Rate Plummets To Record Low For Seventh Straight Year
04/06/2023 Repeated COVID-19 Vaccination Weakens Immune System: Study
04/06/2023 Our 1st COVID-19 mRNA vaccine paper was accepted & went viral! mRNA vaccines make IgG4 which suppresses the immune system, causing COVID re-infections, autoimmune diseases (myocarditis) & cancer!
04/06/2023 Study Falsely Linking Hydroxychloroquine To Increased Deaths Frequently Cited Even After Retraction
03/06/2023 Family Of College Student Who Died From COVID-19 Vaccine Sues Biden Administration
02/06/2023 Study: COVID-19 lockdowns have substantially harmed HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people worldwide
02/06/2023 Cancer warning over 'cell-destroying' sweetener used in Diet Coke and Red Bull Sugarfree
02/06/2023 Not just pilots! - young flight attendants and passengers having heart attacks or collapsing inflight - recent incidents happening on an almost daily basis!
02/06/2023 Dr. Rashid Buttar: There is something of a critical nature we all need to be aware of
31/05/2023 Journalist A.J. Benza Bombshell: Jamie Foxx Has a Blood Clot in the Brain From the Covid “Vaccine”
31/05/2023 WHO Member Wants To Run A “Simulation Exercise” Before Implementing Pandemic Treaty
30/05/2023 Comedians paid by CDC to shill for vaccines dropping dead all around the globe
30/05/2023 Tragedy as Miss Bikini Ireland and First Dates Ireland star Judy Fitzgerald dies 'unexpectedly' aged 32
30/05/2023 Babies breastfed by mothers who took mRNA vaccines ARE DYING
30/05/2023 Died Suddenly - COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated young people who died in their sleep - SADS is not happening, this is mRNA vaccine induced myocarditis sudden cardiac death phenomenon (2022: 13 cases)
29/05/2023 Zero Young Healthy Individuals Died Of COVID-19, Israeli Data Show
29/05/2023 Under Pressure From Fat Activists, NYC Bans Weight Discrimination
28/05/2023 Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA: Alleged Corruption, Shocking Under Oath Federal Statements
27/05/2023 Died Suddenly - Multiple family members or couples dying suddenly shortly after COVID-19 vaccination: Was it a bad vaccine vial? Shared genetic anomaly? Coincidence? - 11 family tragedies examined
27/05/2023 U.S. Postal Carrier: "19 People Have Died on my Mail Route in Last 4 Months"-- Vax Jabbed!
26/05/2023 ‘Plans to travel the world’: Brisbane woman Dani Duchatel dies in front of parents during dinner
25/05/2023 China announces new Covid variant.
25/05/2023 Died Suddenly - COVID-19 vaccinated pregnant women continue to die unexpectedly from perinatal complications: stillbirths, blood clots, bleeding, infections and more - 8 recent unexpected deaths
24/05/2023 Proof That Google Is Covering Up Evidence of the Conspiracy Between the Government and Hospitals During the COVID-19 Scamdemic to Kill People by Putting Them on Ventilators
24/05/2023 Pharmacist Whistleblower Recording Reveals Killings by Hospital During COVID ‘Pandemic’
24/05/2023 "Severe Post COVID-19 Vaccine Syndrome" - Diagnosis only available in UK and EUROPE (not in Canada or USA) - UK Triathlete Roz McGinty injured post 2nd jab, 11 year old boy diagnosed in Germany
24/05/2023 COVID Vaccine-Injured Sue Biden Administration Over Censorship
23/05/2023 COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries - Multiple heart attacks or multiple strokes. "No one is looking why this is happening."
22/05/2023 FDA Advisers Back Maternal RSV Vaccine As Pfizer Says Safety Concerns Can Be Studied Post-Approval
20/05/2023 WHO Warns Of 'Unusual' Surge in Severe Myocarditis in Babies
19/05/2023 Feds Start Enrolling Volunteers For mRNA Flu Vaccine Trial
18/05/2023 Another one "Dies Suddenly" 18 yrs old and in peak physical condition.
17/05/2023 Bill Gates announces the next fake pandemic date and fake outbreak location - video
16/05/2023 Died Suddenly - Police Officers who died suddenly recently, possibly due to injuries caused by COVID-19 vaccine mandates
16/05/2023 NHS Director confirms Doctors lied about Cause of Death to create the Illusion of a COVID-19 Pandemic
16/05/2023 Hawaii teen who died after weekend swim meet was days from graduation
15/05/2023 New Study Shows Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL COVID Patients
15/05/2023 The Roundup (Glyphosate) Toxin Scam and Conspiracy
11/05/2023 Most COVID-19 Deaths May Be The Result of a Completely Different Infection
11/05/2023 'Brits are dying in their tens of thousands - and we don't really have any idea why'
10/05/2023 9-Year-Old Boy Refused Life-Saving Kidney Transplant Because His Father is Unvaccinated
10/05/2023 WHO ends the Covid Hoax with the biggest Lie of All
09/05/2023 9-Year-Old Boy Refused Life-Saving Kidney Transplant Because His Father is Unvaccinated
09/05/2023 Large study finds people who received COVID jab have higher risk of visual impairment
09/05/2023 Ex-Pfizer VP: COVID vax push a ‘supranational operation’ intended to ‘maim and kill deliberately
09/05/2023 FDA Approves First Pill Containing Human Feces
(Meanwhile vitamins still didnt get FDA approval)
09/05/2023 Chelsea Clinton Promotes Mass Vaccination Program For Children - Laments Public Resistance
08/05/2023 High School students who died suddenly or unexpectedly after taking COVID-19 mRNA vaccines - 16 cases in 2022
08/05/2023 U.S. and UK Secretly Agreed to Hide Vaccine Reactions
07/05/2023 Bluey Censored: Outrage Culture Strikes Again, Complaints of “Fat-Shaming”
07/05/2023 Shoutout to the deadliest vaxx of all time. In the trial the vaxx group had 24% more total deaths, 250% more cardiac arrests. And it didn't even prevent infection/spread.
07/05/2023 High Levels Of Toxic Metals Found In Widely Consumed Drinks: Study
06/05/2023 Children 5-12 years old who died after taking Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: here are 25 children who died from mRNA jabs
06/05/2023 Class-Action Suit Launched Against Australian Government Over COVID Vaccine Injuries
05/05/2023 WHO (Finally) Declares COVID Pandemic "Global Health Emergency" Over
05/05/2023 Chelsea Clinton Partners With WHO, Gates Foundation on ‘Largest Childhood Immunization Effort Ever’
05/05/2023 Dr. Stephanie Seneff: Toxic Effects of Glyphosate
05/05/2023 Top Officials Who Pushed Aggressive COVID-19 Policies Try To Rewrite History
03/05/2023 Ed Dowd: 30% of the Workforce is Sick, Injured, or Dead
03/05/2023 Will Anyone Be Held Accountable for the 300,000 Americans Murdered by the COVID-19 Shots in 2021?
03/05/2023 MRNA Was a Covid Miracle. Could It Be the Same for the Flu?
03/05/2023 Thermographic Imaging Shows Massive Blood Clots in the Asymptomatic Vaxxed
02/05/2023 Polish health minister slams Pfizer for refusing to let Europe off the hook for millions of unwanted Covid-19 doses
30/04/2023 Blood clots - Pulmonary emboli in young women - a not-so-rare and often fatal complication of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: 14 cases of sudden death from pulmonary emboli
30/04/2023 Masks Had No Effect On COVID Cases Among Children: Study
29/04/2023 Pfizer To Ask FDA To Allow 3rd Covid Jab For Healthy 5- to 11 Year Olds
29/04/2023 Mobile Legends player, RSG Ignite coach Navi dies at 24
29/04/2023 CDC US mortality data. 10-20% death rate increases for working age people who have extremely low risk for COVID in 2021 when the vaxx was released. Studies show the vaxx causes way more myocarditis in males under 40 than just getting COVID. Male death rate increased 2021, female death rate decreased
28/04/2023 500 Australians join world’s first COVID vaccine injury class action lawsuit
28/04/2023 mRNA is gene editing technology, not a vaccine
28/04/2023 TWITTER FILES: WHO Stealth-Edited Vaccine Info To Help Twitter Censor Tucker Carlson
28/04/2023 CDC Officials Make False Statements About Possible COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects
27/04/2023 Live-birth abortions are on the rise in Canada as part of a disturbing trend that extends to Ireland
27/04/2023 Doctors paid $100 billion to kill Americans
26/04/2023 Mixed Martial Arts and UFC fighters are collapsing and dying suddenly - some of these deaths are very suspicious
26/04/2023 Pfizer BRIBED over 400 “independent” medical organizations and nonprofits to propagate alleged false narratives about their so-called vaccine
26/04/2023 FDA: Vaccines Don’t Have To Prevent Infection Or Transmission
26/04/2023 Trudeau Slammed After Claiming He Never 'Forced' Anyone To Take COVID-19 Vaccine
25/04/2023 Pfizer Quietly Financed Groups Lobbying For COVID Vaccine Mandates: Fang
25/04/2023 Died suddenly - Military cadets, mandated to be fully COVID-19 vaccinated, are dying suddenly recently
23/04/2023 Possible links between Covid shots and tinnitus emerge
(Tinnutus is a side effect of 5G EMF radiations targeted to the head)
23/04/2023 Secret CDC Report confirms over 1.1m Americans have ‘Died Suddenly’ since the COVID Vaccine Roll-Out; & further Government reports confirm the Vaccines are to blame
22/04/2023 Influenza disappeared in 2020 and 2021
22/04/2023 Canadian doctor sudden deaths have reached 150 since COVID-19 vaccines rolled out - our Canadian Medical Association celebrates the occasion with a full page Pfizer ad...
21/04/2023 The Worst Atrocity in the History of the World has been Confirmed
20/04/2023 5 reasons to believe the global population is already one billion people less than it was in January 2020
20/04/2023 US Compensates People Injured By COVID-19 Vaccines For First Time
20/04/2023 New ivermectin study shows highly effective against Covid. Not only 72% less infection, those infected presented less than 10% of the viral load compared to control at all times.
20/04/2023 Young chefs are dying suddenly and unexpectedly - 28 sudden deaths - COVID-19 vaccine mandates?
19/04/2023 Orthopedic Surgeon Suffers Debilitating Spinal Injury 7 Days after Taking Moderna ‘Vaccine’
18/04/2023 Now they're trying to convince people that seasonal allergies could be COVID.
16/04/2023 Pfizer is killing Children for Profit: Europe suffers unprecedented loss of lives among its Children with 760% increase in Excess Deaths since EMA’s Emergency Approval of COVID Vaccine for Kids
16/04/2023 Proof Bill Gates Vaccine Experiments Really Killed Kids in India and Africa: Dr. Colin Gonsalves
14/04/2023 Your primary care provider was bribed to convince you to take the COVID “vaccine”.
13/04/2023 Quietly Published Pfizer Documents confirm between 82% & 97% of COVID Vaccinated Pregnant Women sadly lost their baby during the ongoing Clinical Trial
12/04/2023 Lions and tigers and bears (and many other animals) are "dying suddenly" in zoos worldwide
12/04/2023 Former NHL Player Dead of a Heart Attack at Age 38
12/04/2023 22-Year-Old National Guard Soldier Suffers Two Heart Attacks, Neurological Issues After Moderna Vax
12/04/2023 Flu Statistics
11/04/2023 600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots Says Top Insurance Analyst
10/04/2023 Fauci admits on video he told his friend they didn't need to wear a mask
10/04/2023 CDC Partners With 'Social And Behavior Change' Initiative To Silence Vaccine Hesitancy
10/04/2023 Led By "Fat Activists", New York Considering Bill To Ban Weight Discrimination
09/04/2023 Hemorrhagic strokes (brain bleeds) in young people - brain blood vessel damage caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccine spike protein or turbo cancer - 16 tragic stories
08/04/2023 Here’s what happens when you investigate why young people are dying
08/04/2023 COVID deaths up 39% after vaccines rolled out in Ontario Canada
07/04/2023 Victims Speak Out: We Should Listen.
07/04/2023 Muere de forma repentina Diego Fumero, de 19 años, futbolista juvenil del Torremolinos
07/04/2023 Doctors Appeal Ruling In Favor Of FDA Over Ivermectin Posts, Urge Court To Intervene
07/04/2023 CDC deleted their page which admitted their test couldn't distinguish Covid from influenza
07/04/2023 World Health Organization Reports 1 In 6 Americans Infertile
07/04/2023 WHO Whistleblower CONFIRMS HORROR: mRNA Narrative a Psyop, Shots are NOT Biological
06/04/2023 16 year old California boy's immune system was destroyed by three COVID-19 mRNA vaccines - reactivated EBV post COVID-19 vaccination can be fatal
05/04/2023 Did you know they are planning on vaccinating through milk?
05/04/2023 Italian Doctor Suspended for Suggesting Autopsies of Sudden Deaths
(Diagnosis of sudden death is the level 0 of medecine, that doesn't explain the cause of the death)
04/04/2023 Teenagers need HEART or LUNG TRANSPLANT after Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination - five horror stories of healthy teenagers before mRNA vaccines destroyed their lives
04/04/2023 CDC Warns About Deadly Marburg Virus Amid Outbreaks In Africa
02/04/2023 FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines after being forced to publish Confidential Pfizer Documents by order of the US Federal Court
31/03/2023 WHO Now Says COVID Vaccines Not Recommended For Healthy Kids & Teens
30/03/2023 Pharma Exec Privately Admits Dangers of Vaccine to Rand Paul – What You Can Do to Keep Your Family Safe
29/03/2023 Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion In Economic Damage, Tens Of Millions Injured Or Disabled
28/03/2023 ONU announce an increase in mortality of 23,6 millions in 3 years and 16,9 millions for unknown reasons
28/03/2023 U.S. Military Being Destroyed By Vax, Civilian Sickness Skyrockets, Australia Excess Death Up 5,162%
28/03/2023 Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL service from Fort-de-France to Montreal, Airbus A321-200: pilot incapacitated in-flight on March 18th, 2023 - 6th incident this month
27/03/2023 UK Oncologist warns Cancers are rapidly developing post-Covid Vaccination – “I am experienced enough to know this is not coincidental”
27/03/2023 Federal health officials confirmed life expectancy in America had dropped for a nearly unprecedented second year in a row – down to 76 years.
27/03/2023 An 11-year-old girl developed hives 12 days after the first dose of the vaccine and clear hypersensitivity purpura 5 days after the second dose of the same vaccine.
26/03/2023 UK Government quietly confirms Triple+ Vaccinated accounted for 92% of COVID Deaths in 2022
26/03/2023 Last month, three scientists pointed out flu shots barely work and couldn’t be approved based on the standards used for vaccines like measles
25/03/2023 Vaccine Genocide: 4070% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths. Indisputable depopulation agenda.
25/03/2023 Appeals Court Blocks Biden Order Forcing Federal Employees To Get COVID-19 Vaccine
24/03/2023 Interview with Singer Jessica Sutta (former Pussycat Dolls member): I Was Severely Injured by the Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
23/03/2023 44 year old Edmonton Police Service Constable Corinne Kline died suddenly on March 22, 2023
23/03/2023 "Concerning": Myocarditis Diagnoses Spiked In Military in 2021, New Data Show
22/03/2023 One in every 73 people “vaccinated” for covid wound up DEAD by June 2022, government data show
22/03/2023 TikTok Star Jehane Thomas Dies Suddenly at Age 30
22/03/2023 Rugby league cult hero Kyle White dead at 53
22/03/2023 A 39 year old Alberta pilot for WestJet Airlines died suddenly on March 17, 2023
21/03/2023 Study finds 1 in every 99 COVID Vaccinated Toddlers require Emergency Care or Hospitalisation
21/03/2023 California Hospital Refuses Transplant Surgery For Unvaccinated Woman With End-Stage Kidney Disease
21/03/2023 "I Couldn't Remain Silent": Physician Assistant Fired For Reporting COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events To VAERS
20/03/2023 NHS Director confirms Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create illusion of COVID Pandemic
20/03/2023 Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It
20/03/2023 HS Director confirms Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create illusion of COVID Pandemic
20/03/2023 Fauci goes to the hood to pressure people to get vaxxed. Gets schooled by the first door he knocked on
20/03/2023 CBS Los Angeles meteorologist collapses live on air. How many of these were there before the DARPA-GATES death vaxx?
20/03/2023 A 10 year old Canadian hockey player from Hamilton, Ontario, died suddenly on March 11, 2023: Canada's COVID-19 vaccine mandates for athletes ages 12+ are a serious crime
19/03/2023 Fact-Checkers Admit 92% of All COVID Deaths Are From Jabbed People
19/03/2023 Australian authorities pushing 5TH COVID SHOT on unsuspecting populace though admitting each booster is only “effective” for a few months
18/03/2023 The flu vaccine is too deadly to be used and should be pulled from the market
18/03/2023 COVID-19 Vaccines Can Cause 'Permanent Disabilities,' Says German Health Minister
18/03/2023 TRAGIC: 37-Year-Old Italian Swimmer Reportedly Took His Own Life After a Long Period of Suffering Due to COVID Vaccine Reaction
17/03/2023 Burundi officials detect polio outbreak linked to vaccine
17/03/2023 Unearthed emails from 2020 prove that covid PCR testing is a SCAM
16/03/2023 Japan Sees Major Push Back Against Big Pharma and Corrupt Japanese Health Officials Who Are Covering Up COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injuries and Deaths – Highest Excess Deaths Now Since WWII
16/03/2023 5G Induced GENOCIDE Rumble video
16/03/2023 American Children Are Dying at Highest Rate in 50 Years
15/03/2023 Peter Baddoo, Department of Mathematics instructor, dies at 29
14/03/2023 WHO chief predicts end of Covid-19 pandemic
14/03/2023 Young Pilot Fights Post-Jab Heart Issues, Speaks Out on COVID Shot Fears
14/03/2023 Third Flight This Month Diverted Due To “Incapacitated Pilot”
14/03/2023 Dad, 41, with 'heart of gold' dies suddenly on trip to Butlins after watching darts
13/03/2023 Extensive StatsCan health survey hassles Swift Current residents
(Global experimental study)
13/03/2023 The dam finally bursts. German health minister comes clean on vax injury rate - 1 in 5000 *doses*, not people. Permanent disabilities.
13/03/2023 British Airways Pilot Suffers Heart Attack & Dies Just Before He Was Due To Fly Packed Passenger Jet
12/03/2023 Outrage over city’s proposal to impose lockdown for the flu
12/03/2023 Healthcare worker deaths from COVID-19 vaccines will be covered up - the tragic case of a 31 year old New Zealand nurse who died 4 days after her COVID-19 booster shot
10/03/2023 FOIA emails reveal Bill Gates played direct role in banning effective treatments like Ivermectin/HCQ via his reps in NIH ACTIV working groups.
09/03/2023 Fully Vaccinated Australians Dying At Levels Not Seen For 80 Years – Doctors Baffled
09/03/2023 Once again, we see the globalist criminals actively covered up "vaccine" injuries to prevent "vaccine" hesitancy. Stanford and several state agency have been caught conspiring to censor true posts about "vaccine" injuries.
09/03/2023 COVID-19 vaccine induced psychosis - 13 cases of post vaccine psychosis, mania & suicide attempts that will shock you
09/03/2023 Refused the vaccine while pregnant. My peers didn’t and I’m seeing horrifying outcomes.
08/03/2023 Virgin Australia flight from Adelaide to Perth forced to make emergency landing as First Officer suffered heart attack 30 minutes after departure on March 3, 2023
08/03/2023 21 year old Twitch star Kyedae Shymko was diagnosed with leukemia - a blood cancer that is skyrocketing among children & young adults
07/03/2023 Japan man who died after COVID shot eligible for gov't relief over 1 yr after application
07/03/2023 Omission Of Children's COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths In Australia Raises Concerns
06/03/2023 Doctors, Scientists Call On Mississippi Officials To Take COVID Vaccines Off The Market
05/03/2023 New Zealand records biggest increase in registered deaths in 100 years.
05/03/2023 Pilots and flight attendants who recently had cardiac arrests in-flight and "died suddenly"
04/03/2023 Private Messages Leaked of A UK Government Official Asking... "When Do We Deploy The New Variant”, Matt Hancock wanted to “deploy” a new Covid variant to “frighten the pants off” the public and ensure they complied with lockdown, leaked messages seen by The Telegraph have revealed.
03/03/2023 COVID Vaccine Creator Found Strangled to Death in His Apartment: Report
03/03/2023 A 37 year old UK mom finds a "lump" after COVID-19 vaccine - it turns out to be a turbo cervical cancer leaving her with months to live
03/03/2023 "Australian COVID-19 pandemic: A Bradford Hill analysis of iatrogenic excess mortality"
02/03/2023 TERRIBLE: Professor “Unexpectedly” DIES One Week After Getting Booster
02/03/2023 50,663 DEAD and 5,315,063 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions
02/03/2023 Pfizer Confirms It Ended COVID-19 Vaccine Pregnancy Trial Early
01/03/2023 Deaths in Singapore hit record 60-year highs after the rollout of covid injections
01/03/2023 Brazilian President And WEF Member Lula Da Silva Pressures Population Into Total COVID Vaccination
28/02/2023 40-Year-Old Pastor Dies Unexpectedly at Gym, Police Say the Manner of Death Was 'Natural'
28/02/2023 CDC Spreads False Information About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring
28/02/2023 31 yr. old pro baseball player, dies suddenly of a "heart attack"
27/02/2023 Over 96 Canadian children ages 2-19 have died suddenly or unexpectedly in the past 3 months - a warning call for Canadian parents.
26/02/2023 2million Excess Deaths are recorded across US, UK, Europe, Canada, Australia & NZ
25/02/2023 Marburg in València
25/02/2023 Pfizer’s Clinical Trial Had More Deaths After Vaccination than Placebo
24/02/2023 Doctors Bristle At New FDA Authority To Ban Off-Label Uses For Drugs
23/02/2023 Canada's youngest athletes, ages 6-13 are dying suddenly: COVID-19 vaccine mandates for children playing sports were a crime
22/02/2023 Youngest Canadian doctor dies suddenly at age 25, was forced to take three COVID-19 vaccines by his Medical School
21/02/2023 Three Teachers at Same North Carolina Primary School Die “Unexpectedly” in Three Months
21/02/2023 Dr. Arne Burkhardt Confirms Sperm Has Almost Entirely Been Replaced By Spike Protein
21/02/2023 Pfizer Knowingly Allowed Dangerous Components In Its Vaccines
21/02/2023 We are experiencing record excess mortality in many countries.
21/02/2023 New Zealand Gov’t Admit COVID Vaccines ‘Dramatically Increase Risk of Death’
21/02/2023 "The Trials Should Have Been Halted": Rate Of 'Serious Adverse Events' Closely Tracks Spike In Post-Vax Disabilities
20/02/2023 Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Associated With Heart Inflammation: Study
19/02/2023 NEWS: 132 Canadian doctors have died suddenly or unexpectedly since COVID-19 vaccine rollout
18/02/2023 Man was screaming for help before death at Gold Coast restaurant
18/02/2023 Trudeau government stopped reporting COVID-19 1st & 2nd booster vaccination data, and deleted it. Are they preparing for a Digital ID?
18/02/2023 ‘A new study has found that people with a university degree were less likely to believe in COVID-19 misinformation and more likely to trust preventive measures than those without a degree.’
(Matthew 11:25)
17/02/2023 Vaccine Adverse Event Reports Soar 1,700% in Florida
17/02/2023 WHO Convenes 'Urgent' Meeting Over Marburg, One Of World’s Deadliest Viruses
(Pandemics with Ebola or Marburg die by themselves as they are too deadly and kill the host before having the time to spread to others, its not possible to have a global pandemic with those diseases.)
17/02/2023 NFL Players' Association Urged To Screen for Heart Issues Over Vaccine Side Effects
17/02/2023 Mainstream Media Continues To Push False 'COVID Heart' Narrative To Explain Excess Deaths
17/02/2023 Vaccine Adverse Event Reports Soar 1,700% in Florida
16/02/2023 New Idaho Bill to Charge Those Who Administer mRNA Vaccines with Misdemeanor
16/02/2023 Japan declare Ivermectin safer than Covid Vaccines
15/02/2023 BREAKING: Australia's drug regulator hid vaccine deaths from the public, concerned that 'disclosure could undermine public confidence'
15/02/2023 Young Mother-of-Three Dies Suddenly At Seven Months Pregnant
14/02/2023 35k dead 64k permanently disabled on VAERS. 95%+ of people don't report because it's a huge pain in the ass and you don't get insurance/medicare payoff. Probably millions dead and permanently disabled.
13/02/2023 Tragedies: Alberta firefighter (age 41) & two RCMP police officers (ages 41 & 52) died suddenly...
13/02/2023 Five Canadian teenagers ages 17-19 died suddenly in their sleep in the past month...
11/02/2023 25-Year-Old Goalkeeper Dies Suddenly Right After Stopping a Penalty Kick
10/02/2023 Unvaxxed teachers in NY are tagged with "problem code" in their personnel file
10/02/2023 Brazilian President Lula says Brazilians can receive financial aid only if they have taken the vax
09/02/2023 Young Australian actress Sariah Saibu suddenly dies
09/02/2023 Maryland Considering Bill That Would Allow The Vaccination Of Children Without Parent's Consent
07/02/2023 Former Georgia Bulldogs Tennis Player Dies Suddenly At 31
07/02/2023 Top Cancer Expert: Aggressive Cancers Appearing After Vaccine Boosters “Not a Coincidence”
06/02/2023 Detroit teen dies in hospital after suffering cardiac arrest playing basketball
04/02/2023 At Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV19 Bioweapon – Dr. Betsy Eads
04/02/2023 Report: Vaccines Have Likely Been Primary Cause of Illness For Past 50 Years
04/02/2023 Japanese Researchers to File Lawsuit Against Japan Government for Covering Up the Side Effects of the COVID Vaccine
04/02/2023 Only 31% of US Population Is Vaccinated for COVID According to Pfizer’s Latest Quarterly Report
(That is great news, 31% of the US population got vaccinated instead of the 70% that the CDC Propaganda report. Sadly it also mean the NWO will move to more gruesome tactics to meet its depopulation goals)
04/02/2023 New Nordic study🇩🇰🇸🇪🇫🇮🇳🇴. 4.8x more cases of post-vaccine myocarditis than post-covid myocarditis. 10x more in 12-24 year olds. 2x as many post-vaccine heart failure diagnoses than post-covid
04/02/2023 UKHSA wanted a Vaccine Supply Manager to deliver UK’s largest Vaccination Programme “delivered at pace”
03/02/2023 The Narrative is Collapsing: Thailand Drops a BOMBSHELL on Pfizer
03/02/2023 La aprobación de la EMA de la vacuna COVID para niños causó un aumento del 698% en el exceso de muertes infantiles
03/02/2023 Pfizer permanently disabled a child in their vaccine trial and called it "abdominal pain."
03/02/2023 Pfizer employee talking about the harmful effects of the vaccine on menstrual cycles
03/02/2023 7% increase in aggregate mortality per covid jab
03/02/2023 MSNBC Anchor Hospitalized With Severe Myocarditis, Pericarditis
02/02/2023 Queensland family in shock as ‘fit and healthy’ 21yo son dies suddenly
02/02/2023 19-year-old Canadian girl dies after taking common abortion pill
02/02/2023 Eminent MIT Professor & expert on drug safety analytics calls for immediate suspension of all covid mRNA vaccines.
02/02/2023 More Than 20,000 Military Members Became Sterile After COVID Vaccination
02/02/2023 CDC Aware Of Reports Of 'Debilitating Illnesses' After COVID-19 Vaccination: Official
02/02/2023 Massive Peer-Reviewed Mask Study Shows 'Little To No Difference' In Preventing COVID, Flu Infection
01/02/2023 High School Senior Basketball Player Collapses From Cardiac Arrest During Game
01/02/2023 Heart, Vein Disease Deaths High In 25-To-44-Year-Olds
31/01/2023 Covid deaths in Canada almost doubled in 2022 with a 85% vaccinated population
31/01/2023 TRAGIC: 6-year-old Anastasia Marie Weaver #diedsuddenly at her home.
29/01/2023 FDA Quietly Changes End Date For Study Of Heart Inflammation After Pfizer COVID Vaccination
29/01/2023 Stevia has long been used as an herbal birth control turned but recently used as a sweetener
29/01/2023 Tens of Thousands of Defibrillators Being Installed in UK Children's Schools
27/01/2023 Cardiologist: Over 7M Americans may have some form of HEART INJURY due to COVID-19 vaccines
27/01/2023 Spanish under-15 football star Estrella Martin found dead
27/01/2023 Children's swimming teacher, 19, dies suddenly after suffering cardiac arrest
27/01/2023 Busted Pfizer R&D Exec Claims He Lied About "Mutating COVID" To "Impress A Date Like Normal People"
27/01/2023 Denmark Plans Mandatory Military Service For Women As NATO Deepens Ukraine Support
(Women in war will lead to huge decrease in newborn babies)
27/01/2023 Heart attacks on dramatic rise for 25-44 age group
26/01/2023 Moderna Announces Development of mRNA Shot to Stop Heart Attacks
26/01/2023 Former Lions linebacker Jessie Lemonier dead at 25: 'Gone far too soon'
26/01/2023 Russia & the WHO: An abusive relationship
26/01/2023 Government of Canada recommends Fluoride Fluoride Fluoride for pregnancy.
25/01/2023 Tributes paid to 'kind and caring' Cheshire woman, 19, after sudden death
25/01/2023 18-Year-Old Freshman Dies Suddenly After Collapsing During Workout
24/01/2023 Massive spike in excess deaths sparks calls for an 'urgent investigation': NHS crisis is blamed for nearly 3,000 more Brits than usual dying each week
24/01/2023 FDA propose switching to annual coronavirus, mimicking flu model
23/01/2023 'Dilbert' Creator Scott Adams Admits Vax Critics Were Right, Still Doesn't Get Why
22/01/2023 Doctor: 50 Million Americans Have Serious Heart Damage Due To COVID “Vaccines”s
21/01/2023 FAA Won't Divulge Data Behind Pilot Heart Arrhythmia Decision
21/01/2023 Prominent CNN Doctor Concedes US Has Been 'Overcounting' COVID-19 Deaths
20/01/2023 73 Million Americans Think They Know Someone Who Died Because of the COVID Jabs [VIDEO]
20/01/2023 Longtime Fox News Channel executive Alan Komissaroff dead at 47
20/01/2023 After Four Shots, COVID Jabs Produced Collapse of Immune System in Mice
19/01/2023 Martha Stewart: ‘Unvaccinated Citizens Should Be Executed’
19/01/2023 Tony Blair at The 2023 World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos: "We're going to have a whole slew of new injectables"
18/01/2023 Utah doctor allegedly destroyed vaccines, gave fake shots to children
18/01/2023 Connecticut bill would let children as young as 12 get vaccines without parental consent
18/01/2023 Medics say that growing numbers of people are asking for transfusions of unvaxxed blood.
17/01/2023 The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. We should be concerned. Very concerned.
17/01/2023 They bribed leaders all over the world to enforce Covid tyranny
17/01/2023 Claire Bridges was a 21 year old model when she received the mRNA vaccine
16/01/2023 Drug insider spills beans: DoD, HHS and Big Pharma committed MASS MURDER with covid “vaccines”
16/01/2023 Mike O’Mara: “I Am Dying. Murdered by Moderna.”
16/01/2023 2-Year-Old Child Dies Suddenly One Day After Receiving Both the COVID Vaccine and Annual Flu Vaccine
16/01/2023 Japan's Experts Baffled By High 'COVID Deaths' Despite High Vaccination Rate
16/01/2023 American Idol contestant CJ Harris dies at age 31: The singer suffered an 'apparent heart attack' in his hometown in Alabama
16/01/2023 Multiple Young Athletes And Former Athletes Died Suddenly This Past Month
15/01/2023 New study confirms that covid vaccines entails more risks than benefits, for younger healthy people. Link in comments.
15/01/2023 BBC Host, Who Was Forced To Get COVID Vaccine, Suffers Massive Stroke at 45
15/01/2023 Fort Bragg quit announcing soldier deaths at the end of July 2021 It’s no wonder. Soldiers were dying there at a rate of 1 every 3 days in August
15/01/2023 “FEMA contacted me to ask me to change the cause of death to Covid so that they could help me financially.”
15/01/2023 CDC Says Stroke Concerns Over Pfizer Jab Warrant Investigation
14/01/2023 'Normalization' Of Emergency Use Authorizations Concerns Health Experts
14/01/2023 COVID Vaccines Are "Obviously Dangerous" And Should Be Halted Immediately, Say Senior Swedish Doctors
14/01/2023 BBC, cardiologyst says that the Vaccines are causing heart attacks
14/01/2023 20 Year Old Colorado College Tennis Player Dies Unexpectedly In His Sleep
14/01/2023 PURE EVIL: The Lula da Silva regime in Brazil forcibly injects its political enemies with deadly covid “vaccines”
13/01/2023 U.S. FDA, CDC see early signal of Pfizer bivalent COVID shot's link to stroke
13/01/2023 18 Year Old Las Vegas High School Student "Suddenly And Unexpectedly" Dies Of Cardiac Arrest After Gym Class
12/01/2023 The FDA no longer requires all drugs to be tested on animals before human trials
12/01/2023 New temporary morgues (in addition to the ones created during c19) are being set up in UK for surge in deaths. Looks like more are dying now than during the height of covid deaths. Link to article in SS.
12/01/2023 Deadline Passes For Pfizer To Submit Results Of Post-Vaccination Heart Inflammation Study To US Regulators
11/01/2023 Air Force Academy cadet dies unexpectedly while headed to class
10/01/2023 Unvaccinated pilots wanted for WEF attendees.
10/01/2023 Las Vegas student collapses in bathroom after PE
10/01/2023 Diamond - of pro-Trump vlogging duo Diamond and Silk - dies aged 51 at her home in North Carolina: Former President leads tributes to one of his biggest cheerleaders saying 'Probably her precious HEART just plain gave out'
09/01/2023 Safe and Effective. Adam Rich, 'Eight is Enough' star, dead at 54.
09/01/2023 Fake pictures of people Dropping in the street in China caused Mass Panic about the virus. Live pictures of fit young athletes dropping on sports fields after the vax? Nothing to worry about apparently.
09/01/2023 Old Dominion Basketball Player Clutches Chest And Collapses Mid-Game
09/01/2023 Canadian Mortality Surge: Year of the "Pandemic" Vs. Year of the "Vaccine"
08/01/2023 The young soccer player Bryan Ruiz, 20, from Aragua FC of the first division of national soccer, died of a heart attack during the New Year celebrations.
07/01/2023 Family's heartache as mother, 30, of five-year-old boy dies suddenly two days after partner asked for her hand in marriage
07/01/2023 US TikTok star dies after video about ‘voices’ in her head going ‘silent’
07/01/2023 BUSTED: Those ‘ER doctors’ on Twitter who claimed hordes of patients were dying from COVID every day were FAKE
07/01/2023 Top Insurance Analyst: High-Vax Regions Show a 15% Higher Mortality Rate in 2022 Than in 2021
07/01/2023 Los Angeles Times Reporter Who Mocked Anti-Vaxxers Dies Suddenly at 33
07/01/2023 James Wells, UK Office for National Statistics whistleblower, reveals the vaccines are causing 10-15% excess mortality in 24-59 year olds, not at particular risk for COVID and heart attacks and heart conditions are behind it.
07/01/2023 Britain’s Chief Oncologist: ‘Turbo-Cancers Appearing After Vaccine Boosters’
07/01/2023 BREAKING: 16-year-old #diedsuddenly while playing flag football. She began having chest problems, went to the sidelines to take a break when she collapsed.
06/01/2023 CDC, NIH, & US Ass. Secretary for Health Blocking the public release of the National Toxicology Program’s report on fluoride’s NEURODEVELOPMENTAL & COGNITIVE HEALTH effects. Emails suggest fluoride has an impact on IQ. Link in SS.
06/01/2023 Ed Dowd Says 7,500 Americans Are Killed or Disabled Each Day from COVID Vaccines
05/01/2023 Can’t Make This Up: 3 Mass. Police Officers ‘Pass Away Suddenly’ in Past 7 Days
05/01/2023 Health Care Workers Cry Foul On FDA Claiming It Didn’t Prohibit Ivermectin For COVID-19
04/01/2023 40% of Chinese infected with Covid in last month
(Chinese people are punished for not submitting to another insane lockdowns leading to their slow and total enslavement, the NWO is running 5G at full blast)
04/01/2023 More Than 270 Sudden Cardiac Deaths in US Athletes After Vaccination: Peer-Reviewed Study
04/01/2023 The TRUTH About Collapsed NFL Player Damar Hamlin
04/01/2023 Top Japanese Physician-Scientist Gives Dire Warning About COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: ‘Scientifically Misconceived’
03/01/2023 Former NFL player who called for COVID jab resisters to be jailed dies suddenly at 38
03/01/2023 Healthy 16 year old HS football player died suddenly on the field. Don't let them gaslight you into thinking this is normal!
03/01/2023 1616 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1114 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
03/01/2023 Former Jacksonville Jaguars guard Uche Nwaneri dies age 38 'from acute heart failure after collapsing at his wife's home' as the NFL side pay tribute to his 'strong bond' with fans
02/01/2023 Japan Launches Official Investigation Into Millions of COVID Vaccine Deaths
02/01/2023 NBA Legend John Stockton Claims 'Thousands' Of Athletes Have Died From The Vaccine
02/01/2023 Latest Rasmussen Reports: ‘Died Suddenly’? More Than 1-in-4 Think Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccines
01/01/2023 Latest Twitter Files Shows That Vaccine Sceptics Including Eminent Doctors Were Supressed
30/12/2022 Ayurveda cures all 65,000 patients of covid in Indian town
30/12/2022 24-Year-Old Flight Attendant at Air Albania Collapses and Dies Suddenly from Heart Attack Shortly After Landing in London
30/12/2022 Vaccinated people are more likely to get COVID than unvaccinated? That is the conclusion of this paper that studied Cleveland Clinic employees. Specifically, people with 3 doses of Pfizer mRNA vaccines were 3x more likely than those with 0 doses. (link in comment)
30/12/2022 Study: Out of 1,006 vaxxed subjects, 94% had abnormal blood and contained self-aggregating metallic particles resembling graphene oxide. Link in SS.
30/12/2022 Tragedy as police in County Durham deal with eight sudden deaths on Christmas Day-if this was normal, it wouldn’t be a headline.
30/12/2022 CDC hides Births/infant Deaths data behind paywall and analyst
29/12/2022 Warning from Ed Dowd: 7,500 Americans are killed or disabled EACH DAY as vax jabs take heavy toll… USA imploding under “decivilization” assault
28/12/2022 Dr. Wilson Chin: Australia physician who faced backlash for injecting kids and causing severe adverse reactions, dies suddenly; plus a second ABC News (USA) producer died suddenly last week
28/12/2022 2 foot long "clot" pulled from a living person is the new normal if you are vaccinated
28/12/2022 Bob Marley’s Fully Jabbed Grandson Dies Suddenly and Unexpectedly at 31
28/12/2022 Teen hockey player dies after suffering stroke caused by rare disorder
28/12/2022 They literally want you fat and dead
27/12/2022 16-Year-Old Hockey Player Dies on Christmas Day After Suffering Multiple Strokes
27/12/2022 Cardiologist who mocked the unvaxxed suddenly dies in his sleep after 3rd jab
26/12/2022 Crematory Overrun In Beijing's Southeastern District, Burning 150 Bodies Daily: Reports
25/12/2022 UFC Hall of Famer Stephan Bonnar Dies Suddenly at 45
25/12/2022 Pre-Covid, me and my beautiful family were fully vaxxed. Covid led me to research vaccine science. This effort transformed my perception of vaccines & revealed decades of corruption in the medical sciences and the vaccination industry.
25/12/2022 Ivermectin Is Safe and Effective: The Evidence
25/12/2022 Vladimir Krcmery, the very first Slovak vaccinated against COVID diessuddenly aged only 62 from heart attack
25/12/2022 George Stephanopoulos’ Producer, Dax Tejera, Dead at 37
23/12/2022 Rapper Big Scarr Dead at 22
23/12/2022 Canadian Government Tells Kids They'll Be On Santa's 'Naughty List' Without COVID Vaccine, Masks
23/12/2022 ABC News Journalist Breaks Her Silence, Reveals She Developed Heart Condition Due to Covid Vaccine
23/12/2022 A billboard somewhere in London
23/12/2022 Dozens Of CCP-Linked Experts, Celebrities, Officials Die During Recent COVID-19 Outbreak
23/12/2022 Dies Suddenly's - Sebastián Pordomingo 34
22/12/2022 Tragedy as five-year-old girl dies suddenly with school pupils offered support
22/12/2022 Dies Suddenly's - Franco Harris plus more
22/12/2022 FDA Reverses Course and Admits Pfizer Vax Causes Blood Clots
21/12/2022 COVID Vaccine linked to over 750k Deaths in 38 Countries & Mass Depopulation according to Government Reports & Pfizer Documents
21/12/2022 Doctors Discover 94% Of the Vaccinated Have Abnormal Blood: Peer-Reviewed Study Reveals Shocking Findings
21/12/2022 Vaxx was cause of death in 30% of those examined, who died shortly after the c19 vaxx. Links in SS.
21/12/2022 Star Of Body-Positivity Show Dead From Heart Failure At Age 37
(The Body-Positivity movement is also part of the depopulation agenda)
20/12/2022 German insurance data shows 88 fully vaccinated people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly every day
20/12/2022 Young Vaccine Injured Man Describes His New Life Of Hell
20/12/2022 Top Australian Doctor Reveals She is Vaccine Injured and Says Doctors Are Being Censored
19/12/2022 Twitter Suppressed Early COVID-19 Treatment Information And Vaccine Safety Concerns: Cardiologist
19/12/2022 New York Times Falsely Reports Percentage Of COVID-19 Deaths
19/12/2022 MP and Cardiologist team up to call for a complete suspension of the mRNA jab - GB News
19/12/2022 mRNA covid injections causing some recipients to experience drastic personality changes: WHY?
18/12/2022 WHO: Vaccine Skeptics Are ‘A Major Killing Force Globally’
18/12/2022 13-Year-Old Football Player Drops Dead During Game in Spain
18/12/2022 FDA Now Says Pfizer’s COVID-19 VACCINE Linked to Blood Clotting
18/12/2022 Canada’s Health Director of Parliamentary Affairs Who Lead Canada’s Response Team to Covid-19 and Vaccine Rollout Dies at 35
18/12/2022 13-Year-Old Football Player Drops Dead During Game in Spain
17/12/2022 US Government Confirms COVID Shots Caused 1433X Increase In Reports Of Cancer To CDC
17/12/2022 7% of vaccinated Americans have suffered major side effects from COVID-19 jab: poll
17/12/2022 14-Year-Old “Fit and Healthy” Child Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Out Biking
17/12/2022 British Olympian Tom Daley’s 31-Year-Old Diving Coach Dies Suddenly from “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”
17/12/2022 The criminals are now destroying evidence
16/12/2022 Former Long Island teacher Laura Parker Russo pleads guilty to lesser charges for injecting teen with COVID vaccine
16/12/2022 Ontario Chief Medical Officer admits that masks have negative consequences, including the viral surge o ratio is currently seeing. Masks cause harm. We’ve said this all along.
16/12/2022 Biden Admin Moves To Make Expired COVID Rules For Health Care Workers Permanent
15/12/2022 People Died From mRNA-Vaccine-Damaged Hearts, New Peer-Reviewed German Study Provides Direct Evidence
15/12/2022 Stephen “tWitch” Boss, Longtime “Ellen” Show DJ, Passes Away at 40
14/12/2022 Hospital injects baby with vaxxed blood, baby dies from blood clots. It gets worse, refer to SS
14/12/2022 Leigh-Ann Dale | Injected, Damaged, & Denied
13/12/2022 FDA Announces Recall of COVID-19 Tests Due to False Results
13/12/2022 Covid: Jack Last died as result of AstraZeneca vaccine – coroner
13/12/2022 “If you are feeling sick, you are sick”, except if you’re feeling sick after a Covid vaccine, that means it’s working, you are fine
13/12/2022 UK Quietly Updated their C19 Vaxx page to include a new warning. Link in SS.
13/12/2022 Official data from Germany shows a +1082% “sudden death” increase in 2021… 2.4x increase in overall deaths
12/12/2022 Imagine being able to see how your blood would react to a Covid-19 vaccine BEFORE you put it inside your body?
12/12/2022 BREAKING: Data of 72 Million Insured Shows “Sudden, Unexpected Deaths Exploded” in Germany Since 2021!
12/12/2022 Thousands more Australians died in 2022 than expected. COVID was behind the majority of them
12/12/2022 25-Year-Old Former Football Player Jake Hescock Dies Suddenly of Cardiac Arrest While Jogging
12/12/2022 China's Top Medical Advisor Says Omicron No More Dangerous Than The Flu
11/12/2022 German Study of Autopsies of People Found Dead at Home following COVID Vaccination
11/12/2022 Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins & WHO Conduct Another Pandemic Simulation With Deadlier Virus That Targets Children
11/12/2022 Drones spray chemicals onto population in China
11/12/2022 Look at the data before the COVID Shot. Why are unvaccinated people so much more healthy than vaccinated ones?
11/12/2022 Second Journalist Dies Suddenly While Covering the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar
11/12/2022 Fauci knew zinc with a zinc ionophore like HCQ or over-the-counter Quercetin absolutely slaughters all RNA viruses, regardless of type/variant because it's a protease inhibitor and blocks the enzyme RNA viruses use to replicate. 100% cure rate if taken within 48 hours. Fauci is a Bill Gates monster
10/12/2022 Long COVID: Over 200 symptoms, and a search for guidance
10/12/2022 Pharma Insider Reveals Irrefutable Evidence of Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DoD, HHS, and Pharma Cartel Via the COVID Injections in New In-Depth Presentation
10/12/2022 Fully vaxxed (with Pfizer) sports journalist Grant Wahl died suddenly of a heart attack during a World Cup match
09/12/2022 Study: India’s 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Caused Approximately 3.7 Million Deaths
09/12/2022 Dr.Vernon Coleman: The Jabbed Are Seriously at Risk of Developing Cancer
09/12/2022 Canadian Mortality Surge: Year of the "Pandemic" Vs. Year of the "Vaccine"
08/12/2022 Woman suddenly drops dead while working out at gym
08/12/2022 Bill Gates Sends $7 Billion to Africa That Will Promote Abortion as Population Control
07/12/2022 New Autopsy Report Reveals Those Who Died Suddenly Were Likely Killed by the Covid Vaccine
07/12/2022 'Sometimes it is very surreal, sometimes it hits me' - Young woman died suddenly at 21 but her choice saved lives
07/12/2022 Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data
05/12/2022 Nonprofit Blood Donation Service Starts Matching Unvaccinated Patients With Donors
05/12/2022 Blood Damage Explains Many Harmful Impacts of COVID “Vaccines”
04/12/2022 CHINA: This Is At The Shanghai Train Station. People Need To Take A PCR Test To Get Out
(There is Graphene on the tip of the PCR test)
03/12/2022 It is getting cold in China and people still have to line up in the snow blizzard for their daily PCR test to keep their QR code green.
03/12/2022 Vaccinated People Make Up Majority Of COVID-19 Deaths: CDC Data
03/12/2022 More deaths among vaccinated Americans not a reason to avoid vaccines, experts say
03/12/2022 Teacher Speaks Out: “I Know 2 Kids Who Died Suddenly in the Last 3 Days”
02/12/2022 TikTok star Megha Thakur, 21, dies 'unexpectedly' just days after posting cryptic message of her walking in New York City: 'You're in charge of your destiny. Remember that'
02/12/2022 Nurse at my local medspa told me she is noticing botox is not working on vaccinated clients. I did some research and it seems many doctors are noticing this as well (study linked)
01/12/2022 Vaccination obligation; fines are coming to no Vax
30/11/2022 “My Boy Is Dead From The Vaccine, F **K YOU!” Angry Dad Tells Weak Soy Boy Trudeau
30/11/2022 Al Roker Hospitalized Again One Day After Release Following Blood Clot Issues. Safe and effective for celebrities, too.
30/11/2022 CDC quietly confirms at least 118k Children & Young Adults have ‘Died Suddenly’ in the USA since the roll-out of the COVID Vaccines
29/11/2022 2nd Grade Student Suddenly Dies, Kids Struggling to Concentrate Post-Vaccination
28/11/2022 'Zombie' Virus Reanimated After 50,000 Years In Siberian Permafrost
27/11/2022 Another Study Finds Heart Inflammation Higher After Moderna Vaccination Versus Pfizer
26/11/2022 Oscar Winning Actor and Singer Irene Cara, Who Got Vaccinated For Her Birthday, Dies Suddenly
25/11/2022 80% of Canadians ignore Trudeau’s request to stay ‘up-to-date’ vaccinated
25/11/2022 Jab Injured Woman Develops Blood Clot In Her Eye, Nerve & Organ Damage & Fertility Issues – Tucker
25/11/2022 Vaxxed and Boosted Al Roker Hospitalized for Blood Clots
25/11/2022 The blood clot commercials are starting sponsored by the CDC.
24/11/2022 52% Increase in Medical-cause Mortality among UK 25-49-year-olds?
24/11/2022 Majority of Covid deaths are among vaccinated Americans for the first time — now that 230million have had at least two shots
24/11/2022 Study finds 'Sudden Death' of Athletes has increased 1700% since COVID Vaccination began
23/11/2022 Vaccinated people make up majority of COVID deaths
23/11/2022 The COVID narrative has been an ‘ecosystem of derision and lies’: Dr. Robert Malone
23/11/2022 Top Virologist Who Voted for Vaccine Mandates Dies ‘Suddenly and Unexpectedly’
23/11/2022 Claire, a 22-year-old yoga teacher shares her emotional testimony on her vaccine injuries. She got her vax bc she was led to believe it was safe for everybody.
23/11/2022 29-Year-Old Yorkshire Rugby Player and Club Captain Dies Suddenly
23/11/2022 California Workers Win $125,000 After Vaccine Discrimination Lawsuit
22/11/2022 Misinformation scares vaxxed people so much, they now develop clots due stress
22/11/2022 "Grade-A Gaslighting": FDA Says Anti-Ivermectin Campaign Was 'Just A Recommendation'
19/11/2022 Group Calls On Authorities To Investigate CDC Over Misinformation About Child COVID Deaths
19/11/2022 Why Africa, which has less than 6% of people vaccinated, is 'least affected' by COVID-19
18/11/2022 Demand for Unvaccinated Blood is Real, Doctors Acknowledge Grumpily
17/11/2022 48,817 Dead and 5,107,883 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions
17/11/2022 Australia sees 63% drop in births after introduction of covid “vaccines” – what will the government’s excuse be?
17/11/2022 Pandemic of the Vaccinated? In NSW Australia, 94% of recent COVID Deaths were Vaccinated, and a Whopping 55% were Boosted with 4-5 doses (based on NSW Govt data)
17/11/2022 Fully Vaccinated Young Adults suffer 73% increase in Heart Attacks & Strokes and 92% higher Mortality Rate compared to Unvaccinated
16/11/2022 EXCESS MORTALITY: Over 2400 Americans are DYING each day following vaccine mandates… Ed Dowd unveils alarming, evidence-based data
16/11/2022 Twitter scrubs footage showing Emergencies Act lawyer COLLAPSE after taking covid jab
16/11/2022 Ernest Ramirez's son died of myocarditis 5 days after taking Pfizer vaxx extremely enlarged heart in autopsy. Ernest was offered money by the US government to shut up. We need Congressional hearings on Pfizer, Moderna, Gates, CDC, Fauci. But Trump loves his vaxx and R's are too scared, weak, corrupt
16/11/2022 The New Normal: 'Fit and Healthy' Nutritionist Faints on Live TV
15/11/2022 Sperm counts worldwide have plunged 62% in under 50 years: study
15/11/2022 Australian Health Officials Reject 3rd COVID Booster for All Ages
15/11/2022 Survey reveals mass mental illness in Gen Z, with 57% of young people now taking medication just to cope
15/11/2022 4-Year-Old Boy Who Was Face of Argentina’s Vaccine Rollout Dies Suddenly
14/11/2022 Australian Bureau of Statistics Shows 72% Drop in Births 9 Months After COVID Shots Started
14/11/2022 Estimated 50 Percent of Americans Now Question Vaccine Safety
13/11/2022 Fully Jabbed British Actress Drops Dead ‘Suddenly and Unexpectedly’
12/11/2022 Health Officials Are Nowhere to Be Found as ‘Silent Health Crisis’ Sweeps Over Europe
12/11/2022 Fully Jabbed Four-Time British Motorcycling Champion Dies Suddenly at 35
12/11/2022 32k vaxx deaths reported on VAERS, 60k permanently disabled. The real numbers are likely 10x or more considering pro-vaxxers don't report and doctors are pressured not to report. Tiffany Dover didn't report.
11/11/2022 Former NFL player Adrian Dingle, who spent five seasons with the San Diego Chargers, dies aged 45 - leaving his fiancee and young family heartbroken
11/11/2022 'We’re Not Permitted To Make The Connection': Social Worker Shares Aftermath Of COVID Vaccine Injury
11/11/2022 Gary Wardlow tributes paid after sudden death of Spa Golf Club PGA Tour professional
11/11/2022 Heartbreak as popular young actress Emily Chesterton dies suddenly of ‘natural causes’
10/11/2022 Globalist-controlled CBC is launching a propaganda campaign to mask children again. They really want that pics to be a permanent reality.
10/11/2022 Pfizer and Moderna in their clinical trials in kids both showed increased RSV infections. But CDC won’t investigate a link.
09/11/2022 Jabbed Lawyer Collapses During Emergencies Act Inquiry in Canada
09/11/2022 Derby County lead tributes after young goalkeeper dies suddenly aged just 18
08/11/2022 Mum suddenly dies at carnival after telling friend that her heart 'feels a bit funny'
07/11/2022 Dr. Pierre Kory: How and Why Pharma Killed Ivermectin
07/11/2022 COVID infection does NOT cause Myocarditis and Pericarditis. This is according to a study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine and involved a whooping ~800,000 people. The COVID-VAX shills lied when they said the injection was better than risking Myocarditis and Pericarditis from COVID-infection.
06/11/2022 Prof. Dolores Cahill: We Are Witnessing the Rollout of Agenda 21’s Depopulation and Undermining of Society
05/11/2022 ‘100% Because of the Vaxx’: Grieving Mother Vows To Bring Justice Following Death of Teen Daughter
04/11/2022 2181% increase in hypertension. 1084% increase in disease of nervous system. 894% increase in malignant neoplasms of esophagus. 680% increase in multiple sclerosis. 624% increase in malignant neoplasms of digestive organs. 551% increase in gullian-barre syndrome. 487% increase in breast cancer.
04/11/2022 50% Of Athletes In The Big 10 Have Had Cardiac Scans & Have Myocarditis Without Symptoms!
03/11/2022 Finland Exposes Massive Covid Reporting Scandal: Nearly 40% of ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Fraudulent
02/11/2022 Scientists worldwide claim all Covid-19 Vaccines contain Nanotechnology & Graphene Oxide
02/11/2022 Oral Surgeon Dies Suddenly and Unexpectedly at 43
02/11/2022 There will be a delay in publishing the next edition of the deaths by vaccination status.
02/11/2022 Military whistleblowers say cancer, miscarriages and heart disease all up 300% following covid injection mandates
02/11/2022 Julie Powell wished death on the Unvaccinated… Then she died ‘suddenly’…
01/11/2022 Military whistleblowers say cancer, miscarriages and heart disease all up 300% following covid injection mandates
01/11/2022 Exposed: Leaked Hospital Email Reveals Explosion of Stillbirths (Video)
01/11/2022 High School Cheerleader Dies of Blood Clot
31/10/2022 They prepping us for Zombies? In a Nice Way, FOX NEWS Tells Us Why Doctors are Baffled by “Walking Dead Syndrome”
30/10/2022 Florida: Infertility, Miscarriages, Cancer, Death, and Hope
30/10/2022 Video: People get inverted cross symbols on foreheads, recite 'Hail Satan' during 'unbaptism' ritual at Pagan Pride Fest
29/10/2022 CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People – Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
29/10/2022 My friend dropped dead of a heart attack last week
29/10/2022 My now 38yr old husband was just told by his cardiologist that his benign myocarditis reaction from Moderna C19 vaccine is now a chronic heart condition. 20% chance of living the next 9yrs.
28/10/2022 Nearly 2 in 10 cows injected with mRNA vaccine DIE almost instantly
28/10/2022 Mailbag Bombshell: The NFL is giving their players IVERMECTIN as a prophylactic AND to prevent “positive” Covid tests
28/10/2022 European Medicines Agency just added heavy menstrual bleeding to mRNA jabs' side effects. Safe and effective BUT can comprise your fertility.
27/10/2022 Democrat Candidate Who Said ‘I Don’t Give a F*** What Happens To Anti-Vaxxers’ Dies Suddenly
27/10/2022 Actor Tim Robbins Just Admitted The Truth About ‘Safe And Effective’ Covid Vaccines: ‘I Bought Into It. I Demonized People. I Was Guilty Of Everything That I Came To Understand Was Not Healthy’
27/10/2022 Small Preprint Study Raises Questions About Benefits Of New COVID Boosters
27/10/2022 Triple Vaccinated More Likely Than Unvaccinated To Get Symptomatic COVID-19: JAMA Study
27/10/2022 'Danger Signal': Leaked Hospital Email Reports Increase In Stillbirths, COVID-19 Vaccine Suspected
26/10/2022 Military Whistleblowers Sound Alarm On 'Devastating' Consequences Of Pentagon’s Vaccine Mandate
25/10/2022 Public Health Scotland Investigates Rise in Neonatal Infant Deaths but Refuses to Check Vaccination Status of Mothers
25/10/2022 Ontario College of Physicians Recommends Drugs & Psychotherapy To Combat Vaccine Hesitancy
25/10/2022 Do You Really Understand Your Risk of Dying From COVID?
25/10/2022 Covid vaccine injury payouts explode to $77 million, budget reveals
25/10/2022 Canadian doctor warns 50% of children who contract myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccines will be DEAD in 5 years
25/10/2022 Alberta premier exploring 'pardons' for COVID-19 related fines and arrests
24/10/2022 Pro-Vaxxer Radio DJ Dies Live on Air During His Morning Show
24/10/2022 Widows suing Inland Empire hospitals for COVID-19 treatments involving Remdesivir
24/10/2022 El Monte Police Chief Dies Unexpectedly from “Health Issues”
24/10/2022 Everyone is experiencing heart damage post an mRNA Covid vaccine (New Swiss study)
24/10/2022 VAERS #1719060 14 year old male had a stroke one day after first dose of pfizer shot, suffered Cerebral Thrombosis
23/10/2022 Dissolving The C19 Technological Weapon - Detoxifying Graphene and Heavy Metals Components
(New age 'doctor', follow at your own risk)
23/10/2022 The Jaffe Memo: How Planned Parenthood revealed their eugenics agenda back in 1969
23/10/2022 Pfizer plans to sell its covid vaccine at a 10,000% markup in 2023
23/10/2022 CDC Director Infected With COVID, Despite Max Vax And Boosters
23/10/2022 Covid poll: A pulse check of Australia as we exit the pandemic
22/10/2022 Toronto City Councilor Dies After Retweet of Bivalent Booster Notice
22/10/2022 Vaccine damaged in Australia
22/10/2022 Pfizer Plans To Hike Price Of US COVID-19 Vaccine By 400%
22/10/2022 Stanford tells doctors to give false information in order to overcome vaccine hesitancy
21/10/2022 3 More COVID Vaccine Injuries Approved For Compensation By US Authorities
21/10/2022 Jill Biden Predicts Wave Of Cancer Diagnoses After COVID-19
20/10/2022 63k people had died within 7 weeks of receiving a Booster COVID Vaccine Dose in England between January & March 2022
20/10/2022 PFIZER CREATOR ADMITS HE AND HIS FAMILY ARE NOT JABBED, “We Don’t use Experimental Substances”
20/10/2022 People Dying in Their Sleep Linked to Vaccines, Explains Dr. Peter McCullough, Cardiologist
20/10/2022 Criminal Insanity: The European Medicines Agency Recommends Approval of COVID Jabs for BABIES
20/10/2022 JUST IN - CDC panel unanimously votes to add COVID-19 mRNA shots to the recommended childhood vaccine schedule in the United States.
19/10/2022 Two top cardiologists implicate COVID vax in all unexplained heart attacks since 2021
19/10/2022 Ireland’s Covid-19 death toll crosses 8,000 - Department of Health
19/10/2022 CDC Advisory Committee Votes Unanimously to Add COVID-19 Vaccines to the Vaccines for Children List
19/10/2022 College football player dies suddenly just before his 19th birthday
18/10/2022 Moderna's CEO admits only the vulnerable need a COVID booster and likens the virus to flu
18/10/2022 Australia Is Now Offering to Pay for Your Funeral if the Forced COVID Jab Kills You
18/10/2022 The CDC will vote Thursday to permanently shield Pfizer and Moderna from COVID vaccine injury liability
18/10/2022 CDC is currently voting on requiring kids to take the Covid mRNA to attend school.
18/10/2022 ACIP committee will likely add the COVID vaccines to the childhood vaccination program on Thursday
18/10/2022 Michael ‘Mikaben’ Benjamin, 41, dies after collapsing on stage in Paris
18/10/2022 Boston University Creates COVID Strain With 80% Mortality In Mice
18/10/2022 The real effects of the vaccine have begun: I’ve gathered 400+ recent posts describing symptoms of prion disease in previously healthy, young individuals. The evidence is all right here—and it’s growing every day.
17/10/2022 Disney Park Charges Unvaccinated Guests More, Offers Discount to Vaccinated Guests to Boost Vaccinations
17/10/2022 Court Orders CDC to Release Data Indicating 18 Million Vaccine Injuries in America
17/10/2022 Young Global Leader says Sputnik V can be modified for "more dangerous" COVID mutations
17/10/2022 Few Getting Updated COVID-19 Boosters Despite White House Pleas
16/10/2022 Kimberly Biss, MD an OB/Gyn explains in her hospital she is seeing a huge rise in infertility and miscarriages as well as a 25% increase in irregular cervical cancer screening
16/10/2022 80 Young Canadian Doctors “Died Suddenly” in Past 2 Years While Fully COVID-19 Vaccinated
16/10/2022 The Millennials, about ages 25 to 40, experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality in the fall, he said, describing it as the “worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.”
15/10/2022 How DARPA and Moderna pioneered the idea behind mRNA vaccines
15/10/2022 Bodybuilder and Fitness Author Doug Brignole Dies Shortley after posting cryptic tweet about the vaccine. Challenge accepted Doug.
15/10/2022 VAIDS Crisis Imminent: Nursing Report from the Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami
15/10/2022 Government reports suggest ‘Covid’ Fake Vaccination is causing Cancer at an unprecedented rate
15/10/2022 Moderna CEO Confirms New mRNA 'Injection' To Repair Heart Muscles After Heart Attack
15/10/2022 Federal Government Extends COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
14/10/2022 Official Government Reports prove Hundreds of Thousands of People Dying every single Week due to COVID-19 Vaccination...
14/10/2022 Within Mere Months, Moderna’s Covid “Vaccine” Efficacy Turns Into AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE
14/10/2022 High school cancels rest of football season due to lack of healthy players
14/10/2022 Babies Born In Lockdown Less Likely To Speak Before First Birthday; New Study Finds
14/10/2022 Shocking ICAN Data Shows that out of 10 million vaccinated users, over 3 Million of them had vaccine adverse health impacts.
13/10/2022 Freshman Benedictine Football Player Suffers Cardiac Arrest and Collapses During Practice
13/10/2022 French President Macron and Most MP's NOT Covid-19 vaccinated.
12/10/2022 Big pharma has now a never ending revenue stream by making the problem and its solution. This has been their operating model for decades. It has to stop.
12/10/2022 FDA prohibit NAC in Amazon despite being safe to use
12/10/2022 Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Turns Negative Within Months: Study
12/10/2022 Lockdowns and mask mandates stunted babies' development: They weren't able to socialize or read facial expressions
12/10/2022 Rochelle Walensky bald-faced lied to the people about the safety of the COVID vaccines for children. Zero healthy kids have died from COVID. Hundreds to thousands have died from the vaccine. Rochelle Walensky should be on trial for criminally negligent manslaughter, and the CDC should be abolished
12/10/2022 Massive increase in child mortality in Denmark. Experts are puzzled.
12/10/2022 China Gives Clearest Sign Yet It Will Stick With Zero-COVID Strategy
(China stick on killing its citizens)
11/10/2022 Increase in cancer cases everytime younger
11/10/2022 Martine McCutcheon ‘heartbroken forever’ after brother dies ‘suddenly’ aged 31 just weeks before getting married
11/10/2022 Feds Cooked Up Detailed Propaganda Plan to Push COVID Shots, Documents Reveal
11/10/2022 Mayo clinic “debunked myths” section still says “ The vaccine is 100% effective in preventing COVID-19 in children ages 12–15”. Why aren’t they banned for misinformation?
11/10/2022 Pfizer director admits: The Vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission.
10/10/2022 21-Year-Old York College Soccer Player Found Dead in His Dorm Room
10/10/2022 CDC Officials Concealed Millions of Adverse Events Reported to CDC V-Safe System Following Covid Jabs
10/10/2022 Insurance company finds triple-vaxxed more likely to get COVID than unvaxxed
10/10/2022 The FDA Misled the Public About Ivermectin and Should Be Accountable in Court, Argues the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)
10/10/2022 Myocarditis in Children Post-Vaccination – A Video to Share with Every Parent
10/10/2022 Florida's top doctor says men aged 18-39 should NOT get a COVID vaccine because the jab 'raises risk of cardiac death by 84%'
09/10/2022 247% Increase in Cardiac-Related Deaths after the Vax
08/10/2022 Florida Recommends Against mRNA Vaccination for Males Aged 18-39 Due to 84% Increase in Heart Death Risk
08/10/2022 Michigan coach and ex-NFL running back Mike Hart, 36, is rushed to hospital after suffering a 'seizure' on sidelines during live TV game against Indiana: Distraught players are seen in tears as he is carted off to ambulance
08/10/2022 Illinois congressman reveals teen daughter’s cause of death
08/10/2022 Florida Surgeon General: Covid mRNA vaccine found to cause 84% increase in death for men ages 18-39 (Post Millennial)
08/10/2022 CDC: Record Number Of Children Hospitalized With Weakened Immune Systems
08/10/2022 Florida study shows mRNA COVID vaccines kill kids
07/10/2022 Israeli Report: “The mRNA Experimental Vaccine from Pfizer Killed “About 40 Times More (Elderly) People Than the Disease Itself Would Have Killed” During a Recent Five-week Vaccination Period”
07/10/2022 FDA, CDC Urge All Adults to Get 5th COVID Shot Despite No Safety or Efficacy Data
07/10/2022 More Women Than Men Reported Injuries After COVID Vaccine, V-safe Data Show
07/10/2022 Following COVID vaccine rollout, America saw 33,800% increase in AIDS-associated diseases
07/10/2022 WWE star Sara Lee dead at 30. Tributes pour in from stars
07/10/2022 Highest vaccinated continent Europe goes through Covid wave yet again while the least vaccinated continent Africa has no virus.
07/10/2022 Hundreds Of Thousands Of Americans Sought Medical Care After COVID-19 Vaccination: CDC Data
07/10/2022 Newly Obtained Emails Shed More Light On CDC's False Vaccine Safety Monitoring Statements
06/10/2022 NOT a vaccine: Pfizer’s own data shows that covid jabs produce NEGATIVE efficacy within 30 days
06/10/2022 Shocking trove of HHS records reveals most aggressive vaccine propaganda campaign EVER: Screenwriters, comedians, church leaders, black doctors and influencers all PAID OFF to pimp the vax
06/10/2022 Your friendly neighborhood PFIZER-MAN: US pharma giant partners with Marvel to create comic that urges people to get their Covid vaccine and be an 'everyday hero'
05/10/2022 CDC confirms USA suffered 338x increase in reports of AIDS-associated Diseases & Cancers in 2021 following COVID Vaccine roll-out
05/10/2022 Vaccinated Populations Suffering Strange New Illness, Doctors Report Foreign Compounds Found In Vaccines
05/10/2022 Babies are DYING after drinking breast milk from “fully vaccinated” moms
04/10/2022 Researchers Use GMO Mosquitoes to Vaccinate Humans in NIH-Funded Malaria Study
04/10/2022 CDC Data & Scientific Study suggest 1.2 million Americans may already have died due to COVID Vaccination
04/10/2022 Denmark Bars Most People Under 50 from COVID Vaccine. UK and Sweden Protect Children.
03/10/2022 Denmark Bars Most People Under 50 from COVID Vaccine. UK and Sweden Protect Children.
03/10/2022 Sweden Stops Recommending COVID-19 Vaccines For Children
03/10/2022 Russia begins vaccinating mobilized citizens, Evading mobilization (and mandatory vaccination) could lead to 10 years in prison
02/10/2022 Arizona Cardinals' J.J. Watt self-reports irregular heart beat, plans to play Sunday
02/10/2022 Ivermectin actually "saving lives", was never the goal. Or ivermectin and any other well researched drugs would have been tested and peer reviewed months into the pandemic. Banning actual science should have been the give away to anyone who can think.
02/10/2022 Peer-Reviewed: 94 Percent of Vaccinated Patients With Subsequent Health Issues Have Abnormal Blood, Italian Microscopy Finds
02/10/2022 Pfizer CEO Bails On EU Testimony After Report Highlights 'Secretive' Vaccine Deal
02/10/2022 mRNA spike protein found in the brain of a man who died just three weeks after his third jab.
02/10/2022 FDA Withholding Autopsy Results On People Who Died After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines
01/10/2022 MSNBC depicts CDC director Rochelle Walensky as BLACK, using bizarre skin color alteration on live TV
01/10/2022 Pfizer hired an army of full-time employees to deal with adverse effect reporting from their death jab.
01/10/2022 Pakistani cricketer Shehzad Azam Rana died suddenly aged 36 following cardiac arrest
01/10/2022 Doctor claims 50% of Children who suffer Myocarditis due to COVID Vaccination will be dead within 5 years
01/10/2022 Experts estimate 20 million are already dead due to COVID Vaccination & over 2 billion injured
30/09/2022 Investigation into spikes in newborn baby deaths in Scotland
30/09/2022 20 year old girl dies one day after getting vaccine from cardiac arrest.
30/09/2022 Another victim of long covid. RIP Tiffany Dover
30/09/2022 FDA Withholding Autopsy Results on People Who Died After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines
29/09/2022 Argentina: Adolescent sterilization: the Ministry of Health promotes vasectomy and tubal ligation from the age of 16
29/09/2022 Russia reports 37,286 new daily COVID-19 cases, 106 deaths
29/09/2022 CDC in 2017: "Ideally treatment should be initiated within 48 hours of symptom onset." We knew at the start of the pandemic that zinc kills all RNA viruses especially when used with a zinc ionophore (HCQ). Every doctor who treated early with that saw 100% cure rate. Fauci/CDC never even mentioned it
29/09/2022 Canadian Actress Jennifer Gibson In Video Telling Audience She Was Severely Injured From Covid Jabs
28/09/2022 Three Jamaican school teachers die in three days, as Jamaican government continues lauding, encouraging the injections
28/09/2022 National School Lunch Testing for Glyphosate, Pesticides, Heavy Metals, Hormones, Veterinary Drugs, and Nutrients Revealed
28/09/2022 Covid vaccination linked to slight increase in menstrual cycle, NIH study confirms
28/09/2022 Joe Biden: "A vital part of preparing for hurricane season is to get vaccinated now. Everything is more complicated if you're not vaccinated in a hurricane when a natural disaster hits."
28/09/2022 Famous Pro-Vaccine Doctor Suspects Pfizer Booster Shot Sent His Cancer Into Overdrive
28/09/2022 Hydroxychloroquine blocks SARS-CoV-2 entry into the endocytic pathway in mammalian cell culture
28/09/2022 Heartland star Robert Cormier dies suddenly aged 33
27/09/2022 The Flu Disappeared in 2020, but Not the Flu Shot – 20,000 Injuries and Deaths from Flu Shot as Children are Passing Out Minutes After Receiving COVID Shot + Flu Shot Together
27/09/2022 New Study Reveals Trace Amounts Of COVID Vaccine mRNAs Found In Breast Milk
26/09/2022 New Peer Reviewed Study Calls For Pause & Reappraisal of Global COVID-19 Vaccination
26/09/2022 Get vaxed against COVID-19 to prevent hair loss
26/09/2022 1354 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 922 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
25/09/2022 FDA advisor and vaccine maker Paul Offit: “A healthy young person is unlikely to benefit from a booster dose… If there’s not clear evidence of benefit, then it’s not fair to ask people to take a risk.”
24/09/2022 Pfizer CEO tests positive for COVID for a second time
23/09/2022 1.4 Million Adverse Events After COVID Vaccines Reported to VAERS, Canadian Woman Dies 7 Minutes After Bivalent Booster Shot
23/09/2022 Switzerland Mulls 'Gender-Neutral' Compulsory Military Service For Women
(Eugenics, sending women to war is the best way to reduce population)
21/09/2022 A box of 200 mosquitoes did the vaccinating in this malaria trial. That's not a joke!
20/09/2022 Edward Dowd Shares Data Findings By Team Showing Harmful Effects Of COVID Jabs
20/09/2022 Doctor Reveals: 'People Who Receive Covid 'Vaccines' Are 4x More Likely to Get Covid', 95% of People in ICU are Fully 'Vaccinated' (Interview)
20/09/2022 Something Terrible is Unfolding: Europe Records 53000 Excess Deaths in July
20/09/2022 STD epidemic in US is ‘out of control,’. Syphilis and HIV on the rise and 1.6 million chlamydia cases reported in 2021. Anyone else putting the dots together?
20/09/2022 Fauci knew Vitamin D increased survival rate. He even took it himself. Studies show 95-100% of COVID deaths were those deficient in Vitamin D. Elderly don't produce as much vitamin D. Yet Fauci mentioned vitamin D one time throughout the entire 2 year pandemic. And only when he was asked. Sick, evil
19/09/2022 Woman’s Brain Inflammation Caused by Moderna COVID Vaccine, Authors of Case Study Conclude
19/09/2022 Study Prepared for the Liberal Party of Canada Finds Covid-19 Vaccines Not 100% Effective; 6 Times More Vaccinated People are in ICU and 5 Times More are Hospitalized.
19/09/2022 The study led by Japanese scientists published in 2009 imply multiple jabs WILL fuck you up.
19/09/2022 Covid - an MD, internist and epidemiologist, testifies under oath and ALL vaccines mandates should be stopped immediately and ALL VACCINES be PULLED from the market. The evidence is clear - the vaccines are killing people.
18/09/2022 Canada Purges the Evidence That More Shots Are Leading to MORE Death
18/09/2022 Safe and effective BUT can kill you within 15 minutes
19/09/2022 UK government halts rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5-11 after a 22% increase in deaths in this age group since the NHS started vaccination
18/09/2022 Update on Canadian Doctors Dying Suddenly: "32 Doctors. ALL DEAD In 6 to 8 weeks"
18/09/2022 EU forced to begin Europe-wide Investigation into 700% to 1600% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA approved COVID Vaccine for Kids thanks to Exclusive Investigation carried out by The Exposé
18/09/2022 The UK Gov. quietly published reports confirming the Triple Vaccinated account for 91% of COVID Deaths throughout 2022 & there have been over 24k “unexplained” Excess Deaths since April
16/09/2022 Excess mortality hits +16%, highest 2022 value so far
16/09/2022 Embalmer Sounds Alarm: Massive Increase in Strange Blood Clots and Cancer, 'It’s not Normal, It’s Drastic'
16/09/2022 COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for Young Adults: A Risk-Benefit Assessment and Five Ethical Arguments against Mandates at Universities
15/09/2022 Dr. Zelenko on Alex Jones said that after he presented his 100% cure rate early treatment protocol of zinc+HCQ to Trump administration it was Rick Bright of the Rockefeller Foundation who crushed it
15/09/2022 Heart attacks are becoming common in women under 50, and even the experts cant figure out why
14/09/2022 CDC now says covid jabs causing myocarditis isn’t “misinformation” after all, after YEARS of Big Tech censorship for those who said it first
13/09/2022 US Army Surgeon testified that Jabbed personnel developed severe nerve damage, literally grounding them! (Meanwhile even Religious exemptions from mark were denied)
13/09/2022 Study Confirms Vaccine-Linked Myocarditis Deaths for First Time
13/09/2022 CDC Director Admits Agency Gave False Information on COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring
13/09/2022 FDA Refuses To Provide Key COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Analyses
13/09/2022 1323 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 900 Dead, After COVID Injection
12/09/2022 Peer-Reviewed Study: 94% Of Vaccinated Patients With Subsequent Health Issues Have Abnormal Blood
12/09/2022 Court Orders Bill Gates, Indian Government to Respond to Lawsuit Filed by Family of Woman Who Died After AstraZeneca Vaccine
12/09/2022 Hollywood Makeup Artist Dead 9 Days After Monkeypox Vaccine
12/09/2022 CDC survey finds that more than half of all babies, toddlers suffer a “systemic reaction” following covid injection
11/09/2022 Australia Gov finally admits Depopulation or "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome". Hug me, fellow redditors. Depopulation is coming. Hope the Antidote is available soon
11/09/2022 International Medical Crisis Declared Due to Unprecedented Illnesses and Deaths from Covid Vaccines
11/09/2022 Deaths are Soaring in Highly Vaccinated Victoria, Australia
10/09/2022 USAF: Cell Towers Cause Cancer
10/09/2022 ‘Unethical’ and up to 98 Times Worse Than the Disease: Top Scientists Publish Paradigm-Shifting Study About COVID-19 Vaccines
10/09/2022 400 Doctors and Professionals Declare International Medical Crisis Due to Covid Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
10/09/2022 This is how it's going to be from now on. NY declared a state of emergency to increase vaccination.
09/09/2022 Deaths are soaring in one of the world's most highly mRNA vaccinated areas
08/09/2022 1249 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, with 847 Dead, Post-Covid Injection
08/09/2022 New Ivermectin Study Demonstrates 92 Percent Reduction in COVID-19 Mortality Rate
08/09/2022 Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Responce: "I really believe this is why God gave us two arms, one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot"
06/09/2022 SADS: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” Explodes as Young and Healthy Adults Die Following COVID Vaccine Mandates
06/09/2022 Australian Pilots speak out about vaccine-induced injuries and 111 deaths since 2021
05/09/2022 New Research Shows Strange Bodily Phenomenon Beginning In 2020
05/09/2022 Anti-vax Olympic gold medalist Szilveszter Csollany dies of Covid, aged 51 shortly after getting vaccinated
05/09/2022 Los Angeles County’s chief medical officer accidentally Tweets the truth. Don’t worry he deleted the tweet…
05/09/2022 Football club bans all VACCINATED players claiming they lose strength in an interesting move that is widely condemned.
05/09/2022 VAERS Reports of Sudden Death After COVID Vaccines Versus All Other Vaccines Combined Since 1991
05/09/2022 China approves world’s first inhalable Covid-19 vaccine in history
05/09/2022 Pandemic of the Vaccinated? In NSW Australia, 93% of recent COVID deaths were Vaccinated, and a Whopping 86% of those deaths were Boosted with 3-5 doses (based on NSW Government data)
05/09/2022 Reports of Myocarditis/Pericarditis After COVID Vaccines Versus All Other Vaccines Since 2010
04/09/2022 NIH study reveals COVID-19 vaccines potentially linked to neurological-based injury
04/09/2022 Facebook blocks #diedsuddenly hashtag
04/09/2022 After destroying American society, the CDC admits natural immunity works better than COVID jabs
04/09/2022 Data For Newly Authorized COVID-19 Boosters Based On Mice, Not Humans
03/09/2022 FDA authorize a new covid vaccine for omnicron but without data from tests in people
03/09/2022 Superfit Scots Doctor, 46, Dies After Heart Attack While Swimming
03/09/2022 Ivermectin reduces COVID death risk by 92%, peer-reviewed study finds
02/09/2022 Over 1,000 Reports of Adverse Events After COVID-19 Vaccination in Toddlers, Babies
02/09/2022 Young people in Portugal are dying at unprecedented levels, and no one seems to know, or care, why
02/09/2022 Vaccines may be needed every 90 days, federal advisory committee claims
01/09/2022 British women’s club in mourning after young footballer’s “unexpected and sudden” death
01/09/2022 Canadian junior hockey captain dies during tournament game
01/09/2022 Vaccines are taking an average of 5 months to kill people
01/09/2022 NIH website adds Ivermectin as Covid treatment
01/09/2022 20 year athletes are not supposed to die in mid - game, unless vaxxed.
31/08/2022 New ivermectin study shows 92% lower chance of COVID death
31/08/2022 Honest surgeon & professor terminated for advocating in favor of informed consent
31/08/2022 Delaware MD, 53, Died Suddenly and Unexpectedly on Vacation with Family
31/08/2022 Myocarditis Risk 84x Higher Than Expected, After MRNA Vaccin
31/08/2022 Europe Records a 691% Increase in Excess Deaths Among Children Since Approval of Covid Vaccine
31/08/2022 Regular Use of Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID-19 Led Up to a 92% Reduction in COVID-19 Mortality Rate in a Dose-Response Manner: Results of a Prospective Observational Study of a Strictly Controlled Population of 88,012 Subjects
29/08/2022 An International Group of Scientists Find Twelve Brands of Covid Injections Contain Hydrogel and Reduced Graphene Oxide
29/08/2022 Covid “Vaccines” Destroying Human Fertility
29/08/2022 Mike Adams Reports that His Lab Found Trace Amounts of Industrial Metals in Covid ‘Vaccines’
29/08/2022 Second death confirmation rocks 2022 Comrades: 'Two deaths are two too many'
29/08/2022 Women who are pregnant or l breastfeeding should not be vaccinated. These are the latest conclusions of health authorities in the UK. Not safe nor effective.
29/08/2022 Experts ‘Baffled’ As 30 Young, Healthy Fully Jabbed Doctors Suddenly Drop Dead
29/08/2022 Official Government reports prove COVID-19 Vaccination is causing mass Depopulation & Confidential Pfizer Docs. prove your Government knew it would happen
29/08/2022 CDC mortality data for US shows 10-20% increase in deaths and death rates for working age people from 2020 (no vaxx) to 2021 (vaxx mandates).
28/08/2022 Myocarditis Up 2800%: Army Veteran Pam Long Lists Alarming Numbers From the DMED Data Base : Myocarditis - Up 2800%, Cancers - Up 300% to 900%, Infertility (Both Genders) - Up 500% Miscarriages - Up 300% Neurological Disorders - Up 1000% Demyelinating Disorders - Up 1000%
28/08/2022 Over 30 deaths of young, healthy Canadian doctors cannot be explained any other way than they were killed by the vaccine
27/08/2022 The USDA is sprinkling fish-flavored vaccines from the sky to fight rabies
26/08/2022 The British Government Has Begun Paying $140,000 for COVID-19 Vaccine Damage Victims.
26/08/2022 Canadian professor: I was fired for saying healthy children don't need COVID jabs
26/08/2022 "I’m announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees, that together employ over 80 million workers, to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week." - Joe Biden 2021
26/08/2022 Finally, C19 Injection Poisonous Metal Nanoparticle Ingredient Discussions Are Exploding
26/08/2022 Government data reveals 254 million “Vaccine Refuseniks” across USA & UK as 3 in every 5 people refuse a single or further dose of the Covid-19 "Vaccine"
25/08/2022 Massive Increase in Deaths Following Covid Vax Confirmed by Major Insurance Report
25/08/2022 Nearly 300 COVID vaccine-injured people told to get second shot in Sask
25/08/2022 Notorious pro-vaxxer, Dr John Campbell finally joins the throng of truthers censored by Big Tech.
25/08/2022 Virologist dead at the young age of 32.
25/08/2022 WHO Attempts to Change Definition of Herd Immunity, Are Caught, Then Goes Back To the Original Definition In December 2020
25/08/2022 Dr. Leana Wen just completely reversed her stance on masking because her 5 year old son is now harmed developmentally.
24/08/2022 The world’s population is likely to halve by 2100
23/08/2022 Why did Deaths among Female Children increase by 57% immediately after they were offered the Covid-19 Vaccine?
23/08/2022 "unknown causes" is now the number one cause of death
23/08/2022 ‘Perplexing’: German Scientists Find ‘Toxic Components’ In Covid Vaccines NOT Listed in Ingredients
23/08/2022 Mountain Biker Rab Wardell, 37, Dies of Heart Attack in Sleep
23/08/2022 The original name of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is “Institute for Population Control”
22/08/2022 Western University mandating COVID-19 vaccine booster dose, masks in return to campus
22/08/2022 Moderna to Supply 12M Doses of Omicron-Adapted COVID-19 Booster To Canada
22/08/2022 Zero barrier has officially been crossed in the UK. All-cause mortality rates are now higher among the vaccinated then the unvaccinated, despite most vaccinated people having supposedly the best (hybrid) immunity.
22/08/2022 Canada buys up millions more doses of Moderna’s bivalent COVID-19 vaccine
22/08/2022 Chinese City Testing Fish For COVID
21/08/2022 Don't worry, y'all. It's ONLY 1 in 6 teens developing heart problems from Pfizer jabs not 1/3. All good!
21/08/2022 Lockdown-Effects Could Now Be Killing More People Than COVID; Report
20/08/2022 16-Year-Old Dies Suddenly After Suffering Cardiac Arrest While Playing Frisbee with Family Members
20/08/2022 Fit and healthy Kiwis dying unexpectedly from mysterious adult condition
20/08/2022 Trudeau's Assisted Dying Laws Echo Nazi-Era Euthanasia Policies
20/08/2022 Canadian Government Offers Veteran Struggling With PTSD Assisted Suicide Instead of Help (Video)
18/08/2022 “Everybody Who Got the Shot Was Given Some Form of AIDs” - Insurance Company CEO (Video)
18/08/2022 Rock singer dies because of AZ vaxx.
18/08/2022 Australian Government has admitted there have been at least 79.000 Side effects from the COVID-19 Vaccine and is now offering compensation for those seriously injured. (as much as 600k for severe injuries).
18/08/2022 10,000 people A DAY being killed by covid vaccines; worldwide fatalities likely larger than the HOLOCAUST
18/08/2022 Some vaccinated people start suffering from alopecia
17/08/2022 White House Orders 171 Million Doses of “New” Boosters for the Pro-Vaxxers Still Alive as COVID-19 Vaccine Market Dwindles
17/08/2022 'Vaccine Injury': 22-Year-Old Firefighter Paralyzed Since Receiving Second Pfizer Injection (Video)
17/08/2022 Heartbreak as school basketball coach Tyler Edwards, 27, dies of suspected cardiac arrest
17/08/2022 British doctor discussing on national television last night that the 95% claim by Pfizer was actually 0.84%.
16/08/2022 Hundreds of thousands reportedly dying WEEKLY from Pfizer’s covid injections – PfizerGate continues
16/08/2022 Quebec will offer 5th dose of COVID-19 vaccine to all adults as of Aug. 29
15/08/2022 26-Year-Old Neurosurgery Resident Dies in July, Making Seven Canadian Doctors to Die in Two Weeks
15/08/2022 Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm 82-97% of COVID Vaccinated Pregnant Women sadly lost their Baby during Trial
15/08/2022 Chile Has One of The Highest Covid Vaccination Rates in The World; It Also Has 95% ICU Bed Occupancy and High Excess Mortality
15/08/2022 Birthrates worldwide dropping
14/08/2022 Around 30% of young people who get jabbed for COVID suffer heart damage, study finds
13/08/2022 CBS Mornings Blames Climate Change for the Increasing Number of Fat Kids (VIDEO)
13/08/2022 Germans Must Receive Covid Booster Every 3 Months to Qualify as 'Vaccinated' (Video)
13/08/2022 The new CDC guidance, "Unvaccinated people now have the same guidance as vaccinated people" - acknowledges there never was a "vaccine."
13/08/2022 CDC is quietly deleting misleading information from their website. The following statement was removed from their website between July 16th and July 22nd: “The mRNA and the spike protein do not last long in the body.”
11/08/2022 WEF Advisor Says Global Elite ‘Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’ to Live
11/08/2022 Govt Database Reveals 10,000% Increase in Cancer Reports Linked to COVID Vaccines
10/08/2022 Denmark bans COVID vaccines for children
10/08/2022 Vax*es STOPPED For children by Danish Health Ministry
09/08/2022 Ottawa detective faces misconduct charges for seeking link between child deaths and Covid-19 vaccine
09/08/2022 1 in every 246 Vaccinated People has died within 60 days of Covid-19 Vaccination in England according to UK Government
08/08/2022 Aussie Doctor Risks Medical License to Tell the Truth About COVID Vaccine Injuries and Deaths: Crashes AMA Meeting Confronting Top Chief Medical Officer
07/08/2022 OSU Medical Student, 27, Collapses Near End of Bike Ride, Dies
07/08/2022 US Life Insurance Companies Reveal Overwhelming Unexplained Increase In All-Cause Death!!
07/08/2022 31-Year-Old British Actor Suddenly Dies While Traveling Abroad in California
06/08/2022 President leads tributes to Tipperary hurler Dillon Quirke who died after collapsing during match
06/08/2022 CDC admits it never monitored VAERS for covid vaccine safety signals
06/08/2022 CDC Claims Link Between Heart Inflammation And COVID-19 Vaccines Wasn't Known For Most Of 2021
06/08/2022 THIRTEEN Canadian Doctors Have Died Suddenly, Says Dr. William Makis
06/08/2022 Lewis demands answer on Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
06/08/2022 Father of child who developed myocarditis after the Covid-19 vaccine calls the pharmacy that administered it
05/08/2022 Gov’t database reveals 10,000% increase in cancer reports due to COVID vaccines
05/08/2022 Top 10 “aliases” for vaccine-induced injuries blamed on COVID
05/08/2022 With over 96% of the adult population fully vaccinated and 70+% boosted, Australia has just set a new record for COVID deaths Imagine if the media was interested in covering this instead of promoting "experts" and politicians blaming surges on the "unvaccinated"
05/08/2022 "Let's be very clear: 50% of the people who died from the omicron surge were older, vaccinated." - Dr. Deborah Birx, former CDC and COVID Expert
05/08/2022 US Declares Monkeypox Public Health Emergency
03/08/2022 Family of 27-Year-Old Who Died After AstraZeneca Shot Weighs Legal Action
03/08/2022 Japanese Surgeon Calls for Suspension of COVID Boosters
03/08/2022 COVID Vaccine Injuries Quietly Being Compensated Around The World
03/08/2022 now you need to get a booster every 3 months to count as fully vaccinated in germany.
03/08/2022 Australian Government has admitted there have been at least 79.000 Side effects from the COVID-19 Vaccine and is now offering compensation for those seriously injured (as much as 600k for severe injuries).
02/08/2022 COVID Vaccines Can Reactivate Chickenpox that Looks Like Monkeypox
02/08/2022 UK Government confirms Fully Vaccinated Young Adults are 92% more likely to die than Unvaccinated Young Adults
01/08/2022 Woman Feels ‘Like the Walking Dead’ After COVID Vaccine Injuries
01/08/2022 Young Woman Injured by Gardasil HPV Vaccine Sues Merck: ‘I Don’t Want This Pain for Other Kids’
31/07/2022 Zogby: Many who got COVID shots diagnosed with brand-new condition
31/07/2022 Why brutal Covid lockdowns and addictions to TikTok are driving mystery illnesses in teenage Aussie girls - as parents fear the worst over uncontrollable 'tics'
31/07/2022 Colombia's most beloved popular singer Darío Gomez has died suddenly and unexpectedly of cardiac arrest. He told his brother that he had been very sick after the third covid vaccine shot as reported by Semana magazine.
30/07/2022 Athlete Deaths are 1700% higher than expected since COVID Vaccine roll-out
30/07/2022 COVID Vaccine Injuries Quietly Being Compensated Around the World, Are You Eligible?
30/07/2022 World Council For Health Calls for Immediate Recall of All COVID-19 Vaccines
30/07/2022 Five physicians - four 50 or younger - have died in the Toronto area in the last two weeks
30/07/2022 Athlete Deaths are 1700% higher than expected since COVID Vaccine roll-out
30/07/2022 World Council For Health Calls for Immediate Recall of All COVID-19 Vaccines
30/07/2022 Rhode Island, a state with a 1-dose vaccination rate of 99%, has more covid deaths than Nigeria, a country with 206x the population and a vaccination rate of 17%
29/07/2022 Australian Excess Deaths continue to mount up
29/07/2022 WARMINGTON: Triathlete, 27, becomes 5th GTA doctor to die in July
29/07/2022 Health Care Workers Who Sued Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Win $10 Million Settlement
29/07/2022 Mom Sues Los Angeles School District after 13-Year Old Son Was Vaxxed Without Her Consent
29/07/2022 Doctor who cheered ‘No Jab, No Job’ suffers sudden heart attack
28/07/2022 Birthrate collapsing worlwide
28/07/2022 WHO calls for ‘sex lockdown’ to battle Monkeypox outbreak
(It would be eugenicist if they extend the sex lockdown between men and women too. Anyway it is a invasion of privacy by a non-elected supra-national entity)
28/07/2022 Member Of European Parliament Labels COVID Vaccine Coercion "Worst Crime Ever Committed On Humanity"
28/07/2022 Doctor Announces $25 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against Houston Methodist Following Suspension
28/07/2022 CDC issues alert after potentially deadly bacteria found in US soil for first time
27/07/2022 Novavax Vaccine Contains 1 mcg Armyworm and Baculovirus Proteins Injected into you with Each Dose
27/07/2022 Drive-thru monkeypox vaccinations start in New York
27/07/2022 “Unknown” category is now #1 for deaths in Alberta, Canada
26/07/2022 Exposed: WHO’s Gangster and Dictator Dr. “Tedros the Terrorist” Adhanom Gebreyesus
26/07/2022 Doctor Files $25 Million Lawsuit Against Houston Hospital For Smearing Her As ‘Dangerous’ Over Views on Ivermectin, Vaccine Mandates
26/07/2022 Up to 300,000 Brits are unaware they may have potentially deadly heart condition… and many people have no symptoms at all
25/07/2022 COVID Jabs Impact Both Male and Female Fertility
24/07/2022 “Monkeypox” is only circulating in countries where the Pfizer Vaccine has been distributed
24/07/2022 Israel Caught Concealing Children’s Vaccine Injuries
24/07/2022 Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Goes into Liver and Changes into DNA, Swedish Study Finds
24/07/2022 WHO's Tedros Overrules Own Committee To Declare Monkeypox "Global Emergency"
23/07/2022 Vaccinated population accounts for 92% of COVID-19 deaths in Canada
23/07/2022 CDC Caught Deleting 6,000 COVID Vaccine Deaths From VAERS Website, Report Says
23/07/2022 Ontario Hospital rolls out 4th dose for Employees and 3 Doctors die within days
22/07/2022 New study shows ivermectin can reduce chance of death by 92%
22/07/2022 Husband of BBC Radio presenter Lisa Eve releases her death certificate to mixed reaction
22/07/2022 WAYNE ROOT: 33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago. All 33 Vaxxed. A “Vaccine Death & Disease Cluster.”
22/07/2022 Anniken Jørgensen: 25-year-old Norwegian beauty entrepreneur suffers menstrual bleeding everyday for a year since her second Pfizer mRNA injection
22/07/2022 Tragedy as ex-Denver Broncos offensive linesman dies at just 35 after going into cardiac arrest on a run
22/07/2022 Triple-Vaxxed Kids in England 137 Times MORE LIKELY to Die From Covid-19 Than Unvaxxed Children – Report Buried as Boris Johnson Resigned
22/07/2022 Dr. Birx Admits She And Fauci Made Up 'The Science' On Lockdowns, Social Distancing
21/07/2022 NBA Champion Says He Regrets Getting COVID-19 Vaccine
20/07/2022 Australia: New South Wales Data Proves It’s a Pandemic of the Vaccinated
19/07/2022 Natural Immunity From Omicron Strong Against Virus Subvariants: Study
18/07/2022 Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court + Covid Vaccine Risk to Human Genome Now Legally Established (Italy)
17/07/2022 Australian citizens aren’t being forcibly vaccinated via ‘chemtrails’
17/07/2022 'Sudden and Unexpected': At least 11 Vacationers Drop Dead on Italian Beaches in 24 hours
17/07/2022 Strange pinch and respiratory issues among Tour de France cyclists
16/07/2022 SIDS - "Confirming that infant deaths tend to occur in temporal proximity to vaccine administration"
15/07/2022 Health experts are quitting the NIH and CDC in droves because they’re embarrassed by ‘bad science’
14/07/2022 People Who Have Received the COVID-19 Vaccine Account for 94% of all COVID-19 Deaths in the UK
14/07/2022 Coffins for Children Ordered in Bulk, 'First Time in Over 30 Years' (Exclusive Interview)
14/07/2022 New Study finds Natural Immunity to Covid-19 does not wane by even 1% but the Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
14/07/2022 Covid Sparked Largest Sustained Decline In Global Childhood Vaccinations In 30 Years, WHO Says
14/07/2022 WHO Plans for 10 Years of Pandemics, From 2020 to 2030
13/07/2022 Breaking: 58 babies who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines suffered life-threatening adverse events
13/07/2022 ER Doctor Whistleblower Exposes Myocarditis | Awake Canada
13/07/2022 Large increase of ginecological troubles
11/07/2022 UK Gov. quietly published a report confirming the Vaccinated account for 94% of all COVID-19 Deaths since April, 90% of which were Triple/Quadruple Jabbed
11/07/2022 Leaked Video: Hypocritical Zuckerberg Caught Blasting ‘Experimental’ Covid Jabs To Inner Circle
11/07/2022 Paramedics speak out about empty hospitals, probable vax injuries during COVID
10/07/2022 New Survey Reveals Significant Doubts About Masks And Vaccines
10/07/2022 Taiwan's birth rate for May 2022 was down -23.34% compared to 2021. Some dismissed it as a fluke in reporting. we have June's rate and its -27.66%.
09/07/2022 Natural Immunity 97 Percent Effective Against Severe COVID-19 After 14 Months: Study
09/07/2022 Jacinda Ardern admits Highly Vaccinated New Zealand is losing the COVID battle because the Jabs don’t work
08/07/2022 UK Gov. admits COVID Vaccine is killing Kids after publishing report proving Vaccinated Children are shocking 30,200% more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children
08/07/2022 Pfizer classified nearly every severe adverse reaction during covid vaccine trials as “not related to shots”
08/07/2022 More Than 1.3 Million Adverse Events Following COVID Vaccines Reported to VAERS, CDC Data Show
07/07/2022 Pfizer Withdraws from Uruguay After Government Demands Company Disclose Contents of Vaccine
07/07/2022 Mosquitoes Testing Positive to Rare, Deadly Viruses in US Months After Bill Gates Released Millions in The Wild
07/07/2022 Hundreds More People Than Usual Are Dying Each Week In England And Wales With COVID Not To Blame For The Majority Of Deaths, New Figures Show
06/07/2022 76 UK doctors sign open letter to government warning against COVID-19 child vaccine
05/07/2022 WSJ: Pfizer Trial Found Vaxxed Toddlers 'Were More Likely to Get Severely Ill With Covid'
04/07/2022 CANADA : Health minister says vaccine boosters will be required every nine months
03/07/2022 Yet Another Life Insurance CEO Reveals Deaths Are Up 40% Among Working People
02/07/2022 12% excess mortality in April 2022 in Portugal, one of the most vaccinated country in the world.
02/07/2022 Sweden's Birth Rate Dropping Precipitiously Every Month
01/07/2022 Israel caught hiding children's vaccine injuries
01/07/2022 COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousandfold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis
30/06/2022 Young men 44 times more likely to develop heart inflammation following COVID jab: study
30/06/2022 Biden Admin To Deploy 1.6 Million Doses Of Monkeypox Vaccines In "Enhanced" Strategy
29/06/2022 Australia Sees 963% Increase In Respiratory Virus Among ‘Pandemic Babies’ Who Have ‘No Immunity’
29/06/2022 More Than 900 Cases Of Hepatitis Of Unknown Origin Reported In Children, WHO Says
28/06/2022 'Pandemic babies' with no immunity are ending up in intensive care across Australia with respiratory illnesses
26/06/2022 Alarm in Beijing after announcement zero-Covid policy may last five years
26/06/2022 Unvaccinated children have high natural immunity to COVID, says Israeli study
26/06/2022 Doctors' Group Urges Biden Administration To End Quarantine, Vaccine Recommendations For Children
26/06/2022 While at G7, Biden Announces Plan for Massive Vaccine Plant: ‘Hundreds of Millions of Doses Annually’ for Covid-19
26/06/2022 TAIWAN: Birth Rate Dropped by 23% in ONE YEAR -- And it is NOT Covid
26/06/2022 This is a massive safety signal for infertility. Germany's FIRST report of birth rates since the rollout. Remember that the birth rate data is 9 months too late
25/06/2022 FOIA request came in for Nova Scotia : more doses = more cases = more hospitalizations = more deaths
25/06/2022 Young Athletes And beauty Queen Die After C-19 Vaccine!
25/06/2022 twitter suspends doctor who shared study showing pfizer vaccine impacts semen
24/06/2022 Mortality in Finland Has Risen to All-Time Highs. Australian Deaths Are 17.5% More Than the Historical Average
23/06/2022 Austria Drops COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate, Admits Causing Social Division.
22/06/2022 Menstrual changes after Covid vaccines may be far more common than previously known
21/06/2022 Biden : "We need more money to plan for the second pandemic, there's gonna be another pandemic"
21/06/2022 Professor Dolores Cahill: The jab is a kill shot
21/06/2022 Almost 70% of UK women have periods issues. MSM say it's due to stress and poor diet. It can't be due to the gene therapy they've received.
20/06/2022 Ernest Ramirez had his healthy 16-year-old son murdered by the government via Pfizer vaxx. He had to fight for the autopsy report which showed extremely enlarged heart. Then the government mafia offered him hush money.
19/06/2022 If you took the Pfizer covid vaccine, your sperm concentration has dropped on average 15%, and your total motile count has dropped 20%
17/06/2022 Fifth Largest Life Insurance Company in US Paid Out 163% More for Deaths of Working People ages 18-64 in 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
17/06/2022 Monkeypox Renamed for Shingles? COVID-19 Vaccines Increase Risk of Shingles by 4,925%
17/06/2022 US authorizes first Covid vaccines for infants and preschoolers
16/06/2022 Canadian Man Compensated For Covid Jab Injury After Being Diagnosed With Guillain-Barre Syndrome
16/06/2022 Australia provides unequivocal proof the Covid-19 Vaccines don’t work and just make you worse
16/06/2022 Google searches for ‘chest pain’ increasing as doctors urge heart checks
16/06/2022 6 out of 7 "severe COVID" cases during Pfizer pediatric trial were in the Recipient group. 6 out of 7.
15/06/2022 UK Health Agency: 99% Of Monkeypox Cases Are Gay Men
15/06/2022 Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths since February in Canada
15/06/2022 Pfizer Documents reveal at least 800 people never finished the COVID Vaccine Trial due to Death, Injury or Withdrawn Consent
12/06/2022 125 Children Dead, 1K Disabled & 50K injured due to Covid-19 Vaccination in the USA
11/06/2022 Biden Admin Orders 500,000 More Monkeypox Vaccines
10/06/2022 Study shows hydroxychloroquine and zinc treatments increased coronavirus survival rate by almost three times
10/06/2022 Doctors Suing Food And Drug Administration Over Ivermectin
10/06/2022 Twitter Quietly Removes Warning Added To A CDC Study On Child Vaccines
08/06/2022 French court orders 4G turn off after 40 cow deaths
08/06/2022 Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome - as doctors seek answers through a new national register
03/06/2022 URGENT: Death rates are soaring again in highly vaccinated European countries
03/06/2022 Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome - as doctors seek answers through a new national register
02/06/2022 Why boosted Americans seem to be getting more COVID-19 infections
01/06/2022 Vaccine injury compensation programs overwhelmed as congressional reform languishes
01/06/2022 Hackers apparently got into the systems of Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson&Johnson. The deadliest batches from Pfizer for adults begin EN and ER. The deadliest batches for children begin EW (the worst batch), FA, FC. Analysis shows that batches in the US are 10X deadlier than in the EU
01/06/2022 'It's vindicating': B.C. man to receive compensation for COVID-19 vaccine injury
31/05/2022 New study links COVID vaccines to 25% increase in cardiac arrest for both males & females
31/05/2022 Ontario Paying Doctors to Push the Injections and Track the “Un-vaxxed”
30/05/2022 President of European Pharma Giant charged for falsifying COVID Vaccination Record & purchasing fake Vaccine Passport
29/05/2022 Prominent doctors urge calm over monkeypox, a treatable disease spread mainly through intimate homosexual contact
29/05/2022 Kill Japan's elderly? Cannes film 'Plan 75' probes chilling idea
(Predictive programming, the eugenicist movement is bound to become mainstream)
27/05/2022 Vaccinated BYU Starting Hoops Center — I will miss the rest of season due to ‘heart damage
26/05/2022 108 out of 800 pregnancies ended in spontaneous abortion in mRNA covid vaccine study. (The New England Journal of Medicine 2021)
25/05/2022 Your government quietly confirmed the fully vaccinated are developing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome while they had you worried about Russia-Ukraine & the cost of living
24/05/2022 2,200 prominent Spanish personalties investigated for false Covid-19 vaccination
23/05/2022 Family of 26-Year-Old Who Died 13 Days After AstraZeneca Shot Weighs Legal Action
23/05/2022 Smallpox Vaccine To Prevent Monkeypox Could Cause Global Smallpox (Variola) Epidemics
23/05/2022 Belgium Begins Monkeypox Quarantines, Biden Warns "Everybody Should Be Concerned"
21/05/2022 An Oklahoma state rep proposed legislation that would mandate young men get mandatory vasectomies
21/05/2022 NYC Reports First Suspected Monkeypox Case As WHO Convenes Emergency Meeting
20/05/2022 FDA Approves New Intravenous Monkeypox Drug Treatment From PFIZER-Linked SIGA Technologies
20/05/2022 Children’s risk of Death increases between 8100% and 30,200% following Covid-19 Vaccination compared to Unvaccinated Children according to official ONS data
20/05/2022 Officials confirm 10 cases of severe, unexplained hepatitis among Canadian children
20/05/2022 German Supreme Court Rules Compulsory Vax For Health Workers Constitutional
20/05/2022 WHO reportedly convening emergency meeting on monkeypox
19/05/2022 Rare Monkeypox Virus Arrives, Just as Gates and WHO 'Predicted' - Vaccines 'Miraculously' Ready
19/05/2022 O.N.S. confirms 70K people have died within 28 Days of Covid-19 Vaccination in England; & 179K have died within 60 Days
19/05/2022 WHO reportedly convening emergency meeting on monkeypox
19/05/2022 US buys millions of Monkeypox vaccines after Massachusetts confirms case
16/05/2022 1024 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 666 Dead, After COVID Shot
15/05/2022 Fresh probe into spike in newborn baby deaths in Scotland
15/05/2022 Tragedy as young judo athlete dies of sudden cardiac arrest
14/05/2022 Extensive survey finds half a million Germans experienced severe COVID-19 vaccine injuries
14/05/2022 Fully Vaccinated Young Adults are 92% more likely to die than Unvaccinated Young Adults according to Office for National Statistics
13/05/2022 Nearly 30,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to VAERS, CDC Data Show
13/05/2022 Growing Number of COVID-19 Deaths Among Vaccinated People: Reports
11/05/2022 Antibody-Dependent Enhancement: Covid-19 Case/Hospitalisation/Death Rates now highest among Triple Vaccinated in Trudeau’s Canada
10/05/2022 Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Shots Can Trigger Alopecia Areata in Patients with Autoimmune Conditions
10/05/2022 44,348 Dead 4,279,200 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions as More Pfizer Fraud Uncovered
10/05/2022 7-Year-Old Boy Dies from Heart Attack After Pfizer Injection
09/05/2022 Confidential Pfizer Docs. reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby; but Pfizer claimed: “No safety signals emerged”
08/05/2022 Pfizer Data Dump Reveals More than 1200 People Died Within One Month of Taking Covid-19 Vaccine
26/04/2022 ‘Intelligent and ambitious’ trainee solicitor, 26, suffered ‘excruciating’ headaches before dying from a blood clot after having Astra-Zeneca Covid vaccine, inquest hears
20/04/2022 New Pandemic: Vaccinated Athletes Dying Of Heart Attacks (UPDATED April 20, 2022)
23/03/2022 The Spanish Meteorological Agency has confessed that Spain is being sprayed with lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite.
02/03/2022 Pfizer mRNA vaccine goes into liver and changes into DNA, Swedish study finds
10/03/2022 Unexplained liver test elevations after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination
07/03/2022 Biden Administration Paid Media $1 Billion for COVID Shot Propaganda
28/02/2022 New study from Sweden suggests, Pfizer mRNA does indeed integrate into our DNA
26/02/2022 Insurance Co. Finds Vaccination Side Effects Under-Reported by 1000%
17/02/2022 Titanium dioxide particles frequently present in face masks intended for general use require regulatory control
07/12/2021 Federal Judge rejects Pfizer’s interchangeability and questions the existence of Comirnaty
01/11/2021 Dr Mike Yeadon – “The findings that 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths have been caused by just 5% of the batches produced are unprecedented”
26/10/2021 Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G
16/08/2021 “The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated” Pandemic to DePopulate 1981
07/07/2021 Scientists Studying Temperature at Which Humans Spontaneously Die With Increasing Urgency
(Everything will be blamed on climate change, those falsehoods will lead masses to become ecological zealots and support the NWO smart cities)
06/05/2021 Insurance Pays Pediatricians a Bounty for Every Fully Vaccinated Child
02/03/2021 Ivermectin converts cold tumors hot and synergizes with immune checkpoint blockade for treatment of breast cancer
27/01/2021 9-year-old nurse aide dies ‘within 48 hours’ of receiving mandated COVID-19 shot
23/12/2020 Dr. Wakefield warns=”This is not a Vax, it is irreversible genetic modification”
05/02/2020 Holland approve a killing pill for the elders

Satanism Rising

28/03/2024 "Queer Princeton Alumni" President Arrested On Child Porn Charges
28/03/2024 California's Sac-Town Becomes 'Transgender Sanctuary'
26/03/2024 Fairfax County’s board of supervisors mocks Christians by designating Easter as Transgender Visibility Day
15/03/2024 There’s Something Terribly Wrong With “Poor Things”
01/03/2024 X Says It Will Reduce the Visibility of Posts That Purposely Ignore a Person’s Preferred Pronouns
15/02/2024 Outrage In Spain As Children Paraded Around In Lingerie For 'Pride'
13/02/2024 Vaush believes child p0rnography should be legal
03/02/2024 Biden Administration Wants To Force Foster Parents To Sign LGBTQ Pledge
02/02/2024 No Charges For Dem Staffer Who Filmed Gay Porn Video In Senate Hearing Room
02/02/2024 Facebook has a “view anyway” option attached to their warnings about posts containing child abuse
15/01/2024 United Airlines CEO is a cross-dressing freak…
10/01/2024 Scottish parents who refuse to allow their children to change their gender could be JAILED under radical new SNP plans to ban conversion therapy
06/01/2024 AP Frames LGBTQ School Shooter As A Victim
05/01/2024 California Paying for Illegal Migrants to Gender Transition Sparks Fury
05/01/2024 BC father who tried to stop child's gender transition fights to make his name public
03/01/2024 California Introduces New Law, Limiting and Regulating Cops’ Posting of Mugshots Online, Forcing Chosen Names and Pronouns
02/01/2024 Ohio Governor Who Vetoed Bill Blocking Sex-Changes For Children Took $40K From Pro-Trans Hospitals
02/01/2024 PEDOPHILES, Child sex abusers and Child pornographers - exposing Canada's Healthcare Leaders - Part 1 - Pedophiles at Alberta Health Services and Alberta & BC Governments
01/01/2024 Biden funds ballroom dancing in Peru to 'uplift transgender and gender-diverse' young people
30/12/2023 Ridiculous push to ban the phrase 'brother' and 'sister' - as 'woke' equality group reveals the new 'inclusive' term we should be calling our loved ones
27/12/2023 Kansas School Approves ‘Satan Worship Club’ despite Petition from 7,000 Angry Parents
19/12/2023 Swim Ontario protecting 50-year-old man swimming with 13-year-old girls
08/12/2023 Top PornHub staff admits to inserting “gay” and “trans” themes into mainstream porn to “convert” straight men
07/12/2023 "A Marketplace For Predators": New Mexico Sues Meta, Mark Zuckerberg Over Child Exploitation Following Investigation
03/12/2023 Number Of Kids Put On Puberty Blockers Doubles Despite NHS Promising To Stop
03/12/2023 'Disturbing Gibberish': New Trans Textbook For Psychiatrists Could Harm Millions Of Kids, Critics Say
29/11/2023 TARGET’s Sacrilegious “Christmas” and LGBTQ Grooming Invites Mega Boycott
26/11/2023 Unsealed complaint says Meta 'coveted' under-13s and deceives the public about age enforcement
26/11/2023 My boyfriend gave me a necklace made from his blood - I'm obsessed with it but some people think it's like witchcraft
25/11/2023 Just another day…Cosmopolitan promotes Satanic Abortion
20/11/2023 Yet Another Leftist Journalist Arrested On Child Pornography Charges
17/11/2023 Canada Now Euthanizes an Average 36 Citizens Every Day
16/11/2023 John Podesta’s Friend, Who ‘Debunked’ Pizzagate, Arrested for Raping Toddlers
15/11/2023 Kim Kardashian named one of GQ's 'Men Of The Year' for 2023
(Satanic inversion)
15/11/2023 ‘We are butchering children’: Academics unite against ‘medical transitioning’ of kids
15/11/2023 Evil' head of Aleister Crowley-inspired Satanic paedophile cult who preyed on young children for more than a decade could be freed in New Year parole hearing
11/11/2023 Trans Owner of Miss Universe Pageant Files for Bankruptcy Following Major Woke Inclusivity Push
10/11/2023 Finally, a lesson in common sense! School tells parents it will NOT be providing litter trays for pupils who identify as cats and warns 'this kind of behaviour is not acceptable'
07/11/2023 Watch: Antifa Guy's Epic Fail When He Tries To Get Muslim Girls Onside With Child Sex Changes
05/11/2023 The absurdity continues: Glamour names a biological male as "2023 Woman of the Year"
03/11/2023 WATCH: Pitt LGBT activists demand three new centers, ‘trans-inclusive’ housing
03/11/2023 "People With Cervices": IU Med-School Doubles-Down On Gender Ideology
30/10/2023 Scholars argue for uterus transplant coverage for biological males
28/10/2023 Virginia Democrat Pushed ‘After-School Satan Club’ And Has A Fixation On The ‘Demonic’
26/10/2023 50 year-old man competes in swimming event for 13 year-old girls.
24/10/2023 Just More of the Same-Walmart Promoting Evil
18/10/2023 Trudeau Liberals vote down bill seeking to stop euthanasia of mentally ill Canadians
16/10/2023 They’re coming for your CHILDREN: California Governor Gavin Newsom signs “anti-parent” law
16/10/2023 Skirt-wearing male ASU professor scuffles with TPUSA members
15/10/2023 Watch: Baseless Gender Ideology Cartoon Now Part Of 4th Grade Curriculum In Wisconsin
14/10/2023 Biological Men Take Gold & Silver At Chicago Women's Cycle Races
13/10/2023 A U.K. University Will Confer a New Title: A Master’s Degree in the Occult
13/10/2023 80k employees of Biden’s HHS are now forced to use transgender pronouns
10/10/2023 University of North Dakota hosts ‘queer resilience’ in higher ed conference
10/10/2023 US Gives More Than $4.1 Billion In Grants For LGBT Initiatives Worldwide
10/10/2023 Online Child Pornography Skyrockets
10/10/2023 Washington National Cathedral replaces stained glass windows to honor BLM protestors
09/10/2023 LA elementary schools begin week of LGBTQ+ lessons
08/10/2023 Marina Machete Becomes First Transgender Woman To Win Miss Portugal And Now Competes In Miss Universe
05/10/2023 Girl ‘raped while satanic child abuse ring that held seances and used ouija boards clapped and cheered’
05/10/2023 Abortion activist eats baby model at New York community college
04/10/2023 CHILDREN BEING TAKEN: Horrific video reveals U.S. government is actively facilitating a HUGE child trafficking ring across America
(Legal kidnapping strikes again)
04/10/2023 British university offers master’s degree in magic and the occult
01/10/2023 German mayor calls concerns over child safety ‘unfounded’ amid plans to accommodate 80 asylum seekers at a primary school
28/09/2023 New ‘Drag University’ program at Princeton to fund students’ budding drag careers
27/09/2023 ABC News Reporter, Who ‘Debunked’ Pizzagate, Faces Life in Prison for Child Rape
26/09/2023 "Disgusting and wrong on so many levels": Knotts Scary Farm comes under fire over Satanic show controversy
25/09/2023 Arson attacks on Belgian schools will not stop the harm done to children by pro-LGBT sex education
25/09/2023 Professor matches LGBT adults with teens for online ‘mentoring’ without parent consent
24/09/2023 Study: 34% of children put on transgender puberty blockers end up becoming mental cases
23/09/2023 Mc Donald Ads - Japan vs Wokistan
22/09/2023 Zelensky asks Marina Abramovic to be ambassador for Ukraine
22/09/2023 In Canada, Where Parental Values Are "Far-Right"
20/09/2023 TFP and Defend Our Kids Texas was on site during a Dallas church’s “drag Sunday” service.
19/09/2023 Campaigners' fury over Braun's advert for men's trimmers which features trans model with double mastectomy scars
18/09/2023 Jay-Z's movie Book of Clarence will be about mocking Jesus
18/09/2023 Detransitioner Sues Doctors Who Cut Off Her Breasts At 16
16/09/2023 BBC Cancels Event Of Singer Who Criticized Puberty-Blocking Drugs
15/09/2023 School purges books published before 2008 in ‘illogical’ inclusivity push
13/09/2023 Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence Member Arrested For Masturbating In Public
12/09/2023 Meet DeDe Duffy. A preschool teacher in Cape Coral, FL. She says she teaches her students that if they don’t like their parents, they can find another family.
12/09/2023 Boy, 12, put in isolation for wearing shorts to school and 'told to wear a skirt'
11/09/2023 Instagram censors account of ‘former trans kid’ Chloe Cole, says it ‘encourages violence’
10/09/2023 CA to Fine School Boards for Resisting LGBT Pedo Curriculum.
10/09/2023 The Eight Genders in the Talmud
08/09/2023 California Passes Bill Requiring Parents to Affirm Kids’ Gender ‘Transitions’
08/09/2023 Warner Music makes history as it signs a record deal with the first AI virtual pop star - but is slammed for 'sexualising a child-like body' in the avatar's 'creepy' music video
06/09/2023 Starfield pronoun inclusion sparks streamer meltdowns and mass refunds
05/09/2023 Teachers' Union To Teachers: Destroy Evidence Of Student Gender-Identity Survey
04/09/2023 Demon infused liquid death
04/09/2023 Oklahoma School Hires Drag Queen Principal Once Arrested For Child Porn, Drugs
02/09/2023 Danielle McGahey set to become first transgender player to compete at international level
01/09/2023 LATEST NEWSThis Agenda Given College Students in Canada Exemplifies How Education Has Turned into Indoctrination
01/09/2023 Trudeau's LGBT Minister Says Trans-Education "Matter of Life And Death"
31/08/2023 DEMONIC: WHO and UN want schools to “equip children to have sexual partners,” report claims
31/08/2023 Lidl recalls popular Paw Patrol snacks over inappropriate message
30/08/2023 Jay-Z Resurrects Instagram for The Book of Clarence
30/08/2023 Róisín Murphy's record label ceases promotion of her new record following transphobic social media comments, source says
30/08/2023 IN-DEPTH: Woman Says Her Daughter Was Sex Trafficked After School Hid Gender Transition
30/08/2023 Scientific American ‘targeting’ scholar critical of transgenderism, he says
29/08/2023 Majority of Canadians say schools should inform parents if children want to change gender identity: poll
29/08/2023 More men in dresses greeting children at Disney
29/08/2023 Physicians Choosing Death for Their Patients
29/08/2023 'We're ready to use it': Anger at controverisal inventor dubbed 'Dr Death' who says his 3D-printed coffin-like 'suicide capsules' will be used for the first time this YEAR
28/08/2023 Child Sex Predators Live Near You and Most of Them are Leaders of Your Community
28/08/2023 Dylan Mulvaney wins Breakout Creator at Streamy Awards, calls out ‘transphobia and hate’ in speech
28/08/2023 Watch: School Board Fires Satan-Worshipping Non-Binary Teacher
27/08/2023 Parents Can't Opt Children Out Of LGBT Lessons: Judge
26/08/2023 Transgender Surgeries In US Nearly Tripled In 3 Years
24/08/2023 EXCLUSIVE: Trans-Identified Male Coach Used Girls’ Locker Room to Undress Multiple Times, Incidents Kept Quiet by Pennsylvania School District
24/08/2023 Federal Judge Sides With Christian Activist Banned By University For Calling Transgender Student 'Male'
23/08/2023 ‘C*nty Hunt’ event planned for Georgia State semester kick-off
23/08/2023 Former Mexican Congressman Is Convicted After “Misgendering” Transgender Politician
23/08/2023 NHS Gender Clinic Slammed For Approving Hormones & Mastectomy For Female Patient With 14 Mental Health Disorders
22/08/2023 MA Senator Ed Markey poses with inverted cross at “trans health center”
22/08/2023 Parents remove their four-year-old daughter from pre-school after she was shown 'Grandad's Pride' book featuring men in bondage gear and trans 'top surgery' that was written by winner of Waterstones Children's Book Prize
18/08/2023 Famed Irish Comedian Forced To Hold Comedy Show Outside Of Scottish Parliament After Being Cancelled By TWO Venues Due To Criticism Of Gender Ideology
17/08/2023 Luísa Sonza, a Brazilian singer, is accused of Satanism due to weird music video
15/08/2023 Scientists uncover how young blood rejuvenates aging brains
14/08/2023 New Disney show ‘Pauline’ features teenage girl who gets pregnant after one-night stand with Satan
12/08/2023 Fury as young children are showered with TAMPONS thrown by 'bloodied' 'non-binary' performer at Drag Queen show during LGBT Pride family event
12/08/2023 Geek Squad employee says bosses mandated LGBT indoctrination, banned Christian symbols
12/08/2023 Canadian journalists think people’s concern about p3dophilia is worse than p3dophilia
11/08/2023 Walker Art Center holds ‘playful demon summoning session’ for families
11/08/2023 Skittles faces backlash after it partners with GLAAD and puts 'Black Trans Lives Matter' on its packaging
10/08/2023 She Sought Help in Crisis and Was Suggested MAID Instead
10/08/2023 This is Not Satire: Daycares in Germany Introducing Sex Rooms for Toddlers to Get Naked and Touch Each Other
09/08/2023 The Occult Meaning of Doja Cat’s “Paint the Town Red”
09/08/2023 Disney Teams with Man Claiming to be a Woman to Sell Clothes to Little Girls
09/08/2023 The world-famous Salzburg Art Festival celebrated its premiere in Austria on July 31st..Dead baby is served for dinner and the audience applauds
07/08/2023 Harry's Men's Razor Company Uses Trans ‘Man,’ AKA Woman, To Promote Shave Set
07/08/2023 Carl’s Jr.’s New El Diablo Burger ($6.66)
07/08/2023 Spilling the Tea on the T; The Pedophilic Roots of the Trans Movement
06/08/2023 Fury as Porsche 'airbrushes out' statue of Jesus in new 911 promo advert: Image of the famous Cristo Rei landmark in Lisbon is 'erased' from background of clip that celebrates 60 years of the iconic car
05/08/2023 A formidable gender blurring attack on the high street.
03/08/2023 Journalism professor claims children should be exposed to adult GENITALIA to prepare them for seeing naked trans people in locker rooms - in shocking jab at swimmer Riley Gaines
03/08/2023 NHS managers are told not to offer sympathy to female colleagues worried about sharing toilets with biological men in woke handbook
03/08/2023 Exposing Demonic Altars At Disney – The House Of Blues
02/08/2023 Pro-trans prof: Parents should show ‘little children’ images of various genitals in ‘normalized, safe’ way
02/08/2023 New Boycott As UK Coffee Giant Celebrates Women Having Breasts Removed
01/08/2023 Oxford council sponsors week long 'drag camp' for children
01/08/2023 Fury as Costa uses cartoon image of 'trans man' with mastectomy scars: Angry customers now warn they will boycott chain over 'horrific imagery being used to sell coffee'
29/07/2023 Trans indigenous Canadian slams doctors for denying her euthanasia request, saying death would be better than her constant pain from a surgically-built vagina
29/07/2023 Teammates Of Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas Voiced Complaints - University Offered To "Re-Educate" Them
26/07/2023 This 2023 Berlin Fashion Show Was All About Mocking Christianity in the Trashiest Way Possible
24/07/2023 Gregg Wallace visits 'human meat harvesting factory' Good Harvest as Channel 4 Miracle Meat viewers sickened
(Predictive programming)
23/07/2023 Concerns Raised Over Number Of Students Identifying As LGBT
22/07/2023 Fox News matches employee donations to Satanic Temple
21/07/2023 Castrated Teen BEGS Peers: Do NOT Transition
21/07/2023 Pushback Forces Major Retailer To Shelve Graphic Book On Sex Aimed At 10 To 15 Year Olds
20/07/2023 There is Something Terribly Wrong With Media’s Reaction to “Sound of Freedom”
18/07/2023 A man won “Miss Netherlands” 2023. Again: A *MAN* won *MISS* Netherlands.
18/07/2023 Live Nation Responds to Egyptian Authorities Saying Travis Scott’s Giza Pyramid Concert Was Canceled (Updated)
17/07/2023 Satanists In Delco Award 2 Students With $666 'Outsider' Scholarships
17/07/2023 Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum just confirmed that they instigated the global LGBTQ transgender madness.
17/07/2023 Pronoun Lockdown: Almost Half Of Millennials Want Jail Time For "Misgendering"
14/07/2023 DISNEY CEO: “The notion that Disney is in any way sexualizing children, quite frankly, is preposterous.” ROLL THE TAPE.
15/07/2023 A Comprehensive List of Food Companies and Products That Use Senomyx (Used Aborted Babies)
14/07/2023 Summer Camps For Children Identifying As Transgender Open Across US
13/07/2023 Former LGBT activist renounces her job ‘grooming’ children: ‘What have I contributed to?’
13/07/2023 Biden Admin Opposes Provision Requiring Military Promotions Only Be On Merit (Not Gender, Or Race)
12/07/2023 Disney-Produced Cartoon Features Illuminati-Style Robed Elites Drinking Blood, Sacrificing People And Worshipping An All Seeing Eye
08/07/2023 There is concerted Mainstream Media effor to shut down the movie Sound Of Freedom which is shinning a light into the darkness of Child Sex Slavery
08/07/2023 Teachers Union Calls to Scrap Girls and Boys School Uniforms and Sports Lessons for Trans Inclusion
07/07/2023 Rolling Stone Pushing the Agenda & Obfuscating the Truth
07/07/2023 There's going to be a transgender Barbie in the upcoming Barbie movie. Of course.
04/07/2023 EXCLUSIVE: Cross-dressing gunman behind July 4 Philly bloodbath that left five dead is BLM supporter who made chilling Facebook posts about 'black massacres' and 'evil spirits'
04/07/2023 "The World Is Laughing At Us": U.S. Army Shares Story Of Suicidally Depressed Transgender Major
04/07/2023 Michigan Hate Speech Bill Would Make Using Wrong Pronouns A Felony With $10K Fine, Prison Time
03/07/2023 Jim Caviezel: Hollywood Elite Trying To Kill Me for Exposing CIA Child Sex Trade
03/07/2023 RCMP allegedly grills Saskatchewan high school students over 'straight and proud' poster
03/07/2023 Schoolgirls are suffering sexual assault in unisex bathrooms on the altar of trans activism
02/07/2023 LGBT Foundation recommends people use the word ‘bonus hole’ instead of ‘v****a’ in order to avoid upsetting trans people.
02/07/2023 In Michigan you may now spend 5 years in prison for using the incorrect pronouns
01/07/2023 After School Satan Club launches the first-ever summer club
01/07/2023 Outrage As Planned Parenthood Declares Virginity "A Social Construct"
29/06/2023 Swine”: Demi Lovato’s Pro-Abortion Video That is Equally Dumb and Evil
(A message from your illuminati MK Ultra slave)
29/06/2023 250 Hollywood Celebrities Sign Letter Demanding Big Tech Censor Anyone Who Opposes Trans Surgeries On Kids
(Hollywood in favor of mutilation and sterilization)
28/06/2023 Watch: Biden Department Of Education 'Pride' Seminar Advocates Puberty Blockers For Kids
27/06/2023 India has a serious problem with ritual child sacrifice.
(India has always been infested with a form of satanism - Fakirism, Shiva Kali worship etc...)
27/06/2023 The new PRIDE flag vs. the Masonic flag
27/06/2023 Official New York subway posters seemingly threaten people with death if they don’t respect trans people
26/06/2023 California - A Predator's Paradise
26/06/2023 Bud Light sponsors Toronto Pride parade attended by naked men, children
25/06/2023 WATCH – ‘We’re Coming for Your Children’: NYC Drag Marchers Chant Ominous Message at Pride Event
24/06/2023 Toronto girls’ school promotes sex ed for kindergarteners at Pride parade, confirms they accept male students
24/06/2023 CNN Producer Sentenced To 19 Years In Prison For Pedophilia
23/06/2023 AMC Cancels Documentary Detailing Long-Term Health Implications Of Gender Transitioning After Backlash
22/06/2023 Texas public universities offering women's studies courses on witchcraft, 'worship of the devil'
21/06/2023 ‘Passion of the Christ’ Actor Jim Caviezel Implicates U.S. Government Agencies in Child Sex Trafficking [VIDEO]
20/06/2023 The rise of the 'furries': How schools are allowing kids to identify as cats, horses and dinosaurs - and teachers are 'failing to question them'
19/06/2023 Disney Pixar Movie With Non-Binary Character And Woke Themes Bombs
18/06/2023 Family Groups And LGBT Activist Uniting Against Bill That Could Make Pedophiles A Protected Class
18/06/2023 Dodgers Honor Anti-Christian Drag Nuns In Empty Stadium As Thousands Protest
18/06/2023 Girl Sues Hospital For Removing Her Breasts At Age 13
17/06/2023 New Jersey Schools Report More Than 4,200 Percent Increase In Nonbinary Students In Four Years
16/06/2023 “Transition Surgery Was the Biggest Mistake of My Life”
16/06/2023 London Court Rules 'No Opting-Out' for 4-Year-Old Forced to Join LGBTQ Pride Parade
15/06/2023 Ottawa commits $25M to create Canada's first-ever LGBTQ entrepreneurship program
15/06/2023 Fox Corp is celebrating Pride by encouraging employees to read about “glory holes,” supporting a group that gives sterilizing hormones to homeless youth, & deployed woke AI to monitor everyone.
15/06/2023 'WE BABY BEARS' show will feature 2 non-binary characters and discussion about pronoun
14/06/2023 New Jersey Bill Would Deny Funding To Schools If Their Libraries Remove Pornography
14/06/2023 'Homophobic Statement Of The Decade' - Johns Hopkins Faces Backlash After Changing Definition Of 'Lesbian'
14/06/2023 Alex Soros Vows To Eradicate Conservatives From the Internet: “I’m 100 Times Worse Than My Dad”
13/06/2023 PEDO AGENDA: New York City Private Schools Give ‘Sexuality’ Lessons to 4-Year-Old Children
12/06/2023 MUSIC BUSINESSThe Intense Symbolism in Beyoncé’s Renaissance World Tour
12/06/2023 Catholic father of 5 loses two-thirds of farming business after criticizing ‘Pride Month’ on Instagram
12/06/2023 'Expend4bles’ Actress Megan Fox Admits To Being A Witch, Appears To Threaten To Perform “Carcass-Eating Ritual”
12/06/2023 Kanye West's new Sunday Service shows attendees wear bizarre white hooded outfits as they eat salmon and steak with their HANDS off autopsy tables - but rapper is nowhere to be seen after raucous 46th birthday bash
11/06/2023 arents of kids at Edison High School in Huntington Beach, California say this video was played to their kids in math class. The kids clearly didn’t want to watch this pride video so the teacher threatened them with Saturday school to get them to watch it.
11/06/2023 ELON MUSK WEIGHS IN ON MEGAN FOX SPAT ... Hiring a VP of Witchcraft!!!
11/06/2023 Majority Of US Cities With Most Murders Are Governed By Democrats
(Accept chaos, live in chaos)
10/06/2023 Bondage gear in book for three-year-olds: Publisher accuses parents of 'homophobia' over objections to LGBT title 'Grandad's Pride' that features sexual fetishes and trans 'top surgery'
10/06/2023 California Advances Bill To Help Shoplifters Steal
09/06/2023 Protests mounting and Pride flags underfoot after Ottawa teachers told to refer to all students with 'they/them pronouns' and prohibit opt-outs from '2SLGBTQ+ learnings'
09/06/2023 60 Companies That Are Celebrating LGBTQ Pride Month More Quietly
09/06/2023 UK Doctor Sacked Over Trans Pronoun Dispute Did Not Risk Safety Patient, Regulator Rules
09/06/2023 Woke Marvel Eliminates The Punisher Due To "Problematic" Conservative Fan Base
09/06/2023 CIA Slammed For ‘Dystopian’ Pride Tweet
(Well, they are behind the gay rights movement)
09/06/2023 Washington judge orders female-only spa with compulsory nudity to admit transgender women with penises, after owner said facility was for 'biological women only' and pre-op trans activist complained
09/06/2023 GRAPHIC Sex Book Pushed On Kids: Virginia Public School Allows PORN Book Showing DEVIANT SEX ACT
08/06/2023 Satanic children's picture book may be put on Saline County Library shelves
08/06/2023 Backlash As Air Force Tweets Image Of Solider SALUTING LGBTQ+ Flag
08/06/2023 Cheese Pizza? Meta's Instagram Facilitated Massive Pedophile Network
07/06/2023 FBI director teams with pentagram-wearing LGBT star
07/06/2023 Portland Anne Frank-impersonating drag queen trans activist arrested for murder in Virginia
06/06/2023 Students urged to wear 'full-blown drag' for school’s Pride day
06/06/2023 Boys aged eight are sent home with 'puberty kit' including pantiliners and maxi pads by Connecticut Elementary School after being shown videos about gender identity
05/06/2023 School - 2023.
04/06/2023 10 Modern Artists Who Were Influenced by the Occult
04/06/2023 Biden Wants Sanctions Against Uganda Because Its Government Passed Anti-LGBT Laws
03/06/2023 Abortion Activist Debra Messing Calls The Bible a “Dog Whistle to Nazis”
03/06/2023 No Sane People Need Apply: Dallas Can Now ‘Terminate’ Employees for ‘Misgendering’
02/06/2023 Trans Babies? Health Centre Asks Parents if Their Newborns Are Transgender or Non-Binary
02/06/2023 This is everything. Former CIA Officer along with eyewitness testimony confirms the horrors being committed against 8 mil innocent children including sex slavery, rape, torture, organ harvesting, ritual murder, breeding for pedos. If we don't stop this, we'll never get our government or planet back
02/06/2023 Pentagon Chiefs Cancel "Family Friendly" Drag Show At Air Force Base After Rep. Gaetz Pressure
01/06/2023 Bud Light Giving LGBTQ Organization $200,000 Donation
01/06/2023 Chick-fil-A Faces Growing Backlash Over 'Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion' Efforts
01/06/2023 University Of Colorado Declares Misgendering An "Act Of Violence"
31/05/2023 GP surgery asks parents if their BABY is trans: Outrage over 'insane' gender options on patient registration form
31/05/2023 Target's Marketing VP Also Works For Organization Pushing Transgender Agenda In Schools
30/05/2023 High School Uses COVID Funds for Pride Drag Show Performance
30/05/2023 Woke Disney Gets DESTROYED Over Viral Video Showing Man In A Dress Greeting Customers At Disneyland
30/05/2023 Bradlee Dean Confronts Store Manager At Target & Their Illegal, Sodomite Agenda (Video)
29/05/2023 'Another company needing Bud-Lighting': Outrage grows as Kohl's stores offer LGBTQ clothing for babies as the outlet is the latest to face backlash over woke merchandise
29/05/2023 Children's Hospital 'Health Hero' Award Given To Trans Democrat Pushing Child Sex Changes
26/05/2023 Catholic Church in California grapples with more than 3,000 lawsuits, alleging child sex abuse
26/05/2023 Target partners with org pushing for kids' genders to be secretly changed in schools without parental consent
26/05/2023 IN-DEPTH: Transgender Movement Has ‘Dangerous’ Hidden Motivations, Says Former LGBT Activist
25/05/2023 North Face Deploys Drag Queen Yelling ‘COME OUT’ to Sell LGBTQ+ Apparel to Kids.
25/05/2023 Target sells pride merch from ‘Satan respects pronouns’ brand
25/05/2023 Pro-Life Display-Destroying CUNY Prof Fired After Threatening Reporter With Machete
23/05/2023 LGBT Pride ‘Youth Carnival’ Bars Parents From Attending
23/05/2023 This multimillionaire entrepreneur infused himself with blood from his 17-year-old son in a quest to stay young forever
(Getting the imaginary life force)
23/05/2023 Sex Abuse in Catholic Church: Over 1,900 Minors Abused in Illinois, State Says
21/05/2023 Pulitzer Prize Goes to Queer Troll Author: ‘Sissy Porn Did Make Me Trans,’ ‘Getting F**ked Makes You Female’
21/05/2023 One third of Canadians fine with prescribing assisted suicide for homelessness and poverty
19/05/2023 Dove Produces Ultra-Woke Ad To Change Beauty Standards In Video Games?
19/05/2023 Transgender cyclist forced to stand alone on podium after win, gets blasted by Megyn Kelly
19/05/2023 Ford's "Redefining Tough" Commercial Features LGBT-Colored Truck
18/05/2023 Eurovision Song Contest 2023 was absolutely DISGUSTING and SATANIC
17/05/2023 LA Dodgers blasted for plan to honor ‘blasphemous’ drag queen nuns at upcoming game
17/05/2023 UN Says Minors Can Consent to Sex
17/05/2023 Facebook Deletes “Jesus Died So You Could Live” Post, Calls It “Hate Speech”
17/05/2023 Bud Light Hangover Puts Woke Miller Lite Commercial In Cancel Crosshairs
16/05/2023 Why is Miriam Cahn’s Art Depicting Child Abuse Exposed in Museums? And Why is Macron Defending Her?
16/05/2023 Sports Illustrated 2023 Swimsuit Issue to Feature Transgender Biological Man on Cover
16/05/2023 Elon Musk: George Soros “Hates Humanity”
(You too Elon, you too. Playing good cop, bad cop.)
16/05/2023 WHO Pushes "Early Childhood Masturbation" For Toddlers, Encourages Questions About Gender Identity For Kids Aged 4
15/05/2023 Vice Media Declares Bankruptcy As Soros And Fortress Set To Become New Owners
15/05/2023 Blues Clues episode features gay pride parade with beaver with MASTECTOMY SCARS
14/05/2023 Major retailer's sex grooming for kids goes so far, even gays sickened
14/05/2023 It’s Mother’s Day. So of Course These 7 Corporate Brands Are Promoting Dudes in Dresses.
14/05/2023 Twitter is compromised
14/05/2023 Non-Binary Character In New Transformer Cartoon Goes Viral As People Call For "Another Brand Boycott"
13/05/2023 Who is behind the trans agenda and world-wide child grooming?
13/05/2023 Notorious feminist Gloria Steinem was a CIA asset: "I had the conventional liberal view of the CIA as a right wing, incendiary group and I was amazed to discover that this was far from the case. That they were enlightened, liberal, non-partisan activists"
12/05/2023 Biden Creeps On Children In The Rose Garden: “All The Kids Under The Age Of 15 Come On Up Here” (VIDEO)
11/05/2023 What does human meat taste like? Scientists reveal the unique flavour of our FLESH – as an influencer admits to eating part of her own knee in a spaghetti bolognese
11/05/2023 Actress Charlize Theron threatens to ‘f— up’ conservatives worried about drag queens sexualizing children
10/05/2023 LGBTQInfant: Target Releases LGBTQ+ Clothes for Babies, Kids
10/05/2023 Leading trans doctor insists non-verbal, autistic minors can consent to sex change, can 'draw their feelings
10/05/2023 Gender Education Program Normalizes 'Adam Identifying as Eve' at Chicago Jewish Day School
09/05/2023 21 states stand against militant transgender movement
09/05/2023 Democrats Voted AGAINST Making Indecent Exposure Towards Children A Felony, Admitting It Bans Drag Shows.
09/05/2023 After School Satan Clubs gain popularity amid legal victories
08/05/2023 Children targeted by WHO ‘Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe’
08/05/2023 Parody Becomes Reality: Babylon Bee Predicts Gender Bender Friendly Military Recruitment
07/05/2023 Did you ever wonder how K-Pop got so popular internationally? Here is the CEO of the biggest K-pop company in South Korea, receiving an award from Phillipine de Rothschild.
06/05/2023 Report reveals big names in Hollywood are funding climate protesters who are vandalizing artwork across the world
06/05/2023 Satanism witchcraft taught to young kids
05/05/2023 Parent EXPOSES School Board After Teacher Assigned Students to Describe their Sexual Fantasies
03/05/2023 'Easier for Evil People To Commit Crimes': Ohio Dems Push To Amend State's 'Child Enticement' Laws
03/05/2023 US Navy hires active-duty drag queen to be face of recruitment drive
02/05/2023 Transgender toddlers treated at Duke, UNC, and ECU
02/05/2023 Chelsea Clinton Comes Out In Favor Of Porn For School Kids
02/05/2023 Epstein was a Rothschild-CIA agent.
01/05/2023 After Tucker Carlson exit, Glenn Beck claims Fox CEO Rupert Murdoch told him not to talk about God on-air
01/05/2023 Breaking: Epstein was a Rothschild-CIA agent. The Rothschilds are worth $500+ trillion and own all media and the CIA and all of Congress so nothing will happen
30/04/2023 “Every child should have a sexual partner” via Truthseeker.
30/04/2023 Democrat Minnesota Just Gave State Power To Take Kids Away If Parents Don’t Approve Gender Mutilation Surgery
30/04/2023 Child Protective Services Remove A Child From His Home After His School Learned He Was Being Taught Being Trans Isn't Allowed In Islam!
30/04/2023 Pupils as young as SEVEN are being encouraged to wear a badge which displays whether they use male, female or non-binary pronouns
29/04/2023 Trans Mascot Dylan Mulvaney Says It Should Be Illegal To Misgender People
28/04/2023 Chelsea Clinton says children should read “Gender Queer”, a book removed from school libraries because of its p0rnographic contents
28/04/2023 SatanCon, the Satanic Temple convention, comes to Boston this weekend
28/04/2023 Montana Legislature Votes To Remove Trans Lawmaker From House Floor For Rest Of 2023
27/04/2023 one in FOUR high school students say they are gay, bisexual or 'questioning' their sexuality, official CDC data shows — double the amount in 2015
27/04/2023 Democrats Float Bill To Allow LGBTQ Migrants To Walk Into US Unrestricted
27/04/2023 Vermont School District To Remove Terms "Male" And "Female" From Sex Ed Curriculum
27/04/2023 Undercover Investigation Reveals Pro-Trans Doctors 'Cashing In' On Lifelong Patients
27/04/2023 A transgender representative in Minnesota has introduced a bill that will remove the exclusion of pedophiles from the protected class of “sexual orientation.”
27/04/2023 EMMA WATSON's 33rd BIRTHDAY MESSAGE: "Thank you to the witches in my coven who were so pivotal in helping me arrive at where and who I am now"
26/04/2023 They are putting this pedo in everything
24/04/2023 Florida LGBT Group Cancels Pride Parade After City Says No Kids Allowed
21/04/2023 The Sims commercial features trans activist who said “little girls are kinky”
20/04/2023 I'm in a throuple and we ALL want to be recognized as parents on our child's birth certificate - it's the same as fighting for gay marriage
20/04/2023 "I'm a man of God, I can't do this." Based grandpa goes viral for walking off reality show that paired him with a drag-queen dance partner.
19/04/2023 CVS Forces Employees to Support “Transitioning” Coworkers
19/04/2023 Project Veritas Releases ‘Disturbing’ Undercover Footage from Gender Clinics Advising 10-Year-Old
18/04/2023 High School Musical star promotes witchcraft for new film: 'Something that I am very passionate about’
(She is very probably a manipulated MK Ultra slave used to promote withcraft - the new Shirley MacLaine (who was also a MK Ultra slave))
18/04/2023 UN REPORT Supports Pedophilia
18/04/2023 Jeffrey Epstein financier Les Wexner says he has been possessed by a demon since childhood
17/04/2023 New UN-backed legal recommendations normalize sex with minors, outraged critics say
17/04/2023 Former ‘Pussycat Dolls’ Singer Exposes Abuse by Music Industry “Satanists”
15/04/2023 Furious Viewers Complain En Masse About New UK TV Show With Adult Men Stripping Naked For Kids
14/04/2023 Siri, show me an example of LGBTQLMNOP indoctrination in Western schools
13/04/2023 Chris from Mr beasts channel who is now a trans woman is making his son wear heels
13/04/2023 Prisons Now Forced by Biden to Begin Releasing Millions of Convicted Felons by June!
13/04/2023 Taylor Swift and other celebrities work directly with the Defense Department on Information Operations
(Paid to pass satanic subliminal messages to the masses, its the continuation of the Tavistock Institute work)
10/04/2023 SFSU Responds To Alleged Assault On Riley Gaines... By Praising The Protesters
07/04/2023 DoD Official Testifies That The Military Must Be A 'Safe Space' For The Non-Binary
07/04/2023 Oregon Denies Christian Woman’s Application to Adopt as She Rejects Child Transgender Policies
06/04/2023 Trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney partners with Nike to sell sports bras
06/04/2023 Report details 'staggering' church sex abuse in Maryland
(Satanic infiltration of the catholic church)
05/04/2023 Marketing Experts Reveal Bud Light is Losing Customers After Partnering with “Transgender” Dylan Mulvaney
05/04/2023 Disney+ Greenlights German Original About Pregnant Teen Who Falls In Love With The Devil
05/04/2023 They snuck a poster about “trans kids” into the new Spider-Man trailer
05/04/2023 Bill in Canada to CRIMINALIZE "Offensive Remarks" about Transgender Freaks; $25,000 Fine!
05/04/2023 New TV show that's coming to UK soon - trans exhibit naked bodies in front of kids
05/04/2023 Attorney Who Represented Survivors Of Sex Crimes Arrested For Child Pornography
04/04/2023 LA County Floats "Decarceration" Plan To Give Criminals Slap On Wrist Instead Of Jail Time
03/04/2023 America's strong-arming gender clinics REVEALED: Most parents of trans kids say they were 'pressured' into transitioning their child — even when it left them worse off
03/04/2023 Toy store Build-a-Bear divides customers with new 'RuPaul' drag queen bear
01/04/2023 Bud Light Fast Tracks Itself Toward Bankruptcy, Hires Trans Activist To Be Its New Face
31/03/2023 'Day Of Vengeance' Cancelled To Preserve "Safety Of Our Trans Community"
31/03/2023 Dutch TV shows naked trans adults to children
31/03/2023 If they’re so mad about gu n violence why are they sympathizing with the sh00ter
31/03/2023 North Carolina College To 'Revise Policies' After Drag Queen Lap Dances On Teenage Girl
30/03/2023 U.S. argues for immunity in MK-ULTRA mind control case before Quebec Court of Appeal
30/03/2023 LATEST NEWS The Nashville Shooting, the Violent Rhetoric of the Trans Movement and Mass Media’s Hypocritical Coverage of it All
30/03/2023 Biden says transgender americans 'shape our nation's soul in an official proclamation
30/03/2023 The CBC (funded by the Canadian Government) is trying to normalize drag queens in elementary schools
28/03/2023 If you tell mentally ill kids that people disagreeing with them is “genocide,” eventually they’ll pick up weapons
28/03/2023 Satan is Getting Hot as Hell in American Pop Culture
28/03/2023 Leftists Complain About Transgender Shooter Being Misgendered
23/03/2023 USA Today Again Picks Biological Man As ‘Woman Of The Year’
22/03/2023 Pentagon doctors claim 7-year-olds can make decisions to be injected with hormones, puberty suppressants
(Same as asking the devil himself)
22/03/2023 “It’s Not So Black and White”: Gisele Bündchen, Self-Professed “Witch of Love,” Talks About It All
21/03/2023 Oregon Teacher Caught Asking Students To Describe Their Sexual Fantasies In Short Stories
19/03/2023 Oxfam 'Inclusivity' Guide Tells Staff To Avoid Using 'Offensive' Words Like 'Mother', 'People' and 'Headquarters'
16/03/2023 Jack Black Is Making A Satanic Christmas Movie
16/03/2023 Wellesley Students Vote To Admit Trans Men To Historic Women's College
15/03/2023 Canadian Cancer Society provides guidance for trans women seeking cervical cancer screenings
15/03/2023 Netflix show for pre-schoolers draws backlash over non-binary character 'coming out' with they/them pronouns
15/03/2023 The mayor of Paris invites a trans escort to visit the town hall. Then a complaint for pimping is taken after the trans person has disclosed a video in full frolic in the town hall.
14/03/2023 Elementary school teacher says confusing kids about gender is ‘the goal’
14/03/2023 Guest on French TV Show Said That Celine Dion and Other Celebs Take Adrenochrome
12/03/2023 France's First Lady Loses Transgender Lawsuit
11/03/2023 The government is entitled to the proceeds of crime
(Another big step towards lawlessness)
10/03/2023 Democrat Bill In Baltimore Would Prevent Anyone Under Age 25 From Facing Felony Murder Charges
(1 big step towards lawlessness)
10/03/2023 Somethings wrong with Monsters Inc: How the Franchise Exposes/Endorses Adrenochrome Trafficking
10/03/2023 “If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation.”
09/03/2023 Biden’s woke proposed 2024 budget would fund veterans’ ‘sex changes’
09/03/2023 Row erupts online after Jill Biden gives transgender woman from Argentina a 'Women of Courage' award during International Women's Day ceremony
09/03/2023 NY Congressman Dan Goldman think children should be allowed to watch online p0rnography because…Putin?
08/03/2023 Nearly 6,000 US public schools hide child’s gender status from parents
07/03/2023 Shazam! Fury of the Gods writers confirm superhero Pedro Peña is gay as they talk being more 'forthcoming' about his sexuality in sequel
03/03/2023 'Shocking' Condom Scavenger Hunt Part Of New School Workbook With 'Sexual Assignments'
03/03/2023 Schools Are Pushing Gender Pronouns And Hiding It from Parents
02/03/2023 “Hershey Highway” takes on a disturbing new meaning when a trans-man becomes the face of the candy bar
02/03/2023 Did An Employee Take A Fall For Bill Gates Over 6,000 Child Porno Images Discovered At His House?
01/03/2023 WEF Says It’s Time To Legalize Sex and Marriage With Animals To Promote Inclusion
28/02/2023 Biden labor secretary nominee failed to enforce Hollywood law preventing pedophiles from working with child actors
28/02/2023 New York teacher 'forced' and 'manipulated' 5th-grader to become transgender, causing suicidal ideation: suit
26/02/2023 LA's Soros DA Suspends Prosecutor For 'Misgendering' Child Molester Accused Of Murder
25/02/2023 A.I. claiming to be a fallen angel
24/02/2023 Canada moves one step closer to euthanizing CHILDREN: Critics slam 'reckless' and 'horrible' panel urging government to pass law allowing minors under 18 with terminal illnesses to die by assisted suicide
23/02/2023 UK schoolgirls protest at school gates after 4 Afghan asylum seekers cleared of unproven rape return to class
22/02/2023 US adults identifying as LGBTQ double in a decade: Gallup poll
20/02/2023 Spain passes law allowing mutilation of gender-confused kids 16 and up without parental consent
20/02/2023 Jeffree Star Gives Details About What The Illuminati Is Like & Who They Target To Join
19/02/2023 Spain decriminalizes sex acts with animals as long as no physical injury occurs
19/02/2023 Dutch political party @D66's youth organization normalize Pedophilia
19/02/2023 After School Satan Club Provokes Parent Outrage
18/02/2023 Liberals, NDP Approve Euthanasia For Minors In Canada
18/02/2023 reat all patients as gender neutral, NHS doctors told: Health Secretary’s anger at taxpayer-funded guide that tells medics not to use pronouns until patient has confirmed them
17/02/2023 Pro-life group blasts new Canadian gov’t report recommending euthanasia for kids, mentally ill
15/02/2023 Christian teacher loses job after refusing to deceive parents on kids' gender transitions: 'From the devil'
15/02/2023 Gay chorus that sang about converting kids into LGBT cult partners with Disney for PRIDE concert
12/02/2023 A Yale Professor Suggested Mass Suicide for Old People in Japan.
11/02/2023 America is racing toward Canada's euthanasia free-for-all - as seven more states eye legalizing assisted suicide, deadly doses are prescribed for ANOREXICS and more nurses are inking prescriptions
09/02/2023 Researchers Discover Promising 'Young Blood' Anti-Aging Drug
08/02/2023 80 percent of kids grow out of gender dysphoria-pediatric-psychiatrist
06/02/2023 Sam Smith performing "Unholy" at the Emmy's dressed as Satan surrounded by sex slaves.
06/02/2023 The Satanic Temple, is actually opening up an online health clinic and selling abortion pills as part of a religious ritual
04/02/2023 Satanic temple plans largest gathering in history - but worshippers told to mask up
04/02/2023 Satanic Idaho planning Capitol ‘ritual’ to protest bill criminalizing sex-change surgeries for kids
03/02/2023 LGBTUpdate To “Sims” Video Game Features Teen Trans Characters With Chestbinders, Breast Removal Scars
02/02/2023 Satanic Temple launches telehealth clinic for 'religious abortion ritual'
01/02/2023 Catholic school board suspends Josh Alexander for rest of the year for opposing gender ideology
01/02/2023 The Last of Us director says he wanted to ‘trick’ viewers into watching episode three’s gay romance
31/01/2023 A look at the exhibition adorning the walls of the European Parliament
30/01/2023 Watch: Inexperienced Trans Figure Skater Performs At European Championship With Hilarious Results
26/01/2023 Pedophilia: Recent and emerging research
24/01/2023 Planned Parenthood 'sex educator' pushing sex toys on kids, talks how to 'unlearn purity culture'
22/01/2023 Aretha Franklin song ‘Natural Woman’ deemed offensive
22/01/2023 LGBT activist confirms to WEF that her group has worked "in close collaboration with Hollywood" to normalize the LGBT ideology.
21/01/2023 Facebook And Instagram Could Soon Allow Transgender And Non-Binary People To Show Their Breasts
21/01/2023 "It's Shocking": California's Early Release Of Convicted Pedophiles Will Lead To More Victims: Former DA
20/01/2023 Now Nicola Sturgeon's SNP plans to ask SEVEN-year-olds if they are 'male, female, non-binary, transgender or other' in school survey branded 'disgraceful' and 'indoctrination'
18/01/2023 How the LA Zoo is sexualizing kids with 'family friendly' drag shows
18/01/2023 LGBT Activists Facing 9 Life Sentences For Raping Adopted Sons and Pimping Them Out To Friends
16/01/2023 'It is offending people': Man wearing a 'Jesus Saves' T-shirt at Mall of America is ordered by security guard to take it off or leave - at nation's most famous shopping center
15/01/2023 Young sacrifice belief in God on altar of Satanism
15/01/2023 The new owner of Miss Universe…..
14/01/2023 Girl, 17, weeps as she recalls seeing naked trans woman with penis in women's changing room at California YMCA - and says woke staff scolded her for complaining
13/01/2023 Minnesota to require teachers affirm transgender ideology, critical race theory for license, critics say
10/01/2023 Satanic Temple dedicates 'largest satanic gathering in history' to Boston mayor
10/01/2023 Oregon Advises Schools To Keep Students' 'Gender Identity' Hidden From Families
09/01/2023 Transsexual Reportedly Confesses to Burning Down 117-Year-Old Church in Portland (VIDEO)
06/01/2023 'It's the most rewarding work we've ever done': Canadian doctor who's euthanized 400 people proudly shares how she helped kill man deemed incapable of choosing assisted suicide - as another physician says she's helped 300 die
06/01/2023 Desperate father pleads with his pediatrician ex-wife NOT to 'chemically castrate' their son, 9, after she moved to California from Texas: Reveals footage of her raising child as a girl
06/01/2023 Satanic child abuse ring shut victims in oven, forced them to kill animals and filmed themselves gang raping them, court hears
(The reality of satanism)
04/01/2023 And Now Joker is Pregnant
04/01/2023 The Guardian embraces Satanic Temple in fight for 'abortion rights'
04/01/2023 Maine School Secretly Gender-Transitioned 13-Year-Old Girl
03/01/2023 World Economic Forum Declares Pedophiles ‘Will Save Humanity’
02/01/2023 From Barcelona New Years celebration a couple days ago… Baphomet
02/01/2023 After Gay Sex Party, Trump Now Promoting Abortion
31/12/2022 France. The number of anti-Christian attacks has exploded in 2022
30/12/2022 The EU are trying to rebrand paedophiles as "minor-attracted persons" (MAPS). Why?
30/12/2022 Scotland Police slammed for calling pedophiles ‘Minor Attracted Persons’
28/12/2022 When people say “nobody is trying to normalize pedophilia” they actually mean don’t believe your eyes
28/12/2022 Nothing says I'm a woman like having to simulate menstruation with frozen tomato paste.
26/12/2022 Esperanza Spalding Baphomet two finger salute on the Voice, then say's 'ooooops…sorry'
26/12/2022 John legend tells girl to stop doing Baphomet pose on the voice.
(It takes one to know one)
25/12/2022 UK University: Don't Say "Christmas" Because It's Too "Christian-Centric"
24/12/2022 Updated definition of man according to Cambridge dictionary
23/12/2022 Elon Musk orders removal of Twitter suicide prevention feature, sources say
23/12/2022 My First Suicide: Canada releases a kid's book pushing assisted suicide.
22/12/2022 Marine Corps may drop ‘yes sir’ for gender equity
22/12/2022 Defiant Scots tell Westminster they will fight it over bid to block their new gender rules: SNP says it will push through Sturgeon's law that would help rapists and allow 16-year-olds to legally transition without parental consent
21/12/2022 US couple face the death penalty in Uganda as they are hit with new child trafficking charge: Aid workers 'tortured their HIV+ foster son, 10, by keeping him naked and feeding him only cold food'
21/12/2022 Canada funded this assisted suicide 'activity book' for children
20/12/2022 38% of Students at Liberal Arts Colleges in the United States Identify as LGBTQ
20/12/2022 Educator Brags About Indoctrinating Kids, Then Complains About "Right-Wing" Reporting On It
19/12/2022 'So yeah, f*** family': Drag queen Miz Cracker says any chance to tear 'down traditional family values is welcomed'
19/12/2022 Mother Explains How Elementary School Transitioned Her Daughter Without Her Knowledge
19/12/2022 Walmart grooming? Adult toys next to childrens tooth brushes
18/12/2022 Court Rules Against Biological Females Over Connecticut Transgender Athlete Policy
16/12/2022 Killing fields of liberal Canada: Shocking figures reveal thousands including those who aren't terminally ill are choosing to end their lives under the world's most open assisted suicide system as fears emerge scheme could be rolled out to children
15/12/2022 Watch: Dem Rep. Says Term 'Pedophile' Is Discriminatory
15/12/2022 Mothers Slam American Girl Book Advising On Puberty Blockers
14/12/2022 US Govt. Paid Catholic Charities $3 Billion to Traffic People across the US/Mexico Border
13/12/2022 Ex-Twitter censor Yoel Roth and his boyfriend are forced to FLEE their $1.1m home after his thesis - which supports letting children use gay hook-up app Grindr - is shared by Elon Musk
11/12/2022 Greggs becomes latest High Street chain to offer pronoun badges for staff 'after wave of demand from workers'
10/12/2022 Canada prepares to expand assisted death amid debate
10/12/2022 Civil servants 'told to refer to Christmas parties as "festive celebrations" in bid to avoid excluding different faiths'
(They don't like that there is Christ in Christmas. Christmas has already lost all its meaning, better call this commercial santa pagan worship another name than Christmas)
10/12/2022 Cross-Dressing Book For Pre-K Students Crossed The Line
10/12/2022 Senators Press HHS As Whistleblower Alleges Unaccompanied Children Being Transferred To Criminals
09/12/2022 I Can’t Shut Up About ‘Goblin Mode’
(Demonic Mode)
09/12/2022 Letting paedophiles live out their perverted sexual fantasies using CHILD sex robots might stop them harming kids, researchers controversially suggest
08/12/2022 Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly
07/12/2022 Detransitioner, experts issue warning over American Girl pushing gender transitions: 'Protect your daughters'
06/12/2022 Number of 'top' surgeries performed on trans children has risen 13-FOLD in last decade — with girls as young as 12 getting irreversible ops
05/12/2022 Giant Step Closer To Legalizing Pedophilia: California Passes SB145 Bill
05/12/2022 'General Public Unaware' Of Push to Normalize Pedophilia In Culture And Academia
05/12/2022 Antifa Aims To Disrupt Florida Rally Opposing The Sexualization Of Children
03/12/2022 Avatar: The Way of Water has a Freemasonic logo
02/12/2022 “Baal-enci-aga” Literally Means “Baal The King”
02/12/2022 Planned Parenthood executive director claims children are born 'sexual' - and advocates porn literacy lessons for older students and sex education from KINDERGARTEN
02/12/2022 ‘MAPs Are a Protected Minority’: YouTube Cracking Down on Users Who Criticize Pedophilia
01/12/2022 Four out of 10 transgender criminals in prison are guilty of sex crimes, new data shows
01/12/2022 California is working hard to make life easier for child sex abusers
01/12/2022 NY Times Claims Balenciaga Pedo Scandal Is QAnon Conspiracy Theory
30/11/2022 WEF occupied Canada has gone Insane. 12 years old can now request Suicide/Medical Assistance in Dying
30/11/2022 LGBT news promotes p*dophilia ?
30/11/2022 Canadian Fashion Firm Releases Ad Celebrating "Beauty" Of Assisted Suicide
29/11/2022 Disney CEO Warns Wokeness Will Go On Even If People Aren’t “Happy”
29/11/2022 Cartoon Netwok Promotes the New World Order
29/11/2022 Mother's fury at primary school for teaching her eight-year-old daughter about masturbation by showing video titled 'top signs boys are in puberty' in sex education lesson
28/11/2022 American College of Pediatricians Provides Voice Against the Insanity of Transgenderism
28/11/2022 Warning! Disturbing Images! François-Henri Pinault, CEO of Balenciaga’s parent company owns an auction site selling child sex mannequins with erect penises, vaginas, and anuses instead of mouths or noses
28/11/2022 New Disney Christmas Series Shows Children Holding Signs “We Love You Satan” (Video)
28/11/2022 Cambridge Dean Goes Full Woke, Claims Jesus Could Have Been Transgender
28/11/2022 Washington Post calls new play about PEDOPHILIA brilliant
27/11/2022 Nothing to see here, just the mainstream media promoting cannibalism as a fashionable new trend for teenagers
26/11/2022 "The Menu" Cannibalism Film
24/11/2022 Box Office: ‘Black Panther 2‘ Rules as Disney’s ‘Strange World’ Stumbles With $4.2 Million Opening Day
24/11/2022 Drag Show for Youth Aged 14+ Set to Tour United Kingdom in January
23/11/2022 Photographer Blames Balenciaga for Photos of Kids with BDSM Props
23/11/2022 Canada’s Medical Assisted Suicide Program Expands to Children, the Mentally Ill and Poor
23/11/2022 Balenciaga - Baal reference
22/11/2022 Shoulder reduction surgery latest trend in 'gender affirming care'
22/11/2022 In California, 10% of Legislature Now Identifies as LGBT
21/11/2022 New campaign from luxury fashion brand Balenciaga - Children and Bondage-themed toys
20/11/2022 Cosmopolitan publishes puff piece glorifying incest
20/11/2022 CIA Caught Covering Up Rampant Child Sex Crimes Inside Agency and NO ONE Has Gone to Jail
(Wait till they find the ongoing MK Ultra programs, being a satanist is almost a requirement to work at CIA)
17/11/2022 TD Bank donated $500,000 for child gender transitions
16/11/2022 'At five years old you can explain to them you were born a girl but may not feel that way’: Early childhood teacher reveals she discusses ‘sexual orientation’ with toddlers in her classroom using a ‘gender unicorn’
15/11/2022 San Francisco Unveils Free Money "G.I.F.T." Handouts For Transgender Residents
(Subsidizing transgenders)
15/11/2022 Bill Gates Tells G20 World Leaders That ‘Death Panels’ Will Soon Be Required
12/11/2022 Remember when there was fun things on cereal boxes and not all-out indoctrination?
11/11/2022 The Deep State Is Free To Prey Upon Your Children – The Normalization of Pedophilia in Hollywood ( shocking photos)
11/11/2022 Met terror chief wears 'hot flush vest' to understand the menopause: Yard boss who tried to feel 'authentic symptoms' at work is accused of woke stunt
11/11/2022 Nevada just voted a law into existence that will make it a CRIME to criticize transgenderism, even for children
10/11/2022 Obese trans man crowned in Miss America pageant
09/11/2022 CHECK THESE OUT: Mattel is releasing four limited-edition Barbie dolls
08/11/2022 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Becomes First World Leader to Appear on ‘Drag Race’: Watch
07/11/2022 Male reality TV contestant harassed for refusing to dance in heels
05/11/2022 Pennsylvania Taxpayers Have Paid $16 Million For Childhood Sex Reassignment Treatments
04/11/2022 Majority Polled Do Not Support Transgenderism For Minors
02/11/2022 Ontario Woman Arrest For Protesting Drag Queen Event Hosted In A "Church"
01/11/2022 KILLING THE HELPLESS: Canada set to legalize euthanasia for mentally ill patients
01/11/2022 Canada is pro-death: The “world leader in euthanasia” is now considering medically-assisted suicide of children WITHOUT parental consent
01/11/2022 Puberty blockers given to children 'as young as NINE' at Scotland's Tavistock Centre: Sandyford clinic under fire for giving life-changing drugs to autistic and troubled youngsters who may have been 'misdiagnosed' as trans
30/10/2022 Analysis: Political rhetoric, false claims obscure the history of drag performance
30/10/2022 Why paganism and witchcraft are making a comeback
30/10/2022 Radical Gender Ideology Invades Small-Town Schools
27/10/2022 NHS Warning: Many "Trans" Kids Merely Going Through A "Phase"
25/10/2022 Matthew Lau: Ottawa’s woke plan for washroom equity
24/10/2022 ‘Unholy’ Makes Kim Petras the First Openly Trans Artist With a No. 1 Hit
24/10/2022 Use Firefox, get more indoctrination.
24/10/2022 Sweet victory! California court rules in favor of Christian baker who refused to bake cake for a lesbian couple in 2017, citing her Christian beliefs - and adds that people 'shouldn't push any agenda against anyone else
23/10/2022 Canada’s Plans to Euthanize Infants Are Gaining Support
23/10/2022 US Taxpayers Funding 'Drag Theater' Shows In Ecuador To Promote 'Diversity And Inclusion': State Department
23/10/2022 Rally Against 'Child Mutilation' Draws Thousands Of Supporters
22/10/2022 Homeless In Canada Apply For Trudeau’s Assisted Dying Program
21/10/2022 CDC Votes To Add COVID-19 Vaccines To Childhood Immunization Schedule
21/10/2022 Microsoft just dropped the latest Pride flag design, and yes, IT'S REAL
20/10/2022 A high school student's mural angers parents over what they say are hidden messages
20/10/2022 Police Issue Warning Ahead Of Halloween After Fentanyl Pills Found In Candy Bags At LAX
(Those deaths count as satanic sacrificies)
20/10/2022 Female Trans doll has a penis…
20/10/2022 Ex Disney Star China McClain Exposes Satanism in Hollywood
19/10/2022 Daycare center fired employee for refusing to read LGBT propaganda to toddlers: lawsuit
19/10/2022 California mom obliterates school board over 'family-friendly' Halloween drag show: 'Pimping out our kids'
18/10/2022 Virginia Democrat Wants To Criminalize Parents Who "Misgender" Their Children
15/10/2022 Quebec doctor recommends infanticide under Canada's euthanasia laws
14/10/2022 At least 269 K-12 educators arrested on child sex crimes in first 9 months of this year
14/10/2022 Number of non-binary students up 582% in Maryland school district
14/10/2022 Discussion: I continue to be mystified that the man at the center of Pizzagate, whose emails were published on WikiLeaks showing a relationship with Marina Abramovic (spirit cooker) and who had kids delivered "for entertainment" now advises White House on child vaxx policy. Mad world...
12/10/2022 University Of Minnesota Medical Students Led In Bizarre, Woke Oath
12/10/2022 Planned Parenthood YouTube ads directed at children promote puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy
11/10/2022 Parents are fighting to take back race-obsessed, ‘hypersexualized’ schools: Full Comment with Anthony Furey
11/10/2022 Amazon Accused of Selling ‘Suicide Kits’ to Teenagers in New Lawsuit
07/10/2022 LGBT scholar who authored a book titled "The Lust for Children" wrote that even those 4-year-olds can consent to sex with adults
07/10/2022 Mississippi Daycare Workers Think Scaring Toddlers In A Scream Mask Is Ok.
05/10/2022 Disney’s ‘Little Demon’, Which Normalizes Satanism and Pedophilia, Canceled in US
05/10/2022 Hospitals, Clinics Are Promoting Services To Gender-Nonconforming Kids. Here Are 47 Of Them.
04/10/2022 Scooby-Doo's Velma Dinkley FINALLY confirmed as lesbian in new Trick or Treat film as new female love interest is introduced
04/10/2022 High School Girl's Volleyball Team Banned From Own Locker Room After Complaining About Trans Athlete
03/10/2022 Conservatives Fear Schools Being Pressed To Accept Transgender Pronouns, Bathrooms And Showers
01/10/2022 Watch: Yet Another Democrat Witness Claims Biological Men Can Have Pregnancies
30/09/2022 "We're Horrified": Major Brands Pull Twitter Ad Campaigns Over Child Porn
29/09/2022 Police force ‘that prioritised trans paedophile’s feelings’ enforces gender-neutral warrant cards
29/09/2022 Christian parents win in court after school labeled 6-year-old son potentially 'transphobic'
29/09/2022 Council comes under fire for replacing story-telling library bear with gender-neutral dungaree-clad rainbow alien using they and them pronouns
28/09/2022 Vice Tries to Make a Sympathy Piece About Reintegrating Sex Offenders into Society, Doesn’t End How They Wanted It
28/09/2022 Chattanooga Gay Pride youth event at @WanderLinger Brewing Company on Saturday shows a very young girl rubbing the groin of an adult.
28/09/2022 Virgin Atlantic launches new gender neutral Vivienne Westwood uniforms
27/09/2022 Fury as Sussex Police defend trans paedophile who was jailed for sexually abusing seven children
27/09/2022 Cuba Family Code: Country votes to legalise same-sex marriage
26/09/2022 Gen. Insists Mass Murder Makes Food Taste Better
26/09/2022 Culture War Erupts in Texas Town Over Drag Bingo Event Hosted by Christian Church
26/09/2022 Spain’s Minister of Equality Irene Montero: “Childrenx” have the right to consent to sexual relations with adults
25/09/2022 The Satanic Temple's back to school event
23/09/2022 'She was 12 and I was 30' Biden says as he points at woman during teachers speech: Audience laughs as President says 'we got back a long way' and she 'helped me get a lot of work done' - before attacking Republicans
22/09/2022 Teachers’ union creates badges to identify LGBT-friendly educators, website to promote ‘sex acts’
22/09/2022 Air Force Academy Demands Cadets Stop Using The Words ‘Mom’ And ‘Dad’
21/09/2022 Harry Kane's message as he joins other football captains to wear anti-discrimination armband in Qatar
20/09/2022 California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law allowing human bodies to be turned into garden soil
(Desacralisation of the body, one step further to cannibalism)
20/09/2022 BREAKING: fascist pedophile president removes investigations into pedophilia and reassigns them into targeting his political enemies. more at 11
13/09/2022 Depravity beyond measure: Indiana University erects statue to honor wicked pedophile
11/09/2022 ‘Disturbing’: Experts troubled by Canada’s euthanasia laws
11/09/2022 Texas teacher on administrative leave after telling students to call pedophiles 'minor attracted persons'
09/09/2022 Biden appoints satanist to lead monkeypox response
05/09/2022 CA School District Textbook Claims There Are EIGHT Genders
05/09/2022 American Library Association Removes Webpage Promoting 'Secret' LGBT Messaging In Libraries
04/09/2022 Barclays criticised for advert that shows transgender woman receiving financial advice so she can fund surgery to give her ‘big t***’
04/09/2022 Medically assisted deaths could save millions in health care spending
(Elder human sacrifice)
03/09/2022 Fury after fire brigades spend £17,000 of taxpayers' money on decorating engines in LGBT rainbow colours
03/09/2022 Followers of social media spirituality influencer accused of 2 murders in Alabama: 'I am a god'
(A New Ager)
02/09/2022 Disney to Air Sick Satanic Cartoon “Little Demon” Plot Features Demonic Pagan Rituals and a Single Mom knocked up By Satan
01/09/2022 Trudeau backs Canadian spy agency accused of 'nabbing British children and trafficking them' to Islamic State
31/08/2022 Trudeau Liberals to spend $100 million on 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan so Canadians can be their 'authentic selves'
31/08/2022 Trevor Project hosts forum for adults to help teens secretly transition and talk about sex
31/08/2022 20 MLB Teams Are Raising Money To Provide ‘Medical Sex Changes’ For Minors
30/08/2022 Researcher admits to being a PAEDOPHILE in bizarre academic paper where he urges society to be 'more tolerant to people attracted to children'
30/08/2022 Antifa Shows Up To 'Family Friendly' Drag Show With AR-15s
(Soros' Antifa armed to the teeth guarding a satanic event made to brainwash children. Antifa are not just some lost liberal students, it is a para-military pedo-satanist group sponsored by the satanic elites)
29/08/2022 Non-binary Aussie parent reveals why they are raising a baby free of 'gender indoctrination' and shares what the child calls them instead of mum
27/08/2022 German Beastiality Buffs Demand Legalization Of Sex With Animals
26/08/2022 Satanic Temple to hold back-to-school event at Northern High School
26/08/2022 Jared Kushner says he's keeping trim because he believes there's a chance he'll live forever.
25/08/2022 Bootleg Abortion Pill Sales On The Rise
25/08/2022 eaching small children to pole dance
24/08/2022 'Kid friendly' Wisconsin Pride festival hands out free medical referral letters for 'gender affirming' drugs, surgeries
21/08/2022 Poppy Backmasking “Everyone with the mark will live” 2x
(Poppy is a MK Ultra slave handled by the illuminati Titanic Sinclair)
18/08/2022 UN General Assembly Poised to Declare Abortion a Human Right
18/08/2022 Zoophilia pride march in Germany
18/08/2022 Federal Appeals Court Rules Transgenderism Is Protected as a Disability
18/08/2022 Vox Media has Gone Completely Insane and Allows You to Choose What Race You Identify As
(Deconstruction of the concept of identity)
17/08/2022 10-Year-Old Transgender Model is Exploited on the Runway During New York Fashion Week
17/08/2022 This is the next phase of transgender conditioning
16/08/2022 Transgender model, 10, becomes youngest model to walk New York Fashion Week runway
14/08/2022 Boston Children’s Hospital Creates Bizarre Video Promoting ‘Gender Affirming’ Hysterectomies for Kids
13/08/2022 Toyota Sponsors Lesson on ‘First Steps’ of Drag Artistry for Children
12/08/2022 In Spain, 16-Year-Olds Will Soon Be Able To Change Their Gender Without Their Parents' Consent
11/08/2022 Licensed Pennsylvania sex therapist defends 'minor-attracted persons' in viral video
09/08/2022 'Women are being erased by the NHS': Fury over health guidance on PERIODS that doesn't mention girls or women once and instead refers to 'people who bleed'
09/08/2022 Elderly woman, 80, who has attended YMCA pool for 35 years is BANNED after demanding transgender worker leave women's locker room accusing them of 'watching little girls pulling down their suits'
07/08/2022 How one brave nurse exposed the gender mutilation of children taking place at Tavistock
07/08/2022 Christian High School In Manhattan Hosted Mandatory Drag Show In Place Of Church Service
07/08/2022 Metro Atlanta couple charged with using adopted kids to make child porn
05/08/2022 New Zealand Judge Declares 12-Year-Old Children Can Consent To Sex With Adults
04/08/2022 Families flocking to Margot Robbie’s Barbie movie this summer can expect fun & fluff replaced by feminism & misogyny
04/08/2022 Disney Embraces Drag Queens: Marvel Studios ‘Ironheart’ Casts ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Star Shea Coulee
03/08/2022 72 nations PUBLICLY worship satanic idols in televised luciferian ritual while celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay creepily stalks frightened lambs
03/08/2022 Eleven people appear in court charged with taking part in 'child sex abuse ring involving witchcraft, Ouija boards to summon spirits and demons and the killing of animals'
03/08/2022 Germans Will Be Able To Legally Change Their Gender Once A Year
01/08/2022 Little Demon Official Trailer (Antichrist propaganda)
31/07/2022 Little girl encouraged to partake in 'puppy play' with caged man at Pride event
30/07/2022 Air Force Includes Drag Show In Woke ‘Diversity’ Festival At Langley
29/07/2022 Texas private school teaches 5-year-olds that 'whites make it harder for black people'
27/07/2022 Advisor of WEF head Klaus Schwab: "Then very soon, we will be beyond the God of the Bible”
27/07/2022 Disney Makes Obi-Wan Kenobi Bisexual In Star Wars Canon?
26/07/2022 Articles about cannibalism are popping up like mushrooms.
26/07/2022 Disgusted Parents Are Suddenly Boycotting Crayola as Company Turns Sickeningly Non-Kid-Friendly
26/07/2022 Walmart Selling Realistic Silicone Fake Bo.obs for Crossdresser/Trans
25/07/2022 Teacher turns classroom into gay nightclub
23/07/2022 Democrats bring woman who is a witch and a furry as witness for abortion hearing
23/07/2022 Children's hospital in Portland has a detailed guide on ‘tucking’ for kids. At the end, they also refer children to a sex toy shop for gender affirming items.
23/07/2022 Twitter disgusted by New York Times piece suggesting there's a 'time and place' for 'cannibalism'
22/07/2022 Teacher says entire classroom of second graders changed pronouns
21/07/2022 At Least 181 K-12 Educators Have Been Arrested for Sex Crimes Involving Minors JUST THIS YEAR
21/07/2022 bakery facing harassment ahead of family-friendly drag show planned for Saturday
21/07/2022 witter says it bans using ‘groomer’ as an anti-LGTBQ slur
20/07/2022 Dictionary definition of 'female' now includes 'males' who 'identify' as opposite sex
19/07/2022 Woke concepts creeping into science? Gender activists push to stop anthropologists from marking human remains as ‘male’ or ‘female’
19/07/2022 Drag show star is banned by London's National Theatre after joking that children should be taught to 'open their LEGS' during X-rated act in front of horrified young families
15/07/2022 Anti-LGBTQ+ ‘groomer’ slur banned on Reddit in bid to tackle hate speech: ‘Your move Twitter’
(Pedophiles have 11X more chances to be LGBTQ+ than heterosexual (
link). Who could have guessed it from people who reject all social norms ? Follow the science only go when they want it )
14/07/2022 CDC Directs LGBT Children to Secretive Chats About Sex Changes, Activism, the Occult
14/07/2022 World Health Organisation: Gender "Is Not Limited To Male Or Female"
14/07/2022 Democrat Party unanimously objects to amendment increasing penalties on child sex traffickers.
10/07/2022 Pro-Pedophilia Activists Marched for ‘Equal Rights’ At 2022 Cologne Pride
09/07/2022 Biden Admin Drops $1.5 Million on ‘Transgender Programming’ for Inmates
09/07/2022 School children are told prostitution is a 'rewarding job' by sex education providers who promote 'kinks' to pupils including flogging, beating and locking people up in a cage
07/07/2022 Army Training Says Soldiers Must Shower with Transgender Persons of Opposite Sex
07/07/2022 Award-Winning Drag Queen, LGBTQ Youth Adviser Charged With 25 Counts Of Child Pornography
07/07/2022 Boy, 16, 'lives his best life' by wearing tuxedo and ballgown skirt to prom
05/07/2022 Washington state school board director to teach sexual 'pleasure' class to 9-year-olds at sex shop
05/07/2022 Top New Biden Staffer Defended Underage, Gay Prostitution Website Raided By Feds in Jaw-Dropping 2015 Article.
05/07/2022 Marvel Comics introduces homosexual Spider-Man character named ‘Web-Weaver’
04/07/2022 The horrors of transgender surgeries and the lives they ruin are finally being spoken about
02/07/2022 New Disney Show Accused Of Indoctrinating Kids To Think That Men, Too, Can Get A Period
30/06/2022 Clarence Thomas suggests Covid vaccines are derived from the cells of ‘aborted children’
28/06/2022 Burger 'that tastes like human flesh' despite being vegan wins top award
27/06/2022 Judge grants sex change to 8-year-old trans boy: Minority is not a reason to deprive rights
27/06/2022 Boy Scouts march in Seattle Gay Pride Parade
26/06/2022 "Get ready to strut your stuff." Youth organization puts out advertisement looking for kids to perform in drag
25/06/2022 JPMorgan Chase, Disney, Amazon promise to cover travel costs for abortions
22/06/2022 Disney’s ‘Strange World’ Animated Film To Include Openly Gay Teen Romance
20/06/2022 The phone number chosen by the French government for the "heat wave info service" is 0800 06 66 66 and seems a bit too satanic
19/06/2022 Cartoon Network encourages kids to be homosexual
19/06/2022 Google Worker Fired For Blowing The Whistle on ‘Spiritual Organization’ Within Company That’s Been Accused of Sex Trafficking
16/06/2022 Pixar's "Lightyear" Banned Across 14 Countries Over Gay Kiss Scene
15/06/2022 The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI)
14/06/2022 'Queer Ethics Professor' Calls For Pedophilia To Be Destigmatised And Taught In Schools
13/06/2022 Kindergartners sent home with masturbation assignment
11/06/2022 Over $200K being spent on drag queen shows at NYC schools, records show
10/06/2022 ‘Transgender’ YouTuber With Over 1 Million Subscribers: ‘Childhood Innocence’ Is A ‘Bullsh*t Fantasy Made Up By Adults’
07/06/2022 California lawmaker who relaxed punishments for sex offenders proposes mandatory 'Drag Queen 101' class for K-12 students
04/06/2022 Civil servants are being told in equality training that it is impossible to define a woman and the phrase “adult human female” can be transphobic.
04/06/2022 Pizza-Hut sparks outrage and national boycott after its children's' book club features a story about a young boy in DRAG
03/06/2022 Chinese scientists develop ‘vampiric’ technique that may reverse aging process
03/06/2022 National charter schools group praises teacher who admits to sexual misconduct with kindergarteners
31/05/2022 Virginia School LITERALLY Grooming Children — Caught Teaching Young Kids How to Become Prostitutes
30/05/2022 TRANS PRIVILEGE: Coles supermarket in Australia offering all employees who identify as “trans” 10 extra days of paid leave for some reason
30/05/2022 Taco Bell Will Host ‘Drag Queen Brunches,’ Partnering With Group That Targets Children
26/05/2022 Biden's USDA: Schools must embrace transgender agenda or be deprived of food funds
26/05/2022 Laverne Cox makes history as Mattel's first-ever transgender Barbie: 'I can't wait for fans to find my doll on shelves'
25/05/2022 YouTube Celebrates "World Tarot Day"
22/05/2022 Disgusting Trend in Our Schools Uncovered, Averaging Out to One Alleged Pedophile Busted Each Day
19/05/2022 ‘Youth Transplants’: Scientists Begin Harvesting Young Blood and Body Parts as Anti-Aging Treatment
Satanists have been doing this for centuries, they have been deceived to believe that drinking young bloods (adrenachrome) and sodomize children can steal the children's life force and give them immortality. Another of the devil's decepetion to make them commit as many abominations as possible. Now they are using 'The Science' to normalize those deviant behaviors.
19/05/2022 Stanford says butchering and harvesting blood and organs from children can help adults achieve “immortality”
18/05/2022 School district invites Philadelphia teachers to attend 'Kink, Trans Sex and BDSM' workshop to 'learn more about trans community' where they were told there is 'no age limit for gender journey', how to use sex toys and what 'puppy fetishes' are
18/05/2022 Disney Announces New "LGBTQ Pride" Clothing Line for Kids
14/05/2022 Whistleblower Exposes How LGBT Teachers Create ‘Rainbow Clubs’ in Public Schools to Groom Children
14/05/2022 Intoxication ruled valid defense for violent crimes
13/05/2022 Child sex abuse center hires professor who faced backlash over pedophile comments
12/05/2022 Pregnant trans man stars in Calvin Klein Mother's Day ad
11/05/2022 Target launches trans merch for kids as well as chest binders, 'packing underwear'
09/05/2022 Satanic Temple to argue abortion is ritual in legal challenges to states that put up hurdles to procedure
(They admit it themselves: Abortion is a satanic ritual.)
06/05/2022 Taco Bell promotes LGBT advocacy in drag queen shows at its restaurants
23/02/2022 Human Organs Harvested and Trafficked for Fashion Designer, Say Police
12/02/2022 Biden Hires “Gender Fluid,” Simulated Bestiality Promoter To Top Department Of Energy Position
(The new normal)
25/09/2021 French TV Channel Brings Public Uproar, Government Scrutiny After Airing ‘Unplanned’
12/08/2021 Kids as Young as Four Can Now Change Gender in Scottish Schools Without Parental Consent
22/07/2021 Former state Senator Mike Folmer out of prison after serving one year on child pornography charges
24/05/2021 Millie Bobby Brown debuts new positivity-focused eye makeup
06/11/2020 A Satanist on why everything you think you know about his religion is wrong
23/09/2020 A Satanist on why Church depicts Jesus as genderqueer with breasts, a beard and make-up so ‘everyone sees themselves in Christ’
16/01/2020 ‘Stop the slaughter of the innocents’: Meet the anti-vaxxers of 1919
08/01/2020 What Exactly Is A Throuple?
23/08/2019 BBC Article - 'Hail Satan?: The Satanists battling for religious freedom'
28/10/2017 The CIA uses missionaries and journalists who double as under cover contacts.
11/11/2016 The FBI likely ran nearly half the child porn sites on the dark web in 2016
05/10/2014 NY Time- Pedophilia : A disorder, not a crime

Censorship Rising / Persecution

05/03/2024 Pre-Crime: Canada’s Justice Minister Defends “Online Harms Bill” Powers To Place People Under House Arrest, Cut Internet Access
28/02/2024 Meta Launches Real-Time Content Censorship Unit for 2024 Elections
21/02/2024 France Passes Law That Takes Aim at Online Speech That Encourages People To “Refrain From Medical Treatment”
14/02/2024 Australia’s Communications Minister Threatens X With “Big Trouble” if It Doesn’t Censor “Misinformation”
08/02/2024 The EU’s Strict Online Speech Laws Are Set To Impact US Citizens in 2024
08/02/2024 WHO Report Proposes Working With Social Media Providers and Law Enforcement To Control “Disinformation”
07/02/2024 YouTube CEO Vows To Censor “Hate Speech” and Boost “Authoritative Sources” in Recommendations When People Look for Election News in 2024
16/02/2024 France: ANY Criticism Of The mRNA DEATHVAX™ Platform Punishable Up To 3 Years Imprisonment And 45,000 Euros
30/01/2024 EU To Censor “Disinformation” and “Hate Speech” Under the Guise of Supporting Human Rights
16/01/2024 Italy: Popular Social Media Accounts To Be Treated As Publishers, Face “Misinformation,” “Hate Speech” Restrictions
12/01/2024 Canada: Police Say Protect the Privacy of Thieves, Don’t Post Videos of Them Stealing Packages
11/01/2024 2024 World Economic Forum Davos Meeting to Focus on “Restoring Trust”
09/01/2024 The American Psychological Association Wants (More) Federal Funding To Curb Online “Misinformation”
03/01/2024 Repairman Who Disclosed Hunter Biden’s Laptop Says His House Was 'Swatted'
30/12/2023 T-Mobile Quietly Updates Its Terms to Fine Commercial Users for “Hate Speech”
30/12/2023 17 year old protestor arrested for disagreeing with the New Zealand Government
20/12/2023 Google Experiments With “Faster and More Adaptable” Censorship of “Harmful” Content Ahead of 2024 US Elections
20/12/2023 UK Police Log “Hate Incident” Against Conservative Lawmaker Who Shared Post Referring to Trans Candidate As “Man in a Wig”
18/12/2023 EU Parliament Supports Granting Access to Sensitive Health Data Without Asking Patients
17/12/2023 NY Times Targets Pro-Trump Memes, Equates Them with Deepfakes and Advocates for Regulation
12/12/2023 WEF Likens “Misinformation” To A Cybersecurity Issue In Calls For More Action
10/12/2023 Al Gore Likens Social Media Algorithms To AR-15s, Calls For a Ban
08/12/2023 Tech Platforms Commit to Censorship After Dublin Riot
01/12/2023 Harvard ‘Social Media Lab’ will explore ‘governance infrastructure’ of Internet
01/12/2023 Irish Justice Minister To Grant Police Sweeping Powers To Intercept Private Conversations on Social Media Sites Under New Legislation
29/11/2023 How the UK Government Surveilled Its Critics and Funded Plans for International Censorship of NATO Criticism
26/11/2023 Ireland’s Leader Leo Varadkar Pushes for New “Hate Speech” Laws
25/11/2023 World Economic Forum Backs UNESCO’s Push To Regulate Speech on Social Media, Pushes Its Own Toolkit “Digital Safety” Which Will Tackle “Hate Speech” and “Cyberbullying”
15/11/2023 YouTube Boasts About Elevating “Quality” Content, Collaborating With the WHO, and Suppressing “Misinformation”
14/11/2023 “I Want Everybody’s Name.” Nikki Haley Ignores the First Amendment As She Demands an End to Online Anonymity
13/11/2023 Saskatchewan Nurse Faces Disciplinary Hearing For Social Media Posts Rejecting Covid Mandates
12/11/2023 Ontario Doctor Who Rejected Covid Mandates Is Found Guilty of Spreading “Misinformation,” Raising Free Speech Concerns
12/11/2023 Raided Pro-Life Activist Sues DOJ For 'Malicious Prosecution,' Emotional Distress
08/11/2023 Pro-Censorship EU Chief Tells TikTok To “Spare No Effort” in Censoring “Disinformation”
07/11/2023 Woke Teachers Trying To Ban Classic Novel From Schools To "Protect Students"
06/11/2023 Libraries and counties cut ties with American Library Association after ‘Marxist’ lesbian’s election
05/11/2023 UK Government Considers Loosening Definition of “Extremism” in a New Threat to Free Speech
05/11/2023 Thoughtcrime Arrests In Israel: "People Have Been Arrested For Saying Their Heart Was With The Children of Gaza"
03/11/2023 Russia Widens Its VPN Block
02/11/2023 WHO Publishes Latest Draft of Pandemic Treaty To Combat “Misinformation”
27/10/2023 Canadian Lawmakers Want to Punish Online Platforms For Allowing “Misinformation” Spread
26/10/2023 George Soros and Bill Gates-Funded Aspen Institute is Hit With Censorship Collusion Lawsuit
23/10/2023 China’s Weibo Tests Forcing Users To Reveal Their Real Name, Ending Online Anonymity
23/10/2023 Watch: London Metro Police Threaten People Displaying British Flag With Arrest For "Racism"
19/10/2023 The FDA Takes Aim at So-Called “Misinformation,” Funds “Pre-Bunking” Research
18/10/2023 Meme Artist Douglass Mackey is Sentenced To Seven Months in Prison For Hillary Clinton Voting Meme
18/10/2023 Deliberate “Misgendering” Could Be a Crime Under UK Labour Party Plans
18/10/2023 Canadian Government Wants To Boost Opinion Monitoring, Under The Guise of Reducing “Misinformation”
16/10/2023 Canadian Nurse Faces Disciplinary Hearing For Social Media Posts Criticizing Covid Mandates
16/10/2023 Polish Musician Removed From Performances and Teaching Job After Social Media Post Criticizing Gender Ideology
13/10/2023 WEF Orders Govt’s To Make Viewing Alternative Media a ‘Criminal Offence’
13/10/2023 The EU Could Push its Private Message Ban as Early as Next Week
13/10/2023 China Fines Man Over $144,000 After He Used a VPN
11/10/2023 World Economic Forum Calls For “Collective Action” To Fight “Misinformation” and “Disinformation”
06/10/2023 Netherlands Land Grab: MP is being prosecuted for two counts of sedition for encouraging civil disobedience
06/10/2023 Canada Plots to Increase Online Regulation, Target Search and Social Media Algorithms
04/10/2023 Google Throws Its Support Behind Australia’s Online “Misinformation” Censorship
04/10/2023 Swiss Writer Sentenced To 60 Days In Jail For Calling Journalist A "Fat Lesbian"
04/10/2023 US Government Frames Bitcoin Privacy As "Criminal"
03/10/2023 Germany: 87-year-old woman jailed for anti-migrant social media posts
03/10/2023 UK Government Monitored The Social Media Activity of Education Critics
02/10/2023 Spanish Author is Sued Over Tweet “Misgendering” a Self-Described “Non Binary” Person
02/10/2023 Canada To Create Registry Of Podcasters In Potential Censorship Initiative
01/10/2023 Germany government seizes bank account of a blogger who called some government bureaucrat “fat”
29/09/2023 Israel Pushes Facial Recognition Surveillance Bill To Operate in Public Spaces
28/09/2023 UN Urges Governments and Platforms To Implement Its Guidelines For Censoring “Misinformation,” and “Hate”
26/09/2023 WHO Treaty Negotiators Call For Governments and Big Tech To Tackle “Infodemics,” and “Misinformation”
26/09/2023 Brazil’s UN Representative: “Dissemination of False Information Regarding Health Matters Constitutes…a Possible Criminal Offense”
24/09/2023 Department of Defense Signs Contract With Social Media Monitoring Company
22/09/2023 Canada Launches UN Declaration Pledging Restrictions On Online “Disinformation”
21/09/2023 One Day After Passage of Orwellian “Online Safety Bill,” UK Home Office Attacks Private Messaging
21/09/2023 A Nation Of Snitches: DHS Is Grooming Americans To Report On Each Other
21/09/2023 Former NZ PM Ardern Urges United Nations To 'Crack Down On Free Speech As A Weapon Of War'
20/09/2023 The UK Passes Sweeping New Surveillance and Censorship Measures in The Online Safety Bill
20/09/2023 Meanwhile in Britain: Magistrate Removed After Bringing Nuremberg Code Case Against UK Government
19/09/2023 Today The UK Parliament Undermined The Privacy, Security, And Freedom Of All Internet Users
19/09/2023 Norwegian man detained in psych unit over Facebook posts against COVID narrative speaks out
19/09/2023 Biden Admin Awards Over $4 Million In Grants To Programs That Target “Misinformation”
17/09/2023 Canadian School Purges Books Published Before 2008 In Bid For 'Inclusivity'
15/09/2023 WHO Pandemic Treaty Negotiator Wants To Combat Online “Misinformation,” Calls It a “Serious Health Threat”
14/09/2023 DHS Awards $20 Million To Program That Flags Americans As Potential “Extremists” For Their Online Speech
12/09/2023 Threads blocks search for ‘COVID,’ ‘vaccines,’ ‘coronavirus’ over ‘disinformation’ fear
12/09/2023 Threads Is Already Blacklisting Covid Terms From Search, As Part of New Censorship Campaign
12/09/2023 Homeland Security Awards $20 Million in Grants to Police, Mental Health Networks, Universities, Churches and School Districts To Help Identify Americans As Potential ‘Extremists’
11/09/2023 Eventbrite Deletes James Lindsay’s “Save Our Kids” Event
10/09/2023 Full Authoritarian: New Mexico Governor Suspends Constitutional Gun Rights For Law-Abiding Citizens In Albuquerque
08/09/2023 How The US Government Is Funding AI Studies That Tell If You’ve Violated “Social Norms”
06/09/2023 How The Biden Administration Used Inaccurate Data As a Way To Censor Americans Online
05/09/2023 The UK Government Tracks Journalists That Make Freedom of Information Requests
01/09/2023 Internet Backbone Provider Hurricane Electric Censoring Kiwi Farms Sets a Dangerous Precedent
01/09/2023 ADL Calls on Biden and Harris To Create Directive To Tackle Online “Hate” Through Public-Private Partnership
01/09/2023 New York Police To Deploy Drones To Monitor Labor Day Weekend Parties
01/09/2023 New York police will use drones to monitor backyard parties this weekend, spurring privacy concerns
01/09/2023 Call Of Duty using AI to listen out for hate speech during online matches
30/08/2023 Another Soros-Funded Group Pushes For Social Media Platforms To Censor Election “Disinformation”
28/08/2023 Louisiana Man Arrested By SWAT Team For Facebook Joke About COVID-19 Wins Case
24/08/2023 Norway LOCKED man in psychiatric ward for questioning mRNA shots
23/08/2023 Writer C.J. Hopkins Is Ordered To Jail or Pay a Fine For Using Nazi Imagery on Anti-Authoritarianism Book
23/08/2023 X To Introduce “Report EU Illegal Content” Button To Comply With EU Censorship Demands
21/08/2023 The UN is Building a “Digital Army” To Fight What it Calls “Deadly Disinformation”
18/08/2023 Leave ‘neutrality behind,’ Soros-funded UT Austin journalism program says
18/08/2023 Google’s New AI Summaries Are a New Way For The Company To Filter Everything Through Its Own Biases
18/08/2023 Russia Fines Google For Not Censoring “Misinformation”
16/08/2023 Xbox Could Ban Players From Games They Purchased Under New “Hate Speech” and “Profanity” Strikes System
16/08/2023 Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese Says He Would Ban Social Media, If Allowed To Be a Dictator
14/08/2023 Sweden’s “Psychological Defense Agency” is Using Cold War Strategies to Combat “Disinformation”
14/08/2023 Ministry of Truth: Owen Thompson, Scottish MP, Calls For a UK “Truth Tsar” That Cracks Down On Social Media Platforms
09/08/2023 Karen Kingston Has Been Poisoned & Calls Out Robert Malone & Others (Video)
08/08/2023 Google’s New Plot To Lock Down The Web
06/08/2023 Elon Musk Says X Will Pay Legal Fees For Users Punished By Employers For Posts On The Platform
(Thats a good way to identify conservatives voices against the NWO)
06/08/2023 Great Western Railway Blocks Website Of Group Campaigning For Importance of Biological Sex, Calls It “Terrorism and Hate”
05/08/2023 Brazil Censorship Regime: Popular Podcaster Monark Criminally Investigated and Fined $75,000 For Online Speech
04/08/2023 Meta Will Unmask Anonymous Dutch Facebook User Accused of “Defamation”
04/08/2023 Fauci Successor, Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, Said There Should Be “Consequences” For “Misinformation,” But Spreads It Herself
04/08/2023 US Intelligence Has Been Manipulating Wikipedia For Over A Decade: Wiki Co-Founder
03/08/2023 Bernie Sanders Leads Calls To Prosecute “Illegal Misinformation” On Climate Change
02/08/2023 Australia’s Intelligence Agencies Are Instructed To Tackle Online “Misinformation”
31/07/2023 Jobs Denied! Social Worker Penalized for Dylan Mulvaney Comments
31/07/2023 Conspiracy theorist Billy Te Kahika appeals jail term
30/07/2023 BRAZIL: Socialist Lula da Silva IMPOSES Gun Control on All Citizens – HE REVERSES BOLSONARO’S POLICIES THAT REDUCED CRIME
27/07/2023 New Zealand government funds project to discredit anyone who questions safety of vaccines
26/07/2023 Stay-at-home Ontario mom fined $37K for organizing anti-restrictions COVID protests
26/07/2023 Doctor Who Criticized COVID Vaccines and the FDA, and His Employees, Have Bank Accounts Suddenly Canceled
25/07/2023 Top WEF Official: ‘Dangerous Conspiracy Theorists Must Be Eliminated’
23/07/2023 Cancellations Start for John Clauser After Nobel Physics Laureate Speaks Out About “Corruption” of Climate Science
20/07/2023 Illinois Delegated Control Over Its "Ban On Book Bans" To Self-Described Marxist
12/07/2023 A Reddit User Admitted To Pirating a Movie 12 Years Ago. Movie Studios Want To Unmask Him.
07/07/2023 New Proposals Would Allow UK Spy Agency To Monitor Internet Logs In Real-Time
07/07/2023 France Gives Law Enforcement Power To Remotely Activate, Listen In On People’s Devices
07/07/2023 The White House Seeks Injunction Halt So It Can Continue Social Media Censorship Pressure
06/07/2023 Bank refuses to open account for parental rights group opposing ‘trans’ surgeries for kids: report
06/07/2023 Meta’s New Threads App is Censoring From Day One
03/07/2023 Macron Demands Platforms Delete Riot Content; Blames Social Media & Video Games For Protest Spread
03/07/2023 Departing CDC Director Says The Agency Plans To Work With Media To “Prebunk” “Misinformation”
02/07/2023 Terry Pratchett Audiobooks Are Hit With Trigger Warnings
01/07/2023 Macron Wants Platforms To Delete Riot Content, Blames Social Media and Video Games For Riot Spread
28/06/2023 The UN Wants People To Report Each Other For “Hate Speech”
27/06/2023 Broadcasters face ‘Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’ rules under Canada’s new internet censorship law
27/06/2023 Volleyball Player Says ChatGPT Scolded Her Against Idea Of Banning Biological Men From Woman’s Sports
26/06/2023 The UN Wants People To Report Each Other For “Hate Speech”
21/06/2023 Australian Columnist Says She Was Fired For Writing About Transgender-Related Censorship
19/06/2023 "We Are Restricting Freedom... For The Common Good": Irish Green Party Calls For Limiting Free Speech
17/06/2023 Obama Proposes “Digital Fingerprints” On Content To Combat “Misinformation”
13/06/2023 WHO Member Says Agency Needs To “Nullify The Conspiracies” About Covid Vaccines
12/06/2023 Lawsuit: Password Company Bitwarden Fired Catholic Employee For Listing Pronouns As “Assigned By God”
11/06/2023 Proposed California bill would brand parents abusive if they refuse to affirm their transgender children's identity - and let social workers take youngsters into care
11/06/2023 Christian Salon Worker Is Fired For Post Criticizing Disney
11/06/2023 Software VP Fired For Using 'Assigned By God' As Preferred Pronoun Sues Employer
11/06/2023 Academic Journal Editor Faces Cancel Attempt For Allowing Debate On Transgenderism
10/06/2023 Political Satirist CJ Hopkins Under Criminal Investigation In Berlin
08/06/2023 Hong Kong Banks Deplatform Pro-Democracy Activists
08/06/2023 Mayo Clinic Suspended Professor Over Comments On Covid And Transgenderism
07/06/2023 Prof says colleague terminated for sharing conservative beliefs, sues college
07/06/2023 Report: Biden Censorship Lawyers Say Questioning Masks And Vaccines “Often Won’t Be” Protected By First Amendment
04/06/2023 YT video - New Democrat Bill Calls For Federal "Disinformation Experts," Creation Of "Behavioral Codes"
03/06/2023 The UK’s “Chilling” Secret Unit That Monitored Lockdown Dissent
01/06/2023 Canada Plans To Re-Introduce Its Online Censorship Law This Year
01/06/2023 UK: Teacher Is Fired Over Facebook Post Retaliating Against Youths That Threatened To Kill His Family
31/05/2023 Under Macron, France Brings Back 'Preventive Censorship' After More Than 140 Years
31/05/2023 Google banned me from reviews after expressing my displeasure with venues that don't accept cash
30/05/2023 WHO Group Co-Chair Calls For “Prioritizing Actions That May Restrict Individual Liberties”
28/05/2023 The FDA Wants People To Report “Misinformation”
27/05/2023 House Judiciary Committee Investigates Bank Of America’s Handing Over Data Of Innocent Customers To FBI
26/05/2023 German Man Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison For Pro-Russian Rhetoric, Symbols
26/05/2023 The White House Tells Social Media Platforms To Take A “Zero-Tolerance” Stance Against “Hate Speech”
25/05/2023 Google Renews Its Partnership With The WHO
25/05/2023 LinkedIn Censors Presidential Candidate Who Says Fossil Fuels 'Required For Prosperity'
25/05/2023 Microsoft Unveils New Censorship Tool
25/05/2023 Congress To Investigate WHO Plans To Use “Listening Surveillance Systems” To Identify “Misinformation”
24/05/2023 Under Elon Musk, Twitter has approved 83% of censorship requests by authoritarian governments
23/05/2023 Leaked Document Shows The EU Countries That Want To Ban Private Messaging
20/05/2023 The FBI Broke The Law Over 278,000 Times With Illegal Searches On Americans
20/05/2023 Canada is voting to ban legal guns. Except in Canada only 5% of gun crime is committed by legal guns. 12 deaths per year in a country of 38 million.
19/05/2023 UK Police Invaded The Privacy Of 136,000 People At The Coronation To Get One Arrest
19/05/2023 Senators Want To Control AI So It Can’t Produce “Misinformation”
19/05/2023 New Democrat Bill Calls For A Federal Agency To Create “Behavioral Codes,” Introduce “Disinformation Experts”
17/05/2023 Canada’s Liberals Try To Defend Plan To Target Anonymous Social Media Accounts
17/05/2023 Reddit hides everything before 2016
15/05/2023 French Police Say It Was a Mistake To Block Telegram
14/05/2023 A-416 - AKA “The concentration camp bill” allowed government officials to imprison the unvaccinated or any group suspected of being a risk of spreading covid.
13/05/2023 Surveillance Contractor Monitored Vaccine Skeptics, Report Says
13/05/2023 Judge Finds Federal Age-21 Rule For Handgun Purchases Unconstitutional
12/05/2023 The Disinformation Governance Board Is Out. The “Foreign Malign Influence Center” Is In.
12/05/2023 DHS Producing Videos Teaching Citizens How To Identify "Radicalized" Conservatives
11/05/2023 Senate Judiciary Committee Advances Bill That Would End Private Messaging
11/05/2023 Brazilian Justice Will Punish Tech Companies That Criticize Government’s Censorship Law
11/05/2023 "Were You Expecting Us?": ATF Agents Go 'Door To Door' To Confiscate FRT-15 Triggers
10/05/2023 Ireland’s controversial hate speech law paves the way for an Orwellian future
10/05/2023 California Launches Online Portal For Reporting “Internet Harassment”
10/05/2023 UK Government Is Offering £600,000 To Contractors For Social Media Surveillance Of “Misinformation Narratives”
09/05/2023 The New Immigration Bill Is a Trojan Horse for E-Verify and Is a Threat to All Americans
08/05/2023 Like A Tweet, Lose Your Job
07/05/2023 Canada Liberal’s Assault on Press Freedom: The Plot To Censor ‘Untraceable Sources’
05/05/2023 TikTok to censor climate change “misinformation”
04/05/2023 Watchdog: IRS Has Spent $10M On Weapons, Ammo, & Combat Gear Since 2020
02/05/2023 Academics develop plot to scan social media, flag posts with “pre-crime” machine learning
01/05/2023 YT video : The EARN IT Act Wants to End Privacy and Must Be Stopped
01/05/2023 UK Conservative councillor candidate is suspended over social media vaccine comments, liking Andrew Tate tweets
01/05/2023 India’s Supreme Court tells states to crack down on “hate speech,” even if there are no complaints
30/04/2023 Telegram access is restored in Brazil after judge strikes down censorship order
30/04/2023 Taiwan Now Has Real Time Intelligence Sharing Link With Five Eyes
29/04/2023 Ireland is about to pass one of the most radical hate speech bills yet. Merely possessing "hateful" material on your devices is enough to face prison time.
29/04/2023 YT video: The CDC "behavior change" project
28/04/2023 Canada passes its duplicitous online censorship bill
28/04/2023 Brazil’s “fake news” censorship law goes to a vote next week
26/04/2023 Brazilian court orders Telegram ban
26/04/2023 The Pentagon partnered with Vanguard in a billion dollar project to censor free speech in America.
26/04/2023 New proposals would let governments seize domain names
24/04/2023 Fox News ousts Tucker Carlson, its most popular host
(Could be linked to his interview with the ex-Pussycat doll singer that denounced satanism in the entertainement industry).
24/04/2023 Washington Legislature Passes Semi-Automatic Rifle Ban
23/04/2023 Biden Administration invests $1.9M in “disinformation” education: documents reveal details
19/04/2023 TikTok to remove climate change denial videos and direct users to 'authoritative information'
18/04/2023 German court ruling against hosting company paves the way for privatized censorship
15/04/2023 Germany to extend its online censorship laws
14/04/2023 Proposed Philadelphia bill would regulate “hate speech” on social media
11/04/2023 CDC “behavior change” project targeted vaccine critics, was funded by Pfizer and New York “Misinformation Response Unit”
10/04/2023 DHS pressured social platforms to censor, smeared critics as "bad faith" actors
09/04/2023 IRS Chief Reveals Hiring Plan For Armed Agents
08/04/2023 Trans suspect arrested for allegedly planning shootings at Colorado schools, churches
07/04/2023 Klaus Schwab Hires Millions of ‘Information Warriors’ To ‘Seize Control of The Internet’
07/04/2023 With "RESTRICT ACT S.686" you will 'potentially' receive 20 years in prison and a $1,000,000 fine for sharing information about "inappropriate showers" spelled out in a diary of an important persons relative.[Somewhat of a repost]
05/04/2023 WH's Jean-Pierre to RCP's Wegmann: "It's Not For Us To Decide" If Attack On Christian School Was A Hate Crime
05/04/2023 Australian government blocked websites with “informal” requests, meaning takedown requests went unrecorded
01/04/2023 French woman faces $13,000 fine for Facebook post calling President Macron “fifth”
01/04/2023 Ukraine leads request for social media platforms to censor “disinformation”
31/03/2023 Bolsonaro Returns To Brazil From Florida, Faces Down Multiple Criminal Investigations
31/03/2023 Twitter Restricts Conservative Accounts Over 'Trans Day Of Vengeance' Posts
30/03/2023 Canadian lawmaker says it’s worth violating free speech to promote Quebec content in algorithms
29/03/2023 Trans Anti-Christian Video Game Attacking ‘Gender-Critical Tyrants’ Released Months Before School Attack
29/03/2023 Media side with mass shooter that killed Christian
(Normalization of murder of Christians, preparation for the Martyr phase)
29/03/2023 You can face up to 20 years in prison for using a VPN if this bill passes
28/03/2023 Trudeau invokes “flat-earthers” and “anti-vaxxers” as he calls for social platforms to be liable for “disinformation”
(If Trudeau want to censor it, you should definitly learn about it)
28/03/2023 This class action lawsuit targets the Biden Administration for social media censorship collusion
26/03/2023 Biden Administration demanded crackdown on “vaccine-skeptical” WhatsApp chats
25/03/2023 Guilt by association: Airbnb’s shadowy “background check” bans users if they’ve closely interacted with any other banned users
24/03/2023 NHL Players Who Refuse to Wear Pride Jerseys Are Facing Authoritarian Media Backlash
23/03/2023 Trudeau office texts show pressure already on banks to freeze protesters’ accounts before Emergencies Act
21/03/2023 Trudeau Prepares To Destroy Freedom Of Speech In Canada
21/03/2023 YouTube blocks LifeSite for 2 weeks for ‘hate speech’
20/03/2023 Arguments are set to be made in a lawsuit that threatens the future of digital libraries
20/03/2023 "True Stories... Could Fuel Hesitancy": Stanford Project Worked To Censor Even True Stories On Social Media
15/03/2023 SoCal teacher says she was fired for not hiding students' gender preferences from parents
14/03/2023 Vermont Christian school barred from future tournaments after forfeiting game against team with trans student
14/03/2023 The CDC funded groups tackling vaccine “misinformation”
14/03/2023 'Goosebumps' Author R.L. Stine Accuses Publisher Of Progressive 'Censorship'
13/03/2023 Hong Kong Tiananmen Square vigil organizers are imprisoned over refusal to hand over data
13/03/2023 Eric Schmidt testifies that there should be no “true anonymity” when accessing generative AI platforms
12/03/2023 Trudeau announces $5.5 million to fight “disinformation”
11/03/2023 US Special Ops Wants To Use Deepfakes To Conduct 'Propaganda And Deception' Campaigns
10/03/2023 British Minister Faces New Charges Under Counter-Terrorism Laws For Criticizing A Trans Woman
10/03/2023 Politico’s word blacklist is an insight into language control
09/03/2023 New Bill Would Classify Conservative Speech As 'Domestic Violence Extremism'
07/03/2023 Trudeau government plans to make it easier to invoke Emergencies Act, freeze bank accounts
04/03/2023 World Health Organization gets closer to expanding its surveillance powers through international pandemic treaty
02/03/2023 Taiwan readies plans to curb “misinformation”
27/02/2023 Biden signs executive order, instructing AI development to promote “equity”
27/02/2023 James Bond Books Reportedly Being Rewritten To Remove "Racist And Sexist" Remarks
23/02/2023 UN says that censoring “disinformation” and “hate speech” will protect “free speech”
22/02/2023 Minnesota Bar Owner Faces $350,000 In Fines For Defying State COVID-19 Restrictions
22/02/2023 $749,387 Pentagon contract debunks the lie about “independent” fact-checkers - the Pentagon has funded fact-checkers under a program to mark independent journalists as disinformation
22/02/2023 Canadian Man Charged w/2nd Degree Murder for shooting Burglar in his home
20/02/2023 ADL report advocates for deplatforming at website infrastructure level
20/02/2023 Discover To Begin Tracking Purchases At Gun Retailers Starting In April
16/02/2023 Chicago Dad Placed On Watchlist After Opposing Pornography In Schools
13/02/2023 New York is challenged over law forcing gun owners to inform government of their social media accounts
11/02/2023 US State Department Funding Secret 'Disinformation' Crusade To Blacklist Conservative Media
10/02/2023 FBI To Retract Catholic 'White Supremacist' Memo, Launch Internal Investigation
07/02/2023 Canada passes online censorship bill
07/02/2023 Brazil to regulate online speech to target “fake news” and “hate speech”
07/02/2023 The UN calls for a “code of conduct” on social media
06/02/2023 “Don’t taze me bro!”; How the media meme’d its way out of reporting on politicians memberships in secret societies
05/02/2023 Gov’t Documents Reveal CDC Is Building Huge ‘List’ of People Who Refuse Vaccines
04/02/2023 UN provides platforms with “guidelines” for regulating online speechs
01/02/2023 Peace activist sentenced for criticizing German war policy in Ukraine
31/01/2023 UK government used an Army unit to spy on citizens so it knew “how scared people were” during Covid
29/01/2023 Brazil trying to pass a law to put you in JAIL for 8 YEARS. If you refuse a "mandatory" vaccine?
28/01/2023 Vimeo bans documentary about parents’ concern over transgender surgery for minors
28/01/2023 Brazil plots law against “anti-democratic” online speech
27/01/2023 YouTube censors and punishes Project Veritas over undercover Pfizer video
27/01/2023 UK teenager sentenced over far-right videos that inspired US killers
24/01/2023 The UN’s idea to categorize some speech as a “cyber crime”
21/01/2023 Diagolon leader Jeremy MacKenzie is de-banked by Scotiabank
20/01/2023 Meta gave the CDC de facto power to police Covid “misinfo”
20/01/2023 PR firm CEO tells Davos: businesses need to starve platforms that spread “disinformation” of revenue
19/01/2023 China proposes making “dissemination of false information” a crime in UN treaty
19/01/2023 Moderna CEO, vaccine group chief, criticize online misinformation at WEF in Davos
18/01/2023 Treasonous Representative Submits Bill To Ban Not Some BUT ALL Semi-Automatic Firearms (Video)
18/01/2023 House Bill Would Criminalize Social Media Postings Supporting "White Supremacy" Or "Replacement Theory"
17/01/2023 UK Christian teacher faces potentially career-ending decision for ‘misgendering’ trans student
15/01/2023 RIP David Bellamy, legendary botanist and environmentalist. Kicked off BBC for not pushing BS for the elites
14/01/2023 Bill Gates Demands The Right To Censor ‘Insane People’ Who Oppose Him On the Internet
12/01/2023 Washington State to Authorize ‘Strike Force’ to ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families
10/01/2023 Meta bans comments supporting election-denial protests and riots in Brazil
10/01/2023 China’s Weibo bans more accounts for Covid policy criticism
09/01/2023 CDC publishes language guidelines
08/01/2023 Ontario Governing Body For Psychologists Demands Re-Education For Jordan Peterson
05/01/2023 WHO shares video stating online “anti-vaccine activism” is deadlier than “global terrorism”. Jordan Peterson to undergo “social-media communications retraining”
04/01/2023 Canadian doctor in practice for almost 50 years loses medical license over COVID exemptions
03/01/2023 Ontario regulatory body orders Dr. Jordan Peterson to undergo “social-media communications retraining”
02/01/2023 World Economic Forum will plot how to counter “misinformation” at its 2023 annual meeting
29/12/2022 US government funds research on correcting “false beliefs”
27/12/2022 "If your neighbour talks about covid conspiracy theories tell the police". Yup. If you talk about conspiracy theories you'll be arrested. Welcome to 1984.
26/12/2022 FREE SPEECH? Elon Musks’ Twitter Suspends Trans Woman After Saying Trans People Have a Mental Disorder
24/12/2022 FBI flagged so many tweets, Twitter execs had to find a way to process stream of requests
23/12/2022 Mother Finds Herself Under Military Scrutiny For Objecting To Sexuality Poster At School
22/12/2022 ‘Are You Praying?’ Authorities Arrest Woman for Silently Praying Outside an Abortion Clinic
22/12/2022 Spooks infiltrate Silicon Valley: Facebook is riddled with ex-CIA agents – including President’s briefer who now runs 'harmful content' team – so many ex-FBI work at Twitter they have Slack channel and Google is rife with ex-CIA
22/12/2022 FBI responds to Twitter censorship allegations, blames “conspiracy theorists” and “misinformation”
21/12/2022 UK ISP Three is blocking private email service Tutanota
21/12/2022 The WHO is now labeling anti-vaxxers as terrorists who are the largest killing force globally from their anti-science aggression. Literally repeating Nazi Germany.
21/12/2022 TWITTER FILES: Twitter Assisted Pentagon's "Psychological Influence Ops"
20/12/2022 Fbi showed up to a Twitter users house over an IRS joke (tweet linked in SS)
20/12/2022 Sean Penn: ‘It’s Time To Send Unvaccinated Citizens to Jail’
18/12/2022 New Zealand goes full on 1984: Govt booklets being released telling the public that if they suspect their friends or family are opposing govt policies, incl COVID measures, they should be reported as terrorists
18/12/2022 I hope New York residents realize what is happening under their noses, January is going to be UGLY: On January 5th, the legislative session begins. Here is a snapshot of just a few of the bills that are looking to be passed in NY
17/12/2022 Norwegian Actress Faces 3 Years In Prison For Saying Men Can't Be Lesbians
15/12/2022 In Canada, the The Integrated National Security Enforcement Teams now pay visits to your home for speaking out against Trudeau online.
13/12/2022 China - Another in-house assault - Just worried about her health and the health of the community
11/12/2022 Study Finds Prejudice Against COVID-19 Unvaccinated Around The World
10/12/2022 Gun Shops And Customers Claim Credit Card Firms "Restrict" Firearm Purchases
09/12/2022 New Zealand Takes Baby From Parents Demanding "Unvaccinated" Blood For Heart Surgery
08/12/2022 Health officials gain guardianship of baby whose parents refused ‘vaccinated blood’ transfusion
07/12/2022 CDC and Census Bureau had direct access to Twitter portal where they could flag speech for censorship
07/12/2022 Canada: Bill 36 in BC proposes jail time for healthcare workers who make statements about covid shots that contradict the government narrative. Canada is officially turning into Northern Cuba.
06/12/2022 "That Is Where Tyranny Starts": New Zealand May Take Baby From Parents Demanding 'Unvaccinated' Blood For Heart Surgery
02/12/2022 US federal government pays $5M for software to turn citizens into online “misinformation” responders
02/12/2022 New Zealand admits it has direct access to Facebook takedown portal where it can flag content for censorship
02/12/2022 Up To 40 Million Firearms Could Be Banned Overnight Due To New ATF Brace Rules
02/12/2022 Banks Developing Technology To Track Gun Purchases Under Guise Of Flagging Potential Mass Shooters
02/12/2022 Alex Jones Files For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy In Texas
01/12/2022 Citizens in China delete chat history after people are contacted by police over protest support
01/12/2022 Orange County Approves Construction of $78 Million Irvine Health Campus With Few Details
01/12/2022 NYC To Start Involuntarily Hospitalizing Mentally Ill Homeless People
30/11/2022 Google to introduce behavioral “interventions”
29/11/2022 Police in China stop citizens at random, forcing them to delete protest photos, Western apps
29/11/2022 Doctors who are accused of spreading “misleading information” could be jailed under new British Columbia law
29/11/2022 The UN outlines a new campaign against “hate speech”
28/11/2022 Kroger ordered to pay $180,000 to a pair of employees who were fired for refusing to wear pro-LGBT symbols at work
27/11/2022 COVID Lockdown Protests Erupt In Beijing, Xinjiang After Deadly Fire
26/11/2022 Weapons amnesty begins for French owners of illegal arms
26/11/2022 The Mask Is Off: WEF's Klaus Schwab Declares China A "Role Model"
25/11/2022 The UK plots to ban private messaging
24/11/2022 Biden endorses G20 Declaration to censor “disinformation”
24/11/2022 Civil rights group outraged after Canadian province looks to introduce ‘unexplained wealth’ seizure law
24/11/2022 Canada (B.C.) is planning to pass a law where your property and assets can be seized if you have “unexplained wealth”
24/11/2022 China Restricts Movement Across iPhone City
22/11/2022 EU to Elon Musk’s Twitter: “We will have control, we will have access, people will no longer be able to say [just] anything.”
22/11/2022 Fauci Claims Unvaccinated Americans Are The ‘Real Danger’ In Final Briefing
21/11/2022 Canada tells world leaders to clamp down on online “misinformation”
21/11/2022 Brazil: Child Services Moves To Take Children Away From Election Protesters
20/11/2022 Brazilians protesting election results have their bank accounts frozen
20/11/2022 Not So Fast Elon: Europe Warns Musk He Must Hire Hundreds Of Moderators To Limit Free Speech
19/11/2022 College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Suggests Drugging the Unvaccinated into Compliance
17/11/2022 US Gov’t Funding 'Disinformation' Video Game 'Cat Park,' Leaked State Dept Memo Reveals
17/11/2022 Chinese citizens vandalize COVID testing facility
17/11/2022 Watch: NBC News Advises Parents To Keep Kids Away From "Unvaccinated Individuals"
14/11/2022 Ireland Considers Enacting A Bill Criminalizing The Possession Of Hateful Material
16/11/2022 Pastor Greg Locke says YouTube has banned his channel, deleted over 800 videos
13/11/2022 Group for those affected by pandemic response appeal to Elon Musk after account was banned this week
11/11/2022 New Europol rules expand police powers, reduce rights protections, and allow vast data collection
09/11/2022 Facebook launches new tools to “combat climate misinformation”
08/11/2022 FBI Announces "Enhanced" Firearm Background Checks For Young Adults To Start Next Week
05/11/2022 Take A Rare Glimpse Inside China's Zero-Covid Madhouse
04/11/2022 Anti-lockdown Canadian doctor ordered to pay over $1 million in legal fees after libel suit fails
01/11/2022 Rumble says it won’t move its policy goalposts to appease France’s censorship demands
01/11/2022 Manchester Mayor calls for jail time for those that spread “offensive lies and conspiracies”
31/10/2022 Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation
30/10/2022 Google censors Reddit conversations about covid?
30/10/2022 Merriam-Webster declares: if you are against Biden, you are against democracy
29/10/2022 Dr. Peter McCullough is being progressively stripped of his medical credentials
29/10/2022 Locked-Down Foxconn Employees In "iPhone City" Scuffle Over Food Rations After Covid Outbreak
29/10/2022 Bonfire Night cancelled in dozens of towns across the UK – are you affected?
27/10/2022 YouTube Will Now Certify Medical Experts In Bid To Crack Down On Misinformation
27/10/2022 Paypal quietly slipped the $2500 back into its user agreement
27/10/2022 If You Liked Big Brother, Meet Google's Big MUM
26/10/2022 Adidas Terminates Kanye West Partnership; GAP Removes Yeezy Shoes From Stores
24/10/2022 Exonerated! In France, One Persecuted Doctor Triumphs Over Covid Repression
23/10/2022 Justin Trudeau Uses "Administrative Action" To Ban All Handgun Sales In Canada
20/10/2022 The Left Is Using Science 'Consensus' To Shut Down Free Speech In America
20/10/2022 Canada’s military to discharge unvaccinated soldiers despite withdrawal of vaccine mandates
18/10/2022 Trudeau threatens ‘other health measures’ if more Canadians don’t get COVID, flu boosters
18/10/2022 And it’s started. The Alex Jones trial has set the precedent. Questioning the Official Narrative will not be tolerated.
17/10/2022 Services like Venmo are starting to report transactions over $600 to the IRS
17/10/2022 Biden Administration To Launch ‘Digital Cops’ To Arrest People Who Commit Wrongthink
15/10/2022 Pop star dropped from GQ awards after vaccine tweets
14/10/2022 Bank of America Cancels Popular Conservative Twitter User’s Podcast Bank Account
13/10/2022 JP Morgan Cancels Kanye. JP Morgan is a partner with WEF
13/10/2022 "What Hell's Like" - Jury Orders Alex Jones To Pay Sandy Hook Families, FBI Agent $1 Billion
12/10/2022 Suspended ‘Died Suddenly News’ Facebook Group with 300K Members Recreated; Already Has 120K Members Two Weeks In
12/10/2022 NYC Mayor Bans Concealed Guns In Times Square Despite Legal Challenges
11/10/2022 Fox News Edited a LOT of Antisemitism Out of Kanye’s Tucker Carlson Interview: Leaked Video
10/10/2022 "It's Become A Political Arm Of White House": ATF Gun Store Revocations Hit 16-Year High
09/10/2022 Twitter Removes, Then Reinstates Florida Surgeon General's Covid Vaccine Warning Tweet
09/10/2022 California Approves Bill to Punish Doctors Who Spread False Information
09/10/2022 PayPal Reverses Course, Says Company Will Not Seize Money From People For Promoting 'Misinformation'
08/10/2022 PayPal may withdraw $2,500 from users’ accounts if they ‘promote misinformation’
08/10/2022 Federal Judge Rolls Back Key Parts Of New York's Times Square Gun Ban
07/10/2022 UK Mother-of-5 Arrested For "Offensive" Online Posts
07/10/2022 Joe Biden removed protections against spying/data collection to suppress dissenters or those with burdening criticism. They are coming for conspiracy theorists or anyone that questions the government narrative.
06/10/2022 Nurse fined $10,000 for attending Easter church service during Canada’s COVID lockdowns
05/10/2022 Moment police 'with no search warrant' swooped on house of gender-critical Catholic mother and arrested her in front of her four children over 'series of anonymous posts on internet chat board'
04/10/2022 YouTube pushing the misinformation agenda as usual
04/10/2022 Epstein Victim Maria Farmer Says FBI Was Created To Protect People Like Epstein
04/10/2022 "We Own The Science": UN Official Admits That They Partner With Google To Control Search Results
03/10/2022 Biden Admin Showered Millions On Government's 'Misinformation' Czars After 2020 Election
02/10/2022 PayPal is rolling out a new agreement that gives itself more censorship powers and the ability to strip income from those who don’t abide to its speech rules.
30/09/2022 Outsourced censorship: Feds used private entity to target millions of social posts in 2020
30/09/2022 Shocking extent of government collusion with Big Tech to censor Americans revealed in lawsuit
30/09/2022 US government plans to develop AI that can unmask anonymous writers
(It's already developped)
27/09/2022 New Zealand Prime Minister Calls For A Global Censorship System
27/09/2022 FBI Misled Judge, Then Seized $86 Million In Cash From Beverly Hills Safe-Deposit Boxes
26/09/2022 Washington Post Columnist Calls For The End Of Impartiality And Balance In Journalism
25/09/2022 Criticizing the British Monarchy Now a Criminal Offense
23/09/2022 PayPal Sparks Outrage After Shutting Down Account Of Britain's Free-Speech Union
21/09/2022 Now Dilbert is racist! Popular comic strip is canned by 77 newspapers after artist Scott Adams began incorporating anti-woke plotlines, including black character who identifies as white
19/09/2022 FBI warns that Conspiracy Theorists must be monitored in case it leads to Crime.
(Remove the alphabet agencies and you will remove a big part of those crimes. Some innocent Conspiracy Theorists are already put into the Terrorist Watchlist by the FBI and tortured as Targeted Individuals.)
18/09/2022 UNESCO seeks to combat 'conspiracy theories' at school
16/09/2022 Facebook Spied On Private Messages Of "Conservative Right-Wing Individuals", Then Reported To FBI For Domestic Terrorism
16/09/2022 Facebook Exec Admits UN Control of Social Media While Being Questioned by Senator Hawley
13/09/2022 Trudeau Threatens Canadians With Restrictions If 80 – 90% Of The Population Don’t Get Booster Jabs
11/09/2022 Twitter Ramps Up Wrongthink Apparatus Ahead Of Midterms
10/09/2022 Millions of chinese people are living in covid quarantine camps now
06/09/2022 A new form of censorship - Wayback Machine (an internet archive website) is removing websites from being found
06/09/2022 Quarantine camps coming to Canada.
04/09/2022 Germany may have the army patrolling streets starting in October
02/09/2022 Google to ban all smartphone apps that tell the truth about health in latest bid to protect LIES of Big Pharma and the vaccine industry
02/09/2022 WH Press Secretary Declares "If You Disagree With The Majority That Is Extreme Thinking"
02/09/2022 CJ Hopkins' New Book Banned In Germany, Austria, & Holland
28/08/2022 "Get A Warrant" - ATF Agents Attempt To Confiscate Solvent Trap Components
27/08/2022 Students of Western University in Canada are censored online for criticizing mask mandates and vax passes
26/08/2022 40 Percent of D.C.'s Black Teens Will Soon Be Barred From School Because They Aren't Vaccinated
26/08/2022 Biden administration targets Amish farmer with armed raid and $300K fine
26/08/2022 ZeroHedge Suspended Again By Twitter For Reporting Facts
24/08/2022 Australian schools dock pay to “discipline” unvaccinated teachers
24/08/2022 Canada’s border guard wanted to detain me for being unvaxxed…until they realized I’m a journalist
23/08/2022 Trudeau installing weapons armouries, interrogation rooms for Ministry of Climate Change
23/08/2022 The FBI searched emails, texts and other electronic communications of as many as 3.4 million U.S. residents without a warrant over a year
23/08/2022 Trudeau Government Set Up “Totalitarian-Style” Isolation Centres Across Canada
22/08/2022 Facebook Fact-Check Censors Factual Claim IRS Is Arming Agents To Use Deadly Force
20/08/2022 ATF Shows Up At People's Homes To Confiscate Rare Breed FRT-15 Triggers
18/08/2022 You can now trade in your GUNS for FOOD; Nashville launches program to keep you fed as long as you disarm
17/08/2022 WEF Announce Recruitment of ‘Information Warriors’ To Control the Narrative on Social Media
14/08/2022 YES, They Really Are *Deleting* the Internet And it’s WAY Worse Than You Think.
13/08/2022 IRS Deletes Job Listing After Requiring Agents to Be Able to Kill Americans
12/08/2022 "Be Willing To Use Deadly Force": IRS Sparks Uproar Over Job Posting
11/08/2022 IRS annual report shows heavily armed agents training to shoot PEOPLE-SHAPED TARGETS… IRS is building a massive paramilitary force armed with “weapons of war”
05/08/2022 Alex Jones Defamation Trial Total punitive damages: $45.2 million.
05/08/2022 Firearm Companies Say Packages Shipped With UPS Being Damaged, Disappearing: Reports
03/08/2022 UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theories: ‘The World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global Elite’
02/08/2022 US Department Of Commerce Asks Gun Holster Companies For Sales Records
01/08/2022 Twitter Removes “Sodom and Gomorrah” From Trending Because it Violated Their Rules Against Discussions Involving Truth
31/07/2022 "Why am I being arrested?" "Because someone has been caused anxiety by one of your social media posts!"
31/07/2022 Wikipedia changes the definition of “definition”
31/07/2022 Canada Unveils "Mandatory" AR-15 Buyback Program; US House Passes Assault Weapons Ban
31/07/2022 CDC Gave Big Tech Platforms Guidance On COVID Censorship
30/07/2022 Twitter Stops Censoring The Epoch Times Following Outcry
29/07/2022 Conspiracy website InfoWars parent files for bankruptcy
26/07/2022 Warrantless ATF Agents Show Up At Man's Home To Perform Gun Inventory
25/07/2022 Al Gore Compares Climate Skeptics To Uvalde Cops Who 'Stood By While Children Were Being Massacred'
24/07/2022 YT start to take down Prepper's videos
19/07/2022 Germany To Re-Impose Mask Mandate In September Despite COVID Wave Already "Losing Momentum"
14/07/2022 Trudeau calls 5 million+ Canadians racists and mysoginists that take up space and ponders if they should be tolerated, simply for not being vaccinated.
13/07/2022 NY State Can Now Send You and Your Children Into Forced Quarantine – Even If You’re Not “Sick”
12/07/2022 Hong Kong's health minister announced that from Friday all citizens under home quarantine will have to wear an electronic bracelet in order to prevent them from leaving home
12/07/2022 Gov. Newsom Signs Bill Allowing Victims of Gun Violence to Sue Gun Manufacturers
(RIP Gun Manufacturers)
11/07/2022 Suella Braverman pledges to take UK out of ECHR as prime minister
09/07/2022 Left-Wing German Minister Wants To Confiscate Guns Owned By Members Of Right-Wing AfD
06/07/2022 From Today, All New Vehicles In The EU Will Have Surveillance Black Boxes
04/07/2022 China uses ‘mind-reading AI’ to test loyalty of Communist Party members
04/07/2022 China Tightens Rules For Online Platforms, Requiring Companies To Authenticate Users' Identities
02/07/2022 White House Tells Americans: 'Suck It Up' For The Sake Of The "Liberal World Order"
("Liberal World Order" = "New World Order")
02/07/2022 Canada’s government tracked citizens through a federal weather app
(All phones are tracked anyway wathever the apps it has on it. Samsung now ship their phones with an app advertising the global goals, the next step in persecution)
01/07/2022 GREEN FINGERS Urgent warning to gardeners as soil ‘increases risk of killer heart disease’
(Another lie from the media, the vaccines are increasing the heart attacks. If they continue with this hoax, the government will force people to stop gardening and be self-sufficient in order to supposedly protect them. They will do anything to further the coming famine and make anyone at the mercy of the system to enslave them.)
01/07/2022 Canada extends COVID border restrictions until ‘at least’ September 30, 2022
01/07/2022 Scrabble's war of words spells trouble: Competitive players are 'seething' with tournaments hit by 'bitter spats and high profile resignations' after bosses banned 400 'offensive' words in bid to be more 'inclusive'
(Newspeak here we come)
01/07/2022 California Just Leaked The Name, Address Of Every Concealed Carry Licensee In The State
(That was not a mistake)
26/06/2022 Justin Trudeau Says Unvaccinated People Have to Deal with the “Consequences” of their Choice
25/06/2022 Biden Signs Gun Control Bill Into Law
17/06/2022 Amish Farm Fined $250K, Facing Jail Time for Humanely Raising and Selling Food to Willing Customers
(Persecution of those that successfully live outside of the system, it's only the start)
15/06/2022 Biden Advisor Says Social Media Should Silence Anyone Who Criticises Green Energy "Transition"
11/06/2022 Trudeau claims Canadians can’t use guns for self-defense: ‘That’s not a right that you have’
(You only have the right to shut up and get killed either by guns or radiations)
09/06/2022 NY Governor Signs Off On New Gun Laws Requiring Permits And Banning Body Armor
(Banning body armor is a bold move, gun can be for offensive or defensive purpose, body armor is only for defense, basically you have no right to defend yourself, better leave NY asap)
08/06/2022 Canada to introduce mandatory monkeypox quarantine
01/06/2022 Chile's new socialist president Gabriel Boric vows "armed violence will not be tolerated" and calls for a "total ban on gun ownership".
31/05/2022 Norwegian Feminist Faces 3 years In Prison Over Saying Transgenders aren't Women
31/05/2022 Trudeau Proposes Law Banning Handgun Sales In Canada
(Mao first had to pass a gun ban law on all China before slaugthering 80 millions Chinese, Trudeau is preparing the field)
28/05/2022 California Poised To Adopt 'Medical Misinformation Bill' Targeting Alternative COVID-19 Protocols
27/05/2022 Ottawa Police Chief: "Every single Canadian who supported truckers will be hunted down and ruined"
26/05/2022 Australia announces TWO YEARS in prison for violating covid rules
17/05/2022 Carl Cameron: Maybe It's Time To Start Taking Names And Putting People In Jail For Misinformation
12/05/2022 Head Of Biden's 'Ministry Of Truth' Previously Compared Free Speech To "Fairy Dust"
01/05/2022 Biden Establishes a Ministry of Truth
('1984' might have been a blueprint after all. I noticed she has a lazy eye, this may or may not be sign of past electroshocks. It is almost always used on MK Ultra slaves.)
05/04/2022 Ontario Bill 100 Allows Govt to Seize Your House and Car Without a Trial
24/02/2022 Trudeau's 'anti-hate' bill will allow people to PREEMPTIVELY report Canadians for 'hate speech'
11/03/2021 YouTube removed 30,000 videos with vaccine misinformation
19/02/2019 Chase Bank Suspends Conservative Jewish Activist Laura Loomer From Her Online Banking Account

One World Religion / Anti-Christian Persecutions

25/12/2023 Nicaraguans Face a Dark Christmas of Communist Repression as War on Christians Continues
25/12/2023 Islamists Planned Huge Attacks In Europe On Christian Sites Over Christmas Period
19/12/2023 Pope Francis Approves Blessings For Same-Sex Couples In Win For Progressive Catholics
26/11/2023 Barbados: Christian dance group disqualified for opposing ‘gender identity’ teaching
20/10/2023 Canadian military members speak out after being told chaplains shouldn’t use ‘God’ in public prayers
05/10/2023 Pope Francis In Greta-Style Rebuke Lambasts 'Climate Deniers' & Warns "Breaking Point" Coming
04/10/2023 Conservative Catholics Outraged, Confused After Pope Francis Letter On 'Blessing' Same-Sex Unions
04/10/2023 Pope Francis scolds U.S., ‘irresponsible’ Western lifestyle in climate plea
07/09/2023 Emory U. healthcare system replaces Christmas Eve with Juneteenth as paid holiday
01/09/2023 Newest NATO Country Escalates Prosecution Of Christians For Quoting The Bible
26/08/2023 California Church Fined For Defying Covid Lockdowns Sues County For Tracking Worshipers Without Their Knowledge
25/08/2023 Bank of America Faces Backlash For Debanking Christian Charity
10/08/2023 YT video - Finnish Politician Could Face Jail Time After Sharing Bible Verse
10/08/2023 Ukraine bans Christian monks from their monastery
10/08/2023 Surprise! The FBI Lied About 'White Supremacist' Memo Targeting Catholics, New Document Reveals
09/08/2023 UN Chief: Christians Who Don’t Accept MAPs Will Be Excluded From Society
07/08/2023 French Interior Minister Orders Dissolution Of Catholic Association Over ‘Antisemitic’ Speech
03/06/2023 Utah primary schools ban Bible for 'vulgarity and violence'
12/05/2023 Minnesota humanists take out billboards to spread the secular word
11/05/2023 Pope calls sex abusers “children of God” and deserving of “love”
08/04/2023 A video of the Dalai Lama kissing a young boy then asking him to "lick his tongue" at a budhist event has gone viral.
(In case you didn't know the Dalai Lama is a pedo-satanist)
21/03/2023 "Drag Is Holy" according to this pastor
20/03/2023 Theologian is fired from Bible college over tweet saying homosexuality is “invading” the church
20/03/2023 Israel moves to ban/restrict Christianity
13/03/2023 Pope Francis Bashes Gender Ideology, Calls It "Dangerous"
(Pope flip-flop)
07/02/2023 Our non-gendered parent who art in heaven: Priests could stop using male pronouns 'He' and 'Him' when referring to God in prayers and drop phrase 'our Father' from the Lord's Prayer
30/12/2022 Pope Francis Admits An ‘Elegant Demon’ Is Lurking in the Vatican
15/12/2022 HERE WE GO!! ONE WORLD RELIGION | The Abraham Accords Summit | The New Religion | Chrislam
12/12/2022 Pope Francis Declares ‘Jesus is Satan’, Vows To Usher in ‘One World Religion’
22/11/2022 New UN ‘Climate’ Religion Seeks to Update Morality, Ethics
06/10/2022 Paul VI Audience Hall
15/09/2022 Pope Francis stresses importance of religion for world peace
29/08/2022 The story behind the Vatican’s colossal sculpture of Jesus rising from nuclear destruction
12/07/2022 Pope tells young people eating meat is part of a ‘self-destructive trend’
10/07/2022 'There are complexities associated with gender identity': Church of England admits it doesn't have a definition of 'woman'
22/06/2022 Vatican coin promotes vaccine and masks
09/05/2022 Pope Francis to LGBT people: God 'does not disown any of his children'
(Someone forgot what happened to Sodome and Gomorrah wiped out by fire and brimestone)
07/05/2022 Pope decries divisions caused by old-school liturgy fans
18/08/2021 Pope urges world to get vaccinated against coronavirus
(The Catholic church could be the mystery Babylon the great, the mother of harlot in the Revelations)
06/04/2019 Sex Parties, Drugs and Gay Escorts at the Pope's Residence: Undercover in the Vatican

One World Government

28/06/2023 Enormous Power Grab: France, Germany Want To End Veto Rights In The EU This Year
23/06/2023 Macron calls for an international taxation deal to finance climate efforts
05/06/2023 US, Canada, And France Express Full Support For WHO Pandemic Treaty
29/03/2023 Australian senators refuse to investigate the WHO pandemic treaty
13/03/2023 WHO pushes for a One World Government by issuing guidance to national parliamentarians
03/03/2023 Biden Regime Confirms Commitment To “Legally-Binding” Agreement Which Will Surrender U.S. Pandemic Authority To Chinese-Backed World Health Organization “For Generations To Come”
28/02/2023 WHO moves forward with plans to target “misinformation” and “disinformation” under international law
25/02/2023 Republicans race to stop Biden giving WHO power over pandemic surveillance, controlling “disinformation”
21/02/2023 WHO releases international pandemic treaty zero draft that targets “misinformation” and “disinformation”
03/02/2023 Biden Admin Negotiates Deal To Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies
06/12/2022 World Health Organization meets to plot censorship of “misinformation” under international pandemic treaty
22/11/2022 New WHO pandemic treaty in final stages, would overrule the US Constitution and unleash medical dictatorship, warns Dr. Francis Boyle
04/06/2022 WHO Forced To Back Down After Numerous Nations Rejected Pandemic Treaty
20/05/2022 Biden Seeks New Unilateral Powers For WHO Chief To Declare Public Health Emergencies
18/05/2022 The WHO To Discuss Global Pandemic Treaty At World Health Assembly May 22-28

One World ID / Technological Enslavement

22/03/2024 Canada Rolling Out Social Credit System, Citizens’ Bank Accounts Linked to Obedience Scores
16/03/2024 World Bank and Verizon Chiefs Say Digital ID Part of “Social Contract” Between Government and Citizens
11/03/2024 Big Tech Coalition Pushes Online Age Verification and Digital ID
28/02/2024 Canada’s Vaccine Passport, ArriveCan, Faces Major Investigations
27/02/2024 Biometric Facial Recognition Scanning to Roll Out Across 30 NFL Stadiums in 2024
26/02/2024 Bill Gates Praises India’s Sweeping Digital ID System as a Model for Other Nations
19/02/2024 Facial Recognition Technology To Hit New Zealand Grocery Stores
09/02/2024 Australia Plots Digital ID Launch For This Year
31/01/2024 Watch: Lawmakers and Tech CEOs Push Online Age and ID Verification Proposals During Hearing on Child Safety
19/01/2024 UN Chief António Guterres Advocates for “Sustainable Development Goals” (Including Digital ID) and Enhanced Data Sharing at WEF 2024
16/01/2024 The TSA Plans Big Digital ID Push in 2024
11/01/2024 The “Kill Switch” Coming To Vehicles
08/01/2024 UK Police Have Been Secretly Using Passport Database for Facial Recognition Since 2019
03/01/2024 Facebook Rolls Out “Link History” Showing How it Tracks All The Websites Users Visit
26/12/2023 UK Police To Use Driving License Database For Facial Recognition
15/12/2023 Watch: Democrat Lawmaker Pushes for “Secure Digital ID Biometrically Synced to Your Smartphone”
15/12/2023 Eye-Ball Scanning Digital ID Company Worldcoin Integrates With Reddit, Telegram, and More
11/12/2023 EU Approves Digital ID Regulation That Forces Big Tech Companies To Support an EU Digital ID App
08/12/2023 The CIA Sure Looks Busy
07/12/2023 Nebraska Starts Collecting Digital Health Data on All Citizens, Raising Digital ID Fears
05/12/2023 DNA Company 23andMe Acknowledges Hackers Accessed Data of 6.9 Million Users, Exceeding Initial Disclosures
03/12/2023 EU Committees Vote in Favor of Mandatory Interconnected Digital Patient Health Records for All Citizens
03/12/2023 DNA Company 23andMe Reports Unauthorized Access to Numerous User Ancestry Files
28/11/2023 Trudeau Supports Partnership With EU For Digital ID Push, Suggests it Will Help Curb Online “Disinformation”
27/11/2023 Gates Foundation Doubles Down on Push For Digital ID and Payments in Nigeria
21/11/2023 Israeli Intelligence To Be Granted Full Access to National Biometric Database
16/11/2023 Kenya Expands Its Controversial Digital ID System
14/11/2023 Europe's New Digital Identity Wallet: Security Or Tyranny?
14/11/2023 New York's Hunger Games Governor Is Now "Collecting Data" From "Surveillance Efforts" On Social Media To Monitor "Hate Speech"
13/11/2023 WA Judge Rules That Car Manufacturers Can Legally Store Your Texts and Phone Calls Without Explicit Permission
10/11/2023 EU Parliament Agrees on Digital ID Introduction and Pro-Censorship Chief Suggests CBDC Integration
08/11/2023 California’s Governor Newsom Introduces “Cradle to Career” System That Tracks One Billion Data Points on Citizens
03/11/2023 UN Program Pushes Digital Public Infrastructure as EU and Gates Foundation Push For Digital ID By 2030
30/10/2023 Gates ID newborns in Kenya
27/10/2023 Elon Musk gives X employees one year to replace your bank
24/10/2023 French Politicians Are Already Using Potential Terror Threats To Call For Mass Facial Recognition Rollout
17/10/2023 The Gates Foundation Pushes For Digital ID Systems, Despite Criticism
16/10/2023 New Digital ID System To Be Pushed on Austrians This December
11/10/2023 More Countries Are Planning to Link SIM cards to Digital IDs
10/10/2023 Dutch banks started asking for personal ID in order to use banking apps
10/10/2023 Lobbyists Call For Increased Digital ID Funding
09/10/2023 Iran Rolls Out Invasive Facial Recognition Tech in Colleges
09/10/2023 EU Digital Identity Wallet Pilots Roll Out Under The Radar
05/10/2023 Gates Foundation Wants Help to Create Digital ID and Payments System
04/10/2023 New Bill Plans To Co-Opt USPS To Distribute Digital IDs
04/10/2023 UK Plans To Use Passport Photo Database For Criminal Facial Recognition Checks
03/10/2023 Eyeball Scanning Global Digital ID System Worldcoin Suggests Using It For Social Welfare
26/09/2023 The SEC Is Spying On All Your Trades, Linking Them To Your SSN And Sharing The Data With 3,000 Agencies
24/09/2023 Australia Creates Taskforce For Implementing Universal Digital ID System
10/09/2023 EU Chief Boasts About Vaccine Passports, Calls For More Global Digital Collaboration – Paving The Way For Digital IDs
06/09/2023 Mercedes-Benz Stadium Introduces Facial Recognition Security Robot
05/09/2023 Anti-chippers are the latest group of awful people we now have to worry about
01/09/2023 US Government Agency Invites Organizations To Help It Accelerate Adoption of Digital ID
31/08/2023 X’s New Privacy Policy Gives Itself Permission To Collect Biometric Data
26/08/2023 Missing Persons Groups Want to Scan The Photos on People’s Phones With Facial Recognition Tech
25/08/2023 YT - The Secret Social Media Surveillance Blacklists Used By Banks
21/08/2023 Gates Foundation Pushes National Digital ID Tech
20/08/2023 X will begin to have users verify their identity by having them submit a selfie alongside a government issued ID.
20/08/2023 California Introduces Digital ID, Starting With Driver’s Licenses
20/08/2023 AI Cameras in the UK Start Surveilling INSIDE Vehicles
09/08/2023 Yes, The Freemasons are collecting the DNA of your Children
09/08/2023 Kenya Kicks Eye-Scanning Worldcoin To The Curb -- Refuses To Become 'Data Harvesting Guinea Pigs'
08/08/2023 12 States Now Using Mobile Digital Driver License IDs Based on Face Scans
04/08/2023 Controversial Eyeball-Scanning Worldcoin To Allow Governments To Use Its Digital ID System
04/08/2023 California Is Testing Controversial Digital ID, Starting With Driver’s Licenses
03/08/2023 Iowa Leaps Into Controversial State Digital ID Scheme
02/08/2023 Putin’s Latest Law Criminalizes Online Anonymity, Mandates Identity Checks For Platform Use
31/07/2023 Samsung Assists With India’s Controversial Digital ID Rollout
30/07/2023 The UK Government’s Stealth Support For Facial Recognition Tech in Stores
27/07/2023 Australian Finance Minister Pushes Digital ID System Despite Data Breach Concerns
27/07/2023 Meta Files Patent To Scan Users’ Voices To Make a “Voiceprint”
26/07/2023 Biden Endorses Legislation That Would Require Online Platforms To Check Age (and Therefore ID) Of Users
24/07/2023 Eyeball-Scanning Global ID System Worldcoin Launches
24/07/2023 "It's Time" - OpenAI's Sam Altman Launches Iris-Scanning Crypto Plan To 'Verify' Every Human Online
24/07/2023 Cameroon To Flood Its Largest City With Mass Surveillance
23/07/2023 Social media is nothing but an arm of the government. Meta is handing over all of your messages to the government
23/07/2023 Bill That Would Push For Online ID Checks Is Scheduled For Markup This Week
20/07/2023 Companies Want Scans of Your Veins To Be Your Access To Stores, Offices, Hospitals, Stadiums, and More
19/07/2023 Japan To Deploy Pre-Crime Style “Behavior Detection” Technology
18/07/2023 New Home Video Doorbell Has Social Media-Powered Facial Recognition
17/07/2023 CEO of Worldcoin Says “Something Like World ID Will Eventually Exist…Whether You Like It Or Not”
14/07/2023 The Veins In Your Hand Are The Next Dystopian Target For Biometric ID Scanning
12/07/2023 Major European Telecoms Companies Back EU Digital ID System
10/07/2023 “I Hope That We Succeed,” Man Suing Massachusetts Health Department For Silently Installing Covid Tracking App On His Phone Speaks Out
04/07/2023 YT - The DHS Plot To Assign Social Credit Style “Risk Scores” To Social Media Users
28/06/2023 World Economic Forum Lauds India’s Biometric Digital ID System Tied To Digital Payments
27/06/2023 Get Your One Health Token From the World Health Organization
27/06/2023 The UK Is Slowly Rolling Out a Digital ID System
26/06/2023 HSBC Rolls Out Cryptocurrency Services In Hong Kong: Report
25/06/2023 Digital ID installed in phones and linked to social security number being rolled out in sweden.It is hoped that it will be able to be used for example to buy goods and as ID. When you need to identify yourself with a digital ID app, you must first enter a pin code or scan your fingerprint or face.
24/06/2023 Chinese Surveillance State: Facial Recognition And Social Credit Score Required at Gas Stations
24/06/2023 DHS Outlines Digital ID Initiative For “Travel, Immigration and Citizenship Status, Employment, Residency Status and More”
20/06/2023 United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked To Bank Accounts
20/06/2023 Louisiana Is Pushing Digital ID. The Personal Data Of All Drivers License Holders Have Just Been Breached.
18/06/2023 London Food Bank Users Face Biometric Face Scanning
17/06/2023 Tony Blair Institute Calls For a Digital ID For All British Citizens, Calls It The “Great Enabler”
16/06/2023 United Nations Policy Brief Talks of a Digital ID Linked To Your Bank Account
13/06/2023 French Bill Would Allow Law Enforcement To Remotely Switch On Microphones When Surveilling Suspects
13/06/2023 Homeowner Locked Out Of Amazon Account Over False Racism Accusation
11/06/2023 Google Develops Technology That Can Detect People In Photos Without Seeing Their Face
10/06/2023 A New Digital World Order Has Already Come to Kazakhstan
09/06/2023 Apple Creates Tech That Allows People To Present Digital ID To Businesses
08/06/2023 Canada: Companies Band Together To Advance Digital ID Agenda
07/06/2023 WHO Adopts European-Style COVID-19 Vaccine Passports As Part Of New Global Digital Health Certificate
07/06/2023 Like, Totally Orwellian: Nearly A Third Of GenZ Favors 'Government Surveillance Cameras In Every Household'
06/06/2023 WHO Plots To Use EU Vaccine Passport Tech To Form Global Digital Health Certificates
03/06/2023 Digital ID in Canada very similar to the MOTB
28/05/2023 The EU Wants All Citizens To Have A Digital ID By 2030
26/05/2023 Missouri Wants Citizens To Embrace Digital ID
22/05/2023 44% of Americans Now Using Biometrics Instead of Passwords to Log In to Their Accounts – We are Closer to a One World Financial System
19/05/2023 Amazon Has Been Handing Ring Footage Over To Police Without The Owner’s Permission
19/05/2023 New York’s Vaccine Passport Not Only Trampled On Civil Liberties, It Cost Taxpayer’s Over $64 Million
18/05/2023 Australia: Minister Admits Age Verification For Websites May Lead To Digital ID System
16/05/2023 Victoria Is The Next Australian State To Push For Digital Driver’s Licenses
15/05/2023 Facial Recognition Software To Be Used on Kids in West Virginia Schools
08/05/2023 MEDICAL FASCISM GONE WILD: WHO plans to launch Global Digital Health Certificate that will demand compliance with all vaccines and lockdowns
05/05/2023 Biden admins want America to lead the way on digital ID
04/05/2023 Blackrock Neurotech Launches Brain Implants Into Utah Residents
01/05/2023 Bipartisan social media bill plans to introduce digital ID age verification
28/04/2023 This lady says having a microchip in your arm is "THE BEST THING EVERRRR!!!"
25/04/2023 Currency exchange kiosks with ITL face biometrics deployed across Europe
22/04/2023 If you come to China, be prepared to take a face scan to get your SIM card. Because facial recognition is mandatory to buy and activate a SIM card in China now.
21/04/2023 YT Video - The White House Calls for FEDERAL DIGITAL ID Investment, Public-Private Data Sharing Collaboration
20/04/2023 Russia deploys facial recognition tech to track down draft-dodgers
15/04/2023 Colorado school district to introduce biometric scans of kids for free school meal access
10/04/2023 Iran uses new surveillance network to crack down on women not wearing a hijab
08/04/2023 New Medical Codes For COVID-19 Vaccination Status Used To Track People, CDC Confirms
05/04/2023 TSA expands digital ID checks to more airports
04/04/2023 France plots unprecedented AI surveillance for 2024 Olympics
27/03/2023 Following China: JP Morgan Chase wants people to pay for goods with face scans
26/03/2023 Utah introduces age verification checks for social media platforms, following digital ID push
26/03/2023 Panera Bread to introduce Palm scanners
24/03/2023 OpenAI founder’s Worldcoin claims “iris recognition technology is capable of distinguishing individuals on a billion people scale”
23/03/2023 OpenAI co-founder creates digital ID protocol
22/03/2023 Twitter tests ID verification feature
21/03/2023 Amazon Accused of Secretly Collecting Customers’ Biometric Data
19/03/2023 NYC Supermarket "Collects Biometric" Data On Shoppers
17/03/2023 The CDC purchased private location data on over 55 million Americans to monitor lockdown compliance
16/03/2023 Brazil had a secret program to track people’s location via cell phone
14/03/2023 New York plots digital driver’s licenses this year
14/03/2023 How companies use AI combined with CCTV to determine people you’re associated with
12/03/2023 Bill Gates checks in with the digital ID project he’s funding in Bangalore
12/03/2023 Secretive 'Wearable Camera' Startup With Ex-Apple Execs Secures $100 Million, Partners With OpenAI
12/03/2023 Putin openly advocated for a national digital vax pass—de facto compulsory vaccination for Russia’s entire adult population.
09/03/2023 META is partnering with Ray Ban to make VR glasses to be worn constantly to replace smartphones and smartwatches
(Better than blinkers and it can spy too)
09/03/2023 Ford wins patent for technology to remotely disable vehicles
08/03/2023 Proof scientists can now read your MIND: AI turns people's thoughts into images with 80% accuracy
(This mind reading AI technology can be combined with the Malech technology (which can do EEG without probes and using only a radar - See Robert G. Malech patent). There you have proofs that the mind reading technology is is possible with 5G antena using only public domain discovery, the military made this discovery decades ago -- Btw this can also be used to read dreams)
08/03/2023 Utah introduces digital driver’s licenses, following plans to introduce online platform age checks
07/03/2023 Matt Hancock confirms Bill Gates microchips in vaccines
07/03/2023 Biden admin calls for digital ID investment, public-private data sharing collaboration
04/03/2023 Ford Files For Patent That Can "Remotely Shut Down" Parts Of Your Car When Your Bill Isn't Paid
03/03/2023 France green-lights biometric medical ID
02/03/2023 Australia agrees on digital ID rollout and data sharing
01/03/2023 World Health Organization pushes for global vaccine passports
01/03/2023 Privacy activists lament after biometrics are used at Nigerian polls
28/02/2023 Ford wants to allow your car to lock you out — and even drive itself to an impound lot or scrapyard — if you miss payments
28/02/2023 Tony Blair praises Estonia for its digital ID system, where babies are given a digital ID at birth
24/02/2023 Students pay with facial recognition in a school cafeteria in China
22/02/2023 Canada’s first airline launches digital identification, facial recognition tech
21/02/2023 Top banker says UK will introduce a “super app” that combines digital ID and financial data
19/02/2023 America’s large grocery chains merging with Big Tech to track, control your food and drug purchases
19/02/2023 UK tests tracking citizens’ habits, rewarding them for good behavior
18/02/2023 Test text message warning of world war to be sent to your mobile in weeks
(This is being done worldwide, a tool for mass control)
18/02/2023 Digital ID's to track breathing difficulties handed out to Ohio residents before the derailment
17/02/2023 The sudden global push for age verification to end online anonymity and drive digital ID uptake
15/02/2023 UK could pilot DNA smart cards
10/02/2023 Kenya is being used as a testing ground for biometric-based vaccine tracking for babies
07/02/2023 UK government to pay private sector to develop digital ID systems
31/01/2023 Australian state of New South Wales to get digital ID within weeks
29/01/2023 Now your vax status will be documented!!! Immunized or unimmunized!
28/01/2023 Florida cops to upgrade biometric tech for potential future facial recognition
27/01/2023 Just the Pfizer CEO at WEF saying they can put chips in your medicine to track your "compliance". Nothing too dystopian about that.
23/01/2023 WEF hears about technology that allows your thoughts to be monitored
23/01/2023 The Philippines pushes digital ID for vulnerable people
20/01/2023 Medical profession implements WHO digital diagnosis code for the unvaxxed
19/01/2023 Tony Blair calls for WEF and WTO to introduce “digital infrastructure” that monitors vaccination status
18/01/2023 Bank of America CEO says new ESG rules are needed to reboot capitalism
16/01/2023 World Economic Forum 2023 implements digital ID badges, biometric scanning for journalists to enter
15/01/2023 Microsoft AI Can Impersonate Your Voice With Just 3 Seconds Of Audio
11/01/2023 Gavin Newsom announces digital IDs for California
10/01/2023 California’s new digital license plates made cars trackable by hackers
07/01/2023 Delta introduces facial recognition to match with digital ID for more “convenient” travel
07/01/2023 UK plans to allow departments to more easily share more citizens’ personal data for digital ID verification
06/01/2023 Digital ID scanning is now mandatory to purchase tobacco products in Nevada
04/01/2023 Researchers are testing biometric recognition of newborns for vaccinations
03/01/2023 UK retail is flooded with facial recognition, digital ID trials
30/12/2022 WEF To Accelerate Push For 'Metaverse' Surveillance Network At Davos 2023
28/12/2022 $1.7 trillion spending bill requires platforms to verify ID of those earning $5,000 revenue per year
27/12/2022 This lady wants you to be really excited about Chinese vending machines that work by scanning your face
26/12/2022 Google Execs Declare "Code Red" Over Revolutionary New Chat Bot
(Chatbot and Voice2Skull technology will be used globally on every citizens, people will communicate and bond with a bot without knowing it is one (Some TIs have already experienced this already))
25/12/2022 Russia expands invasive biometric pay technology on Metro
24/12/2022 Whole Foods prepping for the Great Reset with people barred from entry without QR codes.
24/12/2022 Driver That Caused 8 Car Pile-Up In Bay Area Last Month Claims Tesla's Full Self Driving "Braked Unexpectedly"
23/12/2022 Brain stimulation might be more invasive than we think
22/12/2022 Denied entry because of facial recognition database. Get ready boys, it's only the beginning.
21/12/2022 Radio City Music Hall uses facial recognition to keep out blacklisted guests
21/12/2022 Police seize on Covid 19 tech to expand global surveillance
19/12/2022 From CCTV to smart home devices, a surveillance expert explains some of the ways we're all being watched, all the time
19/12/2022 Google introduces support for digital driver’s licenses, starting in Maryland
13/12/2022 Indian citizens that don’t link account numbers to Digital ID will soon face financial blacklisting
12/12/2022 AUSTRALIE - Le crédit social introduit pour accéder à internet, via votre identifiant numérique. Les citoyens ont besoin de 100 points d'identification pour utiliser les médias sociaux et la police aura accès à vos comptes, y compris la messagerie privée.
11/12/2022 Texas Republican introduces bill to force platforms to receive ID documents from users
09/12/2022 EU chooses digital ID contractor associated with the UK’s Covid trace system
07/12/2022 WEF thinks of ways to regulate digital ID in the metaverse
06/12/2022 Australia launches biometric and QR app that grants access to services
05/12/2022 For the greater good. The social credit system coming to a country near you.
05/12/2022 TSA Wants to Automate ID Verification at Checkpoint Security
05/12/2022 Google to allow users to upload driver’s license to their phone
05/12/2022 Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand's Prime Minister) Partners with Bill Gates to Rollout Digital IDs. RIP New Zealand.
04/12/2022 UK and Ukraine to collaborate on digital ID
02/12/2022 San Francisco Approves Lethal Police Robots After 'Unhinged' Board Of Supervisors Hearing
02/12/2022 Creepy brazillian commercial for a QR Code scanning payment system
28/11/2022 Stores in Denmark call for digital ID age verification
27/11/2022 Australian company directors have just one week to be forced into mandatory digital ID
26/11/2022 Lobbyists call on the US government to develop digital ID infrastructure for “security” reasons
26/11/2022 San Francisco PD Proposes Letting Robots Kill Suspects
25/11/2022 New Zealand grocery chain to introduce facial recognition tech
24/11/2022 Plan to let creepy US police robots kill suspects revealed in new policy draft
23/11/2022 Biden Signs G20 Declaration Agreeing To Force Americans To Use Vaccine Passports
20/11/2022 WHO Releases Plan For Global Digital Vaccine Passports Funded by Bill Gates & Rockefeller Foundation
19/11/2022 Indian PM urges G-20 leaders to support digital ID efforts at Bali summit
19/11/2022 Scotland plans test of Digital ID
18/11/2022 New Zealand’s quarantine program utilizes digital ID wallets
18/11/2022 Ireland’s state-owned postal service to introduce digital ID
18/11/2022 The Qatar World Cup is a testing ground for dystopian “pay-by-face” tech
17/11/2022 Queen Máxima of the Netherlands lobbies G20 for digital ID
17/11/2022 G20 leaders have just signed a declaration which states that vaccine passports will be adopted to “facilitate” all international travel
16/11/2022 Police in Spain to deploy automated facial recognition
16/11/2022 Google is sued for auto-installing Covid “spyware” on people’s phones
15/11/2022 The EU ignores pushback, plots digital ID for 2024
15/11/2022 The State of Colorado embraces Apple’s digital ID tech
14/11/2022 2 women stopped binge eating after an implant started zapping their brains with electricity, a small study found
10/11/2022 Apple Is Tracking You Even When Its Own Privacy Settings Say It’s Not, New Research Says
07/11/2022 German MEP: EU’s proposed AI regulations will “open the door for biometric mass surveillance in public spaces”
04/11/2022 Digital ID, battery passports planned for electric vehicles: WEF-founded Global Battery Alliance
02/11/2022 Dutch finance minister proposes increased financial surveillance
01/11/2022 Dutch finance minister proposes increased financial surveillance
31/10/2022 India’s PM says 5G rollout will help boost the use of surveillance
30/10/2022 Visitors to the EU will soon have to give up their fingerprint, have their photo taken
27/10/2022 Were US Citizens Tracked Via Secret 'COVID Decree Violation' Scores?
26/10/2022 How Businesses are softening up the Public for a Chinese-Style Social Credit System
23/10/2022 CHIP & SKIN I pay for things by swiping my hand after having bank card implant put under my skin
21/10/2022 Invasive tech analyzes your voice for signs of mental illness
21/10/2022 Australian Bank Begins Linking Customer Transactions to Carbon Footprint
19/10/2022 Pay by hand - cashless society
19/10/2022 IMF Chief says Central Bank Digital Currency should be used alongside Social Credit System to control what people can and cannot buy
11/10/2022 California AB 1797 has just passed and now creates an immunization tracking system that tracks vaccines given, race, gender, place of birth, address etc. Giving this access to all government agencies including schools and welfare agencies.
07/10/2022 Trudeau liberals paid World Economic Forum $105 million for Digital ID contract
06/10/2022 Government of Canada admits it has contract with WEF to implement traveler digital ID
03/10/2022 The Federal Reserve Announces Major ‘Pilot Exercise’ for ESG Social Credit Score System
01/10/2022 French Ministry of Economy wanted to access real-time banking transaction data of all French citizens
01/10/2022 As Gates Doubles Down on Digital IDs, Critic Warns of ‘Gravest Technological Threat’ to Liberty
15/09/2022 US Army Conducts 'Drone Swarm' Exercise With Armed Quadcopters
13/09/2022 Moscow Metro launches WEF: ‘Global Elite’ Will Escape Mass-Extinction Event Courtesy Of ‘Technological Noah’s Ark’
(The mass-extinction technology won't target them)
13/09/2022 Moscow Metro launches pay per face recognition | DW News
08/09/2022 Dystopian move: each Romanian will have their own postal code
01/09/2022 WEF caught wiping internet evidence for Mind Control plans using “sound waves”
29/08/2022 The project at MIT to create a 'quantum dot' tattoo/ID system
26/08/2022 Pakistani government threatens to block digital IDs to shut down access to bank accounts
22/08/2022 Drama school tells students to report “microaggressions” on QR code system
20/08/2022 World Economic Forum suggests there are “rational” reasons to microchip your child
19/08/2022 Russia Shows Off Robo-Dog With RPG At Military Convention
16/08/2022 WEF's "Global Intelligence Collecting AI" To Erase Ideas From The Internet
15/08/2022 Canada Announces ‘Digital Identity Program’ in Partnership with WEF
15/08/2022 "They Can Do Audio, Video, & Physical Surveillance On You 24H/365D A Year": Rex Lee On Intrusive Apps
11/08/2022 Wanda Sykes To Host Syndicated Viral Video Show Featuring Ring Doorbell Technology From MGM
09/08/2022 How will brain-monitoring technology influence the practice of law?
07/08/2022 Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta to trial biometrics for entry
27/07/2022 The credit card that tracks your CO2 emissions.
25/07/2022 Sri Lanka’s Fuel Rationing QR Code Rolls Out
21/07/2022 Congress Pushes Ahead with its Digital ID Effort
20/07/2022 China pionner in mind control tech
19/07/2022 Pixelated: The (Continuous) Great Harvest Of Your Medical Records
18/07/2022 New Dystopian UK Law Would Give All Social Media Users A 'Truth Score'.
18/07/2022 ArriveCan ‘glitch’ ordering vaccinated Canadians into quarantine without reason
17/07/2022 Rishi Sunak Owns Social Credit Score Company with Links to World Economic Forum
15/07/2022 Trust Stamp will link you vaccine status with your credit card
14/07/2022 Beijing residents asked to wear monitoring bracelets to enforce COVID quarantine, prompting outcry
13/07/2022 400,000 Chinese Lose Their Life Savings Instantly
08/07/2022 Bill Gates tells governments to invest in technologies for “payment and ID systems”
25/06/2022 EU Renews Digital COVID Pass Despite 99% Negative Public Feedback
17/06/2022 Chinese Banks Freeze Billions In Deposits: Officials Use Health QR Code To Bar Protestors
16/06/2022 Chinese authorities 'are issuing fake Covid contact-tracing alerts to lock down activists ahead of protests'
31/05/2022 World Economic Forum Pushes Facial Recognition Technology
27/05/2022 World Economic Forum: Smartphones Will Be In Your Body By 2030
26/05/2022 The WHO's Pandemic Treaty "Is Tied To A Global Digital Passport And ID System"
18/05/2022 Mastercard introduces controversial biometric payments that require a face scan
15/05/2022 Vaccinated People Emitting MAC Addresses; What’s Causing This Phenomenon?
30/12/2021 More Evidence the COVID Fake-Vaccine is Embedding MAC Addresses
29/11/2021 BARR: Biden’s ‘Infrastructure’ Bill Contains Backdoor ‘Kill Switch’ For Cars

One World Currency

07/02/2024 World Economic Forum Pushes for Interoperability of Centralized Currency To Ensure Global “Success”
05/01/2024 EU Steams Ahead With Controversial, Centrally-Controlled Digital Euro
24/11/2023 New IMF Handbook Confirms CBDC Will Track Users and Can Control Users’ Spending
20/11/2023 IMF Director Says CBDCs Could Replace Cash, Increase “Financial Inclusion”
28/10/2023 Elon Musk's X Aims To Revolutionize Finance As A Central Hub
25/10/2023 19,000 ATMs Have Shut Down Across US as the Govt Prepares to Roll Out CBDC Digital Currency
18/10/2023 Former WEF 'Global Leader for Tomorrow' turned whistleblower, economist Professor Richard Werner, explains how—according to his sources—CBDCs will ultimately be held on small microchips implanted under the skin, and Universal Basic Income will be used to entice people into accepting this gross invasion of their freedom, privacy and bodily autonomy.
29/09/2023 ECB Head: Digital Euro Won’t Be Anonymous, Concerns About “Big Brother” Overreach Are A “Conspiracy Theory”
29/09/2023 How A CBDC Created Chaos & Poverty In Nigeria
19/09/2023 G20 Leaders Plot CBDCs and Digital IDs Worldwide
18/09/2023 Australia’s Fifth-Largest Bank Announces Digital-Only Transactions
07/09/2023 IBM Makes Proposals For a Digital Euro Implementation
30/08/2023 Unlocking a Dystopian Future: How Amazon’s New Palm Payment Plot Could Reshape Digital Identity and Surveillance
25/08/2023 Yum! Brands plan for fully digital transactions at restaurants
21/08/2023 Yum! Brands plan for fully digital transactions at restaurants
21/07/2023 Amazon Wants To Bring Palm Payments To All Whole Foods Stores By The End of 2023
20/07/2023 Thai Political Party Wants To Issue a Digital Currency That Expires After Six Months and Can Only Be Spent Close to Citizens’ Homes
19/07/2023 Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips
17/07/2023 Brazil’s CBDC Allows Government To Freeze Funds, Developer Discovers
13/07/2023 Nigeria’s eNaira: High on blockchain, low on adoption
12/07/2023 Russian parliament passes digital ruble bill
09/07/2023 UK Digital Pound May Have Digital ID Features
07/07/2023 NY Fed Reports “Successful” Months-Long Digital Dollar Test
02/07/2023 CBDCs With Expiration Dates, Restrictions Could Target Social Policies, Economist Tells WEF
30/06/2023 The World Economic Forum Praises CBDCs, Calls For “Public-Private Partnerships,” and Lists “Advancing Cashless Societies” As Motivations For The Tech
29/06/2023 FedNow, Considered To Lay The Groundwork For a US CBDC, Launches on July 1st
23/06/2023 French Bank Governor Says It’s: “Very Probably Our Duty To Issue a CBDC”
21/06/2023 Amazon and JP Morgan Are Contributing To Singapore’s CBDC
16/06/2023 Central Banks Successfully Test Over 30 CBDC Use Cases, Including Offline Payments
16/06/2023 UN proposes taking over the Global financial system. UN sponsored the “High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation”, co-chaired by the Gates Foundation & Jack Ma, creator of China’s Social Credit Scoring system. Proposing an “apex body” to take charge of the entire financial system
15/06/2023 The Bank of England Is Funding A Digital Wallet For A CBDC
13/06/2023 Bank Of Israel Is Looking For Ways To Convince People To Adopt Digital Shekel
04/06/2023 Android Update To Introduce Digital ID Wallets
03/06/2023 BIS To Use AI To Monitor Global Bank Transactions For "Money Laundering"
31/05/2023 Amazon Backs The Digital Euro
26/05/2023 Microsoft And Visa To Assist Brazil’s CBDC Plot
23/05/2023 Africa's First Test Run For A CBDC has Failed
23/05/2023 YT video Revealed: This Is How Central Banks Will Quietly Push CBDCs By Stealth
19/05/2023 JPMorgan Is Abruptly Freezing Customers’ Bank Accounts and Discriminating Against Clients Without Warning: Law Enforcement Officials in 19 States
19/05/2023 Janet Yellen told bank CEOs more mergers may be necessary, sources say
19/05/2023 Europe Approves World’s First Cryptocurrency Regulations
18/05/2023 Samsung Signs Up To Assist With CBDC Rollouts
17/05/2023 Starbucks teams up with Amazon to launch BIOMETRIC payment system in certain locations
17/05/2023 OpenAI’s Sam Altman Closes In on $100M Funding For Iris-Scanning Cryptocurrency Plans
11/05/2023 Bank Of England Fintech Director Says Anonymity Is “A Public Policy Problem And Something That Should Not Be Allowed To Continue”
09/05/2023 Trading Privacy For Convenience: Starbucks’ Biometric Experiment With Palm Payments In Washington Town
30/04/2023 IMF publishes multi-year plan to implement CBDCs; it may spell the end of our financial freedom and autonomy
26/04/2023 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' Author Warns "Dystopian" CBDCs Will Allow Government To Track All Purchases
24/04/2023 Zimbabwe To Introduce Gold-Backed Digital Currency
20/04/2023 The Digital Euro Could Usher In Total State Control
19/04/2023 Cash will become ‘less useable’ as high street goes contactless, says Bank of England
18/04/2023 US House Committee publishes draft bill that would call for the exploration of CBDCs
12/04/2023 Zimbabwe pushes digital ID for access to government services
11/04/2023 IMF unveils Unicoin – a global CBDC
08/04/2023 CBDC Will Be Used For "Control", ECB President Admits In Vid Chat With 'Fake Zelensky'
07/04/2023 Australian pilot combines CBDC project with carbon credit trading
06/04/2023 The U.S Federal Reserve banking system is launching its own "Cash App" called "Fed Now" in July.
30/03/2023 Major Australian bank quietly stops handling cash at some branches
29/03/2023 Major Australian bank to end cash withdrawals from its branches - as the end of paper notes looms
28/03/2023 'Emergency' Fed rate cut by June, only 6 U.S. banks will be left by 2025 paving way for CBDC
24/03/2023 Biden White House praises CBDCs, says they “have the potential to offer significant benefits”
21/03/2023 EU merchants brace for a cashless future? Impending regulations could force the acceptance of digital Euro
17/03/2023 The Central Bank of Nigeria Just Paused Its Demonetisation Program After Visiting Untold Damage on Nigeria’s Economy
16/03/2023 Deutsche Bank and WEF look towards the end of cash
15/03/2023 Prepare for governments to push CBDCs in the wake of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse
10/03/2023 Brazil rallies towards central digital currency
09/03/2023 Nigerians Not Eager To Embrace Central Bank Digital Currency
(The governement use money swap from old bills to new bills in order to reduce the cash supply then everyone will depend on digital currencies)
05/03/2023 Biden is accused of exploring “authoritarian” digital dollar
18/02/2023 Is Switzerland About To Become First Country To Outlaw A Cashless Society?
15/02/2023 EU lawmakers support EU-wide digital wallet
13/02/2023 'Hillary Clinton: 'It's time to BAN cash to fight climate change'
11/02/2023 This Was Another Big Week For Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)
31/01/2023 CBDC Developments Skyrocketing
25/01/2023 Norway pushes ahead with digital currency, ignoring privacy concerns
23/01/2023 Cashless Society: Big Banks Prepare To Launch Digital Wallet To Compete With Apple Pay And PayPal
18/01/2023 Ukraine shares its CBDC plans with the World Economic Forum
14/01/2023 The UK considers a digital pound
19/12/2022 EU funds test of biometric payments from digital wallets
16/12/2022 CBDC in 2023: Federal Reserve planning to implement “FedNow” digital currency between May and July of 2023
13/12/2022 Withdrawal restrictions in Lebanon lead to armed bank raids as customers attempt to liberate THEIR OWN money
13/12/2022 Brazil to launch CBDC in 2024
11/12/2022 EU To Force Crypto Companies To Report Their Users' Holdings To Tax Authorities
09/12/2022 China Reveals Digital Yuan with Expiry Date where People are Forced to Spend and not allowed to Save. CBDCs just became an even more Dystopic Nightmare.
08/12/2022 Nigeria Limits ATM Withdrawals To $45 Per Day To Force Govt-Controlled Digital Payments
07/12/2022 Nigerian bans atm cash withdrawals over $225 a week to force use of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
01/12/2022 Brazil Approves Bill Regulating Use Of Bitcoin As Payment
21/11/2022 UK to outline steps for government-controlled digital currency by the end of the year
19/11/2022 CBDC: How COVID Became The Path To Global Financial Surveillance
16/11/2022 Here Come "Programmable Dollars": New York Fed And 12 Banking Giants Launch Digital Dollar Test
10/11/2022 The digital euro may have spending limits
01/11/2022 Japan and Turkey are testing digital currencies combined with digital ID
19/10/2022 Central Bank Digital Currencies Would Let Governments Control What People Spend Money On: IMF Official Admits
18/10/2022 Crypto Adoption Continues: Mastercard To Debut Product To Help Buy Digital Assets Through Bank Accounts
05/10/2022 Russia To Allow International Trade In Bitcoin, Crypto For Any Industry: Report
27/09/2022 Powell says US CBDC would not be anonymous
27/09/2022 1USD = 1EURO = 1Pound soon to help with digital currency
22/09/2022 Colorado Becomes First State To Accept Bitcoin As Payment For Taxes
16/09/2022 ECB Picks Amazon, Nexi, 3 More to Prototype Digital Euro Apps
15/09/2022 Central Bank will have control over users’ personal finances with new digital currency
03/09/2022 The Tony Blair institute develop public policy remcommendations for universale basic income using CBDC network
30/08/2022 Starbucks go cashless
28/08/2022 Millions of Brits face being cut off from system as cash 'phased out in five years'
28/08/2022 Visualizing The State Of Central Bank Digital Currencies
24/08/2022 ECB Says Cash "Not Fit" For Digital Economy, Dismisses CBDC Privacy Concerns
03/08/2022 How Technocommunism Will Institute The CBDC: The Central Bank Game Plan In Under 3 Minutes
31/07/2022 Israel Prohibits Cash Deals for Amounts Starting as Low as $1,700
26/07/2022 Israel further restricts cash transactions in move toward digital currency
24/07/2022 Where Central Banks Have Issued Digital Currencies
17/06/2022 Fed's Powell: CBDC could help dollar's international standing


26/11/2022 Proof of BlueTooth in Vaccines! Turning Humans Into Robots!!
12/11/2022 Schwab’s WEF is now pushing to implant Tracking Microchips in Humans as part of The Great Reset agenda
06/11/2022 Researchers develop graphene-biosensors for brain machine interfaces
24/10/2022 Is it Possible to Patent Genetically-Modified Humans?
18/10/2022 Scientists Trial New Wireless Brain Implant That Activates Nanoparticles To Zap Tumors With Heat, Claim Brain Implants Will Save 100,000 Americans
14/10/2022 Bio-hacking humans: People implanting chips in hands and heads
02/10/2022 Interesting presentation at the 2015 WEF conference in Davos. They literally tell you they’re able to PERMANENTLY change DNA with these shots
30/09/2022 'Metaverse' children to replace real kids by 2050 and 'help with overpopulation'
30/09/2022 Bruce Willis has become 1st hollywood actor to sell rights to 'digital twin'
28/09/2022 Synthetic Salvation: On Genomics, Mind Uploads, and the Quest for Immortality
22/09/2022 FDA Uses Transhumanist Slogans to Push New COVID Boosters
15/09/2022 Normalising Brain-chips: The New ‘Trans’
13/09/2022 Executive Order: Biden Unleashes Transhuman, Genetic Modification Firestorm On America
13/09/2022 Biden signs EO to advance transhumanism.
04/09/2022 Metaverse Company Appoints Robot as Female CEO
22/08/2022 Digital Clones Of Deceased Loved Ones Chat With Mourners At Own Funerals
15/08/2022 Lawyers could have electronic chips implanted in their BRAINS to enable them to scan through documents in a fraction of the time, report suggests
03/08/2022 Scientists create world’s first ‘synthetic embryos’
04/08/2022 This startup wants to copy you into an embryo for organ harvesting
02/08/2022 A transhuman biohacker implanted over 50 chips and magnets in her body
19/07/2022 Synchron Announces First Human U.S. Brain-Computer Interface Implant
13/07/2022 China uses AI to 'improve' courts - with computers 'correcting perceived human errors in a verdict' and JUDGES forced to submit a written explanation to the MACHINE if they disagree
07/07/2022 Robots debut as caregiver assistants in Minnesota nursing home
16/02/2022 Chile prohibits discrimination against mutants and genetically altered people
15/10/2015 Disabling parts of the brain with magnets can weaken faith in God and change attitudes to immigrants, study finds
(Interesting, using technology to push people away from God is one of their goals)
19/08/2020 Transhuman Elon Musk: Your Brain Will Get Its Own USB-C Port

Alternative Reality

30/12/2023 Biden Plans to Ease Marijuana Restrictions
06/09/2023 Psychedelics Decriminalization Bill Approved by California Assembly
16/06/2023 A white supremacist took MDMA for a study, and it snapped him out of his beliefs: 'Why am I doing this?'
(Normalizing reeducation through drugs)
07/06/2023 NYC unveils vending machines with free crack pipes and drug kits
29/05/2023 Bill To Legalize Psychedelic Mushrooms Advances In California Senate
20/04/2023 Marijuana's Growth Into The US Mainstream
26/03/2023 Big Pharma Is Paying TikTok Influencers to Hook Teens on New Drugs.
24/03/2023 Toronto wants to expand drug decriminalization to cover all ages and substances
24/03/2023 DEA Warns 'Zombie Drug' Hitting US Streets, Set To Worsen Overdose Crisis
05/02/2023 Australia Becomes 1st Country To Legalize Therapeutic Use Of MDMA & Psilocybin
30/01/2023 British Colombia Canada To Decriminalize Meth, Fentanyl, Heroin, And Other Hard Drugs
26/10/2022 Germany moves to legalize recreational cannabis
22/10/2022 Circle K To Start Selling Marijuana At Its Florida Stores
20/10/2022 Quebec Approves Magic Mushrooms Under Public Health Coverage
18/10/2022 Study: Marijuana Use at Record Levels for Young Adults
06/10/2022 Biden pardons marijuana offenses, calls for review of federal law
06/10/2022 FAR OUT MAN: Alberta takes trippy turn allowing magic mushrooms, acid for therapy
10/09/2022 Americans now smoke more cannabis than tobacco
07/09/2022 Biden Admin Is Placing Vending Machines Filled With Drug Supplies in Rural Kentucky
18/07/2022 Bill Moves Forward That Will Legalize Psychedelic Drugs In California
22/06/2022 Digital Afterlife Program: Alexa Will Soon Read Stories As Your Dead Grandma
01/06/2022 Virtual children are a bleak answer to overpopulation
27/05/2022 Meta announces the World Economic Forum will have a leadership role in the metaverse
25/05/2022 Virtual New World Order: Davos Elites Plot How to Govern ‘Matrix’-Like Metaverse
05/05/2022 Former Rockstar North President's New Game Described as a 'Real-Life Ready Player One' - News

Smart Cities / Others

20/01/2024 World Economic Forum panelist calls for new world order
20/01/2024 World Economic Forum panelist suggests farming and fishing should be criminalized
02/01/2024 Climate realist’s UN talk ‘postponed indefinitely’ despite past promises
30/12/2023 The New Blue Screen Of Death? "Your Vehicle Cannot Be Driven"
24/12/2023 Experts Admit WEF Planning To Erase 4 Billion People Within Years
20/12/2023 Humans may be fueling global warming by breathing: new study
15/12/2023 Washington Lawmaker Wants To Toss People In Jail For Using Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers Because They "Contribute To Climate Change"
15/12/2023 Mark Zuckerberg is building a $100M compound in Hawaii with a massive underground bunker. Billionaires know that a "carbon reduction" event is coming soon
14/12/2023 UN 'Climate' Summit: End Energy (in US), Global Taxes, War on Humanity
26/11/2023 Coming Soon: Your Travel Will Be Restricted By Personal Carbon Allowances
22/11/2023 US And France Will Seek To Halt Private Funding For Coal Plants At COP28
20/11/2023 australia-officially-bans-cash-and-mandates-bill-gates-digital-passport-to-participate-in-society/
16/11/2023 Raytheon Whistleblower: U.S. Gov’t Have Directed Energy Weapons Capable of Causing Mega-Earthquakes
16/11/2023 SpaceX Prepares For Starlink IPO In 2024, Report Says
(Starlink is an easy way for the NWO to locate people living off-grid)
14/11/2023 Bill Gates buying up land, threatening small farms under guise of saving planet, author claims
09/11/2023 Nicaragua Experiencing 'Massive Move of God' as Events Draw 650,000 so Far, Tens of Thousands Accept Christ
31/10/2023 Chinese Tech Companies Baidu and Alibaba Erase Mention of Israel From Maps
(Gog and Magog prepare themselves for the final assault on Jerusalem)
30/10/2023 Biden Issues Government's First-Ever Artificial Intelligence Executive Order To 'Support Workers, Combat Discrimination'
27/10/2023 Diners hit with ‘carbon footprint charge’ on restaurant bills
27/10/2023 Shooters ’hearing voices’.
(Probably related to V2K)
25/10/2023 Bloomberg Pushes Climate Doom As Reason Why You Must Eat Bugs
19/10/2023 Major U.S Meat Producer to Open WEF-Linked Insect Plant
17/10/2023 Stockholm To Ban Gas And Diesel Cars Starting In 2025
16/10/2023 Climate Activists Seek To Save The Planet By Cutting-Down & Burying Trees
11/10/2023 Insider Admits Israel Attack Was ‘False Flag’ To Start ‘Holy War’ and Usher In ‘One World Government’
08/10/2023 Carbon Passports Are The Next Dystopian Surveillance Threat
07/10/2023 "Deplorable Moment Times 10": Hillary Clinton Floats 'Formal Deprogramming' Of Trump Supporters
(The FEMA camps are ready)
04/10/2023 While The Masses Were Sleeping, The UN Made A 7 Year Agreement To Implement A Single Global Agenda
29/09/2023 Never Mind Those Hordes of Military-Aged Chinese Men With the Same Clothing, Haircuts, and Tattoos Swarming Our Southern Border
25/09/2023 The Chilean communist activist Valentina Muñoz threatens those who refuse to yield to the Agenda 2030: "This is no longer a negotiation. That's why it's called an agenda and not a wish list."
24/09/2023 WEF’s Green Energy Scam Exposes 23 Million People to Toxic Waste
22/09/2023 New York Mayor Eric Adams Introduces Surveillance Robots
13/09/2023 The UK's Coming Eco-Totalitarianism
12/09/2023 Germany Passes Controversial 'Green' Heating Law Estimated To Cost Economy €1 Trillion
11/09/2023 U.S. government to launch “SMART ePANTS” and other computerized clothing to SPY on Americans’ bodies
11/09/2023 Trudeau Liberals handing out millions to help put crickets on menu
10/09/2023 Scientists Create Human "Entity" That Has No Mother Or Father
06/09/2023 Details of the Amish Farmer Story Prove the FDA and USDA Should Be Dissolved Completely
31/08/2023 FEMA To Blast All Smartphones , TVs, Radios With Mass Alert Test On October 4
30/08/2023 Millions Of Brits Told Not To Heat Homes At Night As Part Of 'Net Zero' Climate Goals
19/08/2023 These 14 American Cities Have A ‘Target’ Of Banning Meat, Dairy, And Private Vehicles By 2030
18/08/2023 WEF Insider Admits Maui Was Deliberately Destroyed To Rebuild Hawaii As 15 Minute Cities
16/08/2023 Soros To End 'Most EU Operations' In 'Radical Shift'
(Europe to fall first?)
12/08/2023 UK authorities will now imprison residents and charge them for leaving their homes if their cars don’t comply with NET ZERO rules
08/08/2023 PBS Rolls Out 'Climate Psychology Therapist' For Armageddon-Coping Session
01/08/2023 Germans Have "Moral Obligation" To Sacrifice Living-Standards & Wealth, Claims Green Party MP
(The endless sacrifice of Germany. After Agenda 2010, here comes Agenda 2030)
30/07/2023 Russia’s Smart City inmates will be “safe and comfortable” technocrats promise
30/07/2023 CDC Warns Red Meat Allergy Caused By Ticks An 'Emerging Public Health Concern'
29/07/2023 WEF Psychologists Prepare the Public for a Dystopia Full of Torment
24/07/2023 "15 minute city sign symbolism"
22/07/2023 For Europe’s Older Population, Heat Is the New Covid
(Shifting the narrative, soon there will be climate lockdowns)
20/07/2023 Europe’s “48°C Horror That Never Was”…ESA, Media Sharply Criticized For Manipulative Reporting
15/07/2023 Globalists Suggest "Finance Shock" And Climate Controls To Launch Their Great Reset
12/07/2023 The USDA Approves Bill Gates Lab-Grown ‘Frankenfood’ Meat As Our Global Society Lurches Ever Forward Into A Dystopian Abyss
06/07/2023 ‘Nudge Unit’ Chief Says UK Will Obey Future Lockdowns: Citizens Have ‘Learnt the Behaviour’
01/07/2023 Gordon Chang: China's 'shock troops' now inside U.S.
01/07/2023 White House cautiously opens the door to study blocking sun’s rays to slow global warming
29/06/2023 King Charles III activated the "Climate Clock" (Agenda 2030 countdown) today
28/06/2023 Klaus Schwab Praises CCP For Its Covid “Control Measures”
(Leading the world by example)
25/06/2023 Mama Mia! NYC rules crack down on coal-, wood-fired pizzerias — must cut carbon emissions up to 75%
24/06/2023 Lab-Grown Meat Gets Green Light On US Menus
21/06/2023 Weatherman Admits US Military is Altering the Weather While Live on Air
17/06/2023 A Fight Over the Right to Repair Cars Takes a Wild Turn
14/06/2023 Synthetic human embryos are created in the lab with NO egg or sperm
(1 step closer to Brave New World Order)
09/06/2023 Tesla Drivers Activate "Bioweapon Defense Mode" To Protect Against Wildfire Smoke
08/06/2023 DHS Sought To Assign Social Credit Style “Risk Scores” To Social Media Users
07/06/2023 All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames
(HAARP working overtime)
07/06/2023 China names and shames citizens with a 'D' Social Credit Rating, by displaying their faces, IDs, addresses...on billboards in LED trucks, driving around the town for all to see.
06/06/2023 UK Think Tank Proposes Tracking Vehicles With GPS And Taxing Them Based On Distance Traveled
04/06/2023 ‘Only one sausage per month for everyone!’ German Nutrition Society recommends over 90% reduction in daily meat eating– to combat global warming
02/06/2023 Xi Calls On China's Top National Security Officials To Prepare For "Worst Case Scenarios"
23/05/2023 The Rockefeller Foundation and World Health Organization Announce Partnership To Expand Global Pandemic Preparedness in Era of Climate Change
21/05/2023 Klaus Schwab’s three mentors were leading proponents of a One World Government and depopulation agenda
21/05/2023 Germany To Ban Sale of Wood to the Public as Part of WEF ‘Save the Planet’ Initiative
21/05/2023 Exxon Crushes Progressive Dreams That "Net Zero" Has Any Chance By 2050: It Would Mean Collapse In "Global Standard Of Living"
(Not if there is a great reset in standard of living)
17/05/2023 You don’t own your kids, the State owns your kids. That’s what this statement means. And it’s incredibly dark statement.
16/05/2023 New York to Track Residents’ Food Purchases and Place ‘Caps on Meat’ Served by Public Institutions
11/05/2023 'Net Zero' Grid Batteries Alone Would Bankrupt America
09/05/2023 BBC: Climate Change Too Important To Be Left To Personal Choice
03/05/2023 Scientists Say Meat Is Crucial To The Human Diet - Warn Against Vegan 'Zealotry'
03/05/2023 New York Set to Pass First Statewide Law Banning Gas in New Construction
01/05/2023 Gas leaf blowers and lawn mowers are shockingly bad for the planet. Bans are beginning to spread.
29/04/2023 Criticizing China’s lockdowns are a “microaggression” and should be reported through online portal, UK university says
(That's a slippery slope)
25/04/2023 BIDEN: "There's no such thing as someone else's child. Our nation's children are all our children!"
(Your children belong to the NWO)
22/04/2023 Controversial mRNA Technology Now Targeting Livestock
20/04/2023 Brits to receive emergency alert that jams phone until clicked - hear how it will sound
19/04/2023 A blue spiral appears in the night sky over Alaska
(Alaska is Haarp's playground)
19/04/2023 New York Mayor Goes To War Against Meat And Dairy As Climate Agenda Escalates
18/04/2023 YT video - 2 arrested for operating illegal police station for Chinese govt. in NYC
16/04/2023 Armed federal agents threaten Amish farmer: embrace pesticides or be destroyed
12/04/2023 I’m only interested in consensus. The individual scientist doesn’t matter” -Neil DeGrasse Tyson
(RIP science, this Tyson fraud is talking here about covid vaccines but he is more prominent in the globe earth theory with the same mindset)
09/04/2023 Polish MP Proposes "Anti-Bug Law" To Require Labels On Insect-Containing Foods
08/04/2023 Walmart Announces Plan For Nationwide EV Charging Network
07/04/2023 Manufactured Hero Greta is a Puppet of the NWO. Her handler is with her all the time, and is a Rothschild
04/04/2023 Seize property to build wind and solar farms, says JP Morgan chief
29/03/2023 Londoners push back against invasive traffic CCTV designed to enforce “low emission zones”
24/03/2023 The Biden administration is now going after air conditioners
15/03/2023 Are kids ready to eat insects?
15/03/2023 Mao's Cultural Revolution features and tactics
(Strangely familiar)
14/03/2023 Trilateral Commission calls 2023 'Year One' of new world order
14/03/2023 Trump Promotes 15-Minute Cities, But Calls Them Freedom Cities
14/03/2023 Greta Thunberg Deletes Tweet Claiming "Climate Change Will Wipe Humanity" By 2023
11/03/2023 Kamala Harris Worries About "Climate Mental Health"
09/03/2023 15 Minute City Origins
08/03/2023 Why are 15 minutes Cities the key to the future?
(15 min open concentration camps popping around the world)
04/03/2023 Around the world, C40 mayors and the cities they lead are taking ambitious, collaborative and urgent climate action that aligns with science-backed targets.
04/03/2023 Fort Meyers, Florida has announced plans for a 15 minute city
03/03/2023 UK Considered Mandating Killing Of All Pet Cats To Stop COVID
02/03/2023 Elon Musk unveils a new Master Plan, a path to sustainable energy future, but no new cars
(NWO pawn push for NWO technology)
02/03/2023 Jacksonville gym installs UV lights to fight airborne illnesses
(UV lights are spreading everywhere, the luciferase or graphene in the vaccines react to it)
01/03/2023 Smart City Observatory
28/02/2023 Plans To Remove Hunting, Fishing And Farming Abilities in Canada
28/02/2023 Amish Farm Fined $250K, Facing Jail Time for Humanely Raising and Selling Food to Willing Customers
27/02/2023 "Climate Change Cult At It Again": Apple Users Frustrated With 'Green Charging'
27/02/2023 Now you're an antivaxer if you speak out against open air prisons
25/02/2023 Cleveland, OH to become 1st 15 minute city in America
21/02/2023 Cook County property taxes skyrocket for thousands of homeowners and businesses; how to appeal
(Rising property tax is an effective way to steal people's properties)
21/02/2023 Scientists say gruesome cigarette-style warnings on MEAT could be used to shame buyers
21/02/2023 Study: Bill Gates’ Lab Grown Meat Causes Cancer in Humans
19/02/2023 12 year old wee lassie destroys concept of the 15 minute cities everyone seems so keen for.
16/02/2023 Watch: Klaus Schwab Calls For Global Government To "Master" AI Technologies
09/02/2023 Major health warning to anyone with a wood burning stove in their home
09/02/2023 Watch: Bill Gates Says It's OK For Him To Use Private Jets Because He's "The Solution" To Climate Change
(Even part of the 'Final Solution' to a nonexistent problem)
06/02/2023 Canada is making a big push toward “Smart Cities”
06/02/2023 How China Is Using Artificial Intelligence in Classrooms
(No need for those devices, 5G is enough)
01/02/2023 Your wood-burning stove could land you with a £300 fine and a criminal records
31/01/2023 Bill Gates Invested In Artificial Eggs Before Mysterious Egg Shortage and Price Hikes
31/01/2023 Face scanning for access to food and public transportation
31/01/2023 WEF speaker talks about brainwave technology that your employer can use to make you more productive
27/01/2023 Insect Farm Lures Robert Downey Jr. in $224 Million Fundraising
(Iluminati invested in insect farm)
27/01/2023 New York City will require Uber and Lyft to go 100 percent electric by 2030
26/01/2023 Crushed Bug "Additive" Is Now Included In Pizza, Pasta, & Cereals Across The EU
24/01/2023 The United States Government allow the Chinese Government to set up Chinese "police stations" in the United States
23/01/2023 House crickets allowed as food in EU
22/01/2023 The New York Times published an article praising the Chinese government "co-parenting" children
(#WEF, We will steal and raise your kids with absolutely 0 morals and you will be happy)
21/01/2023 Davos Attendee Says 'Quiet Part Out Loud': Agenda Is To Create A "New World Order"
20/01/2023 Proposed restrictions on food currently working through House
19/01/2023 What's in the food you'll soon be forced to eat? A 2019 study found that 81% of edible insects examined were full of parasites and 30% contained human specific parasites!
17/01/2023 Study suggests US freshwater fish highly contaminated with ‘forever chemicals’
14/01/2023 Eat Bugs! It’s What’s For Dinner
05/01/2023 Japan minister calls for new world order to counter rise of authoritarian regimes
05/01/2023 Vending machine spotted today here in Arizona, where all the products include insects
03/01/2023 EU allow Crickets in basic food
01/01/2023 2022 Same Shit, Different Year: 55 Years Of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions
29/12/2022 WEF Orders Public To Bathe ‘Once a Week or Less’ To Save the Planet
29/12/2022 Police Robot K9 Dog on scene #shorts
28/12/2022 30 by 30 is the biggest land grab in history marketed under the guise of “protecting biodiversity”
(Here comes the human no-go zones, the displaced people will be moved to smart cities where they will be slowly killed by 5G and the vaccines)
24/12/2022 A startup says it’s begun releasing particles into the atmosphere, in an effort to tweak the climate
23/12/2022 The EU Plans To Impose Direct Carbon Taxes On Individuals
22/12/2022 German Health Minister claims that we need restrictions of personal freedoms to fight climate change and then calls people who predicted climate lockdowns conspiracy theorists
22/12/2022 BlackRock — the world’s largest asset manager — confirms a New World Order
21/12/2022 Biden admin is funding foreign reporters to write climate stories, emails show
21/12/2022 Elon Musk's Starlink Now Has One Million Active Subscribers
20/12/2022 EU Imposes The World's Largest Carbon Tax Scheme, Inflationary Madness Sets In
12/12/2022 Video: Artificial Womb Facility Concept Unveiled To Phase Out Pregnancy
10/12/2022 Watch: Climate Hypocrite Kerry Says It Would Be "Great" If Americans Paid Carbon Reparations
09/12/2022 Nokia secures Paris metro 5G private network deal
(Antenna right on top of your head)
09/12/2022 Canterbury traffic zones ‘like postwar Berlin without the wall’
06/12/2022 France Bans Short-Haul Domestic Flights... Because 'Climate Change'
05/12/2022 Utility company lays it on the line for customers: Take the Orwellian ‘smart’ meter or freeze!
04/12/2022 Oxfordshire Council to Trial a Climate Lockdown Starting 2024
27/11/2022 Salted ants. Ground crickets. Why you should try edible insects.
25/11/2022 Canada’s new VISA card features carbon emissions tracker
17/11/2022 Canadian credit union to track transactions and tie them to carbon footprints
16/11/2022 FDA Spurs Innovation for Human Food from Animal Cell Culture Technology
12/11/2022 Barcelona students to take mandatory climate crisis module from 2024
09/11/2022 "Monstrosities": New York Has Started Erecting Thousands Of Giant Gray 5G Towers
05/11/2022 UK “Nudge Unit” recommends banks track carbon footprint of transactions, reward “sustainable behaviors”
04/11/2022 Austria Looks To Ban Oil And Coal Heaters From 2023
02/11/2022 Netherlands orders closure of 'illegal Chinese police stations' in Amsterdam and Rotterdam
29/10/2022 'Zero Emissions' From Electric Vehicles? Here's Why That Claim Has Zero Basis
25/10/2022 1.5 Million Saudis Forcibly Displaced To Make Way For Extravagant Project
24/10/2022 Check out the NASTY ingredients in Beyond Meat burgers
24/10/2022 Currently being built in Saudi Arabia: The Line. The 170-kilometre city has been designed to house 9 million people.
23/10/2022 Net Zero Bombshell: The World Does Not Have Enough Lithium and Cobalt to Replace All Batteries Every 10 Years – Finnish Government Report
21/10/2022 Major UK Supermarket Chain Planning To Sell Bugs As Food To Help Poor People Through Winter
21/10/2022 Oakland Police Want 'Terminator Style' Robot With Shotgun
18/10/2022 Electric Nightmare: EV Owner Details 15-Hour Trek to Travel 178 Miles
18/10/2022 Biden Administration Plans To ‘Dim the Sun’ To Fight ‘Climate Change’
18/10/2022 French State to Pay €20 Million Fine For Failing to Tackle Air Pollution In France, Court Rules
15/10/2022 Israeli Company Introduces 3D Printed "Meat" As The Future Of Food
12/10/2022 New Zealand Set to Begin Taxing Cattle Flatulence in Climate Change Scheme
11/10/2022 US Government Is Expanding Emergency Bunkers For Government, Signaling Major Catastrophe Is Coming – TimcastIRL [VIDEO]
11/10/2022 New Zealand government proposes taxing cow burps, pee to tackle climate change
03/10/2022 Project Cirrus: Evidence of Weather Manipulation, Including Hurricanes, by the Govt.
02/10/2022 BP thought up the carbon tax back in the day
30/09/2022 China has opened police stations in US and Canada to monitor Chinese citizens: Report
30/09/2022 They are openly proposing using a bio weapon that makes people intolerant to meat. To "save the planet"
27/09/2022 Why Beijing is allegedly opening police stations on Canadian soil
(Chinese force having power in Canada, they are also in France to officialy protect the Chinese tourists)
27/09/2022 California To Ban Natural Gas Heaters By 2030
23/09/2022 Family is a terrible way to satisfy our desire for love and care, according to the writer and academic Sophie Lewis. The solution? Abolish it.
(Destruction of family structure)
21/09/2022 WEF claims that “billions” who obeyed lockdowns and mask mandates will also comply with new globalist “social credit scheme”
(Destruction of water supply)
21/09/2022 It's Crazy On Many Levels, But Cook County Has Launched Its 'Free Money' UBI Program
20/09/2022 USDA air dropping vaccines from helicopters across 13 states, using vaccine “bait” deemed HAZARDOUS if ingested
(Systematic destruction of all wildlife to remove food from the country side)
20/09/2022 China continues to build inhumane "quarantine camps" at a rapid pace throughout the country. This is from Sichuan Province.
19/09/2022 World Economic Forum Advisor, Yuval Noah Harari: "If you're left behind you're facing something far worse, which is to be completely irrelevant, they won't even need you as a serf or a slave"
19/09/2022 Man Scraps Modified Diesel Truck After Gov't Determines It's Illegal Through Facebook Marketplace Listing
17/09/2022 Fines of up to 5,000 euros are expected for the ignition of some stoves or fireplaces in different regions of Italy.
15/09/2022 WEF-Endorsed Bugs and Insects Force-Fed To Children in 1,000+ Australian Schools
13/09/2022 Lab-grown milk to hit shelves by 2024 – minus the cow and the carbon
13/09/2022 Crickets are being pushed on school children in Canada and Australia (WEF puppet states) they’re grooming the new generation
10/09/2022 DenverREADY gives free Bug Out Bags away as part of National Preparedness Month
07/09/2022 Dutch city of Haarlem may be world’s first to ban most meat ads
04/09/2022 London now has more CCTV cameras per person than Beijing
02/09/2022 World Economic Forum Deleted Video: “Lockdowns are improving cities around the world” – VIDEO
02/09/2022 President Biden named John Podesta, who led the Obama White House on climate strategy, to oversee $370 billion in clean energy funds under a landmark new climate law.
(Pedo-satanist Podesta working for the ecological agenda, nothing to see here)
31/08/2022 German Green Party Minister Calls For Tax On Meat
30/08/2022 Elon Musk Says Self-Driving Teslas May Be Released In US, Europe By Year-End
28/08/2022 European Central Bank Chief Blames Climate-Change For Red-Hot Inflation
26/08/2022 California Votes To Ban New Gas Vehicles By 2035 In Push For EV-Utopia
26/08/2022 The ESG movement is really getting out of hand
25/08/2022 "Cities of the future," built from scratch
25/08/2022 Macron says it’s the end of abundance and sacrifices to defend freedom
25/08/2022 Scientists say cockroach milk is 3 times more nutritious than cow's milk
25/08/2022 Biden Announces Student Loan Relief Which Will Mostly Benefit Top Earners
24/08/2022 Green Party Official Tells Germans To Use Washcloths Instead Of Taking Showers
24/08/2022 Scientists create a 'meat-like flavouring' by cooking insects in sugar
23/08/2022 Corporate Media to Peasants: ‘Be a Climate Hero, Kill Yourself’
23/08/2022 Australian Bank Won’t Offer Loans for Gas or Diesel Cars Beyond 2025
23/08/2022 Biden Energy 'Transition' Czar Tells Poor People To Buy Solar Panels
22/08/2022 LA install flow restriction device
20/08/2022 Masks are required unless you’re eating insects…
15/08/2022 Disgusting comic for kids on "10 reasons you should eat bugs". # 4, 6, 10 are the most absurd considering bugs have a lot of Chitin, which unlike the BS pop-science coming out recently indicates, can be very harmful to humans in large amounts.
15/08/2022 How Your Carbon Footprint And Your Carbon Wallet Are Really Going To Work In The Dystopian World That WEF Has Planned?
12/08/2022 UK To Reverse "Accidental" Ban On Edible Insect Farming
05/08/2022 Amazon bought iRobot to see inside your home
29/07/2022 German Cities Turn Off Hot Water And Cut Lighting At Government Buildings
27/07/2022 Biden Considering Student Loan Payment Pause Just In Time For Midterms
(In the NWO, all debts should be canceled)
26/07/2022 WEF Calls For End to Private Car Ownership
25/07/2022 Snack food made with cricket protein now being sold in Canadian supermarkets
25/07/2022 ESG Is A Globalist 'Scam' Meant To Usher In 'One World Government': James Lindsay
24/07/2022 Los Angeles could soon put recycled water directly in your tap
22/07/2022 Dystopian Robot Dogs Now Sporting Guns And Russian Insignia
21/07/2022 "US Not Prepared": Extreme Heat Event Risks Damaging US' Rail Network With Buckling Tracks
20/07/2022 CNN technical director caught on film talking about how they are going to make climate change and global warming the next thing
19/07/2022 LIHEAP IM-2022-06 Heat Stress Flexibilities and Resources FY2022
19/07/2022 Climate Change Dictates Are Self Destructive - But Also Part Of A Bigger Agenda
19/07/2022 record breaking heatwave in the UK, you have been reminded to do your part almost hourly by the media to reduce your carbon footprint to avoid temperatures climbing
17/07/2022 Old people dying normally of old age will now be attributed to "heatwaves" to justify global warming initiatives.
(Justification for ecological quarantine)
14/07/2022 Amazon's Ring has provided doorbell footage to police without owners' consent 11 times so far this year
(Everything IOT inter connected)
11/07/2022 Calgary Stampede approves mealworm hotdogs
11/07/2022 BMW Heated Seats Subscription Is Real And It Costs $18 Per Month
(Everything will be for rent)
09/07/2022 Justin Trudeau Offers Canadians Incentives To Distract Them From Inflation Caused By Carbon Taxes
08/07/2022 Government advisors propose environment tax on meats
07/07/2022 Corporate Media Insists Eating Insects Is "Really Delicious"
(Eating most insects is prohibited by God except the locusts, crickets, grasshoppers as written in the Bible Leviticus 11:20-23 )
05/07/2022 Government of Canada launches the quarterly Climate Action Incentive payment for 2022‒23
03/07/2022 Bezos, Gates back fake meat and dairy made from fungus as next big alt-protein
03/07/2022 If Canadians wanted to eat crickets, we wouldn’t be forced to subsidize the cricket farm
03/07/2022 Singapore Brewery Launches New Beer Made From Recycled Sewage Water
(Singapore is at the forefront of the New World Order, it is basically the poster child of the smart city. In an effort to live in full autonomy, those beers use recycled sewage water. The name of the beer NewBrew also include their famous word 'New' : Green New Deal, New World Order, New Normal etc...)
01/07/2022 Tesla's Texas Gigafactory Reportedly Outputting 5,000 Vehicles Per Week
30/06/2022 Biden Climate Advisor Seems Happy About American Job Losses
26/06/2022 German Vice-Chancellor "Drastically Reduces" Time In Shower To Cope With Energy Crisis
21/06/2022 Canada is banning single-use plastics, including grocery bags and straws
23/06/2022 World Economic Forum To “Freeze Bank Accounts” of Meat Eaters To “Educate Them”
19/06/2022 Shanghai City Will Subsidize Pure EV Purchases With 10,000 Yuan Per Unit Until The End Of 2022
17/06/2022 Europe heatwave: Outdoor events banned in parts of France
(Get ready for perpetual lockdown)
16/06/2022 Biden Officials Again Tell Americans To Buy Electric Cars
10/06/2022 New Zealand Tackles Climate Change With Cow Burp Tax
08/06/2022 EU lawmakers endorse ban on combustion-engine cars in 2035
03/06/2022 Norway to Track All Supermarket Purchases
(Necessary for carbon footprint tracking)
02/06/2022 Universal Basic Income? IMF Calls For Governments To Subsidize Food And Energy
01/06/2022 World Economic Forum Urges People To Eat Seaweed, Algae, & Cacti To Save The Planet
30/05/2022 Primary school children in Wales could be offered EDIBLE INSECTS including mealworms and crickets as scientists urge the next generation to embrace eco-friendly meat substitutes
29/05/2022 Davos Reveals Building-Blocks For "Green" Social-Credit System
28/05/2022 Spain Passes Decree Limiting Use Of Air Conditioning In Public Buildings To Conserve Energy
24/05/2022 Alibaba Group president boasts at the WEF about the development of an "individual carbon footprint tracker" to monitor what you buy, what you eat, and where/how you travel
19/05/2022 13 Common Foods That Could Secretly Contain Insects
11/05/2022 California startup offering citizens 'cocoon-like pods' to escape rising rent, real estate costs
09/05/2022 Net Zero Cities: Confronting climate crisis among top priorities
(Smart cities will be self-sufficient in renewable energy to save the planet and blah blah blah...)
09/05/2022 EU plans one-year renewable energy permits for faster green shift
04/05/2022 FDA Approves First CRISPR Cows For Beef, The genome-edited cattle were bred to endure climate change
04/04/2022 US to ban real meat by April 1, 2024
05/08/2021 D.C. Politicians Stick It To Car Enthusiasts
(Kill switches and data collection on all recent cars, to track you better and stop your vehicle when they want so)
11/04/2022 Nanoparticles to contaminate entire food supply under guise of food safety – latest attack on agriculture
09/02/2022 5 reasons why eating insects could reduce climate change
09/02/2022 Towards a healthy, affordable and sustainable Built Environment
(Recommendation to reduce living space to fight climate change)
20/11/2020 WEF chooses Belfast, Leeds and London as global smart cities
07/09/2019 How to stop climate change? Reducing the number of humans, according to 11,000 scientists
04/10/2017 12 eerie photos of enormous Chinese cities completly empty of people
(Those Chinese cities won't be empty for long. Those are NWO Smart Cities with full 5G coverage. The Chinese government will forcibly remove the rural population and force them to live parked like cattle in those cities)



AntiChrist Rising (Trump or Macron)

15/07/2024 An unusually reflective Trump suggests divine intervention in aftermath of rally shooting
(The Revelation stated that 'One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed.'. A bullet shot close to the head would seem like a fatal wound but the beast healed from his injury thereafter.)
09/01/2024 Gabriel Attal, nicknamed ‘baby Macron’, becomes youngest ever French prime minister at 34 – as it happened
(Gabriel Attal seems like a good contender for the Anti-Christ role : Jewish, openly Gay, young (34), good looking, clean slate, furiously anti-vaxxer)
30/10/2023 Macron is currently 45 y-old
(Luciferian palladists believe the anti-Christ will start to rule at 33 y-old. On 15 May 2012, Macron became the deputy secretary-general of the Élysée at 35 y-old. The anti-Christ must be young and Macron fit the profile. They believe the name of the anti-Christ is "Apollonius Zabah" and he will be Jewish. Satanists also refer to Lucifer by other names like god, messiah, Immanuel or lord.)
27/04/2023 Macron Gives 'Le Doigt' To Free Speech: Protesters To Be Prosecuted For Flipping-Off French President
(Macron set up the stage for dictatorship)
26/04/2023 Macron admit on video that we live in a time of big changes, that they invent a new model and it is hard to implant it as long as no everything was destroyed.
19/11/2022 "We need a single global order" says Macron at ongoing APEC Summit
27/10/2022 Macron Urges Pope To Get Biden & Putin To Dialogue On Ukraine
29/08/2022 The false prophet Attali spill the beans on the one-world-governement (In french)
25/04/2022 Macron Reelected for Five More Years as France’s President
(It seems LePen should have won but Macron stole the election by cheating. Anyway he had to win this election if he is the AntiChrist to accomplish the prophecy)
04/02/2022 France's Macron to visit Russia and Ukraine next week on mediation trip amid tensions
(The AntiChrist will appear like a peacemaker for a short-time before Hell break loose)
12/01/2022 President Macron Has a 'Gay Lover': French Documentary Claims
(The AntiChrist will be openly homosexual (From 'Le diable au 19eme siecle') and there are many hints today that he is secretly homosexual)
07/12/2021 Germany’s Angela Merkel retires, was country’s first ever female chancellor
(That will give Macron almost free reign over Europe)
16/09/2020 Full text of the ‘Treaty of Peace’ signed by Israel and the United Arab Emirates
(Trump made a covenant of peace with Israel, the tribulation phase begin soon after)
01/05/2020 "The beast is here, and it's coming" - Macron, April 2020
22/08/2019 Trump declares himself to be ‘the chosen one’
(After promoting claim that Israelis ‘love him like he is the second coming of God,’ Trump defends China trade war by describing himself as the messiah)
08/03/2018 Who is King Cyrus, and why did Netanyahu compare him to Trump?
(King Cyrus helped the Jewish exiles rebuild God’s Temple in Jerusalem, so will the AntiChrist)
(Macron win its 1st election with 66.06% of the votes. Remove the 0 like they do in numerology and you have 666 the number of the beast, that is not by mistake)
08/05/2017 Attali: "Je pensais plutôt que Macron serait élu en 2027"
(Attali is nicknamed 'The Prophet' in France and correctly predicted the rise of the Anti-Christ Macron as president 2 times. The false prophet is the agent of the Beast in the book of Revelation)
11/05/2017 Why Emmanuel Macron Is Technically Now a Prince
(According to Fritz Springmeier, the antiChrist will be part of the 13th Illuminati bloodline aka the Merovingian bloodline therefore he might be a royalty.)
07/05/2017 Emmanuel Macron: The banker who became France’s youngest president
(Macron has clear connections to the Rothschilds as he worked as an investment banker for the French Rothschild bank and look strangely similar to Lilliane de Rothschild, the anti-Christ is said to be Jewish and would be not raised by his biological parents)
23/04/2017 EMMANUEL MACRON'S RAPID RISE TO POWER - From virtually unknown to the French Presidency
(The Anti-Christ is prophesied to appear out of nowhere and obtain enormous power in a relatively short time)

Mark Of The Beast

31/08/2023 Elon Musk calls his transgender daughter Vivian a 'communist' who thinks 'anyone rich is evil'
(Elite satanists often raise their kids to become transgender)
26/05/2023 Elon Musk's Neuralink gets FDA approval for study of brain implants in humans
30/12/2022 Elon says the NWO is well-meaning and just wants to save the environment
02/12/2022 Elon Musk "Confident" Brain Chip Company Neuralink Can Begin Human Trials In Six Months
(Here we go again)
21/11/2022 Elon is ok with going to hell to be with his father
(But the punishment won't be the same for him compared to others, his punishment will be much worse)
01/11/2022 Elon Musk Wears Satanic-Themed Baphomet Halloween Outfit With Upside Down Crucifix
13/10/2022 Elon Musk's Neural Lace is programmable graphene nanoparticles that form a web inside the body, can be controlled from the outside (5G). They are administered via injection. Scientists have found nanoparticles and graphene in some batches. Those were test batches. Tesla makes mRNA vaxx machines
22/08/2022 Elon Musk's Neuralink will show brain implant progress at a Halloween show-and-tell
(Halloween is a very important dates for satanists and witches, many sacrifices are made a this time)
16/02/2022 Elon Musk's Neuralink brain chip tests kills 15 monkeys out of 23, company accused of causing 'extreme suffering', says report
(2 years after its official announcement, MOTB is still not launched. The reason is Musk himself doesn't know exactly when the MOTB will be released during the Apocalypse.)
20/08/2021 Elon Musk says Tesla is building a humanoid robot
(People that take Neuralink will become humanoid robot, that's the humanoid robot Musk is selling. Neuralink is the MOTB, you loose all control over yourself if you take it. As prophesied in the Bible if you take the MOTB, you will go straight to Hell)
10/08/2021 Lockheed Martin Unveils Intelligent, Flexible Factory At The Skunk Works® In Palmdale, California
(Interesting factory layout)
17/07/2019 Elon Musk says Neuralink plans 2020 human test of brain-computer interface
(MOTB (Neuralink) officially announced in 2020 - start of the Apocalypse. Funnily 2 years later they are still experimenting on monkeys, this article state that it was already ready for human test by 2020.)

Planned Events



05/12/2024 Largest French Supermarket Chain Boycotts PepsiCo Due To "Unacceptable Price Increases"
30/11/2023 Rice Nears 15-Year High As Global Food Crisis 'Much Worse Than 2008'
26/10/2023 Beef Company CEO Stands Up To Big Pharma: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”
05/10/2023 H3N8 Avian Flu Virus Has Strong Transmission Potential With Risk Of Major Outbreak
05/10/2023 Orange Juice prices are rising so fast they just hit their limit-up threshold and were halted.
16/09/2023 HSBC Warns Rice Crisis Reminiscent Of '2008 Asian Food Price Scare'
25/08/2023 Frozen vegetables sold at Food Lion and Kroger are being recalled
23/08/2023 Global Rice Crisis Worsens As India Mulls Over New Export Restrictions
05/08/2023 World Food Prices Jump Most In 18 Months
23/07/2023 India's ban on rice exports leads to some panic buying in Canada
18/07/2023 Brighteon Broadcast News, July 18, 2023 - RED ALERT as 13 nations agree to ENGINEER global FAMINE for planetary depopulation
12/07/2023 The Great Famine Reset: You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Starving
02/07/2023 Dutch government declares a state of emergency to stop farmer protest
25/06/2023 Soon us useless eaters won't be eating and we will be happy
16/06/2023 Drug And Food Shortages Are Here, And They Will Get A Lot Worse..
07/06/2023 US Corn Crop Deteriorates After Midwest Hit By Worst Drought In Decades
04/06/2023 13-nations-agree-to-abolish-farming-in-order-to-save-the-planet
04/06/2023 13 Nations Agree to Convert to ‘Green’ Farming Methods that Will Reduce the Food Supply
01/06/2023 Irish government proposes culling 200,000 cows to meet climate targets
23/05/2023 ‘Cut your cow numbers to help meet climate commitments’, France told
23/05/2023 EU approves 1.5 billion euro climate scheme to forcibly close up to 3,000 Dutch farms
14/05/2023 American Fast-Food Chains Use Seaweed, Soy, And Even Wood To Beef Up Menu Items, Study Reveals
(The coming back of sawdust in the food)
10/05/2023 Sweden's Eggmageddon
02/05/2023 The EU forcefully takes farmers land. First world countries are about to face beef and dairy shortages and it's 100% orchestrated.
23/04/2023 WEF Orders Governments To Start Limiting Food To Fight Climate Change
21/04/2023 Xi Jinping is hiring 87,000 agriculture police officers, and they’re coming for Chinese farmers
18/04/2023 Rice Is Now Killing The Planet, Apparently
13/04/2023 "Burned Alive:" Explosion Kills 18,000 Cows In Texas
04/04/2023 Wheat Spread Hits Record As Drought Plagues Midwest
29/03/2023 High egg prices send profits at largest US producer soaring more than 700%
23/03/2023 Cooking Oil Shortage Looms As Biofuel Demand Surges Due To 'Climate Solution'
08/03/2023 Chickens kept in gardens will have to be registered under planned new rules
07/03/2023 Blackrock Board Member and Former Pfizer Executive Is Behind Push for Chicken Vaccinations – Chicken Vax Company Is an Offshoot of Pfizer
06/03/2023 White House weighs mass poultry vaccination amid bird flu outbreak
06/03/2023 Residents of California city warned not to eat food grown in gardens after toxic dust release
06/03/2023 Dutch farmer: "Tonight was the last time we milked our cows. After 90 years, this is it for the organic dairy sector. We aren’t allowed to continue because we were labelled a ‘peak polluter’"
04/03/2023 US Beef Herd Drops To Lowest Since 1962 As Global Food Crisis Intensifies
01/03/2023 Bird flu: UK could mass vaccinate chickens to prevent avian influenza spreading between humans
01/03/2023 The UK Is "Rationing" Vegetables... & It's All About Normalization
25/02/2023 The Times Promotes WWII-Style ‘Rationing’ To ‘Fix Global Warming’
23/02/2023 Man Finds Undetonated Blasting Cap 1.4 Miles From Ohio Derailment
23/02/2023 Ransomware Attack On Food Giant Dole Temporarily Shuttered US Production
21/02/2023 Ranchers in heart of California concerned about 100’s of rail cars full of unknown substances brought out to heart of agricultural land and head of aqueduct to San Francisco unordered by landowners.
16/02/2023 Map of all the chemical incidents in 2023 in the past couple weeks
14/02/2023 Officials are now responding to another deadly train derailment near Houston, TX. Over 16 rail cars, carrying “hazardous materials” crashed
14/02/2023 Ohio's Historic Toxic Train Wreck will contaminate most prime farm land in the country
14/02/2023 After 17 years, CDC update the toxicological profile for Vinyl Chloride
12/02/2023 Millions Of Americans Face "Hunger Cliff" As 32 States Set To Slash Emergency Food Stamp Benefits
08/02/2023 Food Shortages Are Starting To Become Quite Serious All Over The Planet
30/01/2023 Massive Fire Destroys Commercial Egg Farm Belonging To Top US Supplier
28/01/2023 Thai Rice Prices Jump As Global Food Crisis Reignites
21/01/2023 The Mainstream Media Admits That We Are Facing "The Worst Food Crisis In Modern History"
20/01/2023 Avian Flu Is Crushing Farmers
17/01/2023 Russia’s war in Ukraine sparked a historic food crisis. It’s not over
15/01/2023 Bill Gates is up to his dirty tricks again. He wants to vaccinate livestock with mRNA now.
15/01/2023 USDA Reveals US Corn-Harvested Acres At 2008 Levels Amid Megadrought
05/01/2023 The US government approved the first vaccine for honey bees today
(You kill bees with vaccines and most agricultural production collapse, bees are essential)
05/01/2023 Attack on food supply: Bill Gates pushing for genetic modification of farm animals
15/12/2022 Another Food Distributor Burned 2x in 2 years. Locals are suspicious.
15/12/2022 Another Food Distributor Burned 2x in 2 years. Locals are suspicious.
12/12/2022 Trudeau government announces an agriculture strategy to meet climate change goals
28/11/2022 More Than Half Of Canadians Worried About Putting Food On The Table: Poll
28/11/2022 1.8M Chickens Slaughtered In Nebraska As Bird Flu Pecks Away At Food Supply
27/11/2022 Germany Tees Up Windfall Tax On Solar And Wind
26/11/2022 US Bird Flu Outbreak Officially Becomes Worst On Record
21/11/2022 German Disaster Official Recommends Stockpiling 'Several Crates' Of Water, Canned Food
18/11/2022 Dwindling US Cattle Herd Implies Supermarket Beef Prices May Rise Even More
18/11/2022 British Supermarkets Start To Ration Eggs
17/11/2022 German Meat Industry Warn Of Empty Supermarket Shelves, Another 40% Jump In Meat Prices
13/11/2022 Global Food Import Bill Soars To "Alarming Level" As Poor Countries On Brink Of Crisis
11/11/2022 Tractors and crops targeted in rural crime wave
02/11/2022 "Possibility Of Additional Outbreaks:" Bird Flu Strikes Iowa Egg Farm With Million Hens
31/10/2022 Wheat Prices Jump After Russia Exits Grain Deal; UN Races To Save Agreement
15/10/2022 Americans Are Getting Poorer: Price Inflation Grew Faster Than Wages Again In September
14/10/2022 The Era Of Cheap Food And Cheap Gasoline Is Over
14/10/2022 Massive Bean Piles Spotted Up And Down Mississippi River As Barges Can't Meet Harvest Demand
08/10/2022 U.S. Military Teaches Living Off the Land to Feed Future Warriors
04/10/2022 Food shortages are coming to a city near you.
04/10/2022 USDA Now Asking People to Register Their Vegetable Gardens for National Database (Video)
03/10/2022 97.7 Million Birds Are Already Dead As The Worst Bird Flu Outbreak Ever Sweeps Across North America And Europe
03/10/2022 HAK a European vegetable brand has “temporarily” shut down production due to high energy costs
26/09/2022 Fire Breaks Out At World's Largest Produce Market In Paris
25/09/2022 Schools in England warn of crisis of ‘heartbreaking’ rise in hungry children
23/09/2022 UN food chief warns millions ‘knocking on famine’s door’
13/09/2022 Uncle Sam Wants Your Garden: USDA Opens People’s Garden Initiative to Gardens Nationwide | NRCS
12/09/2022 Satellite Image Reveals 'Agriculture Wasteland' Across California's Rice Capital
10/09/2022 A List Of 33 Things We Know About The Coming Food Shortages
09/09/2022 UN Food Official Warns Fertilizer Affordability Crisis Could Slash Global Grain Production By 40%
30/08/2022 Canadian farmer exposes the stupidity of banning fertilizer
28/08/2022 Wave Of European Ammonia Plant Closures To Exacerbate Food Crisis
26/08/2022 China's Water Crisis Could Trigger Global Catastrophe
24/08/2022 Drought Conditions Now Affecting Two-Thirds Of US
23/08/2022 European Corn Yields Expected To Plunge Amid Worst Drought In 500 Years
16/08/2022 Why Is The UN Promoting A Kind Of Food Production Proven To Reduce Yields, Raise Prices, And Topple Governments?
16/08/2022 A Horrifying Drought Is Causing Widespread Crop Failures Throughout The US And Europe
11/08/2022 The Price Of Eggs Is Up 47% As Food Costs In The US Spiral Out Of Control
10/08/2022 Europe's Energy Crisis Spills Over Into Food
10/08/2022 Here in the UK the government is offering large lump sum payments to farmers if they agree to leave the industry.
08/08/2022 French Farmers' Union Official Warns Of Milk Shortage
07/08/2022 "Situation Is Really Precarious": World's Largest Rice Exporter Faces Output Decline Amid Heatwave
06/08/2022 UK Water Restrictions Go Into Effect As Heatwave Persists
06/08/2022 Feed Shortage Leads To Pig Cannibalism, China's Economy Worsens
03/08/2022 Global Poultry Culling Doubles as Food Shortage Crisis Deepens
31/07/2022 Food Banks Across America Report Record Demand And Record Shortages
30/07/2022 SPAM goes on lockdown due to inflation in NYC
30/07/2022 UN, World Economic Forum Behind Global 'War On Farmers': Experts
27/07/2022 Ranchers Are Selling Off Their Cattle In Unprecedented Numbers Due To The Drought, And That Has Enormous Implications For 2023
26/07/2022 Trudeau Plans To Slash Canadian Fertilizer Use In Similar Move To Netherlands
24/07/2022 Trudeau Moves Ahead With WEF’s Plan To Abolish Farms by 2030
17/07/2022 Dutch Dairy Farmer Faces Having To Cull 95% Of His Cows
17/07/2022 Dutch Nitrogen Scientist Questions Basis Of Government Climate Mandates
17/07/2022 Satellite Imagery Shows Global Crop Declines – Except For Russia And China
17/07/2022 Map Processing Plant (Energy and Food) Destroyed in USA
16/07/2022 Food Banks Seeing Flood Of Families Despite Low Unemployment
14/07/2022 Climate Mandates Imposed On Dutch Farmers Will Ruin Their Livelihoods: War Correspondent
13/07/2022 Inflation Soars To New High Of 9.1%
11/07/2022 An Increasingly Hungry World: 8 Key Takeaways From The Food Inflation And Security Symposium
08/07/2022 Trudeau’s nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming
08/07/2022 They are now destroying food in Australia! Fruit and vegetable crops wiped out by unseasonal rainy, cold weather in Queensland and floods in New South Wales
(HAARP technology)
07/07/2022 UN journal touts ‘The Benefits of World Hunger’ – ‘Hunger has great positive value…Hungry people are the most productive people’ – UN deletes essay after outcry
01/07/2022 Rockefeller Foundation ‘Reset The Table’ Report Predicted COVID-Related Food Crisis — 2 Years Before It Happened
(The usual suspects)
01/07/2022 SEC's New ESG Rule Hurts America's Small Farms & Ranches
(Similar as the previous news about the dutch farmers revolting, the ecological hoax is used to create a famine and destroy farmers)
29/06/2022 Dutch Farmers Revolt Against The Government’s Decision To Close Dozens Of Farms And Cattle Ranches To Reduce Nitrogen By 30%
(Could have been in the Smart Cities theme also, to save the planet from the climate change hoax they will starve people to death)
22/06/2022 UPDATED full list of food facility fires in the USA from 2020 – 2022
21/06/2022 UN Food Chief Halved Refugee Meal Rations As Global Hunger Crisis Worsens
19/06/2022 UN Food Chief Says 'Hell On Earth' Looms From Hunger Crisis Triggered By Ukraine War
17/06/2022 BlackRock & Vanguard taking over centralized food production technologies & will lead to near-total control over U.S. food supply
16/06/2022 Food Shortage Worries Mount As PA Farms "Crushed" By Record Diesel Prices
16/06/2022 10,000+ Cattle Suddenly Dead In Kansas, Ranchers: ‘It’s Not Heat’
15/06/2022 Fire Raw Materials Fetch Premium Prices
13/06/2022 Fire Breaks Out at a Food Processing Plant West of Waupaca County in Wisconsin
10/06/2022 Canada: Foods banks stretched thin as food prices rise, increasing hunger and food insecurity
07/06/2022 Fire at JBS meat packing plant in Green Bay causes nearly $30,000 in damage
06/06/2022 Washington Grain Silo & Feed Store Destroyed In Ball Of Fire
31/05/2022 Massive Fire Breaks Out At Poultry Farm That Supplies Eggs To Major Supermarkets
30/05/2022 2 Massive Farm Fires Have Devastated The Poultry Industry Again
28/05/2022 Concerns Over Egg Shortages Grow
20/05/2022 As Food Protectionism Spreads, India Limits Sugar Exports, Malaysia Halts Chicken Sales
20/05/2022 The coming food catastrophe
17/05/2022 Now We Are Being Told To Expect Food And Diesel Shortages For The Foreseeable Future
15/05/2022 India Halts Wheat Exports As "Food Security At Risk"
14/05/2022 Wheat Farmland Under Threat Worldwide As USDA Reveals Dismal Grain Outlook
11/05/2022 18 Signs That Food Shortages Will Get A Lot Worse As We Head Into The Second Half Of 2022
08/05/2022 VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA prohibits people from growing their own food.
22/04/2022 English Northern Ireland faces loss of 1 million sheep and cattle to meet climate targets
19/04/2022 English farmers to be paid to retire
02/03/2022 War hits ‘granary of the world’ – sparking worries about price hikes elsewhere
15/11/2021 CLAIM: Farmers ordered by government to destroy crops, more food shortages coming
05/04/2021 Bill Gates is the biggest private owner of farmland in the United States. Why?
(Illuminati Billy knows a Famine is coming as him and his friends planned it. It is very probable he will stop production of foods on most of his farmlands.)
03/11/2021 Ireland would need to cull up to 1.3 million cattle to reach climate targets

Energy Crisis

20/10/2023 European Coal Imports Set To Plummet By 60% In October
17/04/2023 Germany shut down its last nuclear energy plant on Saturday. On the same day, Germans learned their power bills were about to go up 45%
17/04/2023 California Utilities Propose Charging Customers Based On How Rich They Are
26/03/2023 Denver Suburb Caps Number Of Gas Stations To 'Promote Electric Vehicles'
24/03/2023 They are now banning new gas stations
03/03/2023 Argentina's Power Restored After Blackout Plunged Half Of Country Into Darkness
02/03/2023 "You Are Killing Us!": Southern California Gas Seeks 13 Percent Monthly Bill Increase
27/02/2023 South Africa on the verge of 'collapse' as blackouts threaten all-out civil war
27/02/2023 Power-Grid Attacks Up 71% And Biden Acolytes Tell Us It's All Those White Supremacists
23/02/2023 South Africans Without Electricity For Nine Hours A Day Amid "Ginormous" Blackouts
14/02/2023 Europe Has Spent €792 Billion To Shield Citizens From Energy Crisis
19/01/2023 There Have Been 9 Attacks On The US Energy Infrastructure... & That's Just Since November!
10/01/2023 Power-Crazed Biden Administration May Ban Gas Stoves
30/12/2022 Austrian Defense Minister Warns Europeans Are Unprepared For Coming Days-Long Blackouts
26/12/2022 Three Power Substations Attacked In Washington State On Christmas Day
24/12/2022 Global Energy Crisis Forces Japan To U-Turn On Its Nuclear Policy
23/12/2022 Europe's Energy Crisis Is Just Getting Started
20/12/2022 Can't Stop This, Power Outages Incoming
16/12/2022 Biden Wants $8 Billion In Taxpayer Funds To Shut Down Coal Power In South Africa
16/12/2022 Germany Unleashed Half-Trillion Dollar 'Energy Bazooka' To Keep Lights On
07/12/2022 Who Is Purposely Sabotaging Power Plants All Over America?
07/12/2022 So a "former" Army psychological ops officer led a group to the capitol on Jan 6 and is a person of interest in the NC power station attack?
01/12/2022 France’s plan for possible power blackouts this winter
29/11/2022 Canadian Banks Slammed For Continued Fossil Fuel Investments
(By cutting the credit to the fossil fuel industry, you can make it collapse)
24/11/2022 Most Crucial Industrial Fuel Faces Global Shortage
20/11/2022 France Is Facing A High Risk Of A Power Supply Squeeze In January
18/11/2022 UK Citizens Pay The Highest Electricity Bills In The World
17/11/2022 Germany Preparing For Emergency Cash Deliveries, Bank Runs And "Aggressive Discontent" Ahead Of Winter Power Cuts
16/11/2022 Global Oil Inventories Hit Lowest Level Since 2004
07/11/2022 Vietnam Gas Stations Start To Close Due To Widespread Shortages
05/11/2022 French Nuclear Reactor Power Outlook Worsens Ahead Of Winter, Electricity Prices Erupt
01/11/2022 UK Warns About Cold Winter As Warm Spell Set To End
01/11/2022 Biden Blasts 'Big Oil' For "War Profiteering", Urges Congressional 'Windfall Tax'
28/10/2022 Top Dems Urge Biden To Nationalize Oil & Gas Industry
25/10/2022 26 Of France's 56 Nuclear Reactors Are Offline For Pipe Corrosion Or Maintenance
23/10/2022 "Frankly Terrifying": Energy Crisis Could Drag 26M Brits Into Fuel Poverty
22/10/2022 Germany May Stave Off Worst Of Energy Crisis As Mild Temps Forecast Through Mid-November
22/10/2022 Europe's Energy Crisis May Not End Until 2024
21/10/2022 Trudeau And Scholz Enter Into "Bizarre" Energy Pact
20/10/2022 Can Europe Avoid A Worst-Case Energy Scenario This Winter?
20/10/2022 Forget Oil, The Real Crisis Is Diesel Inventories: The US Has Just 25 Days Left
19/10/2022 Watch: Bill Gates Says European Energy Crisis Is "Good"
18/10/2022 Blackouts may be imposed on cold weekday evenings, National Grid chief warns
14/10/2022 Europe's Fuel Supply Fears Worsen As Major Refinery Malfunctions
13/10/2022 Europe will experience the worst energy crisis in history if it keeps turning away Russian oil and gas
13/10/2022 Mexico's Oil Hedging Program Begins, Expected To Protect Against 2023 Downside
12/10/2022 French Gas Rationing Begins As Refinery Strikes Worsen After Government Calls Back Essential Workers
11/10/2022 French police officers are turning away civilians at the pumps
11/10/2022 German "Expert Panel" Proposes 2-Stage System For Distributing €200 Billion In Gas Price Subsidies
10/10/2022 With A Third Of French Gas Stations Experiencing "Supply Shortages", Energy Giant Seeks Urgent Wage Talks
09/10/2022 German Goverment Furious At "Friendly Countries" Charging "Astronomical Prices" For Gas
09/10/2022 UK National Grid Warns Of 3-Hour Rolling Blackouts This Winter
07/10/2022 German NatGas Consumption Too High To Avoid Energy "Emergency"
07/10/2022 Polish Households Burn Trash To Stay Warm As Sanctions On Russia Backfire
06/10/2022 "Please Don't Panic Buy": France Taps Strategic Reserve After Gas Stations Run Out Of Fuel
05/10/2022 Linky Smart Meter can cut off your power this winter during off-peak hours
04/10/2022 Power Grid Collapse In Bangladesh Leaves 140 Million People In Dark
01/10/2022 Russian Gas Stops Flowing To Italy After 'Problem' In Austria
26/09/2022 Cost of charging an electric car surges by 42% - with prices nearing the same as petrol
25/09/2022 Europe's Energy Crisis Will Not Be "A One Winter Story"
25/09/2022 London Banks Prepare For Possible Blackouts
21/09/2022 Electric bills could increase 64% this winter in Massachusetts, National Grid warns
21/09/2022 BP Refinery In Ohio That Provides Gasoline For Midwest "Shut Down" After Fire
21/09/2022 Moldova Launches Firewood Distribution Website Amid Historic Energy Crisis
20/09/2022 Switzerland's Environment Minister Suggests People Shower Together To Save Energy
20/09/2022 Majority Of Hungarian Gas Stations To Run Dry Next Week
20/09/2022 German Nuclear Power Plant To Shut Down After Reported Leak
16/09/2022 Chevron CEO Warns Americans To Brace For Higher Natural Gas Prices This Winter
15/09/2022 The Energy Market's Next Crisis: Oil Tanker Shortages
15/09/2022 Shell CEO To Be Replaced By Renewables Boss
13/09/2022 Germany's Power Grid Faces Collapse As Millions Stock Up On Inefficient Electric Heaters For The Winter
12/09/2022 Economists Warn Energy Bill Price Caps Could Lead To Blackouts In UK
12/09/2022 EU Ministers Call For 10% Cut In Energy Consumption
08/09/2022 Swiss Citizens Who Overheat Their Homes This Winter Could Face Hefty Fines & 3 Years In Jail
07/09/2022 EU to propose a mandatory target for reducing electricity use during peak hours
07/09/2022 Indonesia: Huge protests after President announces 30% increase in fuel prices.
07/09/2022 Europe's Nightmare Scenario Comes True: Energy Bills To Rise By €2 Trillion, Will Reach 20% Of Disposable Income
06/09/2022 The energy shortage in Europe is another manufactured crisis of the globalist criminals.
05/09/2022 Europe's Energy Crisis Was Created By Political Interventionism
04/09/2022 Thousands of Coloradans Locked Out of Their Smart Thermostats due to ‘Energy Emergency’
04/09/2022 Sweden, Austria Start Bailing Out Energy Companies Triggering Europe's "Minsky Moment"
04/09/2022 "Europe On The Brink:" 70,000 Czech Protesters Flood Prague Over Energy Crisis
03/09/2022 Britain to prepare for blackout this winter
02/09/2022 22,000 Colorado Residents Prevented from Turning Up Air Conditioning during ‘Energy Emergency’
01/09/2022 Just Days After Phasing Out New Gas Cars, California Says "Avoid Charging EVs" Amid Grid Emergency
31/08/2022 Thousands of Businesses Closing in Europe Due to High Energy Bills That Make it No Longer Possible to Stay Open
31/08/2022 EU Declares Energy Crisis 'Emergency', The US Will Not Be Immune
30/08/2022 Gazprom To Slash NatGas Deliveries To France's Top Utility As Squeeze Worsens
30/08/2022 When reality of sanctions set in for the NPCs
28/08/2022 "This Is Beyond Imagination": Polish Homeowners Line Up For Days To Buy Coal Ahead Of Winter
27/08/2022 UK "Passed Debt And Death Sentence On Millions" By Increasing Energy Price Cap By 80%
27/08/2022 Biden Energy Secretary Quietly Bullies US Refiners To Reduce European Fuel Exports
27/08/2022 UK - These gas and energy prices are insane, many people cannot afford it.
26/08/2022 "I'm Afraid" - Czech President Blames "Green Madness" For Energy Crisis
24/08/2022 Belgian PM Warns "Next 5-10 Winters Will Be Difficult" As Energy Crisis Worsens
19/08/2022 How Germany is scrambling to save energy
18/08/2022 China's Power Crisis Worsens As More Factories Suspend Operations
17/08/2022 Toyota And World's Top Battery Maker Halt Factories In China Amid Drought-Induced Power Crisis
15/08/2022 German Officials Warn Of Draconian Energy Regulations, "Extremists" Fueling "Mass Protests And Riots"
12/08/2022 Former UK PM Calls For Energy Utility Nationalization
(In a sense, similar to what happend in Atlas Shrugged)
06/08/2022 UN Chief Urges Tax On Oil Industry For "Grotesque Greed"
04/08/2022 France To "Reduce Or Halt Nuclear Output" As Heatwave Restricts Ability To Cool Plants
28/07/2022 China's Power Demand To Surpass Record Amid Heatwave
26/07/2022 EU Countries Reach Agreement On 15% Coordinated Demand Reduction For Next Winter
22/07/2022 IEA Chief: Europe Must Cut Gas Usage 20% To Survive Winter
20/07/2022 EU Seeks 15% Cut In Gas Consumption, Including Mandatory Limits In Supply Emergency
20/07/2022 Macron Announces Street Lights Will Be Turned Off In Response To Energy Crisis
20/07/2022 'No Risk To Power Grid' - US Govt Says After Explosion At Hoover Dam
16/07/2022 Macron Announces Street Lights Will Be Turned Off In Response To Energy Crisis
12/07/2022 First Oklahoma, now Texas: Another natural gas facility EXPLODES
11/07/2022 French, German Leaders Warn Populations "Prepare For Total Cut-Off Of Russian Gas" As Social Unrest Looms
10/07/2022 Explosion Rocks Oklahoma Natural Gas Plant
07/07/2022 Biden's Green Agenda Is Causing US Power Grid To Be "Incredibly Vulnerable"
06/07/2022 The World's Third-Largest Economy Is Facing A Looming Energy Crisis
05/07/2022 Australia could be crippled by shortage of a critical ingredient that keeps trucks on the road
05/07/2022 Hamburg Official Tells Residents Prepare For Hot Water Rationing Amid Energy Crisis
30/06/2022 IEA: Europe Will Have To Cut Gas Usage By Nearly One-Third
28/06/2022 France Sees Nuclear Energy Output Plummet At The Worst Possible Moment
18/06/2022 New Fossil Fuel Fan: Obama Orders 2,500-Gallon Propane Storage For Vacation Home
17/06/2022 Australia's Energy Crisis Worsens As Gov't Ask People To Keep Lights Off To Avert Blackouts
16/06/2022 'Impossible To Continue Operating': Australia’s National Energy Market Suspended
15/06/2022 INSANELY VULNERABLE: If Russia cuts off supply of enriched uranium to US power companies, America’s nuclear energy reactors will close within a year
15/06/2022 1000s Of Sydney Homes Plunged Into Darkness As Aussie 'Price Cap' Policy Sparks Energy Shortage
14/06/2022 ‘National disgrace’: Australia’s blackout threat grows with east coast facing outages in hours
13/06/2022 Ukraine Suspends All Gas, Coal & Fuel Oil Exports To Meet Internal Demand
13/06/2022 Libya Loses 1.1 Million Bpd As It Shuts Down Nearly All Its Oil Fields
31/05/2022 Another Nuclear Plant Closes: Get Ready For Electricity Shortages
24/05/2022 One Billion People At Risk Of Power Blackouts As Global Grids Stretched
19/05/2022 Report: US Gas Prices Could Double Soon, Amid Potential Supply Shortage
18/05/2022 Sri Lanka Has Only 1 Day Of Petrol Stocks Left, Says New Prime Minister
11/05/2022 Europe May Face LNG Crisis This Winter
11/05/2022 Widespread US Diesel Shortages Send Crack Spreads To Mindblowing Highs

Economic Collapse

06/01/2024 Large Bank Loan Volumes Continue To Shrink Despite Soaring Deposit Inflows
27/07/2023 PacWest, Hammered by Banking Crisis, Merges With Banc of California
13/04/2023 Attali : A global financial crisis is looming. By August at the latest. It can still be avoided if we decide to get the means.
(Attali, 'the prophet' has spoken)
06/04/2023 BRICS Nations Developing "New Currency" As Quest For Global De-Dollarization Accelerates
06/04/2023 De-Dollarization Has Begun
30/03/2023 France Buys 65,000 Tons Of LNG From China In First Ever Yuan-Denominated Trade
29/03/2023 China, Brazil strike deal to ditch dollar for trade
08/03/2023 climate change's ultimate purpose. the scapegoat of the next market crash
23/02/2023 Iraq To Drop Dollar For Yuan In Trade With China
18/01/2023 OPERATION SANDMAN now activated – Saudi Arabia announces END of dollar dominance in global oil trade … the dominoes begin to fall on the US empire

Future Riots / Divisions

21/11/2023 Girl Scouts of America Now Tells Girls White People are Evil Oppressors
15/11/2023 "Absolute Garbage": Jill Biden's 'Bizarre' Christmas Video Is Freaking People Out
09/11/2023 Nigel Farage hits out at King Charles being made to wear black poppy
24/10/2023 RFK Jr. says he will commit ‘federal dollars’ to black reparations if elected president
02/10/2023 Canadian Govt Funds $5,000 Bonuses for Employers to Hire Anyone Other Than Straight White Men
05/09/2023 NASCAR goes woke, EXCLUDES WHITES from internship program
25/08/2023 FEMA Holds Employee Trainings on ‘White Supremacy’ As More Than 1,000 Hawaiians Remain Missing
21/08/2023 Progressive Insurance Sued Over 'Patently Unlawful' Racism For $25K Black-Only Business Grants
09/08/2023 Emory Researchers Blame "Structural Racism" For Type 2 Diabetes Prevalance Among Black People
04/08/2023 A Single Demographic Group Is Keeping The Democrats Competitive
02/08/2023 Mom Accuses FBI Of Entrapping Her 'Neurodiverse' Teenager In Terrorism Scheme
22/07/2023 Thousands Of Black, Hispanic Aspiring And Former Teachers Who FAILED Licensing Exam To Be Given $1.8 Billion Settlement
22/07/2023 Barbie Movie Applauded As A “Feminist Epic” While Depicting Men As Bumbling Villains
16/07/2023 Justin Trudeau blames ‘American right wing’ for Muslims opposing LGBTQ curriculum: ‘Leave our kids alone!’
16/07/2023 California Approves Math Curriculum Promoting "Social Justice" Over Standard Skills
30/06/2023 France on red alert: Macron faces calls to impose 'state of emergency' after marauding gangs with GUNS are seen rampaging in Marseille and police HQ is ransacked in fourth night of chaos
(Can France be the starting point of the authoritarian NWO?)
19/06/2023 ‘No joke’ – Critic of Germany’s Next Top Model winners says they were picked by ‘woke German elites’ looking to ‘reshape their country’
16/06/2023 Jury Orders Starbucks To Pay $25 Million To Manager They Fired For Being White
02/06/2023 "Migrants Will Soon Be The Powerful" - German Broadsheet Causes Uproar With Immigration Article
(RIP Germany, not even allowed to state the obvious)
31/05/2023 "We Have A Captive Audience": Boston University To Require Students Take Social Justice Writing Courses
23/05/2023 "This Is Basically Apartheid!" London Theater Slammed For Urging White People Not To Attend 'Racially-Charged' Play
20/05/2023 George Soros: ‘Those Who Oppose My Agenda Are White Supremacists’
(They added White Supremacist to Antisemitic)
14/05/2023 100% unrelated. Biden just said that "White Supremacy" is the biggest "terror" threat.
09/05/2023 Communist city councilwoman says Denver needs to pillage white-owned businesses and hand over loot to black-owned businesses
08/05/2023 California Approves Reparations Recommendations, Proposing $1.2 Million Checks For Black Residents
27/04/2023 Duke Prof Calls For $14 Trillion In Reparations For Black Americans
28/03/2023 CNN Blasted After Lecturing People Not To Use "Digital Blackface"
26/03/2023 The FBI had more people in the Proud Boys than the Proud Boys
25/04/2023 These Six Tactics Are Being Used To Divide Republicans and Democrats
23/03/2023 Watch: MSNBC Panel Says That Criticising George Soros In Any Way Is "Dangerous"
21/03/2023 Warning: every dollar you donate to the Red Cross is bringing America to her knees
21/03/2023 Canadian school board restricts career fair to ‘Indigenous, Black and Racialized Individuals’
20/03/2023 Kellogg’s gave $91 million to Black Lives Matter
16/03/2023 SVB Donated $73.4 Million To BLM And Related Entities
15/03/2023 I am getting the impression that those that control the media and "higher education" might be pro genocide based on the color of an individual's skin color.
14/03/2023 FBI infiltrated BLM protests, started much of the violence
14/03/2023 Red Cross Giving Migrants "Maps And Guides" To Aid In Illegal Border Crossings
12/03/2023 LA Times Blames White Drivers For Polluting The Air Breathed By 'People Of Color'
09/03/2023 Race-Based Hatred Permeates the Black Population
07/03/2023 The Capitol Police were working with the rioters to overturn the election
05/03/2023 Prof Demands 'Black Bereavement' Leave After Killing Of Any Black Person
03/03/2023 New York City Agrees To Pay Hundreds Of Black Lives Matter Demonstrators For Arrest Tactics
02/03/2023 23 Per Cent of German Population Now Migrants or Children of Migrants
25/02/2023 Congress Prepares To Investigate COVID-19 Vaccines
24/02/2023 Elon Musk says “It’s coming” to people admitting covid was a scam.
23/02/2023 Idaho Lawmakers Seek To Criminalize Injecting Of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
22/02/2023 Racism In The Name Of "Anti-Racism"
19/02/2023 "Caught Red-Handed": Blue Cross Blue Shield Backtracks On Racist Grant Program, Opens Up To White People
18/02/2023 What does President Trump visiting Ohio actually do to help people?
(Trump pushed back on the main stage by the system)
18/02/2023 US Says Government, Not Moderna, Should Face COVID-19 Vaccine Lawsuit
14/02/2023 Microsoft Allows 'Blacklisted' Conservative Sites Back Into Advertising Program
09/02/2023 Australia now has an “ambassador for gender equality.”
09/02/2023 Canadian Theater Sparks Backlash After Announcing Performances For "Black-Identifying Audiences"
06/02/2023 Disney’s Proud Family reboot pushes woke, racist nonsense.
30/01/2023 It's Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost Lives | Opinion
26/01/2023 New York to hire a “Chief Customer Experience Officer” to oversee digital ID plans
26/01/2023 They knew: why didn't the unvaccinated do more to warn us?
25/01/2023 Canada’s controversial WEF-backed digital travel ID system is back on the agenda
25/01/2023 In Argentina, getting a new SIM card will now require giving up biometric data
17/01/2023 San Fran City Panel Urges Reparations Of $5 Million Per Black Adult
17/01/2023 $5 million for each longtime Black resident? S.F. has a bold reparations plan to consider
19/01/2023 Gavin Newsom To Allow Illegals To Police Americans As Cops
13/01/2023 Norwegian government funds research to find out if white paint is racist
11/01/2023 Hero Customer Who Shot Armed Robber At Houston Taco Joint Ordered To Face Grand Jury By Soros-Funded DA
03/01/2023 Extinction Rebellion To End Disruptive Stunts, For Now
31/12/2022 'I Also Orchestrated It': Uncharged J6 Witness Ray Epps Transcript Released
28/12/2022 The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, and 6 Other Surprising Facts About the History of U.S. Physical Fitness
20/12/2022 Radio Hosts Leave After Soros-Backed Takeover Of Hispanic Radio Stations – “They Want To Silence And Censor Hispanic Conservative Voices”
20/12/2022 Stanford releases guide against ‘harmful language’ — including the word ‘American’
18/12/2022 White Canadians Excluded From Being Hired At Canadian Universities
17/12/2022 Pennsylvania School Board Director Resigns After Uproar Over Vote Against "Cis White Male" President
15/12/2022 Google Goes Full-On Racist, Will Start Marking the Race of Business Owners
10/12/2022 Former French Secret Service Head: Mass Migration "Threatens Civil Peace"
07/12/2022 California Panel Estimates $569 Billion in Reparations Is Owed to Black Residents
06/12/2022 Rutgers Professor on White People: 'We Gotta Take These Muthaf**kers Out'
06/12/2022 Socialist Party confirms what we’ve all known about Greta Thunberg
28/11/2022 CNN Claims Daylight Saving Time Is ‘Racist’ Because White People Sleep Better at Night
22/11/2022 This will be my thread on all the undercover FBI assets I have located posing as violent and racist conservatives.
20/11/2022 Trump To Be Reinstated On Twitter
(Illuminatis help each others, its all a show)
18/11/2022 Big Pharma may have to reveal government deals in WHO's draft pandemic rules
16/11/2022 Feds Had Informants In Proud Boys And Oath Keepers For J6
01/11/2022 Trudeau Transfers Government Contracting To Race/Gender Based Format
01/11/2022 "You Murderous Hypocrites": Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests 'Amnesty' For Pandemic Authoritarians
30/10/2022 GOP Senator Tom Cotton claims Dems are INTENTIONALLY turning US into weak country through 'critical race theory and transgender ideology' in ploy he calls 'decline by design'
13/10/2022 One day, it will be necessary to mass troops in front of the Élysée’ – Former Paris police chief paints bleak future for France due to crime and mass migration
06/10/2022 Proud Boys leader pleads guilty to seditious conspiracy over Jan. 6 actions
(Intelligence asset)
30/09/2022 Bill Gates (Not a Scientist) Warns ‘Civil War’ Is Coming, Will ‘Bring It All to an End’
28/09/2022 Soros-Linked Group Wins $41M Contract from Biden to Help Illegal Aliens Evade Deportation
25/09/2022 Biden CDC Awarded Millions To Soros-Funded Activist Group Suing DeSantis
25/09/2022 Once nicknamed 'Murderapolis,' the city that became the center of the 'Defund the Police' movement is grappling with heightened violent crime
24/09/2022 Germany: Greens Plan To Ban Native Germans From A Third Of Jobs To Promote 'Diversity'
23/09/2022 Activist Group Suing DeSantis Received Nearly $1.4 Million From Soros Network
21/09/2022 German Domestic Intelligence Is Running 100s Of Fake Right-Wing Extremist Social Media Accounts; Report
19/09/2022 Soros-backed “nonprofit” offers TikTok influencers cash to push Jan 6 propaganda and blatant lies
16/09/2022 LA School District Posts Insane Video Claiming that Eating Healthy is Racist
14/09/2022 Senator Mazie Hirono LITERALLY calls for civil war over abortion
13/09/2022 Illinois eliminating bail requirement for murderers starting in 2023
13/09/2022 NYC Middle School Teacher Encourages Students To Engage In Political Violence
06/09/2022 Leaked Paper Shows UK Cops Preparing For "Greater Civil Unrest" This Winter
06/09/2022 'I love my school but I am here today because I would not call a boy a girl': Teacher who refused to use student's gender-neutral pronouns condemns 'insanity' as he is JAILED in Ireland
05/09/2022 Divisive man hating propaganda in the guise of promoting equality courtesy of EE!!
03/09/2022 Over 40% Of Americans Think Civil War Likely Within 10 Years
02/09/2022 BofA Launches Zero-Down Mortgages... But Only For Black And Latino Neighborhoods
02/09/2022 Blood Red Biden: Trump Supporters “Represent An Extremism That Threatens The Very Foundations Of Our Republic”
30/08/2022 Nature Journal Announces That Research Will be Rejected and Retracted if it “Might Potentially Inadvertently be Racist, Sexist or Homophobic”
(Modern science become woke)
25/08/2022 Chicago Public Schools' Radical Agenda Gets Uglier: 'Equity' Video Promotes Looting & Burning
23/08/2022 Black Ballet Is Fighting ‘White Supremacist’ Notions of ‘Graceful, Flowing Movements, Balance and Symmetry’
08/08/2022 A Glimpse of a Future Without White People
19/07/2022 Is coffee racist? How drinking coffee perpetuates white supremacy
18/07/2022 UCLA Creates Database To 'Track Attacks On Critical Race Theory'
18/07/2022 British Royal Air Force: White Men Need Not Apply for Pilot Jobs (Only Women and Ethnic Minorities)
17/07/2022 RAF recruitment chief quits amid row over ‘effective pause on hiring white men’
17/07/2022 California Spent $500 Million On Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Training, Report Reveals
15/07/2022 Biden Admin Sent $44 Billion in Education-Related COVID Relief To States Who Implemented CRT Propaganda In Schools
10/07/2022 The Collapse of Sri Lanka: An Abject Lesson in Kakistocracy
(I suspect this is a test-run for what is coming worldwide. The NWO want people to destroy their own government in order to give way to a one-world-government. You also have the famine and energy crisis on top of it)
02/07/2022 Media Brand Canadian Flag A Symbol Of Far-Right Movement
(The outcome of the divisions, destruction of all nations and anything that represent them like the flag)
25/06/2022 Supreme Court Overturns Roe V. Wade; Capitol Police Don Riot Gear
20/06/2022 Texas Could Vote to Secede From U.S. in 2023 as GOP Pushes for Referendum
(Strong risk of new civil war that will unleash the atheists (liberals) againt the conservatives (mostly Christians), everybody loose except the Illuminati)
15/06/2022 Elon Musk Slams Twitter's "Bias Against Half The Country" & Alleged Inaction On Death Threats To Conservative User
26/05/2022 Meet The Billionaires’ Club Pumping Critical Race Theory Into Your Child’s Classroom
21/05/2022 13-year-old students separated in class according to their privilege
11/05/2022 Actual Insurrection: Chicago Mayor Urges 'Call To Arms' Over Supreme Court
20/04/2022 Elon Musk reaches deal to buy Twitter for $44 billion
(Illuminati Musk show himself as a hero, freeing conservatives from unlawful censorship. Dorsey respond by sharing a link to the song “Everything In Its Right Place" like if all is part of the plan)
18/11/2020 Washington School District Says Asians Aren’t ‘Students of Color’, Now Counted With White Students

Global Hack / Internet Shutdown

14/02/2024 House Intel Chair Turner warns of 'serious national security threat,' urges Biden to declassify
18/12/2023 Is The Deep State Planning a Massive False Flag Cyber Attack to Disrupt the 2024 U.S. Election?
13/12/2023 “Leave the World Behind” movie foreshadows massive cyber attack false flag event to come
30/06/2023 Sun's activity could peak 2 years earlier than expected, experts say
16/06/2023 BREAKING: Cyber attack hits federal agencies; Hackers announce another attack they say will target Western banking system
18/04/2023 Southwest Flights Resume After Computer Glitch
18/04/2023 A Catastrophic Mutating Event Will Strike the World in 2 Years, Report Says
28/03/2023 Congress is preparing a bipartisan PATRIOT Act sequel to completely destroy the Internet as we know it
(Big preparation step for the future internet control)
05/03/2023 The Global Internet Kill Switch
28/02/2023 National Guard Deployed! "Major" Cyber Attack! Nationwide Phone & Internet Outage! - Patrick Humphrey News
16/02/2023 Airport Websites In Germany Paralyzed By Likely "DDoS Attack"
16/02/2023 DHS Warns Millions Of iPhone Users To Change Settings Over "Zero-Day Spyware"
06/02/2023 Italy's Internet Restored After Nationwide Outage; Reports Of Global Ransomware Attack
26/01/2023 Cyberattacks target websites of German airports, admin
19/01/2023 Bank of America issues: Some customers report money missing from accounts
18/01/2023 Bank of SCAMerica Liquidity Glitch: Media Blackout
18/01/2023 Bank of America closed across US after news breaks of missing funds and delayed transactions
18/01/2023 DAVOS WATCH: The WEF is now “predicting” catastrophic global cyber attacks in the next 2 years #wef23
14/01/2023 Two 'Contractors' Allegedly Responsible For Crashing FAA System, Grounding All US Aircraft
(Preparation for the global hack)
24/11/2022 EU Parliament Hit By Pro-Kremlin Cyberattack After Russian Terror Designation
15/11/2022 Inside the turmoil at Sobeys-owned stores after ransomware attack
10/10/2022 "It's An Inconvenience:" Cyberattack Hits Websites Of Major US Airports
29/09/2022 Exclusive-Europe braces for mobile network blackouts - sources
22/09/2022 Up to 9 million Aussies affected in major Optus data breach
13/09/2022 Cracks Are Appearing in Earth's Magnetic Field as the Equinox Approaches
08/08/2022 Internet outages all day in most major UK cities and all. along the South coast
28/08/2022 World's Most Popular Password Manager, With More Than 33 Million Users, Discloses "Security Incident"
19/08/2022 Apple Discloses New Security Flaw That Can Allow Attackers To Take "Complete Control" Over iPhones, iPads, & iMacs
20/07/2022 UK heatwave forced Google Cloud, Oracle data center servers to shut down
(Funny how everything is connected to climate change, the bat-virus Covid came because of global warming, now internet shutdown is because of global warming)
09/07/2022 Millions Of Canadians Can't Use Debit Cards Due To "Nationwide Internet Outage"
(Simple preparation for the coming global internet shutdown. No internet = no bank access = no Point of Sales working = a nightmare)
09/07/2022 Network Disruption Triggers Internet and Phone Outages in Canada
21/06/2022 A giant monitored sunspot doubled in size in just 24 hours and is "pointed toward earth"
06/06/2022 Visualizing The World's 50 Biggest Data Breaches From 2004–2021
23/03/2022 Microsoft confirms it was breached by hacker group
09/05/2022 Solar flare expected to deliver ‘glancing blow’ to Earth TOMORROW sparking power grid fluctuating geomagnetic storm

Alien Deception

12/09/2023 Mexican Congress just showed alien bodies in a live hearing!
08/08/2023 Terrified Peruvian villagers claim they are under attack from 7ft-tall 'aliens' dubbed 'Face Peelers' as they plead with authorities to send backup
30/07/2023 Non-Human 'Biologics' Recovered From UFOs, Whistleblower Testifies
12/06/2023 Crashed UFO recovered by the US military distorted space and time
06/06/2023 "We Are Not Alone": US Has Retrieved Craft Of 'Non-Human Origin' Says Whistleblower From Govt. Task Force On UFOs
31/05/2023 NASA’s UFO Research Team Wants Better Data to Explain Flying Objects
30/04/2023 "It Was Weird": Video Shows 'Mysterious Lights' Hovering Over Las Vegas
20/02/2023 After tonight’s earthquake We saw these in the sky, any explaination please?
13/02/2023 'Octagonal' Object Shot Down Over Lake Huron
12/02/2023 Now China Claims It's Tracking Unidentified Object Over Port City
11/02/2023 Experts Believe Chinese Satellite Fired Green Lasers Over Hawaii
(Project BlueBeam preparation, lasers are used create holograms)
25/01/2023 Telescope In Hawaii Captures 'Mysterious' Spiral In The Sky [Watch]
14/01/2023 The U.S. government has now collected a total of 510 UFO reports, according to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), marking a relatively significant increase in recent months of such reports.
10/12/2022 SpaceX's First Moon Mission Will Include Japanese Billionaire And DJ Steve Aoki
(Now how many of them are associated with freemasonry or another of those secret clubs?
Most of the astronots were freemasons that diligently corroborated the outer-space lie)
25/09/2022 There are hundreds of legit reports of UFOs from presidents and top military generals saying UFOs flew above nuclear bases and disabled nukes. So either aliens with advanced technology are monitoring and controlling our planet, or a breakaway civilization of humans with advanced technology are
22/10/2022 More Americans Now Believe In Aliens
14/09/2022 Why One Harvard Astronomer Believes This Asteroid Is an Alien Ship
13/09/2022 Ukraine’s Astronomers Say There Are Tons of UFOs Over Kyiv
02/09/2022 Congress Just Admitted That UFOs Are Not "Man-Made", Says "Threats" Increasing "Exponentially"
26/08/2022 In 2009 Buzz Aldrin announced on CNN that there was a monolith on the Mars moon Phobos and that people would be shocked by it because it looks alien. In 1989 Russia sent a probe called Phobos 2 to study Phobos but it was shot down. Canada just canceled a rover mission to Phobos and erased all traces
29/06/2022 House votes to make it easier to report UFOs
29/06/2022 Debate Ensues After Mysterious Lights Appear Over San Diego
(Sights like this will only increase over time, preparing the field for the alien deception)
12/05/2022 Scientists successfully grow plants in soil from the Moon
10/05/2022 Mysterious black cube spotted on the sun before NASA website shuts down
05/08/2022 The Rockefellers Are The Founders Of The UFO Disclosure Movement – Why?
(There you have a direct connection between the Illuminatis and the alien deception. Every single dollar the Rockfellers spend is for evil purpose, here to push the masses away from God and into the New Age trap, believing in UFOs etc...)
05/05/2022 NASA's sending nudes to space in hopes of attracting aliens (PHOTOS)
(The NASA fraud at its best, your taxpayer money is well spent on PR exercises and propaganda BS)
01/01/2022 Former Apollo Astronaut Claimed Ancient Alien Astronauts Created Humans, Evidence In Sumerian Texts
04/12/2020 Israel's former head of Space program says that Aliens exist and that they're among us
26/06/2015 Mars 'Pyramid' Seen By NASA Rover Isn't Quite What It Seems
28/10/2010 Extreme Close-Up of the Face on Mars

Asteroid Collision Deception

24/11/2023 ‘What the heck is going on?’ Extremely high-energy particle detected falling to Earth
20/06/2023 Asteroid Apophis will hit Earth in 2029 and NASA/ the government is telling us it will miss us so that the world does not go into shambles.
25/03/2023 "City Killer" Apollo-Class Asteroid To Buzz Earth, Visible Via Telescope
12/10/2022 NASA's Suicide Spacecraft Changed Asteroid's Path As Planetary Defenses Strengthened
28/09/2022 First images released of NASA’s successful DART asteroid impact
10/07/2022 The Closest & Biggest Asteroid-Flybys Of 2022
10/01/2022 What Is Nibiru?