The truth about the world we live in today has always be shown to us in the Bible: the devil and his minions run the show.
Since Babylonian times, the elites (aka Nimrod/ Semiramis and his followers) always partake in devil and demon worshiping which always required sacrifices (animal to human ones). The Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Persians, Aztecs, Mayas, Druids all had something in common they were pagans and worshiped multiple gods (demons), they practiced animal and human sacrifices on a frequent basis to their gods.
Those past civilizations also have another thing in common, they are almost nonexistent today despite having been at the pinnacle on their time. Common sense tell you that they were destroyed by God once their sins became so prevalent that all would need to be destroyed (Using either men or devastation like Sodom and Gomorrah or the great flood).
People sacrificing to demons make them demon possessed and their demons might grant them more power (Some do it for money, some do it for fame, witches do it for psychic powers etc.) Those powers might tempt you but they are not worth an eternity in Hell. By making a human sacrifice, they openly reject God and are acknowledged by satan. Every abominations prohibited by God (sacrifice, cannibalism, blood drinking, sexual perversion, witchcraft etc...) give legal rights for the demons to possess the individual performing them.
Nowadays, the devil is still present and actively working to deceive as many people as possible to join him in Hell. The Freemason rites are similar to the witchcraft rites according to john Todd, it is not a secret society without reason.
Albert Pike, 33-degree Freemason and author of Morals and Dogmas
"To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees—The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine."
The New Age movement is also a light form of witchcraft, one of its founder is the satanist Helena Blavatsky. Spirit guides, UFOs, ghosts are simply demons tricking us. Witchcraft is a form of satanism even if they don't believe so. To gain real powers, white magic witches (Wicca) will need at one point to perform sacrifices to their false gods aka demons. Abortion is a form of child sacrifice that satanists often make in their rituals (See 'Trance-Formation of America' by Cathie O'brien). Many people are demon possessed nowadays without even realizing it.
The devil’s deceptions are so strong that the large majority of Europe has fallen to Atheism. They believe the Bible is just an old fairy tale and that science is the answer to everything. Science has become the new religion whose main purpose is to reject anything related to the Bible in order to explain the world.
With the Covid scamdemic, you have the confirmation that there exist indeed a supra-national power that coordinate all the 190 countries in the world to perform the exact same policies at the same time. Today, all multinational corporations promote feminism, LGBTQ+ (both have eugenicist outcomes leading to less total birth), ecology (to save the planet, you must reduce and control humanity) at the same time which is more than a simple coincidence. It is possible that most celebrities, most CEO of big companies, most big medias, most big tech companies and most big political leaders are part of the deception.
This supra-national sect in power is called the Illuminati (enlightened in English, Alumbrados in Spanish as called by Ignatus of Loyola / founder of the Society of Jesus. It means they have been brought to the light of lucifer / satan, their fake god) but in private they call themselves the order of Moriah.
Those folks are satanists and governed by satan in person, a fallen angel and not a god, the eye of the pyramid of your USD bill. Their plan is to create a New World Order, a 1 world government (UN), a 1 world currency (digital of course so they can control you), a 1 world religion (a form of satanism). In the process, they will depopulate the earth by 70% (See link and link). For your safety, do not get any vaccine/poison and get far from the 5G death towers/antennas as Covid come from the 5G radiations (see the 'Expert Report on 5G and Vaccine' made by the weapon research scientist Mark Steele. Also talking from personal experience, a 5G antenna can beam anyone and provoke either a heart attack or simply fry your brain (Covid brain fog anyone?)).
Many terrible things must happen before the NWO rise: the Covid scamdemic was only a start, It is possible that the 3 days of darkness and the rapture of children will be the start of the riot phase where people will destroy their own governments, WW3 is also planned. The Phoenix NWO will rise from the ashes of the old world (their motto is order out of chaos). 7 years of Hell on Earth are prophesied, it is not sure exactly when the rapture will begin but it might be right before WW3.
Hell on Earth will happen right after the rapture. They might explain it as an alien abduction instead of the truth: God saving some Christians and children from the coming tribulation. There are some plans of a fake messiah appearing in the sky right after the rapture (see project blue-beam , thanks to Serge Monast who sacrificed his life to let us know).
Here are 2 blog posts to understand how the coming deception might roll out with some false technological miracles and some false demonic miracles.
There are 2 central figure in the end-times: The beast from the sea (Commonly interpreted as the Anti-Christ) who is Barack Obama and The beast from the earth (The False Prophet) who is Donald Trump. Those 2 spawns of the devil will rise in power of the New World Order during the Apocalypse.
David Spangler / Director of Planetary Initiative at the United Nations
“No one will enter the New World Order unless he take a Luciferian initiation.”
Covid prepared us for this : The whole world is part of a Luciferian initiation, the face mask is a mark of submission used in satanic rituals and also a way to reduce oxygen to the brain. The Covid vaccine is a preparation for the upcoming Mark of the Beast (you can't buy or sell without the mark). The traumatic part of the initiation is yet to come.
With the 2022 war in Ukraine we might have broken the 2nd seal of the Apocalypse as prophesied by John, the next coming seals are in order: Famine, Death, Martyr, Global earthquake and blood moon and Silence in Heaven (You can visit this page to know more about what is coming).
Thanks to Freitz Springmeier, we now know more about the Illuminati power structure, it is represented as a pyramid with a capstone on top with an eye in it. The all-seeing-eye is satan, it is believed the capstone is the Rothschild family which claim themselves to be gods and they also claim to be in direct contact with the devil himself. Satan gave them money and power as they are directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people but that’s another topic (must read on the subject : 'The synagogue of Satan').
Below them is the council of 13 aka the 13 most powerful occult families and below them is the council of 33 including the 33 most powerful Freemason.
We have a good guess of who might be the 13 families . All members of those families are born witches, which means they inherit the demons of their ancestors and that’s one of the reason why they only marry between themselves, demons are transferred from parents to child due to God's generational curse, the more they collect them the more power they get.
You must understand that those powerful families, despite on the surface living the good life, are cursed with legions of demons. A newborn in one of those family will be taught to hate God since birth. Some of their children will be pampered for leadership roles but the rest will go through satanic ritual abuses (physical and psychological torture is common place / see Cisco Wheeler Interview with Freitz Springmeier). They gain many demons this way which fuel their unlimited rage and hate for humanity.
They are told the opposite of what Christians believe in and don’t know that Jesus Christ can save them from the grip of the devil if they accept Him from a faithful heart as their savior (This works no matter what pact they made or if they sold their soul to the devil which he already had anyway). Despite all the atrocities they committed, their souls can still be delivered and saved. Their demons strongly control them and they sadly basically become demon's vessel and prisoners of their curse. Some have been tricked to believe in reincarnation or that Hell was like one big party where some will rule but as always it is another of the devil’s deception and they will be tortured in Hell for all eternity according to the sins they committed. Jesus Christ already paid for their sins but they are too rebellious to submit to Him and claim His blood.
There is a hit-man contract on anyone leaving witchcraft or the Illuminati according to John Todd, most of them are terrified to leave and believe they have no other choice. They are basically doomed to an eternity in Hell unless Jesus Christ save them.
Satanism is a special philosophy, an anti-religion, their 'values' are the inverted values of Christianity. In other terms, Christianity and satanism are polar opposites. The Illuminatis are satanists, their philosophy is anti-Christ. Illuminatis are not anti-Muslim nor anti-Buddhist nor anti-Hindu or others as they love those ones and promote them in the West : George Soros actively support the migration of millions of Muslim migrants into Europe. The Illuminatis have adopted a lot of Eastern teachings like meditation, tantra & yoga and promote the New Age movement which is directly inspired by Hinduism. Only Christianity has its anti-religion because it is is the only religion that matter and the rest are deceptions. Lord Jesus Christ is the only solution.
The first known miracle made by Jesus Christ was deliverance (casting our demons) and many more were made thereafter. Peoples suffering from epileptic seizures, ESP or having MPD are often tormented by demons.
Every major sins we commit open the doors for some demons to enter into us. They can only do this because they are allowed by God to torment the sinners and only the righteous ones who accepted Jesus Christ as their savior and live a sinless life are able to resist the demons and have the power to cast them out. A great book on the subject is 'Angel of Light' by Scott Boyd
Most churches have been corrupted in many ways, few talks seriously about demons and deliverance, Heaven or Hell. Some believe that Jesus Christ was a mere human and not God made flesh on Earth (they will trick millions with this lie in believing they can obtain Christ power and become like gods -> one of the lie of Satan to Eve in the garden of Eden).
Some religions made many false idols like the saints and virgin Mary worshiping (Which is in fact Semiramis worshiping). There exist many virgin Mary miracles (Lourdes, Fatima, Guadalupe...) which were initiated by demons. Worshiping false idols like Virgin Mary is idolatry and this sin was always strongly punished by God. Some churches invented intermediary place for the soul like the Purgatory and invented many unnecessary rituals for salvation. The Chick comics explain the religious deception very well. (About the Catholic deception : 'The Two Babylons' by Alexander Hislop). A Christian filled with the Holy Spirit just need the true word of God only : The King James version of the Bible.
Now that we understand the power of praying Lord Jesus name to cast demons out, let’s go back to the Illuminatis, we are told to love our enemies and I can assure you that they are the deadly secret enemy of all humanity.
One purpose of this website is to pray for their souls and cast their demons away in order for them to see the true love of Jesus Christ. This phenomena did happened before for the 2 Illuminatis : John Todd and William Schnoebelen. I believe it can be repeated for all the Illuminatis if Christians band together and pray for their salvation.
John Todd
Illuminati high-priest and grand druid council member born into the Todd bloodline which is a branch out of the prominent Collins Illuminati bloodline, part of the council of 13 (The movie Dark Shadows is a movie made after this family). John Todd made many interviews which are made available on this site.
He explained how he was saved thanks to a group of 200 Christians believers who fasted and prayed for him for many days. One day, a pastor come into his occult shop and cast his demons away in a similar manner as Paul did with the possessed medium: By commanding its demon to leave in the name of Jesus Christ, praying for John to read the gospels and accept Jesus Christ in his heart.
Needless to say that it worked and John was saved thanks to all the prayers. This is in itself a miracle as the Collins family are the ones that brought witchcraft to the USA and are trans-generational witches, saving one of them is something unprecedented.
John Todd interviews :
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William Schnoebelen
A similar story happened to William Schnoebelen, ex-satanic high priest, druid high priest and high level Illuminati. After sending a check to the church of satan in his bank, a single bank clerk prayed for him and his salvation for many days and this simple act allowed him to be saved and turn to Lord Jesus Christ.
books of William Schnoebelen.
I believe only a Christian revival / Christian awakening can make a difference (or at least shield many in the end-times). Only God can protect us from the devil and its minions and when the sleeping Christians will finally wake up, the devil will have nowhere to hide.
What could be useful is to save the souls of the top the pyramid and to convert them to the love of Christ. Here are a list of the most important families to pray to if we want to change the course of things.
Lord Jesus Christ, following Your example and command, we pray for our enemies today which are commonly referred as the Illuminatis or Moriah. We pray for the following Illuminati families : Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Merovingian, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn. May they break their multi generational curse and repeal all their demons.
In your name lord Jesus, we pray to bind and cast their many demons away so they can finally see your light and follow Your path. In your name, we command their legion of spirits to leave and never come back. Lord Jesus, we pray that they would hunger and thirst for Your purity and righteousness, become advocates of Your justice, and that their warring spirits would be changed into peacemaking.
The simple name of Jesus Christ is very powerful in this world.
It just take few words to say for Christians filled with the Holy Spirit but they can change the course of things.
'In the name of Lord Jesus Christ, I take authority over you, I command you demons to leave immediately'
Don't be afraid to say it out loud, the demons must obey you, they have no other choices as God is the real authority on Earth and all knees should bow to Lord Jesus Christ.
This phrase can save your life when you are in the presence of demons (spells) or people possessed by demons (occultists, military, mob etc...). The real ruler of this world delegates to you His authority in His name.
We are in the end-times and confessing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior from a faithful heart is the best thing we could ever do.
Only He can protect us, save our soul and we should never accept the Mark Of The Beast neither reject Him.
God bless you, please share this message with many people as it get censored.
You can visit the blog page for an in-depth analysis of different related topics.
The Everlasting Gospel is a must-read as I believe those are recent direct prophecies from Jesus Christ.
May God be with you in those final days.
Without Him to protect us we can't do anything, so stand strong in His faith.