The identity of the beast and the false prophet from Revelation has long been a subject of discussion to Christians.
Both are Anti-Christs of sort as in total opposition to Lord Jesus Christ. There are 2 central figure in the end-times: The beast from the sea (Commonly interpreted as the Anti-Christ) and The beast from the earth (The False Prophet). The earth here refer to Israel and the sea refer to the gentile nations (the sea of nations).
Those 2 beings, which are more demons than humans, will take control of the New Word Order and will do the will of their father the devil. The beasts are directly controlled by satan himself in the end-times.
I had no real idea who they were until I read the Everlasting Gospel (The Little Book of Revelation Chapter 10) which are words from Lord Jesus Christ given to the prophet William Brooks in the website (Like the Bible, everyone should read it once).
Their names are not given directly by Jesus Christ in this Everlasting Gospel and I think its not to give them eternal fame as the Everlasting Gospel might become canonical for eternity as noone need to remember those 2 extremely wicked men.
Out of curiosity and to avoid falling in the devil's trap, their names will be revealed.
The Anti-Christ is Barack Obama, the false prophet is Donald Trump. Additionally the Mark Of The Beast bringer is Elon Musk.
There are many Anti-Christs part of satan's kingdom on earth but there seems to be a main one that will become the head of the New World Order as described in Revelation.
According to many recent prophecies and as hinted by the Everlasting Gospel, the main AC should be Barack Hussein Obama.
Some men of God knew it long ago as can be seen by this heckler on YT video.
In the General Prophecies made by William Brooks after June 19th, the prophecy '911 Emergency Alert!' (August 31, 2024) states the following :
Joe Biden is the old stooge in question which is puppeteered by Barack Obama of whom he was the ex-VP. The old stooge Biden persecute Trump which work in secret with Obama. Obama and Trump have delivered secret Babylon USA in the hands of her enemies who will put an end to her iniquities in a very short period of time. Babylon will fall as per the Revelation.
Satan chose Barack Obama as his AC, a very photogenic and charming president that have the personality to seduce the masses into accepting a New World Order government under his control.
Let's see the other hints that he is the AC.
The AC should be homo-sexual and there are few hints that his 'wife' Michelle is a transgender. There are already many pictures proving that Obama is a pedophile online but I won't put those on this website. One of the podesta email revealed that in 2009, Obama flied many girls/boys (Pedophile code-words being pizza/dogs) from Chicago to a private party at the White House. Him being best friend with pedo-Biden must have been a hint for some already.
His official mom Ann Dunham and her family had numerous ties to the CIA and she might have been an undercover CIA agent in Indonesia. Ann Dunham also did pornography and her pictures were published in the famous book Exotique 1958 and others (YT video). She died relatively young at 53 Y-old and her story seems partly made-up to cover some tracks (A story of living abroad make the task easier).
Now based on those information, I am inclined to think Ann Dunham was a MK Ultra slave used by the CIA in various operations and she was also used to do pornography. Bryce Taylor and Cathy O Brien (both ex-MK Ultra slaves) had similar experiences as related in their books. Obama was programmed, even since before birth, to take his role as the AC. That involve a lot of horrible satanic rituals that I won't explain here: the AC must be heavily demonized to be accepted for this role (This is not random).
Many suspect that Obama is Muslim even though he is 100% satanist. However that might play a role in the end-times as he can portray himself as the Madhi of the muslims. In Islam, The Madhi is charged to clean the world of the unbelievers in the end-times (It will be mostly Christians and Jews). This perfectly fit the role of the AC that will persecute and martyr Christians as stated in Revelation. Using V2K and other hidden technologies, Obama would have no issue to portray himself as the Madhi and start a worldwide Jihad. Many gullible muslims today firmly believe that the Coran is the word of God and will easily switch in murderous type for the AC on command.
All the illuminatis obey Obama because they all worship satan and Obama will be controlled by him in the near future. The illuminatis and the richest men and women in the world all got their money and power due to satan, he is their master. None of those that sold their souls to the devil will dare disobey the Anti-Christ else they will suffer heavy consequences. It will be complete submission to the AC for most men and women in power.
Something funny about Obama: even if he is the AC that will control the world, he doesn't know when the Apocalyptic events will bring forward his reign.
Last 27 September 2011, he went hiding in the Denver Airport bunker when astronomer reported the approach of Comet Elenin aligning with Earth. The reason why he hide is because the 3 Days of Darkness will start with oddities in the sky and maybe collision of asteroids (The 3 DOD will kickstart massive destruction worldwide). He knows why he need to hide in his bunker as to be saved from destruction. However he didn't know when the destruction will happen as only God knows when He will start those fiery events. He thought this asteroid was the start of the 3 DOD and went hiding into his bunker like a rat.
Trump is the False Prophet of Revelation. False prophet here means false Messiah: the king David that Talmudic Jews are hoping for, after they rejected the true Messiah Jesus Christ.
Trump is the beast from the earth and this for many Biblical reasons. Just from what was gathered until now, the man is clearly not a saint as some ‘Christians’ would like to believe, many hints proves it.
When a covenant of peace with Israel is made, the tribulation phase begin (Dan. 9:27).
One of the ‘people of the prince’ (satan) will make a peace treaty with Israel shortly before he will make it desolate. In 2020, Trump, Netanyahu and the UAE foreign minister signed the ‘Treaty of Peace’ also called Abraham Accords between Israel and the UAE.
The 1st Seal of the Apocalypse refer to a rider on a white horse that was given a crown. Some believe this refer to one of the Anti-Christ and the relative peace he will offer the world before its utter destruction. Needless to say Trump is the one referred by Daniel and Revelation.
One of the Anti-Christ will help rebuild the Temple of God in Jerusalem and he will sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
Trump is already nicknamed King Cyrus by Netanyahu (King Cyrus helped the Jewish exiles rebuild God’s Temple in Jerusalem). Trump did a lot for Israel by declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, executing drone strikes in Iran for absolutely no good geo-political reasons for the US to do so and by showering Israel with American’s hard-earned money.
After promoting claim that Israelis ‘love him like he is the second coming of God,’ US president defends China trade war by describing himself as the Messiah. Trump declared himself to be ‘the chosen one’ while looking to the heavens. The ‘chosen one’ of the Synagogue of Satan (Chabad, Talmudist, Cabbalist included) is the Anti-Christ portraying as a false Messiah that will rule over Israel and exterminate the gentiles (Christians).
On July 13, 2024, there was the 'Trump assassination attempt' that left Trump with a 'badly wounded' injury. Trump is part of the deep state so all of this might have been staged (The ear doesn’t even look damaged and a ear that was cut bleed much more than this). But fake shooting or not, what matter is that the Apocalypse prophecy also foretold this event.
A bullet shot close to the head would seem like a fatal wound but the beast healed from his injury thereafter. Shortly after, Trump blasphemously said that God made a divine intervention to save him from certain death.
Jesus Christ told us in the prophecy The Choice is Yours! that was made 2 days after the Attempted assassination of Donald Trump regarding the following passage of Revelation:
This refer to Trump as Barabbas (The man who divide) who is also the beast from the earth (The false prophet). Trump was wounded to the head like it is written in Revelation and God didn't saved him from his head wound like he proclaim. From other prophecies I have read, it seems Trump will fake his death and make believe he came back to life, this will be another symbol of him 'wounded to death'.
Trump and Obama will create a global alliance to federate the whole world under the New World Order. They will supposedly overcome their differences although they are very similar spawns of satan. But for the gullible masses, this alliance of liberals and democrats on a global scale will be a time of unity for the world under satan's rules.
Our last Anti-Christ known to play a big role in the NWO is Elon Musk.
Musk is born into a high-level satanic family, his mother (handler) Maye Musk enjoy flashing the one-eye sign.
You can see here in his tweet of him with the beast of the earth mentioning "Novus ordo seclorum" in the title meaning "New order of the ages" or "New World Order". Trump reelection is part of the plan to bring in the NWO.
He was groomed since birth to give the Mark of the Beast to the world. Rosemary (Shalom Girl), a young helper of the Musk family testify of this in the following video.
Those 3 devil's puppets will make a show and they shall deceive even the very elect. Being cursed by God Himself for putting your trust in men is something I wish to noone. Better be prepared than sorry, only Lord Jesus Christ can save you from the horrors to come.